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Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Question 1.

To assess the environmental noise in a residential area, within the duration of different
periods the equivalent noise levels measured are as below:

Between 7 am and 19 pm:

First period : 2 hours, 65 dBA

Second period : 3 hours, 54 dBA
Third period : 4 hours, 50 dBA
Fourth period : 3 hours, 60 dBA

Between 19 pm and 23 pm:

First period : 2 hours, 50 dBA

Second period : 2 hours, 48 dBA

Between 23 pm and 07 am:

First period : 4 hours, 45 dBA

Second period : 4 hours, 43 dBA

Find the values;

a) day equivalent noise level, 𝐿𝑑𝑎𝑦 ,

b) evening equivalent noise level, 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 ,
c) night equivalent noise level, 𝐿𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 ,
d) 24 hours equivalent noise level, 𝐿(24ℎ).

Answer 1.

𝐿𝑑𝑎𝑦 = 10 log10 [12 (2 × 1065⁄10 + 3 × 1054⁄10 + 4 × 1050⁄10 + 3 × 1060⁄10 )]
𝐿𝑑𝑎𝑦 = 59.4 dBA

𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 10 log10 [2 (1050⁄10 + 1048⁄10 )] = 49.1 dBA

𝐿𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 10 log10 [2 (1045⁄10 + 1043⁄10 )] = 44.1 dBA

𝐿(24ℎ) = 10 log10 [24 (12 × 1059.4⁄10 + 4 × 1049.1⁄10 + 8 × 1044.1⁄10 )] = 56.6 dBA

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3
Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Question 2.

In a free field, the sound pressure level, 𝐿𝑝 , that a point sound source with sound power level,
𝐿𝑊 , will create at a distance 𝑟 from the source can be found from the equation:

𝐿𝑝 = 𝐿𝑊 + 10 log10 [ ],
4𝜋𝑟 2

where directivity factor Q = 1 for free-space, factor Q = 2 for source centered in a large flat
surface, factor Q = 4 for source centered at the edge formed by the junction of two large flat
surfaces, and Q = 8 for source centered at the corner formed by the junction of three large
flat surfaces.

A machine with a total sound power level of 88 dB is placed outdoors on a concrete floor. Find
the sound pressure level at a receiver point 3 m from the machine. What can we say about
the sound level at the same receiver point? (Q

Answer 2.

𝐿𝑊 = 88 dB, 𝑟 = 3 m, 𝑄 = 2.

𝐿𝑝 = 88 + 10 log10 [ ] = 70.5 dB

Question 3.

A 3000kg machine is placed on 12 support members. Each support element is on an

elastomeric pad which is produced by superimposing two elastic wedges with spring
coefficients of 4 MN/m and 2 MN/m. Obtain the simplest model of the system in which we
can examine vertical vibrations, ignoring damping. What is the disturbing frequency that this
system will perform well under?

Hint: Disturbing frequency must be about 3x larger than the natural frequency of the

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3
Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Answer 3.

The simplest model for such a system can be considered as a SDOF spring-mass system. Since
damping is ignored, 𝑐 = 0. Finding the equivalent spring constant is possible by considering
that a single supporting member is a series of two springs. For such an isolator, the equivalent
spring constant can be calculated from

1 1 1 1 1 3 4
= + = + = → 𝑘𝑒 = MN/m.
𝑘𝑒 𝑘1 𝑘2 4 2 4 3

Since there are 12 supports in parallel:

𝑘 = 12𝑘𝑒 = 16 MN/m.

Since 𝑚 = 3000 kg,

1 16 × 106 N/m
𝑓𝑛 = √ = 11.6 Hz
2𝜋 3000 kg

Usually, it is expected that the disturbing frequency of a machine to be three times higher
than the natural frequency of the system. Therefore, a machine with a disturbing frequency

𝑓𝑑 ≥ 30Hz,

would be recommended to be used with this system.

Question 4 / Answer 4

Two equal sources produce a …3… dB increase in sound power level.

Question 5 / Answer 5

Frequency of vibrations in which a system can store energy is called …the resonant
frequency... .

Question 6 / Answer 6

What does the free-field sound propagation equation imply in terms of distance to noise
level relation? Hint: 𝐿𝑝 = 𝐿𝑊 − 10 log10 (4𝜋𝑟 2 )

Sound pressure level decreases 6 dB per doubling of distance.

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3
Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Question 7

A room has a 10 m length, 8 m width and 3 m height. The ceiling has a suspended ceiling
system that has an absorption coefficient of 0.5 and the floor is covered with a carpet having
an absorption coefficient of 0.25. The absorption at the walls may be considered negligible.

(1) What is the average Sabine absorption coefficient of the space?

(2) What is the reverberation time in this space?
(3) What is the sound pressure level at 5m to the source if a source with sound power of
10−6 W is operated at the middle of the room on the floor?

Answer 7

Total surface area:

𝑆 = 𝑆ceiling + 𝑆floor + 𝑆walls = 2(8 × 10) + 2(10 × 3) + 2(8 × 3) = 268 m2

Average Sabine absorption coefficient:

1 1
𝛼̅ = ∑ 𝛼𝑖 𝑆𝑖 = (0.5 × 80 m2 + 0.25 × 80 m2 ) = 60⁄268
𝑆 268 m2

𝑉 (8 × 10 × 3)
𝑇60 = 0.161 = 0.161 = 0.644 s.
𝐴 (0.5 × 80 m2 + 0.25 × 80 m2 )

(3) Sound power level of the source is:

𝑊 10−6
𝐿𝑊 = 10 log10 ( ) = 10 log10 ( −12 ) = 60 dB
𝑊ref 10

The classic relationship between source sound power level and room sound pressure
level requires:
𝑄 4(1 − 𝛼̅) 2 4(1 − 0.22)
𝐿𝑝 = 𝐿𝑊 + 10 log10 ( 2
+ ) = 60 + 10 log10 ( 2
+ )
4𝜋𝑟 𝑆𝛼̅ 4𝜋1 60

𝐿𝑝 ≅ 53.2 dB

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3
Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Question 8 / Answer 8

The unit used for expressing levels is decibels (dB).

Question 9 / Answer 9

In the figure below, you are given the time-history of two acoustic pressure signals.

From this plot find:

a. (5pt) the period and the frequency of the acoustic waves:

T = 5 / 1000 = 0.005s
f = 1/0.005s = 200Hz
b. (5pt) phase of the second acoustic pressure signal compared to the first one:
c. (10pt) amplitude of the acoustic pressure and the sound pressure levels:
A = 2.5 Pa
L = 20log10(2.5 Pa / 20µPa) = 101.9 dB
d. (10pt) the medium from the table below if the wavelengths are λ = 1.67 m.
c = f λ = 200 Hz x 1.67 m = 334 m/s

Substance c (m/s)
Carbon Dioxide 259
Hydrogen 1284
Helium 965
Nitrogen 334
Oxygen 316
Air (21% Oxygen, 78% Nitrogen) 331
Air (20°C) 344
Water 1493
Note: Be careful with the units!

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3
Yeditepe University | ME 438 Engineering Acoustics | Fall Semester 2022-2023

Example Questions

Question 10 / Answer 10

Noise Criterion (NC) curves are used to determine the maximum noise levels allowed within a space.
As a mechanical engineer, you are trying to comply with the NC curve given by decreasing the noise
level within the mechanical space by removing one of the noise sources.

Octave-band frequency, f 63 Hz 125Hz 250Hz Total

NC 71 dB 64 dB 58 dB ---
Source-1, L1 39.5 dBA 42.6 dBA 46.7 dBA 48.7
Source-2, L2 40.2 dBA 41.1 dBA 42.1 dBA 46.0
Source-3, L3 38.1 dBA 43.6 dBA 44.6 dBA 47.6
Total, LA,tot (dBA) 44.1 47.3 49.6 52.3
A-weighting -26.2 -16.1 -8.6 ---
Total, Ltot (dB) 70.3 63.4 58.2 71.3

a. (5pt + 5pt) Find the total sound power levels for each octave-band given.
b. (5pt) Find the total sound power level for each source.
c. (5pt + 5pt) Find the total sound power level for all sources combined.
d. (5pt) Show if it is enough to remove source-1 to comply with the given NC.
68.5 dB < 71 dB,
61.6 dB < 64 dB,
55.1 dB < 58 dB

29.11.2022 / Rev. 3

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