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The Adventure

The Adventure
About the Author
Jayant Narlikar was a great Astrophysicist. He was born on
19th July,1938 at Kolhapur in Maharashtra. He studied in
Banaras Hindi University. He completed P.H.D in 1963. He has
three daughters. He was awarded with Padam Vibhushan
Award in 2004.

The Adventure
About the Chapter

'The Adventure' belongs to science fiction. Professor

Gangadharpant Gaitonde finds himself in a strange world.
According to history, the East India Company was wound up just
after the events of 1857. The events had taken a different
course after the battle of Panipat. The Marathas had won the
battle, not lost it

The Adventure

THE Jijamata Express sped along the Pune-Bombay route

considerably faster than the Deccan Queen. There were no industrial
townships (Towns or villages) outside Pune. The first stop, Lonavala,
came in 40 minutes. The ghat section (hilly region) that followed was
no different from what he knew.
The Jijamata Express train was running from Pune to
Bombay route. It was running faster than Deccan Queen
train. Outside Pune there were no factories or other
buildings for industry.

After 40 minutes the train reached its first stop Lonavala. The
hilly part of this journey after Lonavala was known to him.
The Adventure

The train stopped at Karjat only briefly (for the short time)
and went on at even greater speed. It roared (to move at a
high speed while making a loud noise) through Kalyan.
Meanwhile (during the same time), the racing mind
(thinking quickly) of Professor Gaitonde had arrived at a
plan of action in Bombay. Indeed, as a historian (one who is
expert in history) he felt he should have thought of it sooner.
In the meantime Mr Gaitonde had decided his plan of
activities in Bombay. In fact he realised that he should
have decided it earlier. After all he was a historian.
The Adventure
He would go to a big library and browse (go through or look into)
through history books. That was the surest way of finding out how
the present state of affairs was reached. He also planned
eventually (finally) to return to Pune and have a long talk with
Rajendra Deshpande, who would surely (definitely/certain) help
him understand what had happened.

He planned to go to a library and read books of history.

This way he would certainly find out how the present
condition was reached. He also planned to finally return to
Pune. He wanted to have a long discussion with Rajendra
Deshpande. He would surely help Mr. Goitonde in
understanding what had happened.
The Adventure

That is, assuming that in this world there existed someone

called Rajendra Deshpande! The train stopped beyond the
long tunnel. It was a small station called Sarhad. An Anglo-
Indian in uniform went through the train checking permits
(authorize to do something).

He made this plan on the assumption that Mr.

Rajendra Deshpande was alive and living in Pune. The
train stopped just after the long tunnel. The train had
stopped at a small station named Sarhad. An Anglo-
Indian official entered the compartment of the train.
He stared checking tickets of passengers. 7
The Adventure

“This is where the British Raj begins. You are going for the
first time, I presume (assume)?” Khan Sahib asked. “Yes.” The
reply was factually (as per facts) correct. Gangadharpant had
not been to this Bombay before. He ventured ( asked) a
question: “And, Khan Sahib, how will you go to Peshawar?”

Khan Sahib said that from this point rule of Britain had started.
He asked if Mr Goitonde was going to Bombay for the first time.
Mr. Goitonde replied affirmatively. Gangadharpant had never
come to Bombay of this era. Gangadharpant is name of Mr.
Goitonde. He asked Khan Sahib how would he go to Peshwar.
The Adventure

“This train goes to the Victoria Terminus. I will take the Frontier
Mail tonight out of Central.” “How far does it go? By what
route?” “Bombay to Delhi, then to Lahore and then Peshawar.
A long journey. I will reach Peshawar the day after tomorrow.”

Khan Sahib replied that this train goes upto Victoria

Terminus. He will get down there. He will catch another
train Frontier Mail from Bombay Central station. Mr.
Goitonde asked upto what station that train would go.
Khan Sahib replied that it goes to Delhi, then to Lahore
and finally to Peshwar. It is a long journey. I will reach
there after two days.

The Adventure
Thereafter (after that), Khan Sahib spoke a lot about his business and
Gangadharpant was a willing (having a desire/ready) listener. For, in that
way, he was able to get some flavour of life (idea about life) in this India that
was so different. The train now passed through the suburban (residential
area) rail traffic. The blue carriages carried the letters, GBMR, on the side.

After that Khan Sahib talked a lot about his business. Gangadharpant
readily and eagerly listened to his talks. This way Goitonde was able to
get some idea about the life in India of this era. This life was very
much different from that of earlier times.

The train was now passing through the suburban area of Bombay. Local
trains were also running. Coaches of these train were of blue colour.
GBMR was written on each coach.
The Adventure
“Greater Bombay Metropolitan Railway,” explained Khan Sahib. “See the tiny
Union Jack (National flag of England) painted on each carriage (compartment of
a train)? A gentle reminder that we are in British territory.” The train began to
slow down beyond Dadar and stopped only at its destination, Victoria Terminus.
The station looked remarkably neat and clean.
Khan Sahib spoke the full form GBMR – Greater Bombay
Metropolitan Railway. He further said that a small national flag
of England was painted on each coach. It is a polite reminder
that we are in the area ruled by England.
Speed of the train started reducing after Dadar. The train
stopped at its last station of Victoria Terminus. This station was
looking very neat and clean.
The Adventure
The staff was mostly made up of Anglo-Indians and Parsees
along with a handful of British officers. As he emerged
(developed; begin) from the station, Gangadharpant found
himself facing an imposing (Impressive) building. The letters
on it proclaimed ( to announce something officially) its
identity (name) to those who did not know this Bombay
landmark: Most of the officials at the railway station were either Anglo-Indians
or Parsees. There were some officials of Britain also. When
Gangadharpant came out of the Victoria Terminus railway station , he
saw a very big and impressive building. Its name was written on it. So
those who did not know about it could also know its name. EAST
The Adventure


It was the main office of East India Company.

The Adventure
Prepared as he was for many shocks (surprises), Professor
Gaitonde had not expected this. The East India Company had
been wound up (closed) shortly (after a brief time)after the
events of 1857 — at least, that is what history books said. Yet,
here it was, not only alive (existing) but flourishing (to grow
successfully). So, history had taken a different turn (had a
different manner), perhaps before 1857. How and when had it
happened? He had to find out.

The Adventure
Professor Gaitonde had expected many surprises. But he
did not expect to see this name to be written on any
building. Because the books of history narrated that East
India Company had closed after events of 1857.
Inspite of that the name of the building existed and was
popular as well. He thought probably situations were
different before 1857. He wanted to find out about it.

The Adventure

As he walked along Hornby Road, as it was called, he found a

different set of shops and office buildings. There was no
Handloom House building. Instead, there were Boots and
Woolworth departmental stores, imposing offices of Lloyds,
Barclays and other British banks, as in a typical high street
(main street /main road) of a town in England.
While walking along the Hornby Road, he saw different
types of shops and buildings. He did not see Handloom
House. But he saw various offices, shops and buildings
that had British names. It looked as if it was a popular
main road in a town of England.
The Adventure
He turned right along Home Street and entered Forbes
building. “I wish to meet Mr Vinay Gaitonde, please,” he
said to the English receptionist. She searched through the
telephone list, the staff list and then through the directory
of employees of all the branches of the firm.

He turned right from the Home Street and then entered into
Forbes Building. The receptionist was a lady for England. He told
receptionist that he wanted to meet Mr. Vinay Gaitonde.
The lady receptionist searched the telephone list and list of
employees working at other branches. She could not find the
name in any of the lists.
The Adventure
She shook her head and said, “I am afraid I can’t find anyone of that
name either here or in any of our branches. Are you sure he works
here?” This was a blow (shock /shocking information), not totally
unexpected. If he himself were dead in this world, what guarantee had
he that his son would be alive? Indeed, he may not even have been

She shook her head and informed Professor Gaitonde that Mr.
Vinay Gaitonde did not work in their organization. She advised
him to confirm if Mr. Vinay Gaitonde really worked there. This
information was not unexpected. Professor Gaitonde was dead
for this world. There was no guarantee that his son would still be
alive. His son might not have been born at this time. 18
The Adventure
He thanked the girl politely and came out. It was characteristic
(habit /special quality) of him not to worry about where he
would stay. His main concern (worry) was to make his way to the
library of the Asiatic Society to solve the riddle (puzzle) of history.
Grabbing a quick lunch (eating lunch quickly) at a restaurant, he
made his way to the Town Hall.

He thanked the lady receptionist and came out of the

building. He had a habit of not to worry about his stay
arrangements. His main desire was to go to library of
Asiatic Society. He wanted to solve the puzzle of the
history. He quickly ate his lunch in a restaurant. Then he
started going towards Town Hall. 19
The Adventure

Yes, to his relief, the Town Hall was there, and it did house the library. He entered the
reading room and asked for a list of history books including his own. His five volumes
(a book forming part of a work or series) duly arrived on his table. He started from
the beginning. Volume one took the history up to the period of Ashoka, volume two
up to Samudragupta, volume three up to Mohammad Ghori and volume four up to
the death of Aurangzeb.
He was happy to see that Town Hall building still existed. It also had a
library in it. He went into the reading room of the library. He requested to
see list of books of history including those written by himself. The five
books of history written by him were on his table. The first book narrated history
upto Ashoka, the second upto Smaudragupta, the third upto Mohammad Ghori
and the fourth book upto the death of Aurangzeb.
The Adventure
Up to this period history was as he knew it. The change evidently had occurred
in the last volume. Reading volume five from both ends inwards,
Gangadharpant finally converged (met) on the precise (exact; accurate)
moment where history had taken a different turn.

Upto this period there was no change in the events. The

change in the events had clearly happened during the
period of last and fifth volume of the book.

Gangadharpant started reading the book from both ends.

Meaning that he read some pages from the beginning and
then some pages from the end. He continued doing this.
Soon he reached a point in the book from where the change
in the events had started to occur. 21
The Adventure
That page in the book described the Battle of Panipat, and it
mentioned that the Marathas won it handsomely (in a smart and
attractive manner or style). Abdali was routed and he was
chased back to Kabul by the triumphant Maratha army led by
Sadashivrao Bhau and his nephew, the young Vishwasrao.

Handsomely Easily, Comfortable

Routed Defeated

On that page Battle of Panipat was described. It was

written that Maratha had easily won that battle. Abdali
was defeated. He was forced to run away to Kabul by the
victorious Maratha army. The Maratha army was led by
Sadashivrao Bhau and his young nephew Vishwasrao
The Adventure

The book did not go into a blow-by-blow account ( a detailed

account) of the battle itself. Rather, it elaborated in detail its
consequences for the power struggle in India. Gangadharpant read
through the account avidly (with great interest). The style of
writing was unmistakably his, yet he was reading the account for
the first time!

The book did not give a detailed description of the battle. It explained
the outcome and effect of the struggle of power in India. He read the
description with great interest. The style of writing was certainly his.
Meaning that he had written the book. But he was reading the book for
the first time. 23
The Adventure

Their victory in the battle was not only a great morale booster (motivation or feeling more
confident) to the Marathas but it also established their supremacy (being more powerful) in
northern India. The East India Company, which had been watching these developments from
the sidelines, got the message and temporarily shelved (postponed) its expansionist ( a
follower of the policy of territorial or economic expansion) programme.

The victory in this battle motivated Marathas to a great extent. They became
more confident. It established that they were more powerful even in the
northern India. The East India Company was observing these developments
without participating in any activity. They also understood the power of
Marathas. They postponed their plan of expansion in India for some time.
The Adventure
For the Peshwas the immediate result was an increase in the influence of Bhausaheb
and Vishwasrao who eventfully (at last, finally) succeeded (Took over the throne, Take
the position) his father in 1780 A.D. The trouble-maker, Dadasaheb, was relegated to
(assigned to a lower rank) the background and he eventually retired from state politics.

Owing to this victory by Peshwas, influence of Bhausaheb and

Vishwasrao increased. After death of his father Vishwasrao finally
became the Peshwa in 1780 AD . Dadasaheb was the
troublemaker for him. He was moved to a lower position. Finally
Dadasaheb retired from the politics of the state.

The Adventure
To its dismay (discomfort), the East India Company met its match in the new Maratha
ruler, Vishwasrao. He and his brother, Madhavrao, combined political acumen (political
smartness) with valour (great courage in battle) and systematically expanded their
influence all over India. The Company was reduced to pockets (small areas) of influence
near Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, just like its European rivals(opponent), the
Portuguese and the French.

Viswasrao was as strong as East India Company. Thus the company did not like
him. He and his brother were brave as well as politically clever. Therefore they
increased their influence to all over India. The influence of the East India
Company was reduced to small areas near Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. This
was similar to their opponent European companies from Portugal and France.

The Adventure
For political reasons, the Peshwas kept the puppet Mughal regime
(Kingdom) alive in Delhi. In the nineteenth century these de facto
(in reality/actually) rulers from Pune were astute (clever) enough
to recognise the importance of the technological age dawning
(starting) in Europe. They set up (established) their own centres
for science and technology.

Peshwas kept the Mughal empire in Delhi alive due to some

political reasons. They were the real owners during nineteenth
century. Pune was their capital. They were quite clever to
accept that technological developments were taking place in
The Adventure
Here, the East India Company saw another opportunity to extend its
influence. It offered aid and experts. They were accepted only to make the
local centres self-sufficient. The twentieth century brought about further
(additional) changes inspired (motivated by) by the West. India moved
towards a democracy.
East India Company thought this was an opportunity for them to do
business and increase their influence. Assistance from the Company
was accepted. The objective was to make Indian centres function on
their own. During twentieth century many more changes occurred in
India. These changes were motivated by the changes happening in
western part of the world. Democracy started getting foothold in India
The Adventure
By then, the Peshwas had lost their enterprise and they were gradually replaced by
democratically elected bodies. The Sultanate (kingdom /Empire) at Delhi survived even this
transition (Period of Change), largely (Mainly) because it wielded (Exhibited) no real
influence. The Shahenshahn (Emperor) of Delhi was no more than a figurehead (high
authority without power) to rubber-stamp (authority that follows order of others) the
‘recommendations’ made by the central parliament.

By that time Peshwas had lost major part of their empire. They were slowly replaced by
the institutions that were elected through the process of democracy. The kingdom at
Delhi somehow survived even during this period of change. It was mainly because it did
not have any authority now. The emperor of Delhi was a powerless person now. He had
to obey the orders issued by others. These orders were given in the name of
recommendations by the central parliament. 29
The Adventure

As he read on, Gangadharpant began to appreciate

(understand) the India he had seen. It was a country that had
not been subjected to slavery for the white man; it had learnt
to stand on its feet (to be independent) and knew what self-
respect was.

Gangadharpant continued to read. He

started understanding the India he had
seen. In this country white people – people
of Europe – had not made Indians their
slaves. India was self sufficient and people
had respect for themselves.
The Adventure

From a position of strength and for purely commercial (related to business) reasons, it
had allowed the British to retain Bombay as the sole outpost (a small military camp
away from main area)on the subcontinent. That lease (to give on rent for specified
period) was to expire in the year 2001, according to a treaty (agreement normally
between two groups) of 1908.

India was strong and for the business purpose, it had

allowed the British to occupy Mumbai. It was considered to
be a small office for them that was away from the main
area of the country. The agreement for the renting Mumbai
was upto the year 2001. The agreement was signed in
The Adventure

Gangadharpant could not help comparing (compared intentionally) the

country he knew with what he was witnessing around him. But, at the same
time, he felt that his investigations (inspection / examination) were
incomplete. How did the Marathas win the battle? To find the answer he
must look for (search) accounts of the battle (details of battle) itself.

Gangadharpant compared the country he knew with the

country he was now seeing around him.
Simultaneously he felt that his examination and inspection
were yet to be completed. He wanted to know how
Marathas won the battle. To find the answer to his question
he had to search details of the battle. 32
The Adventure

He went through the books and journals before him.

At last, among the books he found one that gave him
the clue (hint). It was Bhausahebanchi Bakhar

He studied the book and journals that were

lying infront of him. Finally one of the
books gave him a hint. Name of the book
was Bhausahebanchi Bakhar.

The Adventure

Although he seldom (not often) relied (believed) on the Bakhars for

historical evidence (proof/description), he found them entertaining
to read. Sometimes, buried (hidden) in the graphic but doctored
accounts (incorrectly written details), he could spot the germ of
truth. He found one now in a three-line account of how close
Vishwasrao had come to being killed:

He believed the Bakhars on very few occasions to obtain proofs of

history. But it was interesting to read these books. Sometimes facts
were hidden behind the diagrams and manipulated details.
He found the truth in detail given in three lines. It said that
Vishwasrao was nearly killed in the battle.
The Adventure

... And then Vishwasrao guided his horse to the melee (crowd)
where the elite (best /special) troops were fighting and he attacked
them. And God was merciful (kind). A shot brushed past his ear.
Even the difference of a til (sesame) would have led to his death.

At that situation Vishwasrao guided his horse

into the crowd of special soldiers of enemy.
They all attached him. God certainly showed
mercy on him. A bullet moved very close to his
ears. Gap between the bullet and his head was
very small. He could have been killed.

The Adventure

At eight o’clock the librarian politely (विनीत भाि से) reminded the
professor that the library was closing for the day. Gangadharpant
emerged (Came out of ) from his thoughts. Looking around he noticed
that he was the only reader left in that magnificent (impressively
beautiful) hall.

At 8 PM, the librarian politely told Gangadharpant that it was the

time to close the library. Gangadharpant stopped thinking. He
looked around. He noticed that he was the only person in the
big hall of library.
The Adventure
“I beg your pardon (excuse me) , sir! May I request you to keep these books here for
my use tomorrow morning? By the way, when do you open?” “At eight o’clock, sir.”
The librarian smiled. Here was a user and researcher right after his heart. As the
professor left the table he shoved some notes into his right pocket. Absent-mindedly
(unintentionally), he also shoved ( to push someone roughly/forcibly) the Bakhar
into his left pocket.
Gangadharpant requested the librarian to keep those books on the
table itself. He wanted to read these next morning. He asked the
librarian about the opening time of the library.
The librarian replied that library opens at 8 in the morning. He liked the
reader and the researcher.
While getting up from the table the professor pushed his notes into his
right pocket. By mistake he also put the Bakhar into his left pocket. 37
The Adventure
He found a guest house to stay in and had a frugal (cheap /costing less) meal.
He then set out (start) for a stroll (to wander) towards the Azad Maidan. In
the maidan he found a throng (a large pack of crowd) moving towards a
pandal. So, a lecture was to take place. Force of habit (because of habit) took
Professor Gaitonde towards the pandal. The lecture was in progress, although
people kept coming and going. But Professor Gaitonde was not looking at the

The Adventure

The professor did not spend much money on buying his food. After dinner he
started walking towards Azad Maidan. In the Azad Maidan there was a large
pandal. Many people were going towards it. Because of his habit Professor
Gaitonde also followed the crowd. At the pandal he noticed that a lecture was
in progress. People were coming to pandal and also going from pandal. Prof
Gaitonde was not looking at audience.

The Adventure
He was staring at the platform as if mesmerised (deeply affected). There was a
table and a chair but the latter was unoccupied. The presidential (for the head of
the function) chair unoccupied! The sight stirred (affected) him to the depths.
Like a piece of iron attracted to a magnet, he swiftly (quickly) moved towards the

All of his attention was towards the platform. He continued to

look at it. There was a table and a chair on it. But nobody was
sitting on the chair.
He was surprised that the chair for the head of the function was
empty. This scene affected him deeply. He quickly started moving
towards the chair. It was as if a piece of iron was getting pulled by a
magnet. And he sat on the chair. 40
The Adventure
The speaker stopped in mid-sentence, too shocked to continue. But the
audience soon found voice.
“Vacate (to empty) the chair!”
“This lecture series has no chairperson...”
“Away from the platform, mister!”
“The chair is symbolic(प्रतीकात्मक), don’t you know?”

The speaker stopped speaking in middle of a sentence. He

was so shocked that he could not speak. But the audience
started shouting. They asked Professor to move away from
the chair. They told him that this series of lectures does not
have a chairperson. The chair has been put as a mark of
symbol only. 41
The Adventure
What nonsense! Whoever heard of a public lecture without a
presiding (Heading a function or a meeting) dignitary
(important person)? Professor Gaitonde went to the mike
and gave vent to (expressed his emotions) his views. “Ladies
and gentlemen, an unchaired lecture is like Shakespeare’s
Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark. Let me tell you...”
He thought that nobody can ever think of a public lecture without
somebody being a head of gathering. Professor Gaitonde went to
the mike and started expressing his emotions. He told that lecture
without a president is like an act without its main character. He gave
example of Shakespeare’s helmet without the prince of Denmark.
The Adventure

But the audience was in no mood to listen. “Tell us nothing. We are

sick of remarks from the chair, of vote of thanks, of long
“We only want to listen to the speaker...”
“We abolished (stop/end/delete) the old customs long ago...”

But the audience did not want to listen to him. They requested Professor
not to give them any advice. They had become bored because of
comments from the chairperson, vote of thanks and long introductions.
The crowd said that they wanted to listen to the speaker. We have stopped
old practices long ago.
The Adventure

“Keep the platform empty, please...” But

Gangadharpant had the experience of speaking at
999 meetings and had faced the Pune audience at
its most hostile (unfriendly). He kept on talking.

They asked him to vacate the platform. But

Gangadharpant had spoken at 999 meetings
before this. He had faced most aggressive
audience at Pune. So he continued his talk.

The Adventure
He soon became a target for a shower of tomatoes, eggs and
other objects. But he kept on trying valiantly ( bravely) to
correct this sacrilege (sin). Finally, the audience swarmed
(gather) to the stage to eject (throw) him bodily. And, in the
crowd Gangadharpant was nowhere to be seen.
Very soon crowd started throwing tomatoes, eggs and other objects at him. But he
continued to speak bravely. He wanted to correct the bad practice. Finally audience
climbed on the platform. They lifted him and threw him out of the platform.

After that Gangadharpant could not be seen in the crowd. He had gone out of Azad
The Adventure

That is all I have to tell, Rajendra. All I know is

that I was found in the Azad Maidan in the
morning. But I was back in the world I am
familiar with. Now, where exactly did I spend
those two days when I was absent from here?”
It is the only thing I want to tell Rajendra. The only thing I
remember is that I had gone to Azad Maidan in the
morning. But now I am back to the world I know. Where
was I during those two days, while I was away from this
world. 46
The Adventure
Rajendra was dumbfounded (Surprised) by the
narrative (story). It took him a while to reply.
“Professor, before, just prior to your collision
(टक्कर) with the truck, what were you doing?”
Rajendra asked.

Rajendra was astonished by the description given by the

professor. He took some to time to reply. Rajendra asked
professor what was he doing just before he collided with
the truck.

The Adventure

“I was thinking of the catastrophe theory (shift in

behaviour cause by changes) and its implications
(consequence, result) for history.” “Right! I thought so!”
Rajendra smiled.

Professor replied that he was thinking

about the theory of destruction and its
effect for the history. Rajendra smiled and
said that he had a doubt that professor was
thinking something like that.

The Adventure
“Don’t smile smugly (with excessive pride). In case you think that it
was just my mind playing tricks and my imagination running amok (to
behave without control), look at this.” And, triumphantly ( to win a
battle), Professor Gaitonde produced his vital (important) piece of
evidence: a page torn out of a book.

Professor told Rajendra not to smile so proudly. If you understood that I

was thinking about something naughty or behaving without any control on
myself, please have a look at this. With a sense of victory, Professor
Gaitonde took out a page from his pocket. It had been torn from a book.
He thought that it was an important proof.
The Adventure

Rajendra read the text on the printed page and his face underwent a
change. Gone was the smile and in its place came a grave (serious)
expression. He was visibly moved (clearly affected). Gangadharpant
pressed home his advantage (tried to take more advantage of what
already had).
Rajendra read the words printed on that paper. His
expression on his face changed. Now he was not smiling. He
had a serious expression. One could see that he was
Now professor Gaitonde tried to increase his advantage. 50
The Adventure

“I had inadvertently (unintentionally) slipped the

Bakhar in my pocket as I left the library. I discovered
my error when I was paying for my meal. I had
intended (wanted) to return it the next morning.

He said that he had unintentionally taken the Bakhar in

his pocket while leaving the library. He came to know
about his mistake while he was making payment for his
food. Professor said that he wanted to return the book
to the library in the morning.

The Adventure

But it seems that in the melee (crowd) of Azad

Maidan, the book was lost; only this torn-off page
remained. And, luckily for me, the page contains
vital evidence.”

But in the crowd of the Azad Maidan he

lost the book. Now he had only a torn-
off page of the book. Fortunately the
page has an important proof.
The Adventure

Rajendra again read the page. It described how

Vishwasrao narrowly missed the bullet; and how that
event, taken as an omen (good indication /lucky) by the
Maratha army, turned the tide in their favour (convert
the situation to their advantage).

Rajendra once again read the page. It narrated how

Vishwasrao marginally escaped from the bullet.
Marathas took this incident as a fortunate event. They
converted the situation to their advantage. 53
The Adventure

“Now look at this.” Gangadharpant produced his own copy of

Bhausahebanchi Bakhar, opened at the relevant page. The account
ran thus: ...

Then Gangadharpant showed his own copy of

Bhausahebanchi Bakhar. He opened the relevant page. On
that page following was written

The Adventure

And then Vishwasrao guided his horse to the melee where the elite
troops were fighting, and he attacked them. And God expressed His
displeasure (असंतोष). He was hit by the bullet.

At that situation Vishwasrao guided his horse

into the crowd of special soldiers of enemy. He
attacked them. And then God showed his
anger. A bullet hit Vishwasrao and he died.

The Adventure

“Professor Gaitonde, you have given me food for thought (a topic for thinking for).
Until I saw this material evidence, I had simply put your experience down to
fantasy (which cannot happen in real life). But facts can be stranger than fantasies,
as I am beginning to realise.” “Facts? What are the facts? I am dying to know!”
Professor Gaitonde said.

Rajendra told Professor Gaitonde that he had given a topic to think over.
Before seeing this proof, I was thinking that your experience was an
imagination. Now I have understood that truth can be more strange than
Professor Gaitonde asked what the facts were. He was very eager to know
the facts. 56
The Adventure
Rajendra motioned(signalled) him to silence and started pacing
(moving/walking) the room, obviously under great mental strain.
Finally, he turned around and said, “Professor Gaitonde, I will try to
rationalise (explain) your experience on the basis of two scientific
theories as known today.

Rajendra signaled Professor Gaitonde to remain silent. He

started walking in the room. He was under severe mental
tension. He was trying to think something. Finally Rajendra
looked at Professor and told that he would try to explain his
experience on the basis two theories of science.
The Adventure

Whether I succeed or not in convincing (to satisfy/to agree)

you of the facts, only you can judge — for you have indeed
(in reality) passed through a fantastic experience: or, more
correctly, a catastrophic experience.

Whether I could convince you or not can be

judged only by you. Because you have
certainly had a fantastic experience.
Actually it was a destructive experience.

The Adventure

“Please continue, Rajendra! I am all ears (I am carefully

listening),” Professor Gaitonde replied. Rajendra
continued pacing as he talked. “You have heard a lot
about the catastrophe theory at that us apply it to the
Battle of Panipat.
Professor Gaitonde told Rajendra that he was carefully listening.
He further requested Rajendra to continue to speak. Rajendra
spoke while he was walking. Rajendra told Professor that he must
have heard about the theory of destruction at seminars. Lets us apply
it to the Battle of Panipat.
The Adventure
Wars fought face to face on open grounds offer excellent examples of this theory.
The Maratha army was facing Abdali’s troops on the field of Panipat. There was no
great disparity (difference) between the latter’s troops (a group of soldiers) and
the opposing forces. Their armour(military Equipment's ) was comparable.

Sometimes soldiers directly fight facing each other in an open

ground. That is an excellent situation to apply the theory of
destruction. Maratha army was fighting a battle with army of Abdali
on the field of Panipat. The soldiers were not very much different
from each other – they were equally strong. Equipment of two
armies were also similar.

The Adventure

So, a lot depended on the leadership and the morale

(motivation/confidence) of the troops. The juncture
(time/point/moment) at which Vishwasrao, the son of
and heir to the Peshwa, was killed proved to be the
turning point. Therefore victory was mainly dependent
upon quality of leaders and motivation of
soldiers. The point of change in the war
was killing of Vishwasrao. He was the son
of Peshwa and the heir to the throne of
Maratha empire.
The Adventure
As history has it, his uncle, Bhausaheb, rushed into the melee and
was never seen again. Whether he was killed in battle or survived is
not known. But for the troops at that particular moment, that blow
(shock) of losing their leaders was crucial(important/critical). They
lost their morale and fighting spirit (लडाई की भािना). There
followed an utter (complete) rout (defeat).

The Adventure
According to books of history, his uncle Bhausaheb quickly came to
the place where Vishwasrao was fighting. And he was never seen
again. Nobody was sure if he was killed in the battle or remained
But for the soldiers, the shock of losing their two leaders was very
important and critical. Now they did not have the motivation so did
not have the desire to fight. Therefore they were completely

The Adventure

“Exactly, Professor! And what you have shown me on that torn

page is the course taken by the battle, when the bullet missed
Vishwasrao. A crucial event (महत्िपूर्ण घटना) gone the other
way. And its effect on the troops was also the opposite. It
boosted (increase) their morale and provided just that extra
impetus (energy/encouragement) that made all the
difference,” Rajendra said.

The Adventure

And professor, through that torn page of the book, you are
showing me outcome of the battle after the bullet did not hit
Vishwasrao. This event had another important effect. The
effect on the troops was opposite – they were now motivated.
It provided additional energy and encouragement to soldiers.
This made a big difference. It was explained by Rajendra.

The Adventure
“Maybe so. Similar statements are made about the Battle of
Waterloo, which Napoleon could have won. But we live in a unique
world which has a unique history. This idea of ‘it might have been’ is
okay for the sake of speculation (for sake of imagination only) but
not for reality,” Gangadharpant said.
Gangadharpant said that probably it was true. Similar
things have been told about the Battle of Waterloo. It
is said that Napolean could have won that battle. But
our world has a unique history. The thought of “what
could have happened” is imagination. It is not the
reality. 66
The Adventure

“I take issue (to disagree) with you there. In fact,

that brings me to my second point which you may
find strange; but please hear me out,” Rajendra said.

Rajendra told that he did not agree with

Gangadharpant. He wants to explain his
second point. This could be strange to
Gangadharpant. Rajendra requested him to
listen to it.

The Adventure
Gangadharpant listened expectantly (eargly in the hope of something
good) as Rajendra continued. “What do we mean by reality? We
experience it directly with our senses (feeling) or indirectly via
instruments. But is it limited to what we see? Does it have other
manifestations (sign/indication)?
Gangadharpant eagerly listened to Rajendra. Rajendra said that one should
understand the meaning of reality. We directly feel it or we measure it
through instruments. But the reality is limited to what can be seen. He asked
Gangadharpant if reality has any other indication.
The Adventure

“That reality may not be unique has been found from experiments
on very small systems — of atoms and their constituent (parts)
particles. When dealing with such systems the physicist (scientist
in physics) discovered something startling (amazing,surprising).
The behaviour of these systems cannot be predicted definitively
(accurately) even if all the physical laws governing those systems
are known.

The Adventure

Through experiments on atoms and their parts it has been found that reality

may not be unique. While understanding such systems scientists have

discovered something surprising. The behavior of atomic system can not be

fully predicted by rules known to mankind.

The Adventure
“Take an example. I fire an electron from a source. Where will it go? If I fire a
bullet from a gun in a given direction at a given speed, I know where it will be at a
later time. But I cannot make such an assertion (assessment/prediction) for the
electron. It may be here, there, anywhere. I can at best quote odds for it being
found in a specified location at a specified time.”

For example if I fire an electron from a source, I do not know where

will it go. If I fire a bullet from a gun in certain direction and at certain
speed, I can predict its movement. But I cannot make such
assessment for an electron. At the most, I can tell the probability of
electron being at certain location at certain time.

The Adventure
“The lack (shortage/scarcity/limitation) of determinism in
quantum theory! Even an ignoramus (ignorant/stupid) historian
like me has heard of it,” Professor Gaitonde said.

Professor Gaitonde said that it

is because quantum theory
cannot explain everything. It
has limitation. An ignorant
historian like me also knows
about this limitation.

The Adventure
“So, imagine many world pictures. In one world the electron is found here, in
another it is over there. In yet another it is in a still different location. Once the
observer finds where it is, we know which world we are talking about. But all
those alternative worlds could exist just the same.” Rajendra paused to
marshall (gather/compile) his thoughts.

Rajendra said that hence there are many possibilities to same

situation. In each possibility electron can be at different location.
When we see the electron, then we are able to understand which
situation we have been talking about. Each situation can be called a
world. Rajendra stopped to compile his thoughts. 73
The Adventure

“But is there any contact between those many worlds?”

Professor Gaitonde asked.
“Yes and no! Imagine two worlds, for example. In both an
electron is orbiting the nucleus of an atom...”

Professor Gaitonde asked Rajendra if these

different worlds were connected to each
other. Rajendra replied it is yes and no
both. Imagine an electron is circling the
nucleus of an atom.

The Adventure

“Like planets around the sun...” Gangadharpant interjected (intervened).

“Not quite. We know the precise (accurate) trajectory (path of movement)
of the planet. The electron could be orbiting in any of a large number of
specified states. These states may be used to identify the world.

Gangadharpant intervened and said just like a planet revolves

around the Sun. Rajendra replied that it is not true. We know the
exact path of movement of planets. But electron can revolve in any
of the many orbits during a specific condition. These conditions can
be considered as different situations prevailing in the world.
The Adventure
In state no.1 we have the electron in a state of higher energy.
In state no.2 it is in a state of lower energy. It can make a jump from high to
low energy and send out a pulse of radiation. Or a pulse of radiation can
knock it out of state no.2 into state no.1. Such transitions (change) are
common in microscopic (very small) systems. What if it happened on a
macroscopic level (large scale)?” Rajendra said.

In one condition electron can have higher energy while in other situation
it may have lower energy level. It can jump from high energy level to low
energy levels. In this case a wave of energy is emitted from it. Or it may
receive some energy and move from state 2 to state 1. Such changes are very
common in case of smaller systems. Rajendra asked what would happen if
such changes started happening at a large scale. 76
The Adventure
“I get you! You are suggesting that I made a transition from one world to another
and back again?” Gangadharpant asked. “Fantastic though it seems, this is the
only explanation I can offer. My theory is that catastrophic situations offer
radically different (entire different) alternatives for the world to proceed. It
seems that so far as reality is concerned all alternatives (options) are viable
(possible) but the observer can experience only one of them at a time.

Gangadharan asked a question to Rajendra. Have I moved from one world to

another world and then back to first world from second world?
This may appear a fantastic explanation to you, But this is the only
explanation I can make. Destructive situations offer entirely different
possibilities to the world to move ahead. It may appear to a person that all
options are possible. But an observer would see only one option at a time. 77
The Adventure
“By making a transition, you were able to experience two
worlds although one at a time. The one you live in now and
the one where you spent two days. One has the history we
know, the other a different history. The separation or
bifurcation (dividing into two) took place in the Battle of
Panipat. By making movement you experienced two worlds one by one.. First world
is where you are living now and the second world is where you were for
two days. One world believes in the history we know and the second
world believes in a different history.
The separation of the two world had occurred while you were reading
about Battle of Panipat. 78
The Adventure

You neither travelled to the past nor to the future. You were in
the present but experiencing a different world. Of course, by
the same token (according to same logic) there must be
many more different worlds arising out of bifurcations at
different points of time.”

You did not travel anywhere. You remained in the present but you
experienced two different worlds. By the same logic, there must
certainly be many more different worlds. These will emerge
because of division at different point of time.
The Adventure

As Rajendra concluded, Gangadharpant asked the question

that was beginning to bother him most.
“But why did I make the transition?” “If I knew the answer I
would solve a great problem.

Rajendra completed his talk. A question has been bothering

Gangadharapant from the beginning. So he asked Rajendra
why he had travelled to different world.
Rajendra replied that if the answer was known to him, he
would have solved a big problem.

The Adventure

Unfortunately, there are many unsolved

questions in science and this is one of them. But
that does not stop me from guessing.”

Unluckily, many problems in science are

unsolved. This is one of those problems.
But we can surely make a guess.

The Adventure

Rajendra smiled and proceeded, “You need some interaction (reason) to

cause a transition. Perhaps, at the time of the collision you were thinking
about the catastrophe theory and its role in wars. Maybe you were
wondering about the Battle of Panipat. Perhaps, the neurons in your brain
acted as a trigger.”
Rejendra smiled and continued to speak. You need an
interaction to make that change. Probably when you
collided with a truck, you were thinking about the theory of
destruction. Probably you were thinking about Battle of
Panipat. So a part of your brain provided the change from
one world to other. 82
The Adventure

“A good guess. I was indeed wondering what course history would

have taken if the result of the battle had gone the other way,”
Professor Gaitonde said. “That was going to be the topic of my
thousandth presidential address.”

Professor Gaitonde told Rajendra that it was a good guess – meaning that it
was true. I was really thinking how history could have been different if the
Battle of Panipat was won by Marathas. He further told that such situation
would be the topic of his next speech as a chairperson of a lecture. This
would be his 1000th speech.
The Adventure

“Now you are in the happy position of recounting

(recall/remember) your real life experience rather than just
speculating (imagine),” Rajendra laughed. But Gangadharpant
was grave (sad).

Rajendra laughed. He told Gangadharpant

that now he could understand his real life
experience. There was no need for him to
imagine anything. But Gangadharpant was
The Adventure

“No, Rajendra, my thousandth address was made on the Azad Maidan

when I was so rudely interrupted (stop). No. The Professor Gaitonde
who disappeared while defending his chair on the platform will now
never be seen presiding at another meeting — I have conveyed my
regrets to the organisers of the Panipat seminar.”
Gangadharpant told Rajendra that his 100th address was
made at Azad Maidan. His speech was rudely stopped.
Professor Gaitonde had left the platform while he was
still giving his speech. He decided that he will not give
any more speech. So he conveyed his unwillingness to
the organizers of Panipat seminar.

The Adventure
NCERT Question Answer: True and False

Understanding the Text

I. Tick the statements that are true.

1. The story is an account of real events.

2. The story hinges on a particular historical event.

3. Rajendra Deshpande was a historian.

4. The places mentioned in the story are all imaginary.

5. The story tries to relate history to science.

The Adventure

Ans: 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

The Adventure
NCERT Question Answer
II. Briefly explain the following statements from the text.

1. “You neither travelled to the past nor the future. You were in the present
experiencing a different world.”

Ans: This statement was said by Rajendra to Professor Gaitonde. As he made a

transition from one world to another, he had a real-life experience for two
days in an alternative reality. It was one at a time experience for him. He
neither travelled to the past nor the future. He was in the present all the time.

The Adventure

2. “You have passed through a fantastic experience: or more correctly, a catastrophic

Ans: This statement was said by Rajendra to Professor Gaitonde. When he was hit by
the truck, he was thinking about Catastrophe theory and its role in the war. He was
unconscious in the hospital for the next two days but he was in an alternate world
having a real-life experience of many things which were not true in the real world
where he actually lives. He noticed that the scenario was different and facts about
history were different. So, he had passed a catastrophic experience.

The Adventure

3. Gangadharpant could not help comparing the country he knew what he was witnessing
around him.
Ans: Gangadharpant Gaitonde had witnessed different facts of history which were the
decline of Marathas and British rule. But here in a different world, the reality was different.
Marathas had won the Battle of Panipat and there was no slavery under the white man.
India was free and here people had self-respect. When he compared two different facts of
the same country, he liked this different version of India more.

The Adventure

4. “The lack of determinism in quantum theory!”

Ans: The lack of determinism means the inability of the scientist to know where
the electron would move. Quantum theory means in physics, it can be measured
how the energy is produced and in what direction electrons may move. This
happened when Professor saw two different sets of history in the case of the
Battle of Panipat. In one reality, Marathas had won the war and in other, they had
lost the battle. The same happened in the case of the Battle of Waterloo.

The Adventure

5. “You need some interaction to cause a transition.”

Ans: Professor Gaitonde before the collision with the truck was thinking about
catastrophe theory and its role in the war. He was wondering what might happen
if the result was different in the Battle of Panipat. When he hit the truck, the
neurons in his brain made the transition. This was explained by Rajendra to the
professor when he failed to understand why only he made the transition.

The Adventure
Previous Year Question Answer

1.What sort of 'Adventure' has been narrated by Jayant Narlikar?

Ans Ms. The adventure of Professor Gangadharpant was not real or physical. He
was a historian. He wanted to know what would have happened if the Marathas
had lost the Battle of Panipat. For two days during his unconsciousness, he visited
the new Bombay and had a bitter experience in Azad Maidan.

The Adventure
Previous Year Question Answer

2. Who was Professor Gaitonde? What was his plan in Bombay?

Ans. Professor Gaitonde or Gangadharpant was a historian (एक इतिहासकार).
He had written five volumes on history. But his research work was still going
on. He was on his way to Bombay. He planned to go to a big library (बडा and
consult the history books there to find out how the present situation was

The Adventure
Previous Year Question Answer

3. What was Gangadharpant's experience on way to Bombay?

Ans Ms. Gangadharpant travelled by the Jijamata express along the Pune-
Bombay route. His plan was to consult some history books at the library. At
Sarhad station, an Anglo-Indian checked the permits. That was the place where
the British Raj began. He got the company of one Khan Sahib on the train. He
noticed that the city was quite different from what he had known about it.

The Adventure
Previous Year Question Answer

4. What was Gangadhar's experience when he reached a small station Sarhad?

Ans. It was Gangadhar's first visit to this new Bombay. Every blue carriage carried
the words Greater Bombay metropolitan railway and a small Union Jack painted
on it. It gently reminded him that he had entered the British territory. An Anglo-
Indian checked the train permits of the passengers.

The Adventure
Previous Year Question Answer

5. What had Professor Gaitonde not expected in Bombay?

Ans. Professor Gaitonde was prepared for many shocks, but he had not expected
to see the domination of East India Company in Bombay. History books said that
the company had been wound up after 1857. But here in Bombay it still seemed
to be alive and flourishing . He found a different set of shops and departmental
stores and big bank buildings as in England.

The Adventure
NCERT Question Answer

Why do you think Professor Gaitonde decided never to preside over meetings again?
Ans: When in a different world, the professor noticed the empty presidential chair on
the stage in the ongoing lecture. Later when he started talking on the mike , the
audience was not ready to listen to him. They threw many objects at him and asked
him to move aside. They physically lifted him from the stage. Such experiences
prompted Professor to never preside over meetings again.


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