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TEST in Discourse Analysis

1. What stylistic devices (two) are employed by the author in the following sentence: “He
enveloped them all in a warm, protective affection”.
1. Epithet 2. Metaphor 3. Simile 4. Verbal irony

2. What is the main obsession of Lorna and her family from Muriel Spark’s story?
1. Job-hunting 2. Cleanliness 3. Marriage 4. House-redecorating

3. The use of speaking names is one of the techniques of …… characterization. 2. Indirect 3. Plot 4. Narrative

4. The use of dialogue is a means of ……….characterization.

1.plot 2.indirect 4. Chronological

5. A scene that dramatically shows the reader an event or series of events that happened prior to
the time frame of the present story is called….. .

1.crisis 2.complication 3.suspense 4.flashback

6. The author of a novel might use ………. in the early chapter of his book to give readers a hint or a
sign of something that will happen later, such as an impending disaster.

1.digression 2. Exposition 3. Foreshadowing 4. Foil character

7. “Dora Greenfield left her husband because she was afraid of him”. This is an example of the so-
called ... beginning.

1.conventional 2. In-medias-res 3. Hard 4. In-ultimas-res

8. Showing is otherwise termed a/an ……method of characterization. 2.indirect 3.chronological 4. Digressive

9. Telling is otherwise termed a ……method of characterization. 2.indirect 3.chronological 4. Digressive

10. Physical location, climatic conditions, historical period are all elements of ….. .

1.framing 2. Action 3. Narrative 4. Setting

11. …………is the insertion of important background information within a story; for example,
information about the setting, characters' background stories, prior plot events, historical context,

1.complication 2. Exposition 3. Flashback 4. Foreshadowing

12. What stylistic device is employed by the author in the following sentence:
The sun set in a nest of pink, scarlet and black clouds. (G.Durrell)

1. metonymy 2. Hyperbole 3. Irony 4. Metaphor

13. What stylistic device is employed by the author in the following sentence:
The river sang with its lips to the pebbles.

1.Metonymy 2. simile 3. hyperbole 4. Personification

14. What stylistic device is employed by the author in the following sentence:

The hair spread around her like a garment, as she sat on her chair.

1.Metaphor 2. metonymy 3. epithet 4. Simile

15. What stylistic device is employed by the author in the following sentence:

His face was waxen, and his sharp features were sharpened.

a. Lexical repetition b. root repetition c. phonemic repetition d. alliteration

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