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Name Massam Rasheed

Topic The Impact Of Acid Mine Drainage

Reg# 2020 KIU BS 2512

Acid Mine Drainage

Acid mine drainage involves the outflow of highly acidic water from
coal mines or metal mines. It occurs naturally in certain environments
because of the rock weathering process. However, it can be worsened
as a result of large-scale disturbances in the earth, which is why this
issue is common in mining. Other areas where earth is regularly
disturbed include subdivisions, transportation corridors, and
construction sites. Acid mine drainage may be present in all of these

It’s also possible for acid mine drainage to be created with the liquid
that drains from coal washeries, coal waste tips, coal handling
facilities, and coal stocks. This water is extremely acidic and is
considered acid mine drainage even though it didn’t originate in a
mine. The toxic metals that are prevalent in these waters include iron
and copper. When you combine these metals with a low pH, the water
can be damaging to aquatic environments.

Causes of AMD

Base metal ores, coal and mudstones associated with coal are high in iron pyrites or
'fool's gold' (FeS2). Normally this FeS2 is below the water table and so not liable to
oxidation. However, in mining the water table is lowered by pumping, and now the pyrite
can be oxidised:

FeS2(s) + 3½O2 + H2O → Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 2H+ (i)

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While mining is going on, little leaching of the acid and Fe2+ takes place - the water is
pumped out and so does not come into contact with the oxidised pyrite to any great
extent. Additionally, the water is treated to neutralise it and the solids formed (usually
metal hydroxides) are allowed to settle out.

When the mines are closed down the water being pumped out of the mine is stopped.
The water level now rises to its original natural height above sea level and is in
prolonged contact with the rock (and thus Fe2+), before it exits the mine via old adits
(horizontal tunnels), springs and in the beds of streams and rivers which may have been
dry throughout mining operations. Although the rise in the water level to its pre-mining
height halts the oxidation of the pyrite, by restoring reducing conditions, the products of
previous oxidation, ie sulphuric acid and iron sulphate now go into solution, resulting in
a low pH (typically 2-3). The increased acidity results in the dissolution of more iron
(often from siderite, FeCO3, which is common in coal sequences) plus other metals
such as manganese and aluminium. Since Fe2+ is soluble, the water emerging from the
mine is clear. At this point, however, or shortly before, this water will come into contact
with oxygenated water or with the air. The Fe2+ is oxidised to insoluble Fe3+ and the
reaction is accelerated (up to × 106) by the activities of bacteria -
particularlyAcidithiobacillus ferrooxidans2 at pH<3:

2Fe2+ + ½O2 + 2H+ → 2Fe3+ + H2O (ii)

The newly formed Fe3+ further oxidises pyrite in a rapid reaction and the
bacterium Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans catalyses the oxidation of S22- to SO42-:

FeS2(s) + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O → 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+ (iii)

Reaction (iii) is not only much faster than (i) but also produces a higher ratio of acid to
initial pyrite concentration.

As the acid solution leaves the mine, it becomes progressively diluted and the pH rises.
As the pH values exceed 5.5 the Fe3+ is hydrolysed, resulting in the deposition of a
red/orange/yellow precipitate composed mainly of iron(III) hydroxide (ochre or yellow
boy). The hydrolysis generates protons:

Fe3+ + 3H2O → Fe(OH)3(s) + 3H+ (iv)

The 'overall' reaction is therefore:

4FeS2(s) + 15O2 + 14H2O → 4Fe(OH)3(s) + 8SO42- + 16H+ (v)

The same process occurs in mine spoil heaps and opencast sites and can seriously
retard attempts to vegetate the tips.

Drainage from metal mines carries, in addition to iron, manganese and aluminium (see
Table 1),3 metals such as zinc, copper, arsenic, cadmium and lead.

The Impact Of Acid Mine Drainage On The Environment

Water Quality Degradation

Acidification: The acidic nature of the drainage lowers the pH of

affected water bodies, harming aquatic life. Most aquatic organisms,
including fish and insects, are sensitive to changes in pH, and the
acidification of water can lead to the death of these organisms.

Metal Contamination AMD often carries high concentrations of metals

such as iron, aluminum, manganese, and heavy metals like copper,
zinc, and lead. These metals can be toxic to aquatic life and may
accumulate in the food chain, posing a threat to both aquatic
organisms and animals that depend on them.

Loss of Biodiversity

Aquatic Ecosystems: The combination of low pH and high metal

concentrations can lead to the loss of biodiversity in affected water
bodies. Many species of fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic
organisms are unable to survive in such conditions, leading to a
decline in overall biodiversity.

Soil Contamination

Runoff and Sedimentation: Acidic water from AMD can contaminate

soils through runoff and sedimentation. This can affect the health of
terrestrial plants and disrupt ecosystems that depend on these plants
for food and habitat.

Human Health Risks

Contaminated Drinking Water: In some cases, AMD can contaminate

local water supplies, posing a risk to human health. Elevated
concentrations of heavy metals in drinking water can lead to a range
of health issues, including neurological and developmental problems.

Economic Impact

Impact on Agriculture AMD can affect agricultural lands by

contaminating soil and water, potentially reducing crop yields and
affecting livestock health.

Impact on Tourism Areas affected by AMD may experience a decline in

tourism due to the degraded landscape and negative perceptions
associated with environmental pollution.

Long-Term Environmental Damage

Ecosystem Recovery: The effects of AMD can persist for decades or

even centuries, making it challenging for affected ecosystems to
recover. The ongoing release of acidic water continues to exacerbate
the environmental impact over time.

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