Internet Safety and Security

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Internet Safety

and Security
Introduction to Internet Safety
and Security
In today's digital age, we explore
the crucial topic of internet safety
and security, understanding the
risks and measures to protect
ourselves online. This
presentation aims to equip you
with the knowledge and tools
needed to navigate the digital
landscape securely.
Using Password Managers

Safeguard your online accounts

with password managers like
LastPass or browser built-ins.
Easily generate, store, and autofill
complex, unique passwords for
each site. Tools like LastPass and
browser-built password managers
streamline the process of
creating, storing, and
automatically filling in complex
and unique passwords for
different websites, enhancing
your protection against
unauthorized access.
Identifying Red Flags:

Learn to spot red flags:

misspellings, unfamiliar senders,
and urgent requests for personal
info in emails. Protect yourself from
phishing scams.
Secure Website and Payment Methods

Discover how to identify secure

websites using HTTPS and use
secure payment methods online.
Avoid sharing sensitive info on
unsecured sites. Always remember
to avoid sharing sensitive
information on unsecured websites
to prevent identity theft and fraud.
Personal Information to Protect
Understand the importance of
guarding personal info like
your full address and Social
Security number. Keep
financial details safe from
prying eyes. Protecting your
financial and personal details
is a fundamental aspect of
online safety.
Risks of Downloading and Sharing Files

Stay cautious when

downloading files from
untrusted sources. Learn the
risks and safe practices.
Avoid sharing personal files
in risky environments.

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