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Evaluate the community activities of your college.
1. Enumerate specific activities that have been implemented by your college
-CHIM Week
-Mr. and Ms. CHIM OLFU
-Macroasia Tour and Omni Aviation
-Clash of Bands
-OLFU: Where are Hearts Met (Valentine's Celebration)

2. What is/are the principles of community engagement applied by your college?

● Empowerment
● Accountability
● Gender equality and equity
Community engagement in our college is to promote active and willing participation of
the students to communicate and help local communities, to increase accountability of each
student. It is important for students to understand the importance of volunteerism because it will
increase their experiences and widen their views about the real world, which creates
empowered students. Moreover this is to improve oneself not only as a student but also as a
fellow Filipino citizen, who understands that no matter what gender one has we are all equal.

3. What is the level of engagement of your college with their partner community?
● Stage 4: Consultation because students are allowed to give their opinions and ideas to
improve the community. But they still also rely on OLFU's advice and support, which
means decision making is done by them, not the students.

4. In what modality of community engagement are your college community activities

at the moment? Give examples.
The modality of our college community activities is Transformational because students and
community members can learn from each other by helping, participating and communicating
with one another. Like the Macroasia tour were students learn and experience new things from
the hospitality industry, and how Macroasia can learn from students because of freash ideas

Journal Writing
What can you do to help your college provide better community engagement?
Give them a plausible idea and plan for us to execute community engagement such as food
programs, educational activities, physical activities such as sports to engage young people or
children to become active. I personally hope that we could be more of a community that has a
high awareness of how important the foods we eat and educate most communities, parents and
children, to eat balanced meals and vegetables. By doing this we can improve communities'
health and how they perceive vegetables and fruits, which they mostly avoid or rarely intake. In
conclusion I can help by being a nutrition advocate to the community.

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