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1. How many chapters (surahs) are there in the Quran? a) 66 b) 99 c) 114 d) 143
2. Which surah of the Quran is known as "The Opening"? a) Surah Al-Fatiha b) Surah Al-
Baqarah c) Surah Al-Imran d) Surah Al-Mulk
3. Which surah of the Quran is known as "The Cow"? a) Surah Al-Kahf b) Surah Al-Baqarah
c) Surah Al-Anfal d) Surah Al-A'raf
4. Which surah of the Quran emphasizes the concept of monotheism (Tawhid)? a) Surah
Al-Ikhlas b) Surah Al-Falaq c) Surah An-Nasr d) Surah Al-Ma'un
5. Which surah of the Quran is recited during the Muslim pilgrimage (Hajj)? a) Surah Al-
Fatiha b) Surah Al-Mulk c) Surah Al-Kahf d) Surah Al-Hajj
6. Which surah of the Quran describes the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)? a) Surah Yusuf
b) Surah Al-Baqarah c) Surah Al-Kahf d) Surah Al-Anfal
7. In which language was the Quran revealed? a) Arabic b) Persian c) Urdu d) Turkish
8. Who is considered the final authority for the interpretation of the Quran in Islam? a)
Imams b) Scholars c) Caliphs d) Prophet Muhammad
9. How many times is the word "Allah" mentioned in the Quran? a) 666 b) 999 c) 1,234 d)
10. Which surah of the Quran is known as "The Throne"? a) Surah Al-Ikhlas b) Surah Al-Mulk
c) Surah Al-Kahf d) Surah Al-A'raf

Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (20 Questions):

1. In which city was the Prophet Muhammad born? a) Mecca b) Medina c) Jerusalem d)
2. What was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's first wife? a) Aisha b) Khadijah c)
Fatimah d) Zainab
3. What is the name of the cave where the Prophet Muhammad received his first
revelation? a) Cave of Hira b) Cave of Thawr c) Cave of Uhud d) Cave of Badr
4. Which year marks the migration (Hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to
Medina? a) 570 CE b) 610 CE c) 622 CE d) 632 CE
5. What is the name of the treaty that was signed between the Prophet Muhammad and
the Quraysh tribe? a) Treaty of Hudaibiya b) Treaty of Badr c) Treaty of Hud d) Treaty of
6. Which battle is known as the "Battle of the Trench"? a) Battle of Uhud b) Battle of Badr
c) Battle of Khandaq d) Battle of Tabuk
7. Who led the Muslims in the Battle of Badr? a) Abu Bakr b) Umar c) Ali d) Prophet
8. What is the name of the well in Medina where the Prophet Muhammad used to give
sermons? a) Masjid al-Aqsa b) Masjid al-Haram c) Masjid Quba d) Masjid Qiblatain
9. Which Prophet's mosque is located in Medina? a) Prophet Moses b) Prophet Jesus c)
Prophet Abraham d) Prophet Muhammad
10. What is the name of the last sermon delivered by the Prophet Muhammad? a) Farewell
Sermon b) Sermon of Ghadir c) Sermon of Arafat d) Sermon of Eid

Islamic Ibadah (Worship) (20 Questions):

1. How many units (rak'ahs) are there in the obligatory (Fard) prayer of Fajr? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6
d) 8
2. Which month is fasting (Sawm) obligatory for Muslims? a) Shawwal b) Ramadan c) Dhul-
Hijjah d) Muharram
3. What is the charity (Zakat) rate on gold and silver possessions? a) 1% b) 2.5% c) 5% d)
4. What is the name of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca? a) Hajj b) Umrah c) Tawaf d) Ihram
5. How many times do Muslims perform the ritual of Tawaf during Hajj? a) 1 b) 3 c) 7 d) 10
6. Which month is considered the "Month of Forgiveness" in Islam? a) Rabi' al-Awwal b)
Rajab c) Sha'ban d) Ramadan
7. What is the Islamic practice of giving a monetary gift to celebrate the birth of a child
called? a) Eid b) Aqiqah c) Fasting d) Zakat
8. What is the recommended number of prostrations (Sujood) in the prayer of gratitude
(Sujood as-Shukr)? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
9. Which prayer is performed immediately before the obligatory (Fard) prayer of Fajr? a)
Isha b) Maghrib c) Taraweeh d) Witr
10. How many days does the Islamic month of Ramadan usually last? a) 20 b) 25 c) 29 d) 31

Prophets Mentioned in the Quran (10 Questions):

1. Who is considered the first prophet in Islam? a) Prophet Adam b)Prophet Moses c)
Prophet Jesus d) Prophet Muhammad
2. Which prophet is known for building the Ark (Noah's Ark)? a) Prophet Adam b) Prophet
Noah c) Prophet Solomon d) Prophet Ibrahim
3. Which prophet is known for his wisdom and the ability to communicate with animals? a)
Prophet David b) Prophet Solomon c) Prophet Joseph d) Prophet Job
4. Which prophet is known for being swallowed by a whale (or fish)? a) Prophet Jonah b)
Prophet Abraham c) Prophet Lot d) Prophet Isaac
5. Which prophet is known for his patience and steadfastness in the face of hardship? a)
Prophet Job b) Prophet Moses c) Prophet Adam d) Prophet Muhammad
6. Which prophet is known for his miraculous birth and ability to speak as an infant? a)
Prophet Moses b) Prophet Jesus c) Prophet Muhammad d) Prophet Joseph
7. Which prophet is known for his ability to interpret dreams? a) Prophet Joseph b)
Prophet Jonah c) Prophet David d) Prophet Solomon
8. Which prophet is known for his loyalty to Allah despite facing severe persecution? a)
Prophet Muhammad b) Prophet Abraham c) Prophet Noah d) Prophet Hud
9. Which prophet is known for his role in the story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt? a)
Prophet Moses b) Prophet Aaron c) Prophet Joshua d) Prophet Samuel
10. Which prophet is known for his encounter with the angel Gabriel and the revelation of
the Quran? a) Prophet Muhammad b) Prophet Jesus c) Prophet Adam d) Prophet

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