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Activity 3:
Poetic Devices in Beowulf

Grendel and Beowulf (XII)

Line Number Kenning What does it name or refer
2 god’s anger The raging anger of
6 wine-joyous building A room or Meadhall in
which people are drinking
wine while enjoying one
another company
7 gold-hall In which knights or
soldiers hold a golden
gathering wherein they
share and narrate their
success while enjoying
their drinks
9 life-days The life time of an
10 hall-thanes A king or knights thane
13 fire-hinges Provides safety in a sudden
occurrence to fire
14 his fury so bitter A raging hatred
16 Half-pavement A spacious pathway
21 throng of thanemen A peer of soldiers of the
26 men under heaven Knights in the hall
28 Dire-mooded Something horrible
29 unlooked-for assaults An unexpected attack
33 bone-prison A body
blood drank in currents It being bloodily devoured
36 stout-hearted warrior Courageous Knight
37 Hand-grip A tight grasp of the hand
42 hand-grapple greater Getting stronger
44 faint-mooded Weak feeling
48 liege-kinsman Close relative
55 fen-moors Fen
57 Injury-bringing An acquired wound or
63 Wine-hall Room
65 earth-hall Gathering place
67 art of the armorer Beowulf’s Victory
68 mead-benches Saet
69 gold-work Hard-work
71 main-strength Great power or source
76 terror of anguish A loud scream due to pain
or oppression
80 Hell-bound bewailing A cry for death

Beowulf’s Fight with Grendel’s Mother (XXIII)

Line Number Kenning What does it name or refer

4 Gold-friend A well-known and trusted
6 earth-joys A person’s existence
10 High-valued Very Important
14 Good over-measure Eternal goodness
18 grim-death Unacceptable death
22 doughty-in-battle Brave in battle
30 Out-guarded Off guard
32 loath-grabbing fingers Hand full of hatred and
33 Sea-wolf Under water creature
37 Flood-beast Under water beast
45 Mere-woman Just a woman
54 Firm-mooded Determined
56 Hero-chief A hero or savior
71 war-knife Sword
80 All-knowing

Beowulf’s Last Battle (XXXV)

Line Number Kenning What does it name or refer

1 Woe-song Sound of Grieve
10 God light Bright or eye blinding light
12 from life he departed. death
14 wide-stretching water Conflict
27 Hoary-haired Old
29 Feud-hate Hatred built by war
30 Jewel-bright Shiny or bright
43 breast-decoration Armor full of medals
44 Brave-mooded Full of bravery
45 war-grapple Hand to hand combat
52 Fame-deeds Heroic characteristic
60 fire in the battle Struggle in the midst of
65 Foot-length Small of size
66 wingèd war-hero Dragon
72 Might-deeds Great power
74 Death-woes A cry for defeat
76 Battle-mail Venue for battle
83 War-flame Blood
88 Firm hearted Pitiless
89 Battle-clear voice Loud and clear voice
99 Battle-king The King of battle
113 Blade-edge Sharp edge or tip
117 flamings of battle Rage and hatred during
118 Gold-friend Close and trusted friend
120 Naked in conflict Problem
121 Long-trusty weapon Sword
123 Drake-cavern Cave
134 kin-love can never The over powering love of
blood related people

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