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Ramzaan College Of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences

Galender Pampore

Class: GNM 1st Year Max Marks: 75

Sub: CHN/ Nutrition Time: 3 hrs.

(SECTION-A CHN) 1 (2+4+4= 10 marks)

a) Define community health nursing.

b) Explain community health nursing process.
c) Explain the principles of community health nursing. 2 (2+4+4= 10 marks)

a) Define primary health care.

b) Explain the principles of primary health care.
c) Explain in detail about the levels of prevention of disease. 3 (2+4+4= 10 marks)

a) What is home visit?

b) What are the principles of home visit?
c) Write down the purpose and procedure of home visiting? 4 (2+4+4= 10 marks)

a) What is bag technique?

b) What are the principles of bag technique?
c) Write a note on COVID-19? 5 (5+5= 10 marks)

a) Define epidemiology and explain the principles of epidemiology.

b) Explain in detail about Diabetes mellitus.

(SECTION-B NUTRITION) 1 (5X5= 25 marks)

a) What are carbohydrates? Explain the types and functions of carbohydrates.
b) Describe the various factors affecting nutrition.
c) Define Therapeutic diet and explain therapeutic diet of a diabetic patient.
d) Enlist the common nutrition problems in India and explain any two.
e) Enlist various types of diet modification.

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