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Writing: Robert Loper Shadowrun Developer: Jason M. Hardy

Art: Derek Poole Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
Missions Logo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt Art Director: Brent Evans
Shadowrun Missions Developer:Ray Rigel

© 2016 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun and Matrix are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc.,
in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.

Samantha’s head made an echoing thud as it hit the top of the altar at the Basilica of St. Hyacinth. Remo could A LIFE TAKEN
feel the impact inside Samantha’s mind, even though he couldn’t feel her presence there. Her fight with the hit
team had gone wrong. Very wrong. Remo reached out to the Matrix and found only a gun camera pointed into
darkness, as if the gun were holstered and concealed. INTRODUCTION
A bishop, in full vestments and mitre, took a step back from Samantha’s body and gestured as if to present her
as an offering. “Master, we offer this vessel for inhabitation. It will serve you well as an instrument of death.” The
bishop spread a dark, greasy ointment around the edges of the altar and finally across Samantha’s forehead as
tendrils of unnatural darkness surrounded her from below. The tendrils wrapped around Samantha’s body and then
shot into her nose and mouth toward her brain. As the tendrils vanished into her, a cold wind howled through the
sanctuary. SCENE 1
Remo reached back into the gun camera’s memory as another person might flip through a paper file. He
found what he hated to see: an hour ago, this gun had shot Samantha in the back. Remo screamed as if no one
could hear him. SCENE 2
But the abyss answered back. “This vessel is ours now. We will use it to bring death to this world.”
Remo screamed at the voice. “She is not an ‘it’! You will pay for what you have done to her!”
The voice laughed from the abyss, and Remo felt himself ejected from Samantha’s mind. The resonance link SCENE 3
between Samantha and himself was severed.
Samantha stood upon the altar, now a silent guardian of the corruption that had taken the church.

Remo reached out for something, anything, in the noise of the Matrix within the Chicago Containment Zone. He
found a dead guy’s PAN, grabbed on, and sliced through the firewall. Inside, he found cameras for a smartgun
and a pair of cybereyes. Through the cybereyes he saw a body without a head and in the corner of the smartgun SCENE 6
camera he saw a head without a body. This was the last guy Samantha had carved up.
He also found some files in the commlink and began to do what data sprites do best: process and search for
more data. Within minutes, Remo had reassembled the man’s life. According to his SIN, this was Victor Bilson, a SCENE 7
“corporate security liaison” for a company called Hephaestus Technologies. So Shiawase took Sam again, Remo
thought. But what’s been done to Sam is not normal corporate behavior.
Victor Bilson had access to a slush fund, no doubt to finance certain deniable assets. “What an interesting idea, PICKING UP
Mr. Bilson,” Remo whispered into the Matrix. “I believe I shall have to assimilate it into my own code.” He trans- THE PIECES
ferred a small amount of money to Bilson’s personal account for later retrieval. He uploaded a portion to a fake
SIN he’d helped create a few months ago. The SIN wouldn’t hold up long under scrutiny, but Remo hoped it would
hold long enough. The rest he transferred to the account of the man he knew would care too much about what had LEGWORK
happened to Samantha because he had cared before: Nick Ryder.



INTRODUCTION emasters should omit this information. It adds to the
scene, but does not contain important information.

Debugging offers solutions to potential problems

SRM 06-06 Falling Angels is a Shadowrun Missions living that may crop up during the encounter. While it’s impos- A LIFE TAKEN
campaign adventure. Full information on the Shadowrun sible to foresee everything that a group of player char-
Missions living campaign is available at shadowrunt- acters might do, this section tries to anticipate common and includes a guide to cre- problems and other suggestions for dealing with them.
ating Missions characters, what characters are eligible
for Prime Runner status, and a regularly updated FAQ.
All maps, player handouts, and other playing aids are RUNNING THE MISSION
found at the end of this document. ADVENTURE
Gamemastering is more of an art than a science, and
PREPARING every gamemaster does things a bit differently. Use

THE ADVENTURE your own style when it comes to preparing and run-
ning the adventure and do whatever you feel is best SCENE 2
SRM 06-06 Falling Angels is intended for use with Shad- to provide the best Shadowrun game you can for your
owrun, Fifth Edition, and all character and rules informa- players. Shadowrun Missions adventures are designed
tion refers to the Fifth Edition of the Shadowrun rules. to run in a standard four-hour convention time slot. SCENE 3
Please keep this in mind when running the adven-
Adventure Structure ture. You should leave at least 15–20 minutes at the end
of the time slot to complete any necessary paperwork SCENE 4
SRM 06-06 Falling Angels consists of several scenes.
These scenes form the basis of the adventure, which and pass out the players’ Debriefing Logs. (Make sure
that you have enough copies of the Debriefing Log for
should be completed in approximately four hours. If SCENE 5
you are running short on time, you should streamline this adventure to give one copy to each player after run-
each and be a little more generous with clues, target ning the adventure.) This section offers some guidelines
numbers, and other requirements to aid in guiding the you may find useful in preparing to run SRM 06-06 Fall- SCENE 6
players through the adventure. ing Angels (or any Shadowrun Missions adventure).
Each scene outlines the most likely sequence of
events, as well as how to handle unexpected twists and Step 1: Read The Adventure SCENE 7
turns that inevitably crop up. Each one contains the fol- Carefully read the adventure from beginning to end. Get
lowing subsections, providing gamemasters with all the a feel for the overall plot and what happens in each scene. PICKING UP
information necessary to run it. That way, if something different happens, you won’t be THE PIECES
Scan This provides a quick synopsis of the scene’s
caught off guard and you can adapt things smoothly.
action, allowing you to get a feel for the encounter at
a glance. LEGWORK
Tell it to Them Straight is written to be read aloud to Step 2: Take Notes
the players, describing what their characters experience Take notes for yourself while reading through the ad-
upon entering the scene. You should feel free to mod- venture that you can refer to later on. Possible things CAST OF
ify the narrative as much as desired to suit the group to note include: major plot points (so you can see them SHADOWS
and the situation, since the characters may arrive at the all at a glance), the names of various non-player char-
scene by different means or under different circum- acters, possible problems you notice, situations where
stances than the text assumes. you think a particular character can shine and other PLAYER
Behind the Scenes covers the bulk of the scene, de- things you’ll want to keep in mind while running the
scribing what’s happening, what the non-player charac- adventure.
ters are doing, how they will react to the player char-
acters’ actions and so forth. It also covers the setting
of the encounter, going over environmental conditions
Step 3: Know The Characters LOG
and other properties of the location as well as providing Prior to the start of the adventure, examine the PCs’
any descriptions of important items. record sheets and Debriefing Logs for your reference
Pushing the Envelope looks at ways to make the and have basic information about their important abil-
encounter more challenging for experienced or power- ities handy so you can refer to it during play. Also go
ful characters and other ways you can add some “extra over the characters and keep their previous events list-
spice” to the scene. This subsection should usually only ed on the Debriefing Logs in mind when determining
be used for home games, or games where time is not a non-player character actions in various scenes if such a
factor. At most convention and Open Play events, gam- dynamic has been included.

Step 4: Don’t Panic! scenes and NPC descriptions offer tips on adjusting the COVER
NPCs to suit the abilities of the characters in your group.
Gamemastering involves juggling a lot of different To adjust the power level of an NPC, refer to Helps and
things. Sometimes you drop the ball and forget some- A LIFE TAKEN
Hindrances (p. 378, SR5). Take the player characters’
thing or you just make a mistake. It happens, don’t
abilities into consideration when assessing the NPCs in
worry about it. Nobody is perfect all of the time and
this adventure and modify them accordingly.
everybody makes mistakes. Just pick up from there INTRODUCTION
and move on. Your players will understand and forget
about it once you get back into the action. Mission Difficulty
Gamemasters are encouraged to use their own judg- MISSION
Step 5: Challenge the Players ment and to adjust the difficulty of the encounter to SYNOPSIS

Gamemasters should challenge the players but should take into account the abilities of the players. If the
not generally overwhelm them. This is not to say that players have no magical support, replace magical de- SCENE 1
games cannot be deadly. If the characters die through fenses with mundane ones. If the players are weak on
their own actions and repercussions of those actions, combat, reduce the number of enemies by one or two.
then so be it. But the idea is to challenge the players and Conversely, if they’re steamrolling the opposition, add SCENE 2
their characters, not to overwhelm them. If the enemies one or two enemies to the fight. Missions should be
and challenges are too light for the characters present, difficult and something of a challenge but should not
then increase them. On the other hand, if the characters be insurmountable. SCENE 3
are badly outmatched by the enemies, then tone them A simple method for adjusting difficulty is to simply
down. Make things difficult but not impossible. increase the dice pools and Professional Ratings of the
enemies. A simple +1 or +2 to all combat and defense
tests gives enemies a minor boost in power, while a +3
GENERAL or 4 will make them truly formidable. Adding to their SCENE 5
ADVENTURE RULES Professional Rating will give them a larger group Edge
pool to draw from, and gamemasters are encourage to
Shadowrun Missions adventures use the rules present- use this Edge when logical. SCENE 6
ed in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition (SR5). Standard rules such
as success tests, glitches, critical successes, and other
common mechanics are described in SR5 and are not SCENE 7
repeated in this adventure.
Please keep in mind when preparing for the adven-
ture, that the PCs will not necessarily be comprised of a Background counts impose a negative dice pool penalty PICKING UP
balanced party. It’s entirely possible that the party will be equal to their rating for all tests that are linked to or utilize THE PIECES
made up entirely of technomancers or back-to-nature magic in any way (i.e., spellcasting, summoning, assensing,
shamans. If the characters run into a brick wall because any test made while astrally projecting, and any active skill
of such complications, show flexibility and use your best LEGWORK
that benefits from active adept powers such as killing hands,
judgment in how you lead them back to the plot. critical strike, great leap, or improved skills, etc). Dual-
natured creatures and spirits suffer this penalty to all actions. CAST OF
Non-Player Characters Aspected background counts grant a boost to any SHADOWS
Non-player characters (NPCs) are essential to any ad- limit that utilizes magic in any way (see above) to any
venture. They are the allies, antagonists, and background metahuman, spirit, or dual-natured creature that matches
characters in the adventure that interact with the player the aspected domain. This includes spellcasting Force PLAYER
characters. NPCs in this adventure have already been cre- HANDOUTS
limits, so spellcasters need to be careful as it can be hard to
ated and can be found throughout the adventure. control the additional surge of mana. Any magically active
Minor NPCs are found in the individual scene that they being that does not match the aspected domain should treat DEBRIEFING
appear in, and generally have a brief write up, noting only
this as a normal background count and suffer penalties. LOG
their important skills and the gear they are carrying.
Background counts above 12 are called either a flux (for
Major NPCs can be found in the Cast of Shadows at
the end of the adventure, and have more detailed write aspected domains) or a void (for magically dead zones), and
ups, and include most of the skills and the gear they are very dangerous. Any being that is magically or astrally
have access to. active in any way (dual natured, astrally perceiving, casting
The NPCs in this adventure should generally stand a spell, has an active adept power, has an active foci, etc.)
up to the average player character but may need some takes background count – 12 unresisted Stun Damage each
adjustment to suit a particular group of characters, es- turn that they are active and exposed to the flux or void.
pecially a more experienced and powerful group. The

Often a combat scene will tell you if it’s supposed sistent low-level background radiation coupled with a COVER
to be challenging or is simply there to serve as filler distinct lack of modern matrix broadcasting equipment
or a minor obstacle that the players should steamroll through the area results in a high level of constant back-
through. When possible, use this as a guide to know ground Noise that makes even basic matrix communi- A LIFE TAKEN
when to tweak the enemies and encounters. If it doesn’t cation difficult. Noise levels will vary from area to area,
say, assume the scene should present a challenge to the but unless otherwise specified in the scene, assume a
power levels of the players. default Noise level of 2 anytime the characters are with- INTRODUCTION
in the Containment Zone. Further, because of the heavy
A Note on Loot and Looting downpour and threat of storm, increase the Noise level
to 3 whenever the runners are outdoors.
Since Prime Missions are designed for a higher tier of play- SYNOPSIS
er power, the usual Shadowrun Missions rules about looting
should be relaxed some. High-priced and powerful weap-
After running a Shadowrun Missions adventure, there SCENE 1
ons and gear should not be left lying around for players
to just pick up, but if a player is creative and resourceful, are several important pieces of paperwork that need
there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to obtain a nice cy- to be filled out. SCENE 2
berdeck, a sweet new ride, or that shiny weapon focus the The first is to make certain to distribute a copy of the
enemy mage was using to slice him up. adventure’s Debriefing Log to each player. As the GM,
please make certain to fill this out and sign off on it for SCENE 3
each character. In the interests of time, you may have
Chicago, The CZ, Noise,
each player fill out the sections, with appropriate values
and Background Counts that you give them. Please consider the PCs actions in SCENE 4
While for many the Chicago and the Bug City Contain- the scenario when providing Reputation modifiers, per
ment Zone are synonymous, the CZ comprises less those rules (p. 372, SR5).
than one-third of the total landmass of the city of Chi- The second is to make sure that all players have up- SCENE 5
cago proper, not counting suburban areas and farm- dated their character’s Mission Calendar. PCs are al-
lands connected to the city. But the CZ is still big, and lowed to go on one run per week. The calendar is used
to track the character’s monthly lifestyle expenses, ad- SCENE 6
it is the rotted, gutted, feral heart of the Windy City. It
starts at 115th Street to the south and runs nearly thir- ventures, and their downtime exploits.
ty kilometers north to Belmont Avenue, and reaches Finally, once an adventure is completed gamemas-
from the Lake Michigan on the east to an average of ters should head over to the official Shadowrun forums
fifteen kilometers inland to Harlem Avenue on the at and look in the
west. A mass of torn-down buildings and hastily erect- Shadowrun Missions section. There will be a section to PICKING UP
ed barricades were added to and reinforced over the post the outcome of the Missions adventure. Future THE PIECES
three-year period that the Containment Zone was in adventures will be affected by these results. Without
effect, and even now nearly twenty years later this bar- gamemaster feedback, the PCs’ exploits will be unable
rier stands as an imposing divide between the Zone to affect the campaign. LEGWORK
and the outside world. Anyone can supposedly freely

Mission Synopsis
travel between the Zone and Chicago proper, but Lone
Star watches those coming out and the gangs and war-
lords watch those going in very closely.
Between the Cermak Blast, the bugs, the debilitating About a year ago, a shadowrunner team discovered
effects of FAB III, and years of death and metahuman clone tanks in the basement of Janus Industries, a PLAYER
misery, astral space in and around the Zone is horrible. long-forgotten, Shiawase-owned research facility in HANDOUTS
Unless otherwise noted in the mission, assume a default the CZ. Shiawase owned it through a company called
background count of 2 anytime characters are within Hephaestus Technologies. One of the twelve tanks
the Containment Zone. The count fluctuates wildly at was empty, but the other eleven held clones of Sa- DEBRIEFING
times, so players should expect to encounter every- mantha, a genetically-augmented technomancer who LOG
thing from high background counts and mana voids to had been kidnapped as a child two decades before.
various aspected backgrounds and mana warps. (See The runners gave the facility’s ownership information
Background Count sidebar for full rules. Future Shadow- to Simon Andrews (see SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind),
run, Fifth Edition rulebooks may supersede these rules). so Saeder-Krupp took over facility ownership shortly
Areas of Chicago outside the CZ may also suffer back- after, but the runners tracked down the escaped Sa-
ground count bleed from the Zone. mantha and turned her over to Nick Ryder. Detective
Besides the background count, the CZ is a virtual Ryder managed to get her out of the CZ for a while, but
nightmare for deckers and technomancers. The per- Samantha never found her family, so she came back

to the CZ to look for her old family home. Last night, he was a toxic shaman in life, and possibly that he is a COVER
during this search, a Shiawase hit team ambushed her master shedim in death (after the run-in with Altar Boy in
with the intent to recapture her. Since the fight went SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings, this should scare the hell
down on Ancients’ turf, the Ancients ambushed Sam out of them). All signs point to a new hideout for the An- A LIFE TAKEN
and the Shiawase team. In the chaos, both Sam and the cients, the former Basilica of St. Hyacinth. At this point,
team members were killed. let the runners call in a little backup from Becky; it’ll add
Several weeks ago, an Ancients gang (see SRM 06- to the gang war vibe, and the runners may need the help INTRODUCTION
01 10-57) took Tasha (a young technomancer with the to take down a toxic shaman leader, shedim-possessed
Desolation Angels; see SRM 5A-02 Critic’s Choice). This Ancients, a mystic adept, and a heavily-augmented
same Ancients group stumbled across the Shiawase street samurai, all possessed. This is the finale of the SRM
team’s ambush of Samantha. One of the Ancients as- 06 arc, and we see unfortunate ends for characters from
sensed well enough to discover Samantha was a tech- the beginning of Season 5, so pump up the carnage.
nomancer as well as heavily augmented, so he called SCENE 1
for backup. The reinforced gang interrupted the fight, Scene 1:
killed all the combatants, and carried off Samantha’s
body. They carried Samantha to St. Hyacinth, where
Marcus Stanton, a master shedim-possessed toxic 10-57 Redux SCENE 2

shaman, caused her to be similarly possessed. He had

hoped to assimilate a techomancer’s abilities, as he had
hoped to do with the Altar Boy’s attempt with Tasha (a
Scan This SCENE 3

Desolation Angels member and “sister” to Becky 99) in In this scene, Remo contacts the runners and wants
SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings, but both attempts failed them to free Samantha from her possession. SCENE 4
and both technomancers’ resonance connections were
severed through their shedim possessions.
The runners get a call from Nick Ryder’s commcode,
Tell It to Them Straight SCENE 5
but when they pick up the call, Remo (Samantha’s free It’s raining in the city by the lake. A hard rain. There’s no
sprite, from SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind) is on the line; lightning—yet—but thunder rolls almost continuously.
he hacked Ryder’s commlink to find some help. Remo Your ringing commlink jolts you out of your reverie.
tells the runners that something bad happened to Sa- The caller ID says “Nick Ryder.”
mantha in the CZ. Something took control of her (he “Hello. This is not Nick Ryder.” The voice over the SCENE 7
conjectures it’s something like what humans call “being commlink pauses between each word, as if Ryder were
possessed,” and the possession severed her link to the auditioning for a Shakespearean play. “My name is ... ”
resonance). Remo wants the runners to free Samantha In mid-sentence the voice switches from Detective Ry- PICKING UP
by whatever means are necessary. In order to find her, der to something more obviously artificial. “ ... Remo. I THE PIECES
the runners can track the frequency of an implanted have a job for you.”
commlink belonging to Victor Bilson, a “corporate se- Remo’s speech assumes a normal talking pace as
curity liaison” (“Mr. Johnson”) for a company called He- he gives up using Ryder’s recorded words. “Something LEGWORK
phaestus Technologies, which is a Shiawase subsidiary. is wrong with my friend, Samantha, and I have need of
Bilson died within the last 12 hours, but he had a small your special skills to correct her problem. Last night, she
was ambushed by a team, and a second team stepped CAST OF
slush fund (for Johnson activities) to which Remo now SHADOWS
has access, so he offers payment. Remo’s initial lead is in to take down all of us. My resonance link with Sa-
to track down Bilson’s commlink and he provides the mantha was severed shortly after that, when her mind
last known coordinates. was hacked.” He pauses, as if searching for something.
The runners arrive to find an Ancients gang and a “No, not quite hacked, but what people call ‘being
second Hephaestus team fighting over the first team’s possessed.’ I need you to remove the hacker from her
remains, as well as Bilson’s body. If the runners show mind and save her if possible. In the short time since
some restraint and good timing, they capture and in- her hacking, I have done some research. I understand DEBRIEFING
terrogate one or more members from each side. If not, it may not be possible to save her, but she is dangerous LOG
they do some legwork to find out who’s running the lo- and needs to be stopped before she does something
cal Ancients gang (“the Bishop” and his lieutenant, “Al- terrible against her will.”
tar Boy”) and why a corp sent two teams into the CZ
(to hunt down Samantha). They also find out where the Read this when the runners
Bishop lives. begin to talk money:
The runners have opportunities to investigate the
Bishop’s (Marcus Stanton’s) apartment. Here they gain “I know you will require compensation for
some clues about the Bishop’s true nature, at least that this tasking and I believe I have acquired an ap-

SCENE 1: 10-57 REDUX 6

propriate funding source. One of the first am- tial lead is to track down Bilson’s commlink and find out COVER
bush team members was named Victor Bilson, who the second team was and where they took Saman-
he was employed by Hephaestus Technologies tha (since Remo did not see her through Bilson’s cybe-
reyes). Remo also provides the runners with a picture of A LIFE TAKEN
as a corporate security liaison, and he had ac-
Samantha if they haven’t met her already (in case they
cess to a fund for deniable assets. I decided I
haven’t played SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind).
would incorporate that portion of his code into INTRODUCTION
my own and employ some assets to do what
I cannot. I can compensate your team for the REMO MISSION
amount of eight thousand nuyen per member.” Remo has increased in power since the runners last SYNOPSIS
encountered him in SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind. When
Read this if the runners attempt to Samantha was a child, Remo was a Data Sprite. He is now
negotiate for higher payment: equivalent to a Rating 7 Free Data Sprite with some extra
abilities. He has been fiercely loyal to Samantha, but her
“You may understand that I am inexperienced
recent possession severed their resonance connection. SCENE 2
in human negotiations. However, if you find Before Remo fades back into the resonance, he has one last
the corpse of Victor Bilson quickly enough, you chance to serve the Samantha he once knew.
should find that there is another two thousand SCENE 3
nuyen per member of your team in his funds. I Rating Attack Sleaze Data Proc. Firewall Res
left it there so that undue suspicion would not 7 6 7 11 8 7 SCENE 4
fall upon my activities too soon, but you may
assimilate those funds as you see fit.” Initiative: 18 + 4D6
Skills: Computer 7, Cybercombat 7, Electronic Warfare 7, SCENE 5
Read this when the runners Hacking 7, Negotiation 1 (Matrix +2), Software 7
Complex Forms: Cleaner, Editor, Puppeteer, Static Veil,
agree to the run: SCENE 6
“Excellent. My remaining information is the Powers: Camouflage, Watermark
identity of Victor Bilson and the last known co- SCENE 7
ordinates of his corpse.” Remo sends you a data
packet containing Bilson’s picture and coordi- WEATHER PICKING UP
nates corresponding to the corner of N. Ham- During this mission, the CZ is covered in a severe THE PIECES
lin Ave. and W. Diversey Ave. “I will check back thunderstorm. For most scenes, the rain counts as
occasionally or, if you prefer, I will stay resident Moderate Rain (p. 175, SR5) and gives a –3 visibility modifier,
reduced to –1 with thermographic vision or ultrasound (but LEGWORK
on your network during this tasking.”
ultrasound has a range of only 50 meters and is useless

Behind the Scenes for driving). Note the visibility modifier also applies to any
attack tests outdoors, unless the runner has some means
The runners get the call from Nick Ryder’s commcode, of compensating. Most of the CZ (especially the parts the
but when they pick up the call, Remo (Samantha’s free runners visit) still has lousy roadwork. Anyone piloting a
sprite, from SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind) is on the line; vehicle should make a Vehicle Skill + Reaction [Handling] PLAYER
he hacked Ryder’s commlink to find some help. Remo
(2) Test to arrive at the destination without incident (see HANDOUTS
tells the runners something bad happened to Samantha
Crashes, p. 201, SR5); apply another –2 penalty if the vehicle
in the CZ. Something took control of (“hacked”) her and
it severed her link to the resonance and Remo. Remo is moving faster than its walking speed. DEBRIEFING
wants the runners to free Samantha by whatever means Under normal circumstances, a runner can get hold of LOG
necessary. In order to find her, Remo gives the runners a contact on a 2D6 roll that meets or exceeds the contact’s
the frequency and last known location of an implanted Connection Rating (to reflect how busy the contact is: p. 387,
commlink belonging to Victor Bilson, a “corporate se- SR5). Because of the storm, Chicago-based contacts are
curity liaison” (“Mr. Johnson”) for a company called He- less likely to be out and about and more likely to be bored
phaestus Technologies, which is a Shiawase subsidiary. and looking for something to do; grant a +1 on the 2D6 roll
Bilson died within the last twelve hours, but he had a for any Chicago-based contact. Once the runner connects
small slush fund for Johnson activities to which Remo with the contact, use the rules in the Legwork section, with
now has access, so he can offer payment. Remo’s ini- a +2 to the Connection + Connection Test for a Chicago-
based contact to determine if the contact has information.
These bonuses have no bearing on the contact’s Loyalty or
SCENE 1: 10-57 REDUX anything based on Loyalty. 7










Pushing the Envelope Scene 2:
This scene should not require any added difficulty.
However, if Remo knows a runner mistreated Saman-
The Angriest PICKING UP
tha in SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind, he is less inclined to
trust them; feel free to treat this either on an individual
basis or as a “majority rules” sort of thing. If he doesn’t LEGWORK
trust the runners, he may insist on hanging around on Scan This
their network to monitor events. In this scene, Becky 99 contacts the runners and wants
Feel free to include Remo as comic relief as needed; CAST OF
them to look for those responsible for murdering her
Remo only saw human life through Samantha, and not SHADOWS
“sister” Tasha.
much of that, so he’s not familiar with the subtleties of
human behavior.
Tell It to Them Straight PLAYER
Debugging The rain is still pouring down, but the only lightning
you’ve seen so far has been dancing from cloud to
This late in the season, almost every runner should cloud in the western sky. DEBRIEFING
have Nick Ryder as a contact. If a runner does not have As usual in the CZ, one commcall brings a second LOG
Ryder as a contact, the call comes through one of their within minutes. The caller ID says “Becky 99.”
fixers as an anonymous source and a payment placed “Greetings, friends! Please meet me at the Buns restau-
in escrow pending completion. rant in the Maker Collective in an hour. Dress for a job.”
It is possible the runners refuse the job from Remo. If
this happens, proceed to Scene 2: The Angriest Angel, Read this after the runners
in which Becky 99 contacts the runners with her job.
agree to the meet:
The Maker Collective is not so much a mall as


a small city in itself. It’s a network of strip malls COVER
and office buildings connected in a few places THE MAKER COLLECTIVE
via canvas tunnels, almost like a giant hamster
Formed by like-minded scientists and students of the A LIFE TAKEN
cage. It’s one of the few places in the CZ where
former Northwestern University in Evanston (Northside),
there’s AR spam. Workshop and hardware man- the Maker Collective has become the Corridor’s own
ufacturing sounds seem to echo even over the INTRODUCTION
gadget center—though some say it’s more like a whole
rolling thunder, and a faint scent of petroleum district of mad science labs. Industrial noise, funny-colored
permeates the downpour. acidic clouds, and the odd explosion commonly occur MISSION
You make your way through the bustling throughout the collective, as many techno-geeks make do SYNOPSIS
metroplex-within-a-metroplex to the location with improvised appliances and equipment or makeshift
Becky sent you. As promised, the dark-haired ventilation. Nevertheless, the collective’s reputation for
creating all kinds of useful appliances and gadgets from
woman in her late twenties is waiting for you in
scrap and recycled materials has spread throughout the
the back of a tiny restaurant.
Corridor and draws people to the Maker’s weekly bazaars. SCENE 2
“Thank you for coming on such short notice.
My little sis, Tasha, was murdered a couple > While the Makers work for anyone (often following their
weeks ago, and I’ve come up empty on leads. own idiosyncrasies), they seem to get in the middle of SCENE 3
I believe you have the means to find her, and the rivalries between the Zone Lords, who have started
calling dibs on the enclave’s brightest eggheads.
I can pay you five thousand nuyen for hunting SCENE 4
down her killer. And then I want to be there to
> Change Agent

see him die.” > If there’s any place to find a hacker, it’s here. Secure
your Matrix connections.

Behind the Scenes > Noob37

The Maker Collective has seen a lot more business > Well, I’d say that goes without saying, but who let a
come through in the last few months than before Proj- noob on here?
ect Takeback began, but the runners don’t really have > Maker Bot SCENE 7
time to browse the Collective’s extensive shops. If they
arrive well before the meet, they may have the oppor- > Noob-bashing aside, the Collective is a great place to
tunity to buy one or two items. They can find anything find technical people. You know, like the types who do PICKING UP
up to Availability 8 with an Area Knowledge (Maker really good gear and vehicle repair and upgrades. THE PIECES
Collective) + Intuition [Mental] (2) Test, or anything > Viewpoint
up to Availability 12 with an Area Knowledge (Maker
Collective) + Intuition [Mental] (3) Test. Increase the LEGWORK
threshold by one if the runner has wireless on, to re-
flect the constant AR spam distraction and hacking at-
Pushing the Envelope
tempts. (They can substitute another skill as appropri- The Maker Collective is known for its high population CAST OF
of technical people, including hackers. Even if the SHADOWS
ate.) If the runners insist on going shopping after the
meet, when they should be working, Becky may blame runners’ devices are in hidden mode, someone finds
them later if they fail to find Tasha’s killer (see Scene 7: their Matrix connections and attempts to hack them. PLAYER
Aftermath). (You can roll a bunch of Matrix Perception Tests, or HANDOUTS
The Maker Collective is a rating 4 spam zone (pp. you can assume at least one hacker spots a commlink,
230-231, SR5). usually belonging to the runner with the lowest De-
Becky offers the runners 5,000 nuyen each for the vice Rating, after any significant time in the Maker DEBRIEFING
job, plus 500 nuyen per net hit on a Negotiation + Cha- Collective.) Only running with wireless off provides LOG
risma [Social] Opposed Test. Becky gladly tells the run- full protection.
ners what she knows about Tasha. Tasha was killed at
the end of SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings by a teenager
going by the name Altar Boy. Altar Boy is the new An-
cients lieutenant. He handles all the day-to-day business This late in the season, almost every runner should
on behalf of the Bishop, whom no one has ever met. have Becky 99 as a contact. If a runner does not have
her as a contact, the call comes through one of their
fixers. If, for some reason, a runner has no contacts


appropriate for getting work, you can start by having COVER
MAKER COLLECTIVE HACKER another fixer recommend him/her (or call by mistake).
It is possible, though unlikely, that the runners refuse
(MATRIX STATS, PROFESSIONAL RATING 1) the job from Becky. If this happens, proceed to Scene A LIFE TAKEN
3: Dead Man’s Switch if the runners took the job from
(HUMAN FEMALE TECHNOMANCER) Remo. If they refused both jobs, there’s nothing else for
them to do but curl up in their respective squats and INTRODUCTION
Rating Attack Sleaze Data Proc. Firewall Res
hide from the rain.
6 5 5 5 5 8
Initiative: 10 + 4D6
Skills: Cracking skill group 6, Electronics skill group 6,
Influence skill group 2, Perception 2, Sneaking 2, Small Dead Man’s SCENE 1
Unit Tactics 3, Tasking skill group 6
Qualities: Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly), Focused
Concentration 4, Home Ground (Maker Collective,
Digital Turf)
Submersion Grade: 2 Scan This
Echoes: MMRI 1, Overclocking In this scene, the runners track down Victor Bilson’s SCENE 3
Complex Forms: Cleaner, Diffusion of Firewall, Editor, corpse.
Puppeteer, Static Veil, Transcendent Grid
Sprites: Rating 5 Crack Sprite (registered, 4 tasks) SCENE 4
Tell It to Them Straight
CRACK SPRITE The rain slows only a bit, but at least it’s enough that
you can actually see where you’re driving. As you ap-
proach the coordinates, you see faint flashes of light in
Rating Attack Sleaze Data Proc. Firewall Res the distance. The flashes continue, sometimes one at a SCENE 6
time, sometimes in sets of three or six. Your suspicions
5 5 8 7 6 5
are confirmed as the scene becomes clear: there’s a
gunfight going on, right on top of your coordinates. SCENE 7
Initiative: 18 + 4D6
This mission just got a little more complicated.
Skills: Computer 5, Electronic Warfare 5, Hacking 5
Powers: Suppression PICKING UP
Behind the Scenes THE PIECES
An Ancients gang and a second Hephaestus team are
fighting over the remains of the first team (and Bilson’s
WEATHER body). The gangers in this scene are not possessed;
they are just normal gangers. There are a dozen gang-
During this mission, the CZ is covered in a severe
ers left on the Ancients’ side. The Hephaestus team CAST OF
thunderstorm. For most scenes, the rain counts as only numbers four. Each side had a mage, but both
Moderate Rain (p. 175, SR5) and gives a –3 visibility modifier, SHADOWS
mages are dead by the time the runners arrive.
reduced to –1 with thermographic vision or ultrasound (but The two parties already here are happy to keep blast-
ultrasound has a range of only 50 meters and is useless ing away at each other and ignore the runners until they PLAYER
for driving). Note the visibility modifier also applies to any interfere. Neither team retreats from the fight. The He- HANDOUTS
attack tests outdoors, unless the runner has some means phaestus team wants to recover Bilson because of his
of compensating. Most of the CZ (especially the parts the involvement in other operations. They each have cortex
runners visit) still has lousy roadwork. Anyone piloting a bombs to prevent interrogation (and prevent anything DEBRIEFING
vehicle should make a Vehicle Skill + Reaction [Handling] from being recovered from their bodies); when only one LOG
(2) Test to arrive at the destination without incident (see member remains conscious, they all detonate. Altar Boy
(who creeps the gang out) ordered the Ancients here.
Crashes, p. 201, SR5); apply another –2 penalty if the vehicle
Once the runners control the scene, they can begin
is moving faster than its walking speed.
to search Bilson’s corpse. The body and head are lying
among the Ancients’ bodies; a pair of the gangers tried
to carry them away when the Hephaestus team killed
them. If the runners examine the body, a Medicine + In-
tuition [Mental] (2) Test (or some appropriate forensics


skill) determines Bilson was decapitated by one stroke ganger’s Charisma + Willpower (using appropriate so- COVER
of a bladed weapon; the weapon sliced off the lower cial modifiers from the table on p. 140, SR5), he can tell
portion of his helmet, though his head still wears the them where Altar Boy’s boss, the Bishop, lives (Scene 5:
rest of the helmet. The weapon also damaged Bilson’s Home is Where the Toilet Is). If not (or if all the gangers A LIFE TAKEN
biomonitor which might otherwise have sent the kill or- died in the fight), they should be able to do some leg-
der to his cortex bomb, but Remo already hacked and work (Scene 4: Pounding the Wet Pavement) to find out
disabled the cortex bomb (see the intro fiction piece, who’s running the local Ancients gang and why a corp INTRODUCTION
A Life Taken). The runners can get to work hacking his sent two teams into the CZ (to hunt down Samantha).
commlink (or call Remo to do it if they have no hacker).
The commlink is an implanted Transys Avalon (DR 6).
If the runners show some restraint and good tim-
ing, they may be able to capture and interrogate one WEATHER & MATRIX NOISE
or more gangers. If the runners interrogate a ganger us- During this mission, the CZ is covered in a severe SCENE 1
ing an Intimidation + Charisma [Social] Test against the thunderstorm. For most scenes, the rain counts as
Moderate Rain (p. 175, SR5) and gives a –3 visibility modifier,
reduced to –1 with thermographic vision or ultrasound (but SCENE 2
WHAT THE ultrasound has a range of only 50 meters and is useless for
driving). Note that the visibility modifier also applies to any
GANGERS KNOW attack tests outdoors, unless the runner has some means

• They were sent here on orders from Altar Boy, of compensating. Most of the CZ (especially the parts the
who visited them at their hangout, an Ancients bar runners visit) still has lousy roadwork. Anyone piloting a SCENE 4
called Tollhouse. vehicle should make a Vehicle Skill + Reaction [Handling]
• Altar Boy freaks everyone out so no one dares (2) Test to arrive at the destination without incident (see
challenge his orders. There’s a palpable sense of Crashes, p. 201, SR5); apply another –2 penalty if the vehicle
evil power hanging over him. is moving faster than its walking speed.
• Altar Boy takes orders from someone else he calls This scene includes a Rating 3 Static Zone, due to the SCENE 6
“the Bishop.” These gangers don’t know anyone crumbling infrastructure and the thunderstorm. For rules on
who has ever met the Bishop other than Altar Boy. Matrix Noise, see p. 230, SR5.
• The Bishop lives in a series of partly-ruined row
houses at 2931 N. Lawndale Ave., which Altar
Boy calls The Rectory. The gangers know this
Pushing the Envelope PICKING UP
information because it’s a place they’re supposed This encounter is not meant to be a serious challenge THE PIECES
to avoid. for the runners (aside from exploding corpsec guys).
It’s meant to give them a view of the interest level both
• There are a few higher-ranking Ancients who also
parties have in Bilson’s corpse. LEGWORK
live at The Rectory. They are all fiercely loyal to and
If you have a lot of extra time, you can have the run-
secretive about the Bishop and his activities. ners discover the Ancients and the Hephaestus team
before they find Bilson’s body and instead have two CAST OF
WHAT’S ON VICTOR homeless guys, Randy and Randall, one carrying off Bil-
son’s head and the other carrying off his body because

BILSON’S COMMLINK they look like they might be worth a few nuyen.

2,000 nuyen per runner, as Remo promised.
Bilson brought his team here to close a trap set for
a woman named Samantha. If the runners don’t have a hacker, let them call up DEBRIEFING
• Bilson was on the team who originally kidnapped Remo, who slips back into Bilson’s commlink and gets LOG
them the money and the information. Should the run-
Samantha as a young girl (see SRM 5A-01 Chasin’
ners kill all the gangers, they are stuck with the ad-
the Wind for more of Samantha’s backstory).
ditional legwork option (Scene 4: Pounding the Wet
• Hephaestus is a Shiawase subsidiary. Bilson Pavement).
knows this because a Shiawase middle manager
has been checking into Bilson’s activities and the
Samantha project lately.
• He did not know anything about Remo.


Elves, assorted ethnicity and gender, basic gangers.
They run all of their gear with wireless turned off because PROFESSIONAL RATING 1) A LIFE TAKEN
of the storm. Human (Randy) and Dwarf (Randall), both male.
4 5 3 4 3 2 3 5 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4
Initiative: 6 + 1D6 Initiative: 6 + 1D6 SYNOPSIS
Condition Monitor: 10 Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 6 Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 4
Armor: 12 Skills: Blades 2, Clubs 2, Etiquette 2 (Street +2), SCENE 1
Skills: Automatics 4, Blades 4, Clubs 3, Etiquette 3 (Street Intimidation 1, Perception 1, Pistols 1, Unarmed Combat 3
+2), Intimidation 4, Perception 1, Pistols 4, Unarmed Qualities: Thermographic vision (Randall)
Combat 3 SCENE 2
Qualities: Low-light vision Unarmed [Acc 5, Reach —, DV 3S, AP —]
Gear: Armor jacket
Steyr TMP [Machine Pistol, Acc 4(5), DV 7P, AP –4, SA/BF/ Scene 4:

Pounding The
FA, RC 3 (+2 from Str), 30 (c), w/ laser sight, gas vent 3, SCENE 4
APDS ammo, quick-draw holster, 2 spare clips]
Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 6P, AP –3]
Wet Pavement SCENE 5

In this scene, the runners do some legwork to try to
Human males, all look similarly bland. They run all their
find the Ancients’ new leader. SCENE 7
gear with wireless turned off because of the storm.

B A R S W L I C ESS Tell It to Them Straight PICKING UP

6 5(7) 5(7) 4(6) 4 4 5 3 1.7 If there can be a silver lining to this storm, it’s that THE PIECES
you’re probably more likely to find your contacts avail-
Initiative: 10 (12) + 3D6 able. Though it’s awfully stormy to be out on a run, it’s
Condition Monitor: 11 also too stormy to look good as you walk into a party.
Limits: Physical 7 (9), Mental 6, Social 4
Armor: 18
Skills: Athletics skill group 6, Close Combat skill group Behind the Scenes CAST OF
7, Etiquette 6 (Corporate +2), Firearms skill group 9, This scene is more of a sandbox than anything else.
Perception 6, Sneaking 6, Small Unit Tactics 6 The runners should have the ability to check with con-
Augmentations: Commlink (Transys Avalon; DR 6; tacts, roleplay, and do a few Matrix searches. There are PLAYER
integrated biomonitor), cortex bomb (area bomb), a number of places they can go or contacts they can HANDOUTS
cybereyes 2 (w/ flare compensation, image link, low- call. If any runners played SRM 05-01 Chasin’ the Wind
light vision, smartlink, thermographic vision), muscle or SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings, they may be inclined
augmentation 2, muscle toner 2, wired reflexes 2 to revisit one of the following locations: DEBRIEFING
Gear: Full body armor and helmet, with chemical seal LOG
The Maker Collective
Yamaha Raiden [Assault Rifle, Acc 6(8), DV 11P, AP –6, BF/
FA, RC 4 (+2 from Str), 60 (c), w/ APDS ammo; gas vent If the runners played SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings,
3 added] they may already have visited the Maker Collective
Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 8P, AP –5, SA, as part of their initial search for Tasha. As the runners
RC —, 15(c), w/ APDS ammo, smartlink] may have found in that mission, Tasha was well liked,
Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 8P, AP –3] energetic, and helped out a number of the folks who
Cortex Bomb (area) [centered on team member, DV 18P, live and work there. Most Collective residents just talk
AP +5, Blast –1/m]


about how much they liked Tasha and how helpful she COVER
and the Desolation Angels have been since Becky 99
took over. At some point the runners find a person
who saw Tasha arguing with a young elf a few weeks
ago, and the elf was wearing the Ancients “Anarchy A”

logo on his jacket. • Altar Boy freaks everyone out, so no one dares
If the runners played SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind, challenge his orders. There’s a palpable sense of INTRODUCTION
they found Samantha here before. Samantha has not evil power hanging over him.
been back since that mission. If shown a picture, at • Altar Boy takes orders from someone else he calls MISSION
least one person remembers she worked here a couple “the Bishop.” The gangers don’t know anyone who SYNOPSIS
years ago for about a week until a shadowrunner team has ever met the Bishop other than Altar Boy.
escorted her away. The person remembers the incident
• The Bishop lives in a series of partly-ruined row
because it seemed strange that a group of big, bad, SCENE 1
houses at 2931 N. Lawndale Ave., which Altar
heavily-armed shadowrunners would be so scared of
one girl. Boy calls The Rectory. The gangers know this
information because it’s a place they’re supposed
to avoid.
Brother’s Scrap Yard
• There are a few higher-ranking Ancients who also
The Scrap Yard is large and crowded. Tasha used to live at The Rectory. They are all fiercely loyal to and SCENE 3
trade scrap here frequently and, as in the Collective, secretive about the Bishop and his activities.
she was well liked. No one has seen her in a few weeks,
but about a month ago a young man, roughly 14 years SCENE 4
old, poked around asking about her. He never gave a
name, and while he was very polite and well spoken,
most people say he gave them the creeps, but they (12 MEMBERS, PROFESSIONAL RATING 1) SCENE 5
couldn’t tell you why.
Elves, assorted ethnicity and gender, basic gangers.
They run all of their gear with wireless turned off because SCENE 6
Old S-Mart Building
of the storm.
A shadowrunner team attacked the place a few weeks
ago, but since then, the Ancients reclaimed the build- SCENE 7
ing as a flophouse. The windows are blacked out and
the doors are locked with Rating 3 Maglock Keypads 4 5 3 4 3 2 3 5 6
(to which all the Ancients know the key code). There PICKING UP
are about a dozen gangers inside. If the runners get Initiative: 6 + 1D6 THE PIECES
them to talk (whether through intimidation or brib- Condition Monitor: 10
ery), they know a few bits of information (see sidebar). Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 6
Armor: 12 LEGWORK
They’ve met Altar Boy before, as recently as a few days
ago, and he creeps them out. Or, if it comes down to a Skills: Automatics 4, Blades 4, Clubs 3, Etiquette 3 (Street
fight, the runners should not have trouble exterminat- +2), Intimidation 4, Perception 1, Pistols 4, Unarmed
Combat 3 CAST OF
ing a dozen gangers. SHADOWS
Qualities: Low-light vision
If the runners don’t think of these places and want Gear: Armor jacket
to go exploring the CZ, they can make a Chicago Area Weapons:
Knowledge + Intuition [Mental] (2) Test. One or more Steyr TMP [Machine Pistol, Acc 4(5), DV 7P, AP –4, SA/BF/
of these locations can be mentioned in addition to the FA, RC 3 (+2 from Str), 30 (c), w/ laser sight, gas vent 3,
listed “2 hits” result on any of their Chicago-based con- APDS ammo, quick-draw holster, 2 spare clips]
tacts’ Legwork Tests. Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 6P, AP –3] DEBRIEFING
Pushing the Envelope went missing after the Artifact Rush (Missions Season
If the runners do well enough on their legwork regard- 4). He knows some of what has gone on in the last few
ing the Bishop, they may find out another priest has weeks in the Chicago scene (treat him as knowing ev-
been asking about the Bishop, but this priest calls him erything up to 3 hits for all subjects except Auslander,
Auslander. The other priest calls himself Fringe (see about whom he has the entire Matrix worth of infor-
Cast of Shadows), a “former” shadowrunner who is on mation; see Legwork). Should the runners be worried
a solo run of his own. He is looking for a jade cup that about background count, Fringe is willing to perform


Scene 5: COVER
The Moderate Rain (p. 175, SR5) gives a –3 visibility Home Is Where A LIFE TAKEN
modifier, reduced to –1 with thermographic vision or
ultrasound (but ultrasound has a range of only 50 meters and The Toilet Is INTRODUCTION
is useless for driving). Most of the CZ (especially the parts
the runners visit) still has lousy roadwork. Anyone piloting
a vehicle should make a Vehicle Skill + Reaction [Handling]
Scan This
(2) Test to arrive at the destination without incident (see In this scene, the runners investigate Marcus Stanton’s SYNOPSIS
Crashes, p. 201, SR5); apply another –2 penalty if the vehicle
is moving faster than its walking speed.
Under normal circumstances, a runner can get hold of Tell It to Them Straight SCENE 1
a contact on a 2D6 roll that meets or exceeds the contact’s The rain is still falling at a hard and steady rate as you
Connection Rating (to reflect how busy the contact is; p. 387, pull up to what used to be a block of two-story row SCENE 2
SR5). Because of the storm, Chicago-based contacts are houses, still bearing the numbers for 2929, 2931, and
less likely to be out and about and more likely to be bored 2933 N. Lawndale Ave. Half the block is leveled, ei-
and looking for something to do; grant a +1 on the 2D6 roll ther from past explosions or dismantled for building SCENE 3
for any Chicago-based contact. Once the runner connects materials, but the rest is more or less intact. Patch-
with the contact, use the rules in the Legwork section, with work connects the remaining row houses, taken from
the leveled part of the block, to form what passes SCENE 4
a +2 to the Connection + Connection Test for a Chicago-
based contact to determine if that contact has information. for a mansion in the CZ. You see two elves loitering
outside, wearing armor jackets emblazoned with the
These bonuses have no bearing on the contact’s Loyalty or SCENE 5
familiar Ancients “A” and gazing around with glossed-
anything tied to Loyalty.
over eyes.
This scene includes a Rating 3 Static Zone, due to the
crumbling infrastructure and the thunderstorm.
As they enter Stanton’s home,
cleansing of the final scene’s background count (using read this:
the Manifest Sha ritual). Fringe should not be allowed
As you enter the door to 2931 N. Lawndale
to participate directly in the fight against Auslander and
his crew (Scene 6: Massacre at St. Hyacinth), except in Ave., a backed-up sewer stench assails your
a limited capacity for a team not adequately equipped nostrils. Aside from that, the living room looks THE PIECES
to handle magical threats. He is obsessed (nearly to almost respectable and lived in.
the point of madness) with planning, research, and
pre-run for a coming “holy crusade” against Auslander LEGWORK
(which is beyond the scope of this mission) and pre- Behind the Scenes
fers that Auslander not find out he is there. (In most Force 5 shedim possess the Ancients gangers on guard
circumstances, he would leave the scene rather than outside; magicians can see this with an Assensing + CAST OF
allow Auslander to know he is there.) Intuition [Astral] (2) Test. There are two guards at the SHADOWS
only exterior door and there are two guards at the door
Debugging to Stanton’s suite.
When the runners open the door to Marcus Stan- PLAYER
If the runners spin their wheels too long with no sign ton’s suite, have them make a Charisma + Willpower (2) HANDOUTS
of gaining traction, you can have Fringe call them (see Test; those who fail are nauseated for the remainder of
Pushing the Envelope) or have the runners notice him the scene and suffer a –2 dice pool modifier to all ac-
surveilling one or more locations in this scene. By that tions (those who glitch also vomit).
point, he’s heard they’re looking around for the Altar
Boy and his Bishop, and he knows both Marcus Stan- In the suite, the runners should find several things:
ton’s official home address (2931 N. Lawndale Ave.) • In addition to normal clothes, Stanton’s clos-
and that he’s working to reclaim the Basilica of St. Hy- et contains a few sets of liturgical vestments,
acinth. Fringe also knows two priests from the Order including formal bishop’s attire with a mitre
of St. Sylvester (the Catholic Church’s magical group) (both green and white) and a non-church set
have gone missing during this investigation. of ceremonial robes (neon green and yellow-
ish-brown; an Arcana + Logic [Mental] (3) Test


allows a runner to know toxic shamans some- rendered) for the cup. If the team didn’t meet Fringe, COVER
times wear these robes). don’t include the Jade Cup either. If the team refuses to
• In the back of his lower desk drawer, he has a part with the Jade Cup, Fringe uses his significant shad-
pair of extra Transys Avalon commlinks, pow- ow contacts to acquire the cup through third (or fourth) A LIFE TAKEN
ered down. If the runners power them up, they parties just long enough to perform the ritual he needs
find they have Catholic Church official SINs on (PM-02 A Holy Piece of Wetwork).
them, for Antonio Sarducci and Alan Preston, INTRODUCTION
both mages with the Order of St. Sylvester. If
the runners hack one or both commlinks, they
find the mages first flew into Chicago O’Hare POSSESSED ANCIENTS MISSION
about two years ago, right around the time Proj-
ect Takeback was announced. Since then, they GANGERS
flew several times between Chicago and Rome, (FORCE 5 SHEDIM, 2 OUTSIDE, 2 INSIDE) SCENE 1
up to about three months ago. In the last three
months, these SINs made no transactions and B A R S W L I C EDG ESS
these commlinks have been powered down 4 (7) 5 (8) 3 (6) 4 (7) 5 5 5 5 3 5 SCENE 2
since then. The last meeting checked off in their
calendars was at the Basilica of St. Hyacinth with Initiative: 11 + 2D6
Bishop Stanton. Condition Monitor (P/S): 12/11 SCENE 3
• The bathroom is the source of the terrible smell. Limits: Physical 9, Mental 7, Social 7
The toilet is filled to the brim with maggot-infest- Armor: 12
ed raw sewage, and there is a ritual circle drawn SCENE 4
Skills: Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Automatics 5,
roughly around the toilet in dried fecal matter. Blades 5, Perception 5, Pistols 5, Unarmed Combat 5
A Summoning (or Arcana, Magical Threats, or Powers: Astral Form, Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma, SCENE 5
other appropriate skill) + Logic [Mental] (3) Test Touch range, Physical damage), Fear, Immunity (Age,
reveals this to be an old toxic summoning circle. Pathogens, Toxins), Paralyzing Touch, Possession
(Dead or Abandoned Vessels), Sapience SCENE 6
Pushing the Envelope Optional Powers: Regeneration
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, mild), Evanescence
An additional encounter could occur in the basement, Gear: Armor jacket (marked in Ancients colors) SCENE 7
where a priest from the Order of St. Sylvester, an Italian Weapons:
named Antonio Sarducci, is still alive. He is drained of Steyr TMP [Machine Pistol, Acc 4(5), DV 7P, AP –4, SA/BE/
Karma, is currently at 9 boxes Physical Damage and 3 FA, RC 3 (+2 from Str), 30 (c), w/ laser sight, gas vent 3, PICKING UP
boxes Stun Damage (–4 wound modifier), and is kept APDS ammo, quick-draw holster, 2 spare clips] THE PIECES
in a locked (Rating 6 Maglock) and warded (Force 6) Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 6P, AP –3]
room at the back of the basement along with his dead
comrade. Stanton brought them down here, killed the
other St. Sylvester priest (a CAS citizen named Alan Scene 6:

Massacre at
Preston), and locked them both in the room while a CAST OF
shedim possessed Preston. Sarducci survived the re- SHADOWS
sulting fight but has been unable to escape on his own.
In another locked (Rating 6 Maglock) and warded
(Force 6) room in the basement is a small crate, about
St. Hyacinth PLAYER
two feet on a side, covered in writings in a language sim- HANDOUTS
ilar to Sanskrit (like the writing on the jade cup in SRM
04-10 Romero and Juliet). If the runners have access to
Scan This
the language, a successful Sanskrit + Intuition [Mental] In this scene, the runners enter the Basilica of St. Hya- DEBRIEFING
(2) Test reveals the writings are protective spells (an As- cinth. This scene is the Season 6 arc climax and draws LOG
sensing + Intuition [Astral] (3) Test reveals this as well). If in elements from Season 5 and even presents a call-
the runners open the crate without first making a Disen- back to Season 4. The runners are in for some serious
chanting + Magic [Astral] (4) Test, Auslander is on guard carnage unless they plan well.
and ready for the runners when they arrive (Scene 6:
Massacre at St. Hyacinth). In any case, the crate con-
tains the jade cup from SRM 04-10 Romero and Juliet; if
Tell It to Them Straight
the team met Fringe, he offers them a nominal amount As you arrive at the Basilica of Saint Hyacinth, the roll-
(either 2,000 nuyen each or cleansing services to be ing thunder settles down and you feel the first nearby


lightning strike of the storm which has finally rolled in. Becky 99, who kills the last Ancients ganger (so no stats COVER
The lightning strike illuminates the church’s three tow- are given for Becky or any of the gangers).
ers and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as During the fight, Becky fights with the runners, but
you recall the old 2D horror movie vids. Power doesn’t she should not be the star of this scene. She attacks A LIFE TAKEN
seem to be on in the church, but that’s not surprising with Manabolts (or other single-target spells because
given how deep in the CZ you are. The big red doors the room is filled with friendlies as well as enemies), but
are ajar and the left one hangs from its top hinge. INTRODUCTION
handwave her spells; she should not take down Aus-
Through the small opening you see flickering lights, as lander, Altar Boy, or Sam, but she should deplete one
if candles were lit for a vigil. This place no longer feels Edge point from her target (which should keep this fight MISSION
like a church, but rather like something unholy. from being an attrition war while the team waits for two SYNOPSIS
master shedim to run out of Edge).
Read this when the runners If the runners encountered Fringe (Pushing the En-
step inside: velope for Scene 4: Pounding the Wet Pavement), he is SCENE 1
likely to be the trigger for the fight as he neutralizes the
The sanctuary can probably no longer be background count (the shedim notice they’ve sudden-
rightly called a sanctuary. The pews are missing ly lost their favorable background count). Fringe should SCENE 2
and the marble floor is clear, save for the altar up not normally have any other effect on the fight. He can
assist if the runner team requires it, but be careful that
front. Kneeling along the walls, facing the room’s SCENE 3
Fringe does not take the spotlight away from the runners.
center, are at least two dozen elves in jackets em-
He banishes either the sludge spirit or the shedim pos-
blazoned with the Ancients’ Anarchy “A.” Stand- sessing Samantha (whichever seems the greatest threat) SCENE 4
ing vigil at the altar are four individuals. The first first. He can banish the spirit possessing Sam with mini-
is a young woman, perhaps 1.6 meters tall, with mal difficulty because the shedim is not bound (so it rolls
dark hair and cold eyes, holding a Yamaha Raid- only 7 dice to resist Fringe’s Banishing (11) + Magic (10) SCENE 5
en assault rifle like she’s a grizzled combat veter- and Fringe needs only one net hit; see Banishing, p. 301,
SR5). Banishing the sludge spirit is more difficult because
an. The second is a fourteen-year-old boy wear-
Fringe only rolls 19 dice (his specialization in Shedim SCENE 6
ing a black choir robe with white trim. The boy banishing doesn’t help) versus the sludge spirit’s 15 dice
stands facing you and holds a book for a third (Force 7 + Auslander’s Magic 8 because Stanton bound SCENE 7
individual, an elf in bishop’s robes and mitre. it) and the sludge spirit is treated as if it owes four ser-
Floating to the altar’s side is something looking vices (because of its Banishing Resistance power).
like a manifest water spirit crossed with a sewer. PICKING UP
The bishop turns to face you and speaks with BASILICA OF ST. HYACINTH
a hint of a German accent. “I see my handiwork
(3636 West Wolfram Street, Chicago)
has drawn undue attention. Allow me to intro- LEGWORK
St. Hyacinth was an historic church of the Roman
duce myself. I am Bishop Auslander.” Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, until the CZ went up and
the church, like everything else in the CZ, went to hell. The CAST OF
Behind the Scenes parish was founded in 1894 and was the center of Jackowo, SHADOWS
the Polish Village. The church was home to thirty-five sacred
Outside the church, the Background Count is 2, as-
pected towards death. Inside, the Background Count relics until the bugs hit in the fifties, when the church was
cleared by papal order.
jumps to 4. HANDOUTS
If the runners haven’t called Becky 99 yet, you might
have her call to check in. She’ll bring some Desolation > St. Hyacinth is still structurally sound, if without interior
Angels to bolster the runners’ numbers. The Angels furnishings or power. Basically, the building came DEBRIEFING
should not be the stars of this scene, though. Once the through its Hell remarkably well. LOG
fight starts, you should narrate the gang fight that goes > Skippy
down between the Ancients and the Angels just to give
the scene the backdrop of an outright gang war. The > There used to be a cemetery nearby, but all the
runners should have their hands full with Samantha, Al- graves were dug up during the Containment to loot
tar Boy, Auslander, and the sludge spirit. Treat it as two the corpses.
separate fights that occur simultaneously but do not > Tequila
affect each other except at the end, when all the Des-
olation Angels who showed up should be dead except > A couple of priests from the Order of St. Sylvester
were sent in last year to investigate the church before
assigning the new bishop to reclaim it. They have
not been seen since they met with the bishop three
ago. 16
> Vox
ASSENSING SAM’S AURA Initiative: 17 + 4D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 14/12
Assensing Sam requires a Simple Assensing + Intuition Limits: Physical 13 (14), Mental 10, Social 8 (11 with tailored A LIFE TAKEN
[Astral] Test, with the number of hits determining what the pheromones)
runner finds out: Armor: 16
Skills: Assensing 7, Astral Combat 7, Athletics skill group 7(9), INTRODUCTION
Hits Information Gained Blades 7, Firearms skill group 7, Perception 7, Stealth skill
0 None group 7, Unarmed Combat 9(10)
Qualities: Ambidextrous, Catlike, Natural Athlete, Quick MISSION
1 Sam is mundane. SYNOPSIS
Healer, SINner (Shiawase corporate SIN) (25)
2 The scar at the base of Martial Art Styles: Karate (counterstrike, kick, yielding force
Sam’s neck is consistent with (counterstrike)), Kenjutsu (iaijutsu, multiple opponent
the sloppy removal (“field SCENE 1
combat, multiple opponent defense (friends in melee))
extraction”) of a cortex bomb. Augmentations (all delta grade): *Bone density augmentation
3 A force 7 Shedim possesses 4, cat’s eyes, cerebral booster 3, damage compensators SCENE 2
her. 4, enhanced articulation, muscle augmentation 4, muscle
4 Sam has multiple toner 4, orthoskin 4, pathogenic defense 6, platelet
augmentations throughout her factories, reflex recorder (unarmed combat), sleep SCENE 3
body, but their sources and regulator, synaptic booster 3, synthacardium, tailored
functions are not clear. pheromones, toxin extractor 6, tracheal filter 6
Powers: Astral Form, Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma, SCENE 4
5 Sam has had multiple gene
Touch range, Physical damage), Fear, Immunity (Age,
treatments. She was once a
Pathogens, Toxins), Paralyzing Touch, Possession
technomancer. SCENE 5
(Dead or Abandoned Vessels) (Note: All physical
attributes reflect possessed stats which have overridden
enhancements), Sapience
SAMANTHA (SAM) Optional Powers: Regeneration, Silence
Sam is a female human with dark hair and piercing blue Weaknesses: Allergy (sunlight, mild), Evanescence
eyes. She is of medium height (1.63 m) and medium build. All of Gear: Armor jacket (sized for a male elf, marked in Ancients SCENE 7
her augmentations are the result of massive genetic tampering
by Janus Industries—the augmentations listed are just
Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(6), DV 8P, AP –5, SA, PICKING UP
bioware equivalents to those genetic manipulations. Since her RC —, 15(c), w/ APDS ammo, laser sight] THE PIECES
escape from the Janus lab in SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind, she Katana [Blade, Acc 7, Reach 1, DV 13P, AP –3]
has worked the shadows in Montreal. When she found some Unarmed strike [DV 13P, AP —, Reach 1 (from Kick)]
new information about her family’s former home, she returned Yamaha Raiden [Assault Rifle, Acc 6(7), DV 11P, AP –6, BF/ LEGWORK
to the CZ to investigate, only to be ambushed by a Shiawase FA, RC (4+4 from Str), 60 (c), w/ APDS ammo, smartgun
hit team. The armor she wore to the house was destroyed in system replaced with laser sight, gas vent 3 added]
the fight and subsequent events, so she is now wearing street CAST OF
clothes and an oversized armor jacket in Ancients colors,
borrowed from one of the gangers. She has a small scar on
the back of her neck from her self-extraction of a cortex bomb The Altar Boy is a young boy about fourteen years old. He PLAYER
(see intro fiction to SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind). She carries is handsome, almost “pretty,” and wears a black robe with HANDOUTS
an Ares Predator V in the pocket of the armor jacket. She has white trim that looks like a church choir robe. He has a strange
been possessed by a Force 7 Shedim, and her attributes have vibe about him that creeps most people out, as the runners
been modified accordingly; upon her death and possession, may have found if they encountered him in SRM 06-03 Ancient DEBRIEFING
Rumblings, in which he murdered Tasha. The Altar Boy is a
her resonance abilities and many of her skills disappeared.
mystic adept possessed by a Force 6 Shedim Master.
3(7/11*) 6(10) 6(10) 6(10) 7 7 7 7 4 0.8(7) 7 B A R S W L I C EDG ESS M
2(5) 5(8) 6(9) 3(6) 7 7 7 6 2 6 6

Initiative: 17 + 1D6


Condition Monitor (P/S): 11/12 B A R S W L I C EDG ESS M
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 10, Social 9
8 8 10 9 9 9 9 8 4 8 8
Armor: 16 (4 from Mystic Armor +12H from Immunity to A LIFE TAKEN
Normal Weapons*)
Skills: Assensing 6, Astral Combat 6, Athletics skill group 6, Initiative: 19 + 1D6
Close Combat skill group 6, Counterspelling 6, Perception Condition Monitor (P/S): 12/13 INTRODUCTION
6, Spellcasting 6, Stealth skill group 6 Limits: Physical 12, Mental 12, Social 11
Qualities: Ambidextrous, Focused Concentration 6, Mystic Armor: 16H (Immunity to Normal Weapons*)
Adept Power Points 6 Skills: Assensing 8, Astral Combat 8, Counterspelling 8, MISSION
Martial Art Styles: Kenjutsu (iaijutsu, multiple opponent Perception 8, Spellcasting 8, Unarmed Combat 8 SYNOPSIS
combat, multiple opponent defense (friends in melee)) Qualities: Focused Concentration 6
Adept Powers: Combat Sense 1, Critical Strike (Blades), Spells: Agony, Armor, Ball Lightning, Death Touch, Deflection,
Levitate, Lightning Bolt, Mass Agony, Mist, Physical SCENE 1
Danger Sense 2, Enhanced Accuracy (Blades), Improved
Ability (Blades) 2, Improved Sense (Ultrasound Sensor), Barrier, Poltergeist, Powerbolt, Toxic Wave
Mystic Armor 4, Plague Cloud, Wall Running Powers: Astral Form, Astral Gateway, Aura Masking,
Banishing Resistance, Compulsion, Deathly Aura, Energy SCENE 2
Spells: Ball Lightning, Decrease Charisma, Decrease
Strength, Foreboding, Improved Invisibility, Increase Drain (Karma, Touch range, Physical damage), Fear,
Reflexes, Levitate, Lightning Bolt, Physical Barrier, Swarm Immunity (Age, Pathogens, Toxins), Immunity to Normal
Powers: Astral Form, Astral Gateway, Aura Masking, Weapons*, Possession (Dead or Abandoned Vessels),
Banishing Resistance, Compulsion, Deathly Aura, Energy Regeneration, Sapience, Shadow Cloak, Spirit Pact
Drain (Karma, Touch range, Physical damage), Fear, Optional Powers: Accident, Search, Silence SCENE 4
Immunity (Age, Pathogens, Toxins), Immunity to Normal Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, mild), Evanescence
Weapons*, Possession (Dead or Abandoned Vessels), Weapons:
Regeneration, Sapience, Shadow Cloak, Spirit Pact Unarmed strike [Acc 12, Reach —, DV 9S, AP —] SCENE 5
Optional Powers: Accident, Search *Unlike most master shedim, Auslander has Immunity to
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, mild), Evanescence Normal Weapons
Katana [Blade, Acc 8, Reach 1, DV 10P, AP –3]
Unarmed strike [Acc 10, Reach —, DV 6S, AP —]
*Unlike most master shedim, Altar Boy has Immunity to (FORCE 7, ALLY SPIRIT)
Normal Weapons
This spirit was allied to Marcus Stanton in life, and when
he voluntarily gave himself to Auslander, he unwittingly gave THE PIECES
AUSLANDER THE BISHOP his ally spirit to him as well.


Marcus Stanton was a toxic shaman and a con man in life, 8 8 9 7 7 7 7 7 4 7 7
and he managed to con the Catholic Church into sending him
to Chicago as its new bishop to reclaim Church properties. Initiative: 16 + 2D6 SHADOWS
Instead, he has taken over leadership of the Ancients in the CZ Astral Initiative: 14 + 3D6
and is digging under the church and attached cemetery at St. Condition Monitor (P/S): 12/12
Hyacinth. He has become corrupted, even for a toxic shaman, Limits: Physical 11, Mental 10, Social 10 PLAYER
and a few months ago he voluntarily let a Force 8 Shedim Master Armor: 14H HANDOUTS
possess him. The shedim, Auslander, brought his lieutenant Skills: Assensing 7, Astral Combat 7, Exotic Ranged Weapon
and a few others through the metaplanar link provided by the 7, Perception 7, Spellcasting 7, Unarmed Combat 7
Spells: Pollutant Stream, Pollutant Wave DEBRIEFING
Jade Cup, and then hid the Cup somewhere close. When the
Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, LOG
runners encounter him, he has a Force 6 Deflection spell (6
Binding, Elemental Attack (Pollutant), Engulf (Water), Fear,
hits) sustained through his Focused Concentration (so he gets
Guard, Materialization, Realistic Form, Sapience, Search,
+6 dice on defense tests against ranged attacks). Sense Link


Pushing the Envelope Scene 7: COVER

This scene should be hard enough as it is. If the runners

are having an easy time of it, have some Ancients take Aftermath A LIFE TAKEN
shots at them or introduce a couple extra shedim-pos-
sessed gangers (see Scene 5: Home is Where the Toi-
let Is). If your table is full of 300 Karma runners, feel
free to bump up the Force to 9 for Auslander and Altar In this scene the runners get paid.
Boy (this raises all their attributes and their condition
monitor by 1 and raises all their limits by 2).
Warning: This upward scaling is not advised if you have
Tell It to Them Straight SYNOPSIS
any inexperienced runners in the group because Force 9+ As you stand over the deathly scene, the thoughts of
spirits are remarkably tough to injure with non-magical those who have perished in this mess cross your mind,
attacks. If you scale this encounter upward in power, you then your commlink rings. It’s Remo.
have no right to complain when the mundane runners pull “I had hoped you would be able to save my dear Sa-
out their gauss rifles, rocket launchers, and/or semi-auto mantha, but I understood from some of your literature SCENE 2
grenade launchers. (If you have not examined your runners’ that such corporeal cohabitations are deadly for the
character sheets before the mission, the paragraph concern- original occupant. Nevertheless, I thank you for releas-
ing upward scaling above does not exist.) ing Samantha from outside control. Before I depart, I SCENE 3
Alternatively, the Bishop could call Lone Star and believe I committed to some compensation.” Your com-
report the runners for encroaching on Church proper- mlink chimes as money hits your account. “If you should
ty. Since the mayor and governor emphasized Project need me again, place a call to this commcode and leave SCENE 4
Takeback in their politics, Lone Star is motivated to be a message for Mr. Williams.” Remo vanishes from your
seen as facilitators of reclamation, so they may come commlink, leaving a commcode in his place.
down hard on the runners. Since it wasn’t actually Nick Then you see Becky across the sanctuary, desperate- SCENE 5
Ryder who called the runners (and Ryder isn’t exactly a ly checking her sisters for signs of life.
rising star), he won’t be able to help the runners much.
Behind the Scenes
Debugging Becky is the only survivor of the gangers in this fight, SCENE 7
The most likely cause of failure here is that the runners unless the runners somehow intervened on their be-
die. If the runners did most things right and are just half. The Ancients and Desolation Angels killed each
victims of the dice (or if you’re feeling a sudden bout of other in the battle (Scene 6: Massacre at St. Hyacinth). PICKING UP
mercy), having Becky 99 (or Fringe or Sarducci, if they Nonetheless, Becky is satisfied if Altar Boy is dead. THE PIECES
still managed to take down Auslander) pull their un-
conscious bodies out of the fire before they bleed out.
If the runners botched the job from the start, treated
Pushing the Envelope LEGWORK
every NPC like trash, etc., let the dice fall where they There is no need to Push the Envelope here. The run-
may. This is the climactic scene of Season 6, so it’s pos- ners have been through enough already.
sible some runners might die. CAST OF
There should be no need for a Debugging section for
this scene, unless the runners have failed to disrupt the
shedim. In that case, it is likely that the Basilica of St.
Hyacinth burns to the ground either as a result of Aus-
lander’s ritual or as a result of retaliation by Becky or DEBRIEFING
Fringe. If the runners failed to disrupt the shedim pos- LOG
sessing Samantha, Remo doesn’t return their calls. But
in that case the runners probably have bigger problems.

Picking Up characters’ actions throughout the game and award
additional points as appropriate. If a player earns Pub-

lic Awareness or Notoriety, don’t be afraid to give them

the Pieces extra points. A LIFE TAKEN

• +2 Street Cred if the runners defeat The Bishop/

Money Auslander, The Altar Boy, and Samantha. INTRODUCTION
• 8,000¥ each from Remo for “freeing” Samantha • +1 Street Cred if one of them escapes but the
runners defeat the other two.
from possession. MISSION
• 2,000¥ each from Victor Bilson’s commlink. • +2 Notoriety if the runners fail entirely in the fi-
nal fight.
• 5,000¥ each, plus 500¥ hit (max 4) from Becky
99 for finding Altar Boy.
Contacts SCENE 1
Karma Successfully completing objectives or performing the
actions listed below will earn characters specific Mis- SCENE 2
• 3 – Defeating Auslander and Altar Boy.
sions contacts at a Loyalty of 1, and should be given
• 1 – Completing only one or two goals
the Contact Sheet included with this Mission. If they
• 3 – Surviving
already have that contact, they gain a +1 loyalty to that
• 3 – Adventure difficulty
contact (up to a maximum of 4).
Characters might interact with NPCs not specified by
The maximum adventure award for characters who SCENE 4
the Mission, and may earn these NPCs as contacts at
play this adventure is 9.
Loyalty 1. They may also work with non-Mission-spe-
cific contacts that they have already earned or that they
Gamemaster Reward bought at character creation, and gain a +1 Loyalty to
these contacts, with a maximum Loyalty of 4. Gam-
When running this adventure, you may choose to
emasters should not grant these lightly, and players SCENE 6
count the Missions as “played” for your personal Shad-
should have to work to earn these contacts by going
owrun Missions character. You must choose to do this
the extra mile to impress the NPC, offering up favors, or
the first time your run this Mission only, and take the
paying them well above the standard rates for informa- SCENE 7
optional results to match those the team you played
tion or services.
with earned. You may not choose to wait for a “better”
attempt to choose your rewards. You’re on the hon-
Becky 99 (Connection 4): If the runners successfully PICKING UP
or system here, so please don’t skew the adventure to
defeat The Altar Boy (who killed Tasha), they gain Becky THE PIECES
help the players gain extra rewards just so that you can
99 at Loyalty 2, or gain a +1 Loyalty if they already had
get better results.
her (to a maximum Loyalty of 4). If the runners are un-
You will earn a flat amount of Karma and nuyen, re- LEGWORK
successful or betray her, they do not gain her as a con-
gardless of how well (or poorly) the players do, listed
tact and receive –1 Loyalty if they already had her (if this
below. For other missions results and rewards that you
reduces Loyalty to zero, they lose her as a contact).
track on the Debriefing Log (Objectives completed, CAST OF
Remo (Connection 3): If the runners defeat Sam and
reputation and contacts earned, etc), take the average SHADOWS
either Auslander or Altar Boy, they gain Remo (a Rating
results of the group at your table. So if four out of six
7 Free Data Sprite) as a Loyalty 2 contact. Remo can be
players earned a point of Notoriety, you will earn one
used for one task (as if he were a registered sprite) per
as well. If only two players out of five earn a +1 Loyalty PLAYER
mission, but he cannot be registered as this is beyond
with Becky 99, you would not get that +1 Loyalty. HANDOUTS
the scope of Missions.
Karma Earned: 9
Samantha: Any runner who has Samantha as a con-
Nuyen Earned: 16,000¥
tact (from SRM 5A-01 Chasin’ the Wind) loses her. She is DEBRIEFING
dead. LOG
Reputation Fringe (Connection 4): If the runners encountered
Fringe and fought Auslander, they gain Fringe at Loyalty
During the adventure, runners may perform actions
1, or gain a +1 Loyalty if they already had him (to a max-
that will add to their Street Cred, Notoriety, or Public
imum Loyalty of 4).
Awareness (p. 372, SR5). Besides the scenario-specific
gains listed below, gamemasters should consider the


Legwork Remo COVER

Contacts to Ask: Matrix-related contacts

When a PC gets in touch with a contact, make an unop- A LIFE TAKEN
posed Connection + Connection Test for the contact. Contacts Matrix Search Information
The results of this test determine how many ranks of 0 0 Last name Williams, right?
information the contact knows about the question. If INTRODUCTION
2 1 I’ve heard of a contact by that
the relevance of the subject is a specialty of the con- name popping up a couple of
tact, they get +3 to this test. The player then makes times in the last few years. MISSION
an unopposed Charisma + Etiquette + Loyalty Test, the Information broker, I think, but we SYNOPSIS
results of which determine how many ranks of infor- haven’t met.
mation the contact is willing to divulge for free, up to
3 3 I’ve heard of a data sprite by
the max ranks of information they know. If the contact SCENE 1
his name popping up every so
knows more, they will require a payment of 500¥ –
often over the last two decades
(Loyalty x 100¥), minimum 100¥, per rank of informa-
wandering the resonance realms.
tion they still know. SCENE 2
If the PCs have worked all of their contacts and are 4 6 Free data sprite, formerly
still missing important information, they may request registered to a girl named
that a contact ask around. If they do so, have the Con- Samantha, before most people SCENE 3
tact make an Extended (Connection + Connection (20 ever heard of something called a
minutes)) Test. Additional information will be available technomancer.
at a cost of 1,000¥ – (Loyalty x 100¥), minimum 200¥. SCENE 4
A Matrix Search action (p. 241, SR5) may also be
utilized to gather information from the following charts, Samantha
using the appropriate thresholds and search times. Contacts to Ask: Any Lone Star, CZ residents, Street Doc SCENE 5

Contacts Matrix Search Information

Hephaestus 0 0 You’ll have to be a lot more

Technologies specific.

Contacts to Ask: Corporate, technology, or biotech 1 1 Human woman, in her late SCENE 7
contacts twenties, heavily augmented,
kinda twitchy.
Contacts Matrix Search Information 2 — She was a test subject at a corp
0 0 Never heard of it. Sounds like one lab facility but escaped a couple
of those old gods, though. years ago.
1 — Small corp, specializing in medical 3 3 The lab she escaped from LEGWORK
technologies. belonged to Janus Industries,
2 1 Back in 2052, HT bought out a which is a subsidiary of
Hephaestus Technologies. She CAST OF
small lab facility called Janus
typically wears basic street SHADOWS
Industries, located in the CZ.
clothes over an upgraded
3 3 Hephaestus Technologies chameleon suit.
is a subsidiary of Shiawase PLAYER
4 — Her family left Chicago right
Corporation. HANDOUTS
around the time of the initial bug
4 6 Through Janus Industries, infestation in the late fifties. She’s
HT ran some biotech black back here looking for what’s left of
projects, including the Samantha DEBRIEFING
the family home. LOG
Project that cloned a “modified”
technomancer (SRM 05-01 Chasin’ 5 6 She has a Shiawase corporate
the Wind). SIN, which was hidden under
layers of Matrix shadows
until a few days ago, when an
anonymous tip reported her in

Becky 99 Nick Ryder COVER

Contacts to Ask: Chicago Runner, CZ Resident, Ganger Contacts to Ask: Bartender, Beat Cop, Criminals, Any
Lone Star, Street Doc A LIFE TAKEN
Contacts Matrix Search Information
0 0 The daughter of Becky 98 maybe? Contacts Matrix Search Information
0 0 Didn’t he drive a black race car INTRODUCTION
1 1 She used to run the Chicago
streets. Had some magic talent, I about a hundred years ago?
think. 1 1 Detective for Lone Star, MISSION
2 3 Leader of a gang called the consistently about a half-step SYNOPSIS
Desolation Angels. They’re about away from getting fired. Self-
as nice as a CZ street gang gets. righteous enough that it gets in
the way of good police work. SCENE 1
3 — She’s been around the CZ forever.
She’s a Rat shaman, and knows 2 — He’s actually one of the honest
the back alleys like you would cops. Plays the downtrodden hero
a lot. SCENE 2
expect she would.
4 6 She has quite a collection of 3 3 His rep gets him in trouble
historical knickknacks from the regularly with the brass, and the SCENE 3
city’s past. media intentionally smears him
when they can.
5 — She’s really interested in
collecting historical data about 4 6 He drinks perhaps a little too SCENE 4
the downfall of Chicago, and she much for his own good, but that’s
can pay cash for good finds. probably to help him sleep at night
with all the corruption that goes SCENE 5
on among Chicago’s police.
Tasha SCENE 6
Contacts to Ask: Chicago Runner, CZ Resident, Ganger Janus Industries
Contacts Matrix Search Information Contacts to Ask: Any Shiawase, Fixer, Mr. Johnson SCENE 7
0 0 Don’t know her.
Contacts Matrix Search Information
1 1 Girl in her early teens, murdered a PICKING UP
0 0 Never heard of it. Sounds like one
couple weeks ago. THE PIECES
of those old gods, though.
2 3 Mascot for the Desolation Angels.
1 1 Old research firm back in the
3 — She showed up at one of the fifties. I think it went to hell with
DA clubhouses a few years ago
the rest of Chicago.
looking for Becky 99, no family
2 2 It was bought out by a firm named
anyone seems to know about. CAST OF
Hephaestus Technologies back in
4 6 She’s shown a powerful aptitude ’52. SHADOWS
as a technomancer.
3 3 It broke away from the University
5 — She calls Becky 99 her “big of Chicago and Argonne National
sister,” a relationship Becky does PLAYER
Laboratory just after the first
not discourage. HANDOUTS
4 — There’s a building just off I-90,
just inside the northern edge of DEBRIEFING
the Noose that used to bear its LOG
logo. The building was claimed
by Saeder-Krupp a couple years
ago in the early days of Project
5 6 Hephaestus Technologies
is a subsidiary of Shiawase

Tollhouse The Bishop / Auslander COVER

Contacts to Ask: Any ganger contact in Chicago, Fixer, Contacts to Ask: Ancients contacts, church contacts,
Lone Star contacts occult/magic contacts A LIFE TAKEN

Contacts Matrix Search Information Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Want a cookie? 0 0 I heard a news story a few months INTRODUCTION
1 1 A ganger bar, run by or for the ago about a new bishop coming to
Ancients. On W. Chicago Ave, the CZ.
about two clicks inside the wall. 1 1 His name is Marcus Stanton. SYNOPSIS
2 2 Run by an old geezer named Works for the Catholic Church, in
Patch, who used to ride with the town to reclaim church property
Ancients back in the fifties. under Project Takeback. SCENE 1
3 3 It’s a good place to get combat 2 — On the side, he’s running the
drugs. For that reason, it’s on Lone local Ancients action through his
intermediary, the Altar Boy. Most SCENE 2
Star’s to-do list for when the CZ
gets reclaimed. people are creeped out by the
both of them, but the Bishop isn’t
taking too many meetings these
The Rectory days.
Contacts to Ask: Church or ganger contacts in Chicago, 3 3 He’s been all over during the last SCENE 4
Talismonger few years doing missionary work
as a relatively unknown priest.
Contacts Matrix Search Information A mission in Bogota, a clinic in SCENE 5
0 0 Find any Catholic church. Neah Bay, a church in Seattle—
he’s been to a bunch of shadow
1 1 A few Ancients gather at a private SCENE 6
conclave they call the Rectory.
4 — I’ve heard another priest talking
2 2 Most Ancients know to stay away
about the Bishop, but he uses the SCENE 7
from the Rectory.
name Auslander (if you’re using
3 3 A series of partly-ruined row the Pushing the Envelope in Scene
houses at 2931 N. Lawndale Ave. 4: Pounding the Wet Pavement). PICKING UP
5 6 It’s the residence of a recently- The only name I know for the THE PIECES
consecrated Catholic bishop, priest is Fringe.
Marcus Stanton. 5 — Auslander is bad news—a
shedim master and a bringer of LEGWORK
death. Remember the Hantavirus
The Altar Boy outbreak in Neah Bay? The
Contacts to Ask: Ancients contacts, CZ residents, carnage in Bogota? The zombie
Ganger outbreak in Seattle? He was there
for all of those.
Contacts Matrix Search Information — 6 Marcus Stanton has a criminal PLAYER
0 0 Child (usually a boy) who serves record as a con man. The record HANDOUTS
as acolyte during church services. was sealed a few years ago at
1 1 There’s a kid ganger wandering the behest of the church when
around the CZ using that as a Stanton went into the priesthood. DEBRIEFING
street name. LOG
2 — Runs with the Ancients. Really
creeps me out.
3 3 Works for the new Catholic bishop
in Chicago, Marcus Stanton.
5 6 Actually, runs biz for the Ancients
on behalf of the bishop.

Fringe Cast of Shadows COVER

Contacts to Ask: Occult/magic contacts, Fixers, Mr.

Johnson, Shadowrunners A LIFE TAKEN
Becky 99
Contacts Matrix Search Information
0 0 A lot of people are out on the INTRODUCTION
fringe of society.
1 1 I think I saw him on the trid a few MISSION
times in Seattle and New York. SYNOPSIS
Priest, right?
2 3 He’s been in the shadow scene
for the last decade, sort of a SCENE 1
shadowrunner priest.
3 — Used to have a promising future in
the church, until he SURGEd back
in the sixties. Got fired after that,
but the church couldn’t find a good SCENE 3
enough reason to defrock him.
4 6 His direction changed a year or
two ago, after that zombie outbreak SCENE 4
in Seattle. Most people went into
hiding, but he went old-school and
started exorcising zombies. SCENE 5
5 — He’s done a lot of research in the
Vatican and other church archives SCENE 6
lately. Interested in the jade cup
that was at the center of the
zombie outbreak in Seattle a few SCENE 7
years back. A Rat Shaman and a former shadowrunner, Becky 99
survived in the chaos of the Containment Zone by join-
ing up with a group of women who would eventually PICKING UP
The Jade Cup become the Desolation Angels. When the wall came THE PIECES
down, she stayed with the group, mostly working in the
Contacts to Ask: Arcane contacts
background until last year when she stepped forward
and challenged the leaders of the different factions of LEGWORK
Contacts Matrix Search Information
the gang. Believing they had lost focus and disgusted
0 0 Isn’t that the Chinese version of
with the way they treated anyone not a member of the
the Holy Grail? CAST OF
gang, especially men, she defeated each faction’s lead-
1 1 I heard someone talking about a jade er and united the Desolations under a new banner. She’s SHADOWS
cup in Chicago a few months ago. now working to make the Zone a little bit better, and in
2 3 That’s the thing that caused the the process wants to stamp out any and all remaining
zombie outbreak in Seattle. signs of the insect spirits that once invaded her home.
3 — I heard it came from the South Becky is a short, thin woman who appears to be in
Pacific but it has an inscription in her late twenties but has to be at least in her thirties. She
a language that doesn’t belong in has short, spikey, dark hair and dresses in street-ganger DEBRIEFING
the South Pacific. chic, lots of black leather in the Desolation Angels col- LOG
ors of black and green. Her armored jacket is decorated
4 6 It went missing from its vault a
by a couple of rat skulls on the shoulders, and she wears
couple years ago, sometime after
a golden ring that resembles a wedding band on a chain
the Artifact Rush in Seattle.
around her neck.
5 — It’s apparently connected with
some research into astral Connection: 4
gateways by the Order of St. Loyalty: Max Starting 3

Quote: “Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.”
Nick Ryder COVER

5 5 6 3 6 3 5 5 6 6 9

Initiative: 11+1D6 INTRODUCTION

Condition Monitor (P/S): 11/11
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 8
Armor: 12 MISSION
Active Skills: Assessing 6, Athletics skill group 5, Banishing 7, SYNOPSIS
Blades 5 (Knives +2), Con 5, Conjuring 8, Counterspelling 8,
Etiquette 4 (Street +2), First Aid 4, Intimidation 5, Negotiation
6 (Bargaining +2), Palming 5, Perception 5, Performance 4, SCENE 1
Pistols 4, Ritual Spellcasting 4, Sneaking 7, Spellcasting 7,
Survival 5, Throwing Weapons 4, Unarmed Combat 6
Knowledge Skills: Chicago Area 5, Insect Spirits 9, Famous SCENE 2
Shadowrunners 4, Local Bars 3, Runner Hangouts 4,
Magic Theory 4, Music 3 (Modern Punk +2), Street Gangs 6
(Chicago +2),
Qualities: Astral Chameleon, Focused Concentration 4, Spirit
Bane (Insect Spirits) SCENE 4
Initiate Grade: 4
Metamagics: Centering, Flexible Signature, Masking, Shielding
Gear: Armor jacket, contacts 3 (image link, lowlight, thermo), SCENE 5
Hermes Ikon commlink (DR 5), power focus (Rating 3,
dagger), spell focus (Rating 4, health, sustaining, diamond-
stud earring), spell focus (Rating 4, illusion, sustaining, SCENE 6
Nick is a washed-up Lone Star detective who took to
diamond-stud earring), spirit focus (Rating 4, beast spirits, the bottle when the bugs first hit Chicago and there
silver ring) wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He stayed
Spells: Armor, Chaotic World, Control Actions, Death Touch, SCENE 7
there for nearly two decades. Now, he’s fighting to
Detox, Fireball, Heal, Increase Reflexes, Invisibility, Levitate, climb his way out and thinks he sees a chance to do
Magic Fingers, Manaball, Manabolt, Mind Probe, Mind Link, some good for the city once again. Those who know PICKING UP
Stunbolt, Stunball, Toxic Wave, Trid Phantasm him on the streets say he’s trustworthy, but his boss- THE PIECES
Bound Spirits: Spirit of Beasts (Force 6, 5 services) es can’t stand him and the press is in their pocket. He
Weapons: always tries to do what he feels is right, and it usually
Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC lands him in hot water with someone. LEGWORK
—, 15(c), 2 clips APDS ammo] Nick is in his early forties, and looks like he just got
Combat Knife [Knife, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 5P, AP –3] out of bed with a bad hangover. He wears rumpled tan
suits, a battered tan overcoat, has short dark hair, and CAST OF
always looks like it’s been a couple days since his last SHADOWS

Connection: 3 PLAYER
Quote: “This is my city. She’s as broken and battered as
my soul, but she’s mine and I wouldn’t trade her for the

5 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 7 5.7

Initiative: 10 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 11/11
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 7, Social 7

Active Skills: Automatics 4, Clubs 5, Computer 4, Etiquette
3(7) 3 3(7) 3 6(10) 5 5(9) 8(12) 5 6 10
6 (Street +2), Gymnastics 3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 4,
Longarms 3, Negotiation 6 (Interrogation +2), Perception 6, A LIFE TAKEN
Pilot Ground Craft 3, Pistols 6, Running 4, Stealth Group 5, Initiative: 20 + 3D6
Tracking 3, Unarmed Combat 5 Condition Monitor: 12/13
Knowledge Skills: Chicago Area 6, Crime Syndicates 7, Illegal Limits: Physical 4(7), Mental 7(10), Social 10(14) INTRODUCTION
Goods 6, Law Enforcement 4, Local Gangs 6, Local Politics 4, Armor: 2
Police Procedures 8, Street Rumors 6 Active Skills: Arcana 6, Assensing 4 (Aura Reading +2),
Athletics skill group 1, Banishing 9 (Shedim +2) 9, Con 2, MISSION
Languages: English N, German 2, Russian 2, Spanish 2
Counterspelling 8 (Combat Spells +2), Enchanting skill group SYNOPSIS
Augmentations: Datajack, smartlink
Gear: Armored vest, biometric reader, glasses 3 (image link, 3, Influence skill group 1, Perception 1 (Visual +2), Pistols
thermographic vision, low-light vision), handcuffs (metal), 1, Ritual Spellcasting 4, Spellcasting 10 (Combat Spells and
Health Spells +2), Stealth skill group 1, Summoning 8 (Angels SCENE 1
Hermes Ikon commlink (DR 5), stealth RFID tags x10
Weapons: of Fire and Angels of Guidance +2)
Colt Government 2066 [Heavy Pistol, Acc 6(8), DV 7P, AP –1, Knowledge Skills: Magical Theory 7, Military 1 (UCAS Air Force
+2), New York City Area 1, Philosophy 1 (Taoism +2), Physics
SA, RC —, 14(c), w/ 2 clips regular ammo, 2 clips gel
rounds, internal smartlink] 10 (Quantum +2), Seattle Area 1, Security Design 3 (Magical
Stun baton [Club, Acc 4, Reach 1, DV 9S(e), AP –5] +2), Theology 10 (Christian +2) SCENE 3
Languages: English N, Greek 3 (New Testament +2), Hebrew 1,
Japanese 1, Latin 1, Or’zet 1, Sanskrit 1, Sperethiel 1
Fringe Qualities: Magician (Christian Theurgy, drain stats Charisma + SCENE 4
Willpower), Analytical Mind, College Education, Distinctive
Fringe is a former shadowrunner who operated most-
Style, Focused Concentration 6, Incompetent (Conjuring;
ly in New York and Seattle, with occasional side jobs
around the world. He is a founding member and bene-
only affects Binding), SINner (UCAS National SIN; Daniel SCENE 5
Roberts), SURGE (Celerity), (Glamour)
factor of the Conquistadors, a secret initiatory magical
Initiate Grade: 8
group in Seattle. He justifies his status as a shadow- SCENE 6
Metamagics: Centering (praying in New Testament Greek),
runner, and his association with hardened criminals,
Cleansing, Exorcism, Extended Masking, Geomancy,
by pointing out that Christ frequently associated with
Masking, Quickening, Shielding
prostitutes and tax collectors. SCENE 7
Quickened Spells (all at Force 9, 1 Karma, 4 hits): Combat
Fringe is an elf changeling and has a definite other-
Sense, Increase Body, Increase Charisma, Increase
worldly quality; many people feel it as an angelic quali-
Intuition, Increase Reaction, Increase Reflexes, Increase
ty, almost as if his soul were trying to shine through his PICKING UP
skin. While not actually cybered, his eyes are mirrored THE PIECES
Gear: Clerical vestments (armor 2, built-in microtransceiver),
and are often mistaken for first-generation cybereyes.
power focus (Force 4, silver Celtic cross pendant), shielding
He is a magician of the Christian Theurgy tradition, but
focus* (Force 8, rosary; *adds its Force to the magician’s LEGWORK
he does not (or cannot) bind spirits; when asked, he of-
initiate grade when he uses the Shielding metamagic),
ten says “One does not bind an angel of the Lord.” If
Transys Avalon commlink (DR 6)
he has a magical weakness, it is that he can only have
Spells: Antidote, Combat Sense, Cure Disease, Detox, Heal, CAST OF
one spirit on hand at a time (summoned on the fly), and
Hot Potato, Increase Body, Increase Charisma, Increase SHADOWS
he does not re-attempt failed summonings (he consid-
Intuition, Increase Reaction, Increase Reflexes, Increase
ers the failure a divine signal). Anyone who expects a
Willpower, Levitate, Lightning Bolt, Oxygenate, Physical
Bible-thumper will be disappointed, since Fringe tends
Barrier, Stabilize, Stunball, Stunbolt PLAYER
to be more quiet and thoughtful about his faith and be-
Rituals: Aspect Mana Line, Circle of Cleansing, Circle of Healing, HANDOUTS
lieves deeds preach louder than any sermon. He does
Group Bond, Manifest Sha, Smudging
not believe killing is appropriate except as necessary to
Bound Spirits: None. Fringe does not bind spirits.
defend the lives of others. Against metahuman targets, DEBRIEFING
he believes only nonlethal options are appropriate, but LOG
HK-227 [SMG, Acc 6(7), DV 5S (e), AP –5, SA/BF/FA, RC (1),
against otherworldly threats he pulls out all the stops.
28(c), w/ Stick-n-Shock ammo, smartgun system, integral
sound suppressor]
Connection: 4 (He has a “Who’s Who” of the NYC and
Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 6 (7), DV 5S (e), AP –5,
Seattle shadows on speed-dial, and has met a few con-
SA, RC (1), 30 (c), w/ Stick-n-Shock ammo, laser sight]
tacts in Chicago.)

Quote: “One does not bind an angel of the Lord.”

A Rat Shaman and a former shadowrun- A Rat Shaman and a former shadowrun- A Rat Shaman and a former shadowrun-
ner, Becky 99 survived in the chaos of the ner, Becky 99 survived in the chaos of the ner, Becky 99 survived in the chaos of the
Containment Zone by joining up with a Containment Zone by joining up with a Containment Zone by joining up with a
group of women who would eventually group of women who would eventually group of women who would eventually
become the Desolation Angels. When become the Desolation Angels. When become the Desolation Angels. When
the wall came down, she stayed with the the wall came down, she stayed with the the wall came down, she stayed with the
group, mostly working in the background group, mostly working in the background group, mostly working in the background
until last year when she stepped forward until last year when she stepped forward until last year when she stepped forward
and challenged the leaders of the different and challenged the leaders of the different and challenged the leaders of the different
factions of the gang. Believing that they factions of the gang. Believing that they factions of the gang. Believing that they
had lost focus and disgusted with the way had lost focus and disgusted with the way had lost focus and disgusted with the way
they treated anyone not a member of the they treated anyone not a member of the they treated anyone not a member of the
gang, especially men, she defeated each gang, especially men, she defeated each gang, especially men, she defeated each
faction’s leader and united the Desola- faction’s leader and united the Desola- faction’s leader and united the Desola-
tion’s under a new banner. She’s now tion’s under a new banner. She’s now tion’s under a new banner. She’s now
working to make the Zone a little bit bet- working to make the Zone a little bit bet- working to make the Zone a little bit bet-
ter, and in the process wants to stamp out ter, and in the process wants to stamp out ter, and in the process wants to stamp out
any and all remaining signs of the Insect any and all remaining signs of the Insect any and all remaining signs of the Insect
Spirits that once invaded her home. Spirits that once invaded her home. Spirits that once invaded her home.


Rat Shaman, Gang Leader Rat Shaman, Gang Leader Rat Shaman, Gang Leader
Female Human Female Human Female Human

Connection Rating: 4 Connection Rating: 4 Connection Rating: 4

Loyalty: Loyalty: Loyalty:

Key Active Skills: Conjuring Group, Spell- Key Active Skills: Conjuring Group, Spell- Key Active Skills: Conjuring Group, Spell-
casting Group, Stealth Group casting Group, Stealth Group casting Group, Stealth Group

Knowledge Skills: Chicago Area, Insect Knowledge Skills: Chicago Area, Insect Knowledge Skills: Chicago Area, Insect
Spirits, Famous Shadowrunners, Local Spirits, Famous Shadowrunners, Local Spirits, Famous Shadowrunners, Local
Bars, Runner Hangouts, Magic Theory, Bars, Runner Hangouts, Magic Theory, Bars, Runner Hangouts, Magic Theory,
Music (Modern Punk), Street Gangs (Chi- Music (Modern Punk), Street Gangs (Chi- Music (Modern Punk), Street Gangs (Chi-
cago) cago) cago)

Uses: Street Info, Rumors, Jobs Uses: Street Info, Rumors, Jobs Uses: Street Info, Rumors, Jobs



SRM 06-06 FALLING ANGELS Tracked down Tasha’s killer

While hunting down Tasha’s murderer for Becky 99, you come Defeated the Bishop
across a deeper threat to humanity. Do you survive? Defeated the Altar Boy
Defeated Samantha
Found the artifact in the Bishop’s basement
Saved the operative from the Order of St. Sylvester


Names Character Improvement Karma Cost


Previous Available Becky 99 (Connection Rating 4)

Street Cred
Remo (Connection Rating 3,
Earned Rating 7 free Data Sprite)
Spent Notoriety Fringe (Connection Rating 4)
Lose Samantha as a contact
Remaining Available
New Career Total Public Awareness


Previous Available ¥ GM’s Name

Earned ¥
Spent ¥ GM’s Signature
Remaining ¥


© 2014-16 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Permission given to copy for personal use.

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