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Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio, The Journal of Aerospace Science, Technology and Systems


M. Boffadossi a , F. Savorgnan a

Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Aerospaziali


Paraglider sail (canopy) consists of a series of flexible boxes pressurized by special openings located at the leading edge,
in the region near to the front stagnation point. Therefore, in order to avoid the deflation of the wing, the pressure inside
the sail must remain above a certain threshold. To investigate this problem it has been considered an airfoil with a typical
paraglider geometry, equipped with air intakes. The aerodynamic behavior was determined by performing experimental,
Xfoil and CFD numerical analysis. Hollow models were made by a rapid prototyping and have been tested in a wind
tunnel; forces and moments on the profile and the pressure inside the canopy were measured. The internal pressure of
the canopy and the upstream pressure gradient of the inlet have been compared in the case of airfoil with and without
inlets. The pressure inside the airfoil has been satisfactorily related with numerical estimations and, subsequently, a new
airfoil shape, with a different configuration of the inlets, has been developed by using an optimization process based on
a multi-objective genetic algorithm. The new shape optimizes the internal pressure, especially at low angle of attack.

1. Introduction is typically 20-75 km/h. School wings will fly slower

than high-performance wings. The complete equip-
Paragliders are flying parachutes with a special de- ment weighs from 5-20 kg and packs into a rucksack,
sign that improves the gliding capabilities by virtue making paraglider unique among human-carrying air-
of the special canopy which acts as a wing. Differ- craft. So paraglider is lightweight, free-flying, foot-
ently from the hang glider a paraglider has no rigid launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary struc-
framework. The pilot first blows up the canopy by ture. [1]
pulling it up like a kite and then runs down the hill- The wings are built with two layers of fabric, con-
side until flying speed has been attained; in fact the nected together with fabric ribs to form a row of cells
paraglider canopy is constructed of fabric cells with with the airfoil shape section. Wing can easily in-
openings at the front that allow them to be inflated flated thanks to openings (air intakes) in the leading
by movement through the air by the ram effect. In edge. During the flight, wing’s shape is maintained by
aeronautical engineering the paraglider canopy is usu- the suspension lines, the pressure of air entering vents
ally known as a ”ram-air airfoil”. The paraglider does in the front of the wing, and the aerodynamic forces
not have to resist the opening shock to which jump acting over the wing. Pilot sits underneath the wing,
parachute canopies are subjected, so thinner lines and supported by a network of ropes, called as suspension
lighter construction can be used to reduced drag. Be- lines. Each set of lines is attached to the harness by a
sides the glide capability is increased by widening the carabiner, one on each side of the pilot. Controls are
wing by adding extra cells. So the canopy aspect ra- known as brakes. Two brakes, connected to the trail-
tio is large and this improves its efficiency. Paraglider ing of each side of the wing, let the pilot change the
wings typically have an area of 20-35 m2 with a span trailing edge curvature, acting as aerodynamic brakes.
from 8 m to 12 m and weight 2-7 kg. Generally speak- With these control, roll and yaw are strongly coupled,
ing, paragliders with low aspect ratios have low per- making paraglider an easy pilotable aircraft. A speed
formance, but are more stable. Paragliders with a bar control is used to increase speed by decreasing the
higher aspect ratio are higher performing and less sta- wing’s angle of attack and vice versa [2].
ble. Paragliders use thermals in the same way as other
gliding aircraft. In favorable weather the flight may 1.1. In-flight safety
be 100 km or more. The speed range of paragliders The shape is mainly generated by the aerodynamic
∗ Based on paper presented at the XXIII Congresso loads acting all over the wing surface, stiffened by the
Nazionale AIDAA, November 2015 Torino, Italia internal pressure. In particular and complex circum-
c Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica stances, part or all of the canopy can dangerously de-

212 M. Boffadossi , F. Savorgnan

flate (collapse) due to wind gusts like in Figure 1. To

improve paraglider safety, wings designer focus on ac-
tive and passive safety. The first concerns the different
piloting techniques that will reduce the frequency and
severity of deflations or collapses, showed in Figure 1.
Passive safety is a paraglider property to avoid non-
desirable in-flight behavior. The present work con-
cerns mainly the method to optimize internal wing
pressure with the aim to increase passive safety.

Figure 2. Wind tunnel model

square test section, equipped with a strain gauge three-

component dynamometer. For the drag measurements
a Pitot probe was mounted on a ruled guide, moved
across the airfoil wake.
Figure 1. Asymmetric paraglider collapse
2.1. Wind tunnel model
The airfoil is typically the one used for wings with
intermediate performance (Ascender paraglider). The
Therefore the focus of the present work has been re- airfoil section is shown in Figure 13 and the main char-
lated to the aerodynamic study of the paraglider wing acteristics are described in Table 1; in particular the
sections. The main objective is to improve the aerody- maximum camber is 2.03% and the maximum thick-
namic performance of competition models but always ness is 18%. The air intake starts at 1.2% and ends at
preserving the safety of the pilot and the stability of 5% of the chord. The chords is constant and the span
the canopy geometry, by providing in all flight condi- equals the width of the test section.
tions the necessary internal pressure. To achieve this
result a combined optimization has been developed,
considering both the airfoil shape and the front open- Table 1
ing, its dimension and its position at the wing leading Airfoil 01 - Ascender Airfoil Data
tmax xtmax Pmax xPmax xstart xend
2. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 18% 21.9% 2.03% 15.7% 1.2% 5.0%

Experimental investigations of a flexible, three-

dimensional, paraglider wing are a challenging task,
as discussed in [3, 4]; the main difficulties come from The model consist into a 2 mm thick shell, sectioned
the flexibility of the wing and its unknown shape, as in 14 boxes with 2 mm thick diaphragms. Due to 3D
shown in [5–7]. In order to simplify the study it has Printer limits the model is manufactured into two sep-
been decided a rigid two dimensional wing, equipped arate parts, then assembled. As shown Figure 3, the
with the typical leading edge intake, both numerically extremity boxes are 17 mm width, and all the others
study and experimentally with wind tunnel test. are 18 mm, in order to create a cell ratio b/h = 1.
Wind tunnel tests have been performed in the The last 3 cells on the side of the model are glued to a
M.Falco laboratory at Politecnico di Milano, using cylindrical pin that fits in the balance outside the test
the open circuit model DeltaLab EA600, 300 mm chamber. On the opposite side a thin steel pipe was

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016


drilled into the model to reach the central wing cell, 2.2. Measurements
where it is possible to measure the pressure inside the Low differential pressure sensors, type LPM 9000 Se-
canopy, without influencing the flow field. ries, manufactured by GE Druck were used in the ex-
periments. All the signals are acquired by National In-
struments CompactDAQ, equipped with NI 9201 mod-
ule, 24 bit, ± 10 V. The angle of attack was mea-
sured by an inclinometer with resolution ± 0.1 deg.
A 3-component strain-gauge balance DeltaLab EL450,
is mounted outside the test chamber. The model is
clamped through a hole in the test chamber sidewall.
The drag of the airfoil is computed by measuring the
wake velocity with a Pitot probe, moved in a trans-
verse direction across the wake. Tests are conducted
at 45 m/s, corresponding to Re = 300 000.

Figure 3. Wind tunnel model, 2D scheme

Lift Coefficient

Models are made by Rapid Prototyping, with Fused

Deposition Modeling Technique. Given the consistent
dimension of the product the Polylactic Acid (PLA) is
used as building material, owning its dimension stabil-
ity, lower melting pot temperature and sufficient me-
chanical strength. PLA has a glass transition temper- 0.5
ature from 140 ◦ C to 160 ◦ C and density variable from
1210 kg/m3 to 1430 kg/m3 .

The possibility of generating horizontal planes

comes from the particular sequence of the material de- 0
position; a sketch is shown in Figure 4.
In order to generate an external accurate geometry,
free from error or defect despite the internal cavity, -0.5
horizontal planes with an improved double sequence of Airfoil 01 (air intake)
the material deposition have been considered; a sketch Airfoil 02 (closed)
is shown in Figure 4. Xfoil
The external perimeter section has a double fila- -1
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
ment wall. By starting the deposition over the inside Angle of Attack [deg]
perimeter it is possible to stretch the material, just
like a bridge, over the hole till the opposite side. This
technique makes unnecessary to build structures inside
the cell to support the diaphragm. Figure 5. Comparison of Lift Coefficient

Xfoil is a well known code for studying subcriti-
cal airfoils at low Re [8]. The inviscid formulation of
Xfoil is a simple linear-vorticity stream function panel
method. A finite trailing edge base thickness is mod-
eled with a source panel. The equations are closed
with an explicit Kutta condition. The boundary lay-
Figure 4. Bridge section scheme ers and wake are described with a two-equation lagged
dissipation integral BL formulation and an envelope
en transition criterion, both taken from the transonic
analysis/design ISES code [9].

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016

214 M. Boffadossi , F. Savorgnan

Drag Coefficient   









Airfoil 01 (air intake)   
0.005 Airfoil 02 (closed)  

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20        
Angle of Attack [deg]   

Figure 6. Comparison of Drag Coefficient Figure 7. Comparison of Pitch Moment Coefficient

4.1. Aerodynamic characteristics
The comparisons between the aerodynamic coeffi-
cients Cl , Cd , Cm are illustrated in Figures 5, 6 and
7. Airfoil 01 is the model with the openings, Airfoil
02 is the closed model with the same geometry. The
difference between the two airfoil lift curve slopes is
negligible. Only a different Clmax is visible, with the
Airfoil 01 (with the air intake) that shows an antici-
pated stall beside the Airfoil 02 (closed). The Xfoil nu- Figure 8. Curvilinear coordinate of the airfoil contour
merical simulation shows a slightly more pronounced and intake position
modification of the curve slope, caused by the transi-
tional separation bubble on the leading edge.
4.2. Internal Pressure a very satisfactory way, confirming the validity of the
Despite Xfoil can only calculate closed airfoils, the hypothesis.
internal pressurization has been estimated by assum-
ing the inside airfoil’s pressure as an average of the 5. CFD NUMERICAL MODEL
pressure distribution at the air intake region. So, for
all angles of attack, we can find the Xfoil viscous solu- A preliminary CFD study was also performed
tion and calculate the mean pressure over the length by using OpenFOAM R
, the open source Compu-
of the air intake, from si to sf of the curvilinear coor- tational Fluid Dynamic software package developed
dinate of the airfoil contour (Figure 8). by OpenCFD [10]. A structured mesh, including
 sf the internal region of the airfoil, was built with the
1 blockMesh tool, as shown in Figure 10. A correct
Pin = P (s) ds (1)
s f − s i si air intake geometry has been modelled considering all
the previous aspects; particular attention has been de-
As illustrated in Figure 9, the Xfoil estimations of voted to build a correct interface between external and
the internal pressure follow the experimental data in internal zones.

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016


Internal Pressure Coefficient





Cp in



Airfoil 01 (air intake)
-0.8 Xfoil
Figure 10. OpenFOAM
Model - Mesh Scheme
-5 0 5 10 15 20
Angle of Attack [deg]
Internal Pressure Coefficient

Figure 9. Comparison of Internal Pressure Coefficient
- Experimental vs Xfoil 0.6


Only Spalart-Allmaras turbulent model [11] has 0.2

been considered for the simulations.
Cp in

Despite the preliminary mesh design and the simple 0

turbulent model, the results obtained are quite satis- -0.2

factory and agree with those of the experiments: the
internal pressure provided by CFD follows the exper- -0.4
imental data (Figure 11), but with a lesser precision
than Xfoil computation (Figure 9) and a much longer
calculation time. -0.8 Airfoil 01 (air intake)
CFD OpenFoam

-5 0 5 10 15 20
Table 2 Angle of Attack [deg]
Optimization Variables
Maximum camber M
Maximum camber position P
Maximum thickness SS Figure 11. Comparison of Internal Pressure Coefficient
Air intake front limit xi - Experimental vs CFD OpenFOAM R

Air intake back limit xf

Slot center position xc
Slot depth h0
In the present work an optimization procedure is devel-
Front slot shape αi
oped, based on Xfoil fast computations and Matlab R

Back slot shape αf

Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm [14].
The procedure considers both the inside pressure
and the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil. The
aim is to change the external geometry and the posi-
6. AIRFOIL OPTIMIZATION tion of the air intake for maximizing Pin and L/D for
a selected range of angle of attack. The optimization
References [12,13] consider different solutions to im- variables selected are listed in Table 2.
prove safety and performances of paraglider’s wings. The NACA 4 digit parametrization (M P SS) is con-

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016

216 M. Boffadossi , F. Savorgnan

Internal Pressure coefficient






CP in


Figure 12. Geometric parametrization of airfoil nose

-0.8 Airfoil 01
Optimized Airfoil

-5 0 5 10 15
Angle of Attack [deg]

Figure 15. Comparison of internal pressurization –

Traditional vs Optimized

Figure 13. Airfoil 01 and iterates in order to maximize them.

Figure 15 shows the result of the optimization pro-
cess, that improves considerably the internal pressur-
ization, with only a small reduction of the maximum
aerodynamic efficiency, visible in Figure 16.
The particular shape of the optimized airfoil (Figure
14) slows the flow in the air intake region to achieve
a higher pressure near the stagnation point; this can
be appreciated in Figure 17, where the differences be-
tween the pressure distribution of the two airfoils are

Paraglider is the lightest and simplest flying ma-
Figure 14. Optimized Airfoil
chine. The sail (canopy) consists of a series of boxes
(cells) which, during air inflation, keep the wing struc-
ture rigid. The air-flow inside the sail is generated
sidered by adding a further modification of the airfoil thanks to the openings located near the leading edge,
nose, near the stagnation point. The new geometry in the region near to the front stagnation point.
presents a narrow double curvature slot on the lower To keep the structure rigid in all flight conditions
side of the leading edge, like in Figure 12, where it is and in all flight maneuvers it is required to ensure
parametrized by using a bell function. Figure 13 and a pressure inside the sail above a certain threshold.
Figure 14 show the comparison between the traditional Therefore, to improve performances and safety of next
airfoil and the new shape. generation paragliders, a clear comprehension of the
Only flyable angle of attack was considered, varying inside pressure behavior is strictly necessary.
from 0 to 10 deg. In this range, the code calculates In order to simplify the investigation, experimental
the average inside pressure and the average efficiency, tests have been designed to characterize the aerody-

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016


Aerodynamic Efficiency Pressure Distribution

70 -2.5

60 -2



Eff (L/D)


10 0

0 0.5
Airfoil 01
Optimized Airfoil

-20 Airfoil 01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Optimized Airfoil x/c
-30 Pressure Distribution
-5 0 5 10 15
Angle of Attack [deg]


Figure 16. Comparison of Efficiency (L/D) – Tradi-

tional vs Optimized


namics of a two-dimensional flow around a rigid air-

foil, with a typical paraglider geometry. The models
were built with a rapid prototyping machine and have
been tested in an open circuit wind tunnel. The acting 1
forces and moments on the airfoil have been measured Airfoil 01
together with the pressure inside the canopy. Optimized Airfoil

The results regarding Airfoil 01 equipped with inlets 1.1

-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
have been compared with Airfoil 02 with same shape x/c
but without inlets, in order to identify the interferences
of the inlets with the external flow. An anticipated
stall and a worst efficiency has characterized Airfoil
01 (with the openings). Figure 17. Comparison of external pressure distribu-
The pressure inside the airfoil has been satisfactorily tion – Detail of stagnation point
compared both with CFD and Xfoil numerical estima-
tion, making considerations concerning the relation-
ship between the internal pressure of the canopy and
the upstream pressure gradient of the inlet. With Xfoil ments. Further optimizations and experimental inves-
it was possible to run very fast analyses with respect tigations are suggested to validate and improve airfoils
to the more complex CFD simulations. with complex nose shaping.
Subsequently, a new airfoil shape with a different
configuration of the previous inlets has been devel-
oped by an optimization process, which was performed REFERENCES
by combining XFOIL numerical analysis with a multi- 1. M. Dale, D. Thompson. BHPA Pilot Handbook. British
objective genetic algorithm. In particular, this new Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association, 2008.
2. B. Goldsmith. Fifty Ways to Fly Better. Cross Country,
shape optimizes the internal pressure at a different an- 2013.
gle of attack, according to the fact that the internal 3. M. N. Uddin, M. Mashud. Wind Tunnel Test of a
pressurization is fundamental for safety flight require- Paraglider (flexible) Wing Canopy. International Journal

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016

218 M. Boffadossi , F. Savorgnan

of Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, 10(3), 7–13,

4. M. Mashud, A. Umemura. Experimental Investigation on
Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Paraglider Wing. The
Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 49(163),
9–17, 2006.
5. M. Mashud, A. Umemura. Three-Dimensional Mea-
surements of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Paraglider
Canopy Cells. The Japan Society for Aeronautical and
Space Sciences, 49(163), 146–153, 2006.
6. K. Hanke, S. Schenk. Evaluating the Geometric Shape of
a Flying Paraglider. International Archives of the Pho-
togrammetry, Vol. XL – 5, 265, 2014.
7. H. Belloc. Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Rigid Paraglider
Reference Wing. Journal of Aircraft, 52(2), 703–708, 2015.
8. M. Drela. XFOIL: An Analysis and Design System for Low
Reynolds Number Airfoils. Low Reynolds Number Aerody-
namics, edited by T. J. Mueller, Vol. 54 of Lecture Notes
in Engineering, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1–12, 1989.
9. M. Drela, M.B Giles. Viscous-Inviscid Analysis of Tran-
sonic and Low Reynolds Number Airfoils. AIAA Journal,
25(10), 1347–1355, 1987.
10. OpenFOAM. The Open Source CFD Toolbox., Rel. 2.4.0, May 22, 2015.
11. P. R. Spalart, S. R. Allmaras. A One-Equation Turbulence
Model for Aerodynamic Flows. AIAA Paper, 92–0439, 1992.
12. H. Babinsky. Aerodynamic Improvements of Paraglider
Performance. AIAA Paper, 99–3148, 1999.
13. F. Pieri, L. Armant, D. Dagault. Ozone Shark Nose Tech-
nology. Patent FR2972422 (A1), September 14, 2012.
14. D. Kalyanmoy. Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolu-
tionary Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2001.

Dedicated to who wanted and started this work.

Dedicated to who gave me the honour to continue
working on this project.
To Matteo Balzarotti who left us in a flight accident
in 2014.

Live Free, Fly Free Balza

Aerotecnica Vol.95, No.4, October-December 2016

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