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ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record

your observations when presented with the questions below:

Instruction Question 1: What is the posted daily schedule for different subjects or periods? >>>

Ms. Ostolaza does not have a daily posted schedule in her classroom. Her bulletin boards on
the wall are in the order of which the students learn the subject. For example, the students
start with reading and vowel pronunciation, then work on math, then science before lunch. Ms.
Ostolaza does set timers, so she knows when to move on to another lesson.

Instruction Question 2: Is instruction done in small groups, centers, whole groups, individual? >>>

1. Instruction is done in whole groups and small groups. Ms. Ostoslaza places the
student in a specific reading and math group based on their level and skill. For
reading and math she had two groups, one which was more advanced than the
other. When working in their groups, Ms. Ostolaza will work with one group at a
time then switch groups. When she switches groups, what they are working on
switches as well. For example, the less advanced math group will do a few
math problems in their workbook then use their chromebook to play a math
game. When it is time to switch they have a seat on the floor in front of the
easel with Ms Ostolaza to work on problems as a group. Often, Ms Ostolaza
will have them talk with a partner to see if they agree or disagree with their
partner’s answer. If the class is not working in small groups, Ms. Ostolaza is
teaching the entire class altogether. Sometimes she does invite a student up to
the board to “teach” the class how they got their answer.

Instruction Question 3: How would you describe your cooperating teacher’s teaching style? >>>

Ms. Ostolaza uses a cooperative learning teaching style and a experiential learning teaching style. Ms.
Ostolaza does her best to incorporate all the preferred learning styles of her students. She teaches her
lessons in small groups, whole group, and individually. She promotes teamwork, collaboration, and
communication in her classroom.

Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? If so, give
examples. >>>

Ms. Ostolaza incorporates visual, auditory, and hands on learning styles. She uses the smart board to
show her presentations and videos for science lessons. She reads stories aloud and lectures her
phonics lesson. For math the students use cubes or a tray with magnets to help them count and find
the solution.

Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being presented?
Please explain. >>>
Students are always engaged in the lesson being presented. During the phonics and vowels
lessons, students face their chair to the front of the room and use their fingers to sound the
letters of each word. Everyone is focused and participating in the lesson. For a math test, Ms.
Ostolaza will go over the questions altogether as a group, but the students are spread out
throughout the room doing the test individually. During the test, students are focused,
listening, and quiet.

Instruction Question 6: Explain the use of culturally relevant materials, teaching strategies, class décor,
etc. that meet the needs of today’s culturally diverse student population. >>>

Ms. Ostolaza uses culturally relevant teaching strategies and materials by teaching her class
many different ways to solve problems. For example, for math, she teaches them different
ways to add numbers by counting up on their fingers, using counting blocks, drawing pictures,
and a method called finding the nearest ten. Ms. Ostolaza also uses technology such as
Chrome books, an electronic white board, and a projector. Using technology while teaching is
culturally relevant as technology is a big part of the student’s generations. Ms. Ostolaza’s
classroom is decorated with picture book characters like Curious George, Bad David, and the
rainbow fish. All these characters are relevant to 1st grade as they are starting to read those
levels of books.

Instruction Question 7: Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain >>>

Instructional time is managed efficiently. Ms. Ostolaza plans a certain amount of time per
subject. She also sets a timer so she knows when to move onto the next subject.

Instruction Question 8: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one subject or period
to another, and are these transitions efficient? >>>

Ms. Ostolaza’s transitions from class to recess are efficient. When the students come into
class they put their lunchboxes into a bin underneath where they hang their backpacks. When
it is time to line up, students grab their lunchbox in groups then line up quickly for recess. Ms.
Ostolaza also takes a restroom break around 10:00 am. The students line up quickly and are
quiet and respectful in the hallways. She will send four students at a time to use the restroom.
When they are finished the students know to go to the back of the line.

Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any “attention getting” commands? (Ex:
Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they? >>>

Ms. Ostolaza uses a bell chime and students know to freeze and look at her. She also uses a
fun game like Simon Says to get her class’s attention.

Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does
the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific. >>>

There are a few students who have a hard time sitting still and focusing. The class is friendly
toward each other and shares. Ms. Ostolaza will gently remind the students to focus and get
back on track. She will tell the student what they are doing wrong and help get them back on
track. If a student is breaking the rules or not sharing, Ms. Ostolaza will pull the student aside
and discuss the issue.

Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder instructional
time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time. >>>

When the students go to math stations they get to play with blocks, gems, and math puzzles.
They are told to spread out so the pieces of the stations do not mix. This policy helps
instructional time as it is easier and faster to clean up.

Instruction Question 12: What philosophical teaching orientation(s) best describes this teacher? Give
examples. >>>

Progressivism is the teaching orientation that best describes Ms.Ostolaza because she promotes active
learning, critical thinking, and student centered approaches in her classroom. She allows her students
to develop their own ideas and apply their knowledge in practical ways. She also promotes an inclusive,
empathic, and respectful classroom environment.

Instruction Question 13: Outline the lesson plan for a teaching lesson you observed. What preparations
in advance were need for teaching the lesson? >>>

I observed a science lesson where students are learning how plants and animals can survive
in their environment. Ms. Ostolaza read an informative picture book to the class, showed a
slideshow and video, and had the students discuss questions with each other. Ms. Ostolaza
also incorporates new vocabulary in the science lesson. She does have a science bulletin
board on the wall with the class’s learning targets, unit questions, and vocabulary. She also
shows pictures on the electronic white board and has picture cards for each table in her class.
Ms. Ostolaza had to prepare for this lesson by finding the videos, powerpoints, pictures, and
books. Before class she had to make sure the books were placed where they needed to be
and that her computer tabs were open to make the powerpoint and videos easily accessible.

Instruction Question 14: Describe both teacher and student uses of technology in the classroom. >>>

Ms. Otsolaza uses a laptop and an electronic white board for most of her lessons. She also
uses a projector so she can work on a test or worksheet together with the class. Ms. Ostolaza
will have multiple tabs open so she can easily switch from different lessons. She also
incorporates moving between lessons, like dancing and stretching. She uses GoNoodle to
play these videos. The students have their own Chrome books in their desk. While I was
observing they did not use it often. They mainly used their Chrome book for a fun math game.
The students occasionally use the electronic white board to participate in class.

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