EF4e Intplus Filetest 3b

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File Test 3

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


1 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: We are looking forward to the holidays in two weeks' time.
1 Pierre is frightened snakes.
2 What's the time? Look at the clock the wall.
3 It was late when we finally arrived Budapest.
4 We may have a barbecue at the weekend but it depends the weather.
5 Well done! I'm very proud you.
6 Hao is upset because Ting laughed his new haircut.
7 I'm not very good keeping secrets.
8 We flew the river Thames as we came into London.

2 Choose the correct form of the verb.

Example: I used to love / was loving walking to school.
1 What job were you wanting / did you want to have when you were younger?=
2 I was meeting / met a lot of friendly people when I lived in South America.=
3 Jose used to work / worked in that car factory for four years.
4 A Was Oti studying / Did Oti study this time last year?
B Yes. It was near the end of her course so she was preparing / prepared for her final exams.
5 I wasn’t doing / didn’t use to do much exercise in my teens but now I often go to the
6 Which year were you moving / did you move to Manchester?
7 A Did your children use to like / Were your children liking their swimming lessons?
B They both used to hate / hated going for the first few weeks but then it was fine.
8 Max and Oliver didn’t know / weren’t knowing each other until I introduced them.
9 Amber had / was having lunch when I knocked on the door.
10 Where did you grow up / did you use to grow up?
Grammar total 20

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


3 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. They are all related to
describing or taking photos.
Example: The old-style cameras with film were better than digital cameras.
1 When you are far from something, you can z in for a close-up.
2 There’s a group of tourists standing i fr of the hotel.
3 When taking a photo of a person, use the p setting.
4 In the f there’s a small fountain and behind that there's the castle.
5 A photo can be o o f if you use the wrong setting.
6 You can see my sister in the b right-hand corner, sitting on the wall.
7 A picture can be ov if you point the camera at the sun when you take it.
8 In this one I'm standing on t of a high mountain in Wales.
9 If the light’s poor, use fl when you take your photo.
10 There are some colourful old houses in the b .

4 Match the sentences with the correct word / phrase in the box. There is an
extra word / phrase you do not need.

baby childAnne's youngest
early thirties sontwenties
early started primary school last week. child
late thirties
late twenties mid-twenties mid-fifties
1 I bought my first flat when I was 31. pre-teens
retired teenager toddler
2 Lola is 13 months old and is starting to walk.

3 My cousin's 21st birthday party was fantastic.

4 My brother is only 29, but he looks older because he doesn't have much hair.

5 At ten months old, our son said 'Dada' for the first time.

6 Our 80-year-old neighbour used to work in a car showroom.

7 Bruno’s 12 and always wants to stay up late.

8 Nevin learned to drive when she was 17 years old.

9 Camille married Philippe when she was 38.

10 I had my first daughter, Nadia, when I was 25.

Vocabulary total 20

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


5 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: land|scape
1 re|tir|ed
2 fore|ground
3 tee|na|ger
4 pho|to|gra|phy
5 el|der|ly

6 Underline the word with a different -ed sound.

Example: picked worked solved looked
1 decided wanted added watched
2 washed criticized moved played
3 liked laughed received relaxed
4 lived ended described believed
5 tried hated banned smiled

Pronunciation total 10

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Reading and Writing B


Read the email about a family gathering. Five sentences have been removed.
Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is
one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Hi Claire

I heard that you're out of hospital now and I hope you're feeling much better. 0 E It was a shame you
couldn't be there but everyone sends you their best wishes and says get well soon.
Granny had such a lovely time. It was a good idea of mum's to have a garden party because there were lots of
children there. I'd forgotten how many kids Anna has now. The twins are nearly four and there's Bluebell,
who is now a toddler, and a newborn baby boy called Dylan. 1 Do you remember when I used to come and
babysit? You were such a cheeky girl – much more difficult to look after than Arthur. You would hide in all
sorts of places and it took me ages to find you.
Anyway, of course you already know Arthur couldn't come all the way back from New York but he sent
Granny some beautiful flowers and a card. 2 I can hardly believe she's only 15. She's really talented. I
suspect she may be Granny's favourite great-grandchild!
I saw Jamie briefly and he says hello. He seems to have settled down now and his girlfriend is really lovely. 3
What did we use to call her? Moody Melanie! I'm glad she wasn't there.
Joanna and John were packing for their holiday but they popped in to see Granny. John managed to drop a
bowl and smash it, even though they were only there for about half an hour! 4 Granny thought it was pretty
funny. She said she remembered previous family get-togethers when mum would always ban him from the
It was a nice touch to invite some of Granny's friends as well as family and we enjoyed getting to know them.
Granny says she is having more fun now in her retirement than in her forties and fifties because then she was
just focused on work and the family and she didn't use to have much time for socialising. 5 Her friends,
Edna and Rowena, are in their late seventies but they don't seem elderly somehow. They certainly seemed to
enjoy the children's company and all the tea and party food.
I'm attaching some photos so you can see how happy Granny was. I'm making a photo book too. Would you
like me to order one for you?
Let me know when you're fully recovered and I'll bring her for a visit. She'd love to see you. Lots of

A She's called Sarah and she's very different from that awful woman he used to go out with.
B I held him for a little while and it reminded me of when your brother Arthur was a baby.
C He's just as accident-prone as he ever was.
D As a middle-aged woman myself, I can see what she means!
E I thought I'd email you to tell you about Granny's 70th party.
F In fact, she got lots of nice cards and presents and Ella also made her a fantastic cake.
G I was amazed at how many people turned up to celebrate with her.
Reading total 15

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Reading and Writing B

Write an article for a local magazine about your childhood in the place where
you grew up (140–180 words). Include the following information:
• describe what the village/town/city/area was like
• write about what you enjoyed doing there as a child
• say what you think is the same and different for children living there now

Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Listening and Speaking B

1 Listen to an interview with Theo Walton about his hobby – using a smart
phone camera. Choose the correct answer.
1 Theo thinks that
A he could be a professional photographer.
B photography is very interesting.
C selfies are worth taking.
2 Theo's favourite kind of photos are .
A portraits.
B holiday photos.
C landscapes.
3 Members of Theo's photography group
A enjoy trying out different photographic equipment.
B comment on each other's photos.
C take photos in cafes.
4 is important for getting a sharp close-up image.
A Using the phone camera's zoom
B Having very bright light
C Putting the camera very close to the subject
5 For good outdoor macro photos, Theo recommends
A windy weather.
B bright sunlight.
C some cloud.

2 Listen to five people talking about their favourite holiday photos. What does
each person say about the photo?
A It was taken by a friend.
B It is rather poor quality.
C It shows a typical family holiday.
D There's something interesting in the foreground.
E It shows a special event.
F It brings sad feelings.

Speaker 1 
Speaker 2 
Speaker 3 
Speaker 4 
Speaker 5 

Listening total 10

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 3
Listening and Speaking B


1 Make questions and ask your partner.

1 / you have / the same interests / now / when you / be / child?
2 What / memories / you have / your school days?
3 Which / better / life as child / life now? Why?
4 Who or what / in your favourite photo?
5 Where / you store / photos? Why?
Now answer your partner’s questions.

2 Listen to your partner talking about age. Do you agree with him / her?

3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give
‘You become an adult when you're 18.’

Speaking total 15

Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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