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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

ĐỀ SỐ 6:
Questions 1 – 2: Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation
in each of the following questions. (0.5m)
1. A. provided B. discovered C. invented D. decided
2. A. Christmas B. chemist C. schooling D. chopsticks
Questions 3 – 4: Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in
each of the following questions. (0.5m)
3. A. ‘terrific B. moun’tainous C. in’teresting D. mar’velous
4. A. im’press B. en’joy C. ‘capture D. e’xist
Questions 5 – 16: Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap in each sentence. (3ms)
5. I think living in the countryside is _______ than living in the city.
A. more peaceful B. most peaceful C. most expensive D. more expensive
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi nghĩ sống ở miền quê thì ____ hơn sống ở thánh phố
A. yên bình hơn
B. yên bình nhất
C. đắt đỏ nhất
D. đắt đỏ hơn
*Có than nên dùng so sánh hơn
6. My youngest brother wants to _______ trained as an astronaut.
A. is B. was C. be D. being
- want to + V(nguyên mẫu) muốn đc làm j
7. If you are good at English, you _______ better-paid jobs in the future.
A. can easily lose B. can easily get C. could easily lose D. could easily get
*câu đk loại 1
8. The little girl _______him by chance while she _______home from school yesterday.
A. meets/is coming B. was meeting/came C. met/came D. met/was coming
*cấu trúc while
9. The President Ho Chi Minh was born _______ the nineteenth of May 1890.
A. at B. in C. on D. since
* On+ thứ, ngày / In+ tháng/ năm,…
Dịch nghĩa: Chủ tịch HCM sinh vào ngày 19/5/1890
10. Nobody objected to the president’s decision, _______?
A. did they B. do they C. didn’t they D. don’t they
*câu hỏi đuôi
11. We want to learn English this summer because it’s a(n)_______language and helpful for my future job.
A. national B. international C. useless D. difficult
Dịch nghĩa: Chúng tôi muốn học TA vào mùa hè vì nó là ngôn ngữ ____ và hữu ích cho công việc
tương lai của tôi.
A. quốc gia
B. quốc tế
C. vô dụng
D. khó
- nation (n): quốc gia
-> national (a): thuộc về quốc gia
-> nationality (n): quốc tịch
-> international (a): thuộc về quốc tế

Trang 1
- use (v): dùng
-> useful (a): hữu ích
-> uesless (a): vô dụng

- difficult (a): khó

-> difficulty (n): sự khó khăn
12. It usually _______ a lot in this region in the summer.
A. rain B. rained C. rains D. will rain
*thì hiện tại đơn (diễn tả một việc ngẫu nhiên)
13. The villagers and their animals _______were stuck in the flooded area have been saved successfully.
A. which B. where C. who D. that
*mệnh đề quan hệ (ko dùng who vì có cả vật “animals”)
14. We wish there _______ no war on our beloved planet.
A. were B. is C. can be D. will be
*câu wish hiện tại
15. The _______ in my home village are sociable and helpful, so I like living here.
A. scenery B. people C. environment D. means of transport
Dịch nghĩa: ____ ở quê làng tôi rất thân thiện và nhiệt tình, nên tôi rất thích sống ở đây
A. phong cảnh
B. con người
C. môi trường
D. phương tiện gth
16. A: “What an excellent answer you had!”
B: “_______.”
A. You’re welcome B. No, thanks C. No problem D. It’s nice of you to say
* What a/an/the + adj + N (+ S + V)! -> It’s nice/kind of you to say so
Questions 17 – 18: Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
17. The rescue workers kept on looking for the victims, so the weather was terrible.
Dịch nghĩa: Nhân viên cứu hộ tiếp tục tìm kiếm nạn nhân, nên thời tiết rất xấu. -> sai nghĩa
so -> but
18. The children wanted to know what their parents agreed to let them go out with their friends or not.
what -> whether (ở cuối có or not)
Questions 19 – 22: Read the following passage and choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the
numbered blanks from 19 to 22. (1m)
City life is full (19) _______ advantages or disadvantages. However, there are a lot of advantages to living in
a city. The people who live in cities enjoy some special facilities and comforts, unlike the village people.
Their houses are modern, and the streets are well-lighted. They can go shopping to buy everything they need.
In cases of sickness, they can avail of treatment from the best doctors. (20) _______, they can receive
education in schools, colleges, and universities of a high standard and visit libraries, parks, museums and so
on to stimulate their mind. City life has some drawbacks too but many people are rushing there for a better
life, better luck, and a better opportunity. In city areas, people usually use vehicles that run on fossil fuels
which causes heavy smoke. Those smoke causes (21) _______ pollution. Thus, people living in urban areas
take the soup of chemicals. The fast life, the foul and smoky weather, and the dirty atmosphere should (22)
_______ health problem. Last but not least, city life is neither more nor less artificial and monotonous. It has
no touch with nature whatsoever.
19. A. of B. off C. with D. in
Trang 2
20. A. Therefore, B Because C. Moreover D. Though
21. A. noise B. air C. water D. soil
22. A. causes B. caused C. causing D. cause
- be full of sth: đầy cái gì
- should + V(nguyên mẫu)
- smoke (n): khói bụi
- air pollution (n): ô nhiễm ko khí
- noise pollution (n): ô nhiễm tiếng ồn
- water pollution (n): ô nhiễm nước
- soil pollution (n): ô nhiễm đất
Questions 23 – 28: Read the passage and do the tasks that follow (1.5ms)
Do you ever think about what schools will be like in the future? Many people think that students will study
most regular classes such as math, science, and history online.
Students will probably be able to learn these subjects anywhere they have access to a computer(23). What
will happen if students have problems with a subject? They might connect with a teacher through live
videoconferencing (24). Expert teachers from learning centers will give students help wherever they live.
Students will still take classes at a school, too (25). Schools will become places for learning social skills.
Teachers will guide students in learning how to work together and in getting along with each other. They
will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom (27).
Volunteer work and working at local businesses will teach students important life skills about the world they
live in (26). This will help students become an important part of their communities.
Some experts say it will take five years for changes to begin in schools. Some say it will take longer. Most
people agree that computers will change education(28) like the way TVs and telephones changed life for
people all over the world years before.
Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
23. ____T____In the future students can use computers to learn subjects online.
24. ____F____By making phone calls, teachers can connect with students to help them solve problems with
25. ____F____Students won’t have to go to school in the future.
26. ____T____To get essential life skills, students will join volunteer work and local businesses.
Task 2: Answer the questions.
27. Who will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom?
Teachers will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom.
28. Do most people believe that computers will change education in the future?
Yes/ Yes, they do.
Questions 29 – 30: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the words in
brackets. (0.5 m)
29. The outstanding natural ___BEAUTY____ of the village attracts lots of tourists from all over the world.
- beauty (n): vẻ đẹp
-> beautiful (a): đẹp
-> beautifully (adv): một cách đẹp
30. We were very ___UNHAPPY____because we were unable to win the match this morning. (HAPPILY)
- happy (a): vui >< unhappy (a): ko vui
-> happily (adv): một cách vui vẻ
-> happiness (n): sự vui vẻ
Questions 31 – 32: Rearrange the following words or phrases to make complete sentences. (0.5 m)
31. with your friends/ lived/ in the mountains/Did you use to/ when your family/ go climbing/ ?
Did you use to go climbing with your friends when your family lived in the mountains?
32. has made/ to reduce/The government/ who die in traffic accidents/ new strict laws/ the number of those /.
The government has made new strict laws to reduce the number of those who die in traffic accidents.
Questions 33 – 36: Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same
as the original sentence, beginning with the words given (2 ms)
33. How about taking part in the English Speaking Club next Sunday?
Let’s take part in the English Speaking Club next Sunday. (các đề trc đã có)
34. We are extremely busy, so we cannot help you with your project now.
Trang 3
If we were not busy , we could help you with your project now. (đk loại 2)
35. Despite being so tired, Tom finished his homework before going to bed.
Although Tom was so tired, he finished his homework before going to bed.
Despite/ In spite of + Ving/N, clause = Although/Though + S+V, clause
36. When did she begin teaching in this institution?
How long has she taught in this institution?
*cấu trúc:
When + did + S + V(bare) + O?
= How long + have/has + S + V-ed/Vpp + O?
---------- HẾT ----------

Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………………...Số báo danh: ………………….

(Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm)

Trang 4
NĂM HỌC 2023– 2024

Câu 1 – 2 (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

1. B 2. D

Câu 3 – 4: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

3. A 4. C

Câu 5 – 16: (3 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. D

Câu 17 – 18: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

17. D 18. B

Câu 19 – 22: (1 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

19. A 20. C 21. B 22. D

Câu 23 – 28: (1.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

23. T 24. F 25. F 26. T
27. Teachers will./ Teachers will help students with group projects both in and out of the classroom.
28. Yes. / Yes, they do.
Câu 29 – 30: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)
29. beauty 30. unhappy

Câu 31 – 32: (0.5 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ)

31. Did you use to go climbing with your friends when your family lived in the mountains?
32. The government has made new strict laws to reduce the number of those who die in traffic accidents.
Câu 33 – 36: (2 điểm. Mỗi câu đúng 0.5đ)
33. Let’s take part in the English Speaking Club next Sunday.
34. If we were not busy, we could help you with your project now./
If we were free, we could help you with your project now.
35. Although Tom was so tired, he finished his homework before going to bed.
36. How long has she taught in this institution?

Trang 5

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