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Outline CH 12 Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs (NMBDs) and Reversal Agents

1912: Curare, the first NMBD administered successfully was reported

Principles of Action of Neuromuscular-Blocking
• The NMBDs that are currently available for clinical use are classified Drugs at the Neuromuscular Junction
as a Depolarizing NMBDs or Non-depolarizing NMBDs

Non-depolarizing NMBDs • In the resting state, the ion channel of the acetylcholine receptor is
• Compete with acetylcholine for the active binding sites at the
postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. • Simultaneous binding of two acetylcholine molecules to the α
subunits initiates conformational changes that open the channel.
• Are also called competitive antagonists.
• Binding of a single molecule of a non-depolarizing NMBD (a
competitive antagonist) to one α subunit is sufficient to produce
Depolarizing NMBDs neuromuscular block

• Act as agonists (ie, they are similar in structure to acetylcholine) at

postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and cause prolonged Neuromuscular Pharmacology
membrane depolarization resulting in neuromuscular blockade.
Two enzymes of importance are known to hydrolyze choline esters:
• Succinylcholine is the only depolarizing NMBD currently in clinical acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase.

• Similar to red cell cholinesterase and also known as “true”


• Present at the neuromuscular junction

• Responsible for the rapid hydrolysis of released acetylcholine

to acetic acid and choline.


• Also known as plasma cholinesterase or


• Synthesized in the liver.

• Catalyzes the hydrolysis of succinylcholine, which occurs mainly in

the plasma.

• Plasma cholinesterase also metabolizes mivacurium, cocaine,

procaine, and chloroprocaine.

• Succinylcholine is the only depolarizing NMBD in clinical use.

• This compound is also called suxamethonium.

• Depolarizing block (also called phase I block) is often preceded by muscle fasciculation.

- The clinical presentation of fasciculations noted after succinylcholine administration is variable (in location and severity) among patients

• The most plausible explanation of succinylcholine-induced fasciculations is that it results from antidromic (retrograde) conduction of action
potentials that can activate unparalyzed parts of the motor unit.

• The administration of a small dose of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker (precurarization) to prevent a succinylcholine-induced side effects,
such as an increase in intraocular pressure, has not been consistently proven in different studies.

Succinylcholine produces:
• Prolonged depolarization of the endplate region that results in desensitization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

• Inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels at the neuromuscular junction

• Increases in potassium permeability in the surrounding membrane

Electrophysiologic changes produced by Succinylcholine will result in:

• Membrane hyperpolarization

• Inhibition of action potential generation

• Neuromuscular transmission blockade

Structure-Activity Relationships for Succinylcholine

• Succinylcholine is a long, thin, flexible molecule composed of two molecules of acetylcholine linked through the acetate methyl groups

• Like Acetylcholine; Succinylcholine stimulates cholinergic receptors at the neuromuscular junction and at nicotinic (ganglionic) and muscarinic
autonomic sites (resulting in side effects that include increased intraocular pressure and intragastric pressure), opening the ionic channel in the
acetylcholine receptor, resulting, for example, in cardiac arrhythmias.
Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacogenomics of Succinylcholine

What is the elimination half -life of Succinylcholine?

• The elimination half-life of Succinylcholine is 47 seconds

• The elimination of succinylcholine appears to follow first-order kinetics.

What is the approximate dose causing an average ED95 suppression of twitch height of succinylcholine in milligrams
per kilogram?

• The dose of succinylcholine causing on average 95% suppression of twitch height (the ED95) is approximately 0.3 mg/kg

What is the typical recommended dose of succinylcholine for tracheal intubation in adults?

• The usual dose of succinylcholine required for tracheal intubation in adults is 1.0 mg/kg.

• Administration of succinylcholine 1 mg/kg (3 times the ED95) results in complete suppression of response to neuromuscular
stimulation in approximately 60 seconds.

What is the typical range for the time it takes for patients with genotypically normal butyrylcholinesterase activity to
recover to 90% muscle strength after receiving 1 mg/kg of succinylcholine?

• In patients with genotypically normal butyrylcholinesterase activity, time to recovery to 90% muscle strength following
administration of 1 mg/kg succinylcholine ranges from 9 to 13 minutes.

What is the the main enzymatic process responsible for the short duration of action of succinylcholine, and how does
the rapid hydrolysis by butyrylcholinesterase affect the amount of the drug that reaches the neuromuscular junction?

• The short duration of action of succinylcholine is due to its rapid hydrolysis by butyrylcholinesterase (plasma cholinesterase) to
succinylmonocholine and choline, such that only 10% of the administered drug reaches the neuromuscular junction.

• Succinylmonocholine, a metabolite of succinylcholine, is a much weaker neuromuscular-blocking agent than

succinylcholine and is metabolized much more slowly to succinic acid and choline.

• There is little or no butyrylcholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction.

• Butyrylcholinesterase influences the onset and duration of action of succinylcholine by controlling the rate at which the drug is
hydrolyzed in the plasma before it reaches, and after it leaves, the neuromuscular junction.

• Recovery from succinylcholine-induced blockade occurs as succinylcholine diffuses away from the neuromuscular junction,
down a concentration gradient as the plasma concentration decreases.
Factors Affecting Butyrylcholinesterase Activity

Where is butyrylcholinesterase primarily synthesized, and in where is it typically found?

• Butyrylcholinesterase is synthesized by the liver and found in the plasma

What is the elimination half-time of plasma Cholinesterase?

• The elimination half-time of plasma cholinesterase is 8 to 16 hours

What levels of plasma cholinesterase are necessary for prolongation of succinylcholine effect?

• Levels of < 75% are necessary for prolongation of succinylcholine effect

What drug does butyrylcholinesterase metabolizes?

• Succinylcholine
• Mivacurium
• Procaine
• Chloroprocaine
• Tetracaine
• Cocaine
• Heroin.

Neuromuscular block induced by succinylcholine or mivacurium is prolonged when there is a significant reduction in the concentration or activity of

Which Factors lower butyrylcholinesterase ?

• Advanced liver disease

• Advanced age
• Malnutrition
• Pregnancy
• Burns
• Oral contraceptives,
• Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
• Echothiophate,
• Cytotoxic drugs
• Neoplastic disease
• Anticholinesterase drugs
• Metoclopramide
• Bambuterol

• The β-blocker esmolol inhibits butyrylcholinesterase but causes only a minor prolongation of succinylcholine block.

• In severe liver disease, plasma cholinesterase activity is reduced to 20% of normal resulting in an increase of duration of apnea after the
administration of succinylcholine from a normal duration of 3 minutes to only 9 minutes.

• Neostigmine (and to a lesser degree edrophonium) causes a profound decrease in butyrylcholinesterase activity. Even 30 minutes after
administration of neostigmine, the butyrylcholinesterase activity remains about 50% of control values.

• High estrogen levels, as observed in parturients at term, are associated with up to 40% decreases in butyrylcholinesterase activity. Paradoxically,
the duration of action of succinylcholine-induced skeletal muscle paralysis is not prolonged, presumably reflecting an increased volume of
distribution of the drug at term.
Genetic Variants of Butyrylcholinesterase

How can the presence of an abnormal genetic variant of butyrylcholinesterase impact the duration of neuromuscular block induced by
succinylcholine or mivacurium in a patient?

• Neuromuscular block induced by succinylcholine or mivacurium can be significantly prolonged if the patient has an abnormal genetic variant of

• Dibucaine, a local anesthetic with an amide linkage, inhibits the activity of normal butyrylcholinesterase by more than 70%, compared with
only approximately 20% inhibition of the activity of atypical enzyme.

- Recognize that the dibucaine number reflects quality of cholinesterase enzyme (ability to hydrolyze succinylcholine) and not the
quantity of the enzyme that is circulating in the plasma.

- Dibucaine does not measure the concentration of the enzyme in the plasma, nor does it indicate the efficiency of the enzyme in
hydrolyzing succinylcholine or mivacurium

- The Dibucaine number indicates the percentage of butyrylcholinesterase, enzyme inhibition

Homozygous Typical (E1uE1u)

• The dibucaine number is 70 or higher.

Homozygous Atypical (E1aE1a)

• Frequency in general population of 1 in 3,500

• The dibucaine number is less than 30
• The neuromuscular block induced by succinylcholine or mivacurium is prolonged to 4 to 8 hours

Heterozygous Atypical (E1uE1a)

• Frequency in general population of 1 in 480

• The dibucaine number is in the range of 40 to 60
• The period of neuromuscular block induced by succinylcholine or mivacurium is about 1.5 to 2 times that seen in individuals with the usual
genotype (E1uE1u)

In patients homozygous for the silent gene (E1s E1s)

• The longest period of apnea after the administration of succinylcholine was found
• Train-of-four (TOF) stimulation will help in detecting the development of phase II block
• Keep the patient adequately sedated and maintain artificial ventilation until the train-of-four ratio (TOFR) has recovered to 0.9 or more.
Cardiovascular effects

• Succinylcholine has effects at cardiac muscarinic cholinergic receptors where the drug mimics the physiologic effects of acetylcholine.

- As result the patient can experience sinus bradycardia,

junctional rhythm, and even sinus arrest may follow
administration of succinylcholine

• Cardiac dysrhythmias are most likely to occur when a second dose of succinylcholine is administered approximately 5 minutes after the first dose.

Sinus bradycardia (resulting from stimulation of cardiac

muscarinic receptors) is frequently seen in children and
in adults after a repeated dose of succinylcholine.

• Atropine is effective in treating or preventing bradycardia

• The effects of succinylcholine at autonomic nervous system ganglia may produce ganglionic stimulation and associated increases in heart rate and
systemic blood pressure.

The ganglionic stimulation reflects an effect of

succinylcholine on autonomic ganglia that resembles the
physiologic effect of acetylcholine at these sites.

• Ventricular dysrhythmias after succinylcholine administration have been attributed to autonomic stimuli associated with laryngoscopy and tracheal

Myoglobinuria Masseter spasm

• Damage to skeletal muscles is suggested by the occurrence of
myoglobinuria after administration of succinylcholine,
• Succinylcholine is a known trigger agent for malignant
especially to pediatric patients hyperthermia.

• It is unlikely that succinylcholine-induced fasciculations could • Although an increase in tone of the masseter muscle may be an
produce muscle damage resulting in myoglobinuria. early indicator of malignant hyperthermia, it is not consistently
associated with malignant hyperthermia.
• Most of the patients with rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria
were subsequently found to have malignant hyperthermia or • It has been suggested that the high incidence of masseter
occult muscular dystrophy.
spasm in children given succinylcholine may be due to
inadequate succinylcholine dosage

• The administration of succinylcholine is associated with approximately 0.5 mEq/dL increase in the plasma
potassium concentration in healthy individuals, which is well tolerated and generally does not cause

• Patients with renal failure are no more susceptible to an exaggerated hyperkalemic response to
succinylcholine than patients with normal renal function

Succinylcholine has been associated with severe hyperkalemia in patients with

- Burn

- Severe abdominal infections

- Severe metabolic acidosis

- Closed head injury

- Conditions associated with upregulation of extrajunctional acetylcholine receptors (eg, hemiplegia or

paraplegia, muscular dystrophies, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and burn).

• Because of the risk of massive rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia, and death in children with undiagnosed
muscle disease, succinylcholine is not recommended for use in children except for emergency tracheal
Increased Pressures and Succinylcholine

Increased Intraocular Pressure

• Succinylcholine usually causes an increase in intraocular pressure.

• The intraocular pressure peaks at 2 to 4 minutes after administration

and returns to normal by 6 minutes.

- This increase is likely the result of contraction of tonic

myofibrils and/or transient dilatation of choroidal blood

• The use of succinylcholine is not widely accepted in open eye injury (when the anterior chamber is open) even though

• The efficacy of precurarization in attenuating increases in intraocular pressure following succinylcholine administration is controversial.

Increased Intragastric Pressure

• Administration of succinylcholine is associated with a variable increase in intragastric and

lower esophageal sphincter pressures.

• The increase in intragastric pressure appears to be related to

(1) The intensity of fasciculations of the abdominal skeletal muscles.

- Could be prevented by prior administration of a nondepolarizing NMBD

(2) A direct increase in vagal tone.

• Administration of succinylcholine does not predispose to regurgitation in patients with an

intact lower esophageal sphincter because the increase in intragastric pressure does not
exceed the “barrier pressure”.

Increased Intracranial Pressure

• Succinylcholine has the potential to increase intracranial pressure

- This increase can be attenuated or prevented by pretreatment

with a nondepolarizing NMBD.

FYI: muscle aches and pain, which can involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs.

• The mechanism of succinylcholine-induced myalgia appears to be complex and is not fully understood.

Hypothesis of Succinylcholine and Myalgias

1. One hypothesis proposes that myalgia is secondary to muscle damage by succinylcholine-induced fasciculations.

- This hypothesis is supported by findings of myoglobinemia and increases in serum creatine kinase level following
succinylcholine administration. However, although prior administration of a small dose of a nondepolarizing NMBD prevents
fasciculations due to succinylcholine, this approach is not always effective in preventing succinylcholine-induced myalgia.

2. Another hypothesis suggests a possible role for prostaglandins and cyclooxygenases in succinylcholine-induced myalgias.

- Pretreatment with a prostaglandin inhibitor (lysine acetyl salicylate or diclofenac) has been shown to be effective in decreasing the
incidence of muscle pain after succinylcholine administration.

• Postoperative skeletal muscle myalgia is more frequent to young adults undergoing minor surgical procedures that permit early ambulation.

• Muscle pain occurs more frequently in patients undergoing ambulatory surgery, especially in women, than in bedridden patients.

• Myalgia localized to neck muscles may be perceived as a pharyngitis (“sore throat”) by the patient and attributed to tracheal intubation by the

• The incidence of muscle pain following administration of succinylcholine varies from 0.2% to 89%.

• Postoperative skeletal muscle myalgia can occur after administration of succinylcholine. Post operative myalgia is particularly
prominent in the skeletal muscles of the:

- Neck
- Back
- Abdomen

• A meta-analysis showed that myalgia may best be prevented with muscle relaxants, lidocaine, or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

It should be noted, however, that myalgias following outpatient surgery occur even in the absence of succinylcholine.
Pharmacology of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs

• Nondepolarizing NMBDs act as competitive antagonists

• Nondepolarizing NMBDs bind to the α subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

• The NMBDs have been classically classified either based on their: (see Table 12.1).

1 - Chemical class:
- Steroidal,
- Benzylisoquinolinium
- Other NMBDs

2 - Based on the duration of action of equipotent doses:

- Long acting
- Intermediate acting, short acting

• Nondepolarizing NMBDs are positively charged, relatively large molecules.

• In general, a dose of 2 to 3 times ED95 is used to facilitate tracheal intubation, whereas a dose of 10% of the ED95 is used to maintain
neuromuscular blockade
Benzylisoquinolinium Compounds

• Atracurium
• Cisatracurium
• Mivacurim

• The South American Indians’ arrow poisons, known as curare, served as the basis for the development of the benzylisoquinoline-
type relaxants.

• Tubocurarine was introduced as an NMBD for use during surgical anesthesia, but it is not currently in use anymore because of its
side effects.


• Atracurium consists of a racemic mixture of 10 stereoisomers.

- These isomers have been separated into three geometrical isomer groups that are designated cis-cis, cis-trans, and
trans-trans based on their configuration about the tetrahydroisoquinoline ring system.

- The ratio of the cis-cis, cis-trans, and trans-trans isomers is approximately 10:6:1.63

• Atracurium has been designed to undergo spontaneous degradation at physiologic temperature and pH by a mechanism called
Hofmann elimination.

- This yields Laudanosine (a tertiary amine) and a Monoquaternary acrylate as metabolites.

• Furthermore, atracurium can undergo ester hydrolysis.

• Hofmann elimination is a purely chemical process that results in loss of the positive charges by molecular fragmentation to
laudanosine and a monoquaternary acrylate


• Depends on the liver for clearance

• Approximately 70% excreted in the bile and the remainder in urine.

• Hepatic cirrhosis in humans does not alter clearance of laudanosine, whereas excretion of this metabolite is impaired in patients
with biliary obstruction.

• The plasma elimination half-life of laudanosine is similar in patients with normal and impaired renal function—197 ± 38 and 234 ±
81 minutes, respectively.

• Laudanosine easily crosses the blood–brain barrier, and it has central nervous system stimulating properties. The seizure threshold
is not known in humans.

• In patients in the intensive care unit the blood levels of laudanosine can be as high as 5.0 to 6.0 µg/mL.

• There is no evidence to suggest that prolonged administration of atracurium in the operating room or in the intensive care unit in
patients with normal or impaired renal function is likely to result in concentrations of laudanosine capable of producing convulsions.

• Cisatracurium is the 1R cis–1’R cis isomer of atracurium

• Represents about 15% of the marketed atracurium mixture by weight but more than 50% of the mixture
in terms of potency or neuromuscular-blocking activity.

• Like atracurium, cisatracurium is metabolized by Hofmann elimination to laudanosine and a

monoquaternary alcohol metabolite

• There is no ester hydrolysis of the parent molecule.

• Hofmann elimination accounts for 77% of the total clearance of 5 to 6 mL/kg/min.

• 23% of the drug is cleared through organ-dependent means, with renal elimination accounting for 16%
of this.

• Because cisatracurium is about 4 to 5 times as potent as atracurium, about 5 times less laudanosine is
produced, and accumulation of this metabolite is not thought to be of any consequence in clinical

• Unlike atracurium, cisatracurium in the clinical dose range does not cause histamine release.
- This indicates that the phenomenon of histamine release may be stereospecific.


• Mivacurium consists of a mixture of three stereoisomers.

• Mivacurium is metabolized by butyrylcholinesterase at about 70% to 88% rate of succinylcholine to a

monoester, a dicarboxylic acid.

• Mivacurium may produce histamine release, especially if administered rapidly

Steroidal Compounds
• Pancuronium
• Vecuronium
• Rocuronium

Steroidal Compounds

The steroid skeleton possesses onium centers at different positions.

In the steroidal compounds, it is probably essential that one of two nitrogen atoms in the molecule be quaternized.

• The presence of acetyl ester (acetylcholine-like moiety) is thought to facilitate interaction of steroidal compounds
with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the postsynaptic muscle membrane


• Pancuronium is a potent long-acting NMBD with vagolytic, direct sympathomimetic stimulation

- because it blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and butyrylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties.

• About 40% to 60% of pancuronium is cleared by the kidney and 11% is excreted in the bile.

• A small amount (15%-20%) is metabolized, mainly by deacetylation in the liver.

• The metabolites (3-OH, 17-OH, and 3,7-di-OH) are considerably less potent as NMBDs and are excreted in the

• Accumulation of the 3-OH metabolite is responsible for prolongation of the duration of block induced by
- Given its prolonged effect and the concern for postoperative residual paralysis and associated morbidity,
many clinicians elect to use other NMBD when trying to achieve neuromuscular blockade in their patients.

• Pancuronium is stable for 6 months, whereas rocuronium is stable for 60 days.


• Rocuronium is an intermediate-acting monoquarternary NMBD

• Faster onset of action than either pancuronium or vecuronium.

• Rocuronium is about 6 times less potent than vecuronium.

• Rocuronium is primarily eliminated by the liver and excreted in bile.

• Taken up into the liver by a carrier-mediated active transport system.

• The putative metabolite, 17-desacetylrocuronium, has not been detected in significant quantities.

• Approximately 30% of rocuronium is excreted unchanged in the urine.

• At room temperature, rocuronium is stable for 60 days, whereas pancuronium is stable for 6 months.

• Vecuronium is a monoquarternary NMBD with an intermediate duration of action.

• Vecuronium is simply pancuronium without the quaternizing methyl group in the 2-piperidino substitution.

• The minor molecular difference between vecuronium and pancuronium means that vecuronium is
characterized by

(1) A slight decrease in potency

(2) Virtual loss of the vagolytic properties of pancuronium

(3) Molecular instability in solution

- This explains in part the shorter duration of action of vecuronium compared with pancuronium

(4) Increased lipid solubility

- Which results in a greater biliary elimination of vecuronium than pancuronium.

• The liver is the principal organ of elimination for vecuronium, and renal excretion accounts for excretion of
approximately 30% of the administered dose.

• Approximately 30% to 40% of vecuronium is cleared in the bile as parent compound.

• The duration of the vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block is therefore dependent primarily on hepatic
function and, to a lesser extent, on renal function.

• Vecuronium is metabolized in the liver by deacetylation into three possible metabolites: 3-OH, 17-OH, and
3,17-di-OH vecuronium.

• The 3-OH metabolite has 80% the neuromuscular-blocking potency of vecuronium.

- Therefore, during prolonged administration of vecuronium, this metabolite may contribute to
prolonged neuromuscular blockade.

• Vecuronium is prepared as a lyophilized powder because it is less stable in solution.

• Vecuronium cannot be prepared as a ready-to-use solution with a sufficient shelf life, even as a buffered

• In pancuronium, the 2-piperidine is quaternized and no longer basic (charged). Thus, it does not participate in
catalysis of the 3-acetate hydrolysis.
Potency of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs

• Drug potency is commonly expressed in terms of the dose-response relationship.

• The potency of nondepolarizing NMBDs can be expressed as the dose of drug required to produce an effect—for
example, 50% or 95% depression of twitch height, commonly expressed as ED50 and ED95, respectively.

Effect of Drug Potency on Speed of Onset

The speed of onset of action is inversely proportional to the potency of nondepolarizing NMBDs:

• Low potency is predictive of rapid onset.

• High potency is predictive of slow onset.

- Except for atracurium,95 molar potency (the ED50 or ED95 expressed in µM/kg) is highly predictive of a drug’s
time to onset of effect (at the adductor pollicis muscle).

• Rocuronium has a molar potency (ED95 ≈ 0.54 µM/kg), which is about 13% that of vecuronium and only 9% that of
cisatracurium. Thus, rapid onset of rocuronium is to be expected.

• The influence of potency on speed of onset could be simply explained by the fact that, for an equipotent dose (eg, a
dose that results in 50% receptor occupancy), a low-potency drug (such as rocuronium) will have a higher number of
molecules than a high-potency drug (such as tubocurarine).

• The higher number of drug molecules will result in a greater diffusion gradient of the low-potency drug from capillary
to the neuromuscular junction (faster rate of drug transfer from plasma to biophase) and a greater biophase
concentration of low-potency drug resulting in a fast onset.

• The concept of “buffered diffusion” must be invoked to explain the slow recovery of long-acting NMBDs and to
understand biophase kinetics.

• Buffered diffusion is the process in which diffusion of a drug (eg, diffusion of an NMBD from the neuromuscular
junction) is impeded because it binds to extremely high-density receptors within a restricted space (neuromuscular

- This process is seen with high-potency but not low-potency drugs.

• Buffered diffusion causes repetitive binding to and unbinding from receptors, keeping potent drugs such as
tubocurarine in the neighborhood of effector sites and potentially lengthening the duration of effect.
Factors That Increase the Potency of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs


• Inhalational anesthetics potentiate the neuromuscular-blocking effect of nondepolarizing NMBDs.

- This potentiation results mainly in a decrease in the required dosage of nondepolarizing NMBD and
prolongation of both the duration of action of the relaxant and recovery from neuromuscular block.

- The magnitude of this potentiation depends on several factors, including:

(1)The duration of inhalational anesthesia

(2)The specific inhalational anesthetic used

(3)The concentration of inhalational agent used

• The rank order of potentiation is desflurane > sevoflurane > isoflurane > halothane > nitrous oxide–barbiturate–
opioid or propofol anesthesia.

- The mechanisms proposed for this potentiation include:

(1) a central effect on α motoneurons and interneuronal synapses

(2) inhibition of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

(3) augmentation of the antagonist’s affinity at the receptor site.


• Some antibiotics can also potentiate neuromuscular blockade.

• Which antibiotics primarily inhibit the prejunctional release of acetylcholine and also depress postjunctional
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor sensitivity to acetylcholine.?

- The aminoglycoside antibiotics, the polymyxins, and lincomycin and clindamycin primarily inhibit
the prejunctional release of acetylcholine and also depress postjunctional nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor sensitivity to acetylcholine.

• The tetracyclines, on the other hand, exhibit postjunctional activity only.

Factors That Increase the Potency of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs

• Hypothermia or magnesium sulfate potentiates the neuromuscular blockade induced by nondepolarizing NMBDs.

• The recovery to 10% twitch height with 0.1 mg/kg of vecuronium increases from 28 minutes at a mean central temperature of
36.4°C to 64 minutes at 34.4°C.

• If the skin temperature is dropped to 27°C, the interpretation of response in that arm is unreliable.

• The mechanism(s) underlying this potentiation may be pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, or both.

• High magnesium concentrations inhibit calcium channels at the presynaptic nerve terminals that trigger the release of

• Most local anesthetics when given in large doses potentiate neuromuscular block; in smaller doses, no clinically significant
potentiation occurs.

• Antidysrhythmic drugs, such as quinidine, also potentiate neuromuscular block.

Factors That Decrease the Potency of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs

Resistance to nondepolarizing NMBDs (except for mivacurium and probably atracurium has been demonstrated in
patients receiving chronic anticonvulsant therapy

- As evidenced by accelerated recovery from neuromuscular blockade and the need for increased doses to
achieve complete neuromuscular blockade.

- This resistance has been attributed to :

Increased clearance,

Increased binding of the nondepolarizing NMBDs to α1-acid glycoproteins

Upregulation of neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors.

• In hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia is associated with decreased sensitivity to atracurium and thus a

shortened duration of neuromuscular blockade.

• Increasing calcium concentrations also decreased the sensitivity to tubocurarine and pancuronium in a muscle-
nerve model.
Adverse Effects of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs

• Neuromuscular-blocking agents seem to play a prominent role in adverse reactions that occur during anesthesia.

• The Committee on Safety of Medicines in the United Kingdom reported that 10.8% (218 of 2,014) of adverse drug reactions
and 7.3% of deaths (21 of 286) were attributable to NMBDs

Autonomic Effects

• Neuromuscular-blocking agents interact with nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors within the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems and at the nicotinic receptors of the neuromuscular junction.

• Administration of tubocurarine was associated with marked ganglion blockade resulting in hypotension.

• In susceptible patients, manifestations of histamine release can be seen; such as

- Flushing,

- Hypotension

- Reflex tachycardia

- Bronchospasm.

• Pancuronium has a direct vagolytic effect.

• Pancuronium can block muscarinic receptors on sympathetic postganglionic nerve terminals

-Resulting in inhibition of a negative-feedback mechanism whereby excessive catecholamine release is modulated

or prevented.

• Pancuronium may also stimulate catecholamine release from adrenergic nerve terminals
Histamine Release

Histamine release by benzylisoquinolinium compounds such as mivacurium, atracurium, and tubocurarine can cause :

- Skin flushing,

- Decreases in blood pressure

- Systemic vascular resistance

- Increases in pulse rate

In contrast, steroidal NMBDs are not associated with histamine release in typical clinical doses.

The clinical effects of histamine are seen when plasma concentrations increase to 200% to 300% of baseline values, especially if such
concentrations are achieved quickly by rapid drug administration.

- The histamine release effect is :

- Usually of short duration (1-5 minutes)

- Dose related

- Clinically insignificant in healthy patients.

Histamine has positive inotropic and chronotropic effects on the myocardial H2 receptors, and there is some evidence that its chronotropic
effect may result in part from the liberation of catecholamines.

• Although ganglionic block secondary to the administration of tubocurarine has been demonstrated to occur in various species, the peripheral
venous and arteriolar dilatation via stimulation of vascular H1 and H2 receptors can result in a significant degree of hypotension as well
as carotid-sinus–mediated reflex response to histamine-induced peripheral vasodilatation.

• Other substances liberated by mast cell degranulation, such as tryptase or prostaglandins, may also play a role.

• The serosal mast cell, located in the skin and connective tissue and near blood vessels and nerves, is principally involved in the
degranulation process.

• For patients who may be compromised hemodynamically, selecting a drug with less or no histamine release (cisatracurium, vecuronium,
or rocuronium) may be appropriate.

• Another strategy for maintaining cardiovascular stability involves slow administration of benzylisoquinolinium NMBDs (over 60 seconds)
or the prophylactic use of the combined histamine H1- and H2-receptor antagonists.

• The administration of benzylisoquinolinium NMBDs (with the exception of cisatracurium) is associated with histamine release, which
may result in increased airway resistance and bronchospasm in patients with hyperactive airway disease.
Allergic Reactions
• Life-threatening anaphylactic (immune-mediated) or anaphylactoid reactions during anesthesia have been estimated to occur in 1
in 1,000 to 1 in 25,000 administrations and are associated with a mortality rate of about 5%.

• In France, the most common causes of anaphylaxis in patients who experienced allergic reactions were reported to be NMBDs (58.2%),
latex (16.7%), and antibiotics (15.1%).

• Anaphylactic reactions are mediated through immune responses involving immunoglobulin E antibodies fixed to mast cells.

• Anaphylactoid reactions are not immune mediated and represent exaggerated pharmacologic responses in very sensitive
individuals, who represent a very small proportion of the population.

• Cross-reactivity has been reported between NMBDs and food, cosmetics, disinfectants, and industrial materials.

• Steroidal compounds (eg, rocuronium, vecuronium, or pancuronium) result in no significant histamine release. Nevertheless, in the
aforementioned series from France, among cases of anaphylaxis due to NMBDs, .1% were due to rocuronium and 22.6% to

• There are currently no standards regarding which diagnostic tests (skin prick test, interdermal test, or immunoglobulin E
testing) should be performed to identify patients at risk.

• Treatment of anaphylactic reactions include immediate administration of oxygen (100%) and intravenous epinephrine (10-20 µg/kg).

• Early tracheal intubation with a cuffed endotracheal tube should be considered in patients with rapidly developing angioedema.
Fluids (crystalloid and/or colloid solutions) must be administered concurrently.

• Norepinephrine or a sympathomimetic drug (eg, phenylephrine) may also be necessary to maintain perfusion pressure until the
intravascular fluid volume can be restored.

• Dysrhythmias should be treated.

• The use of antihistamines and/or steroids is controversial.

Drugs for Reversal of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blockade

Acetylcholinesterase at the Neuromuscular Junction

• At the neuromuscular junction, acetylcholinesterase is the enzyme responsible for rapid hydrolysis of released acetylcholine.

• Approximately 50% of the released acetylcholine is hydrolyzed during its diffusion across the synaptic cleft, before reaching nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors.

• Acetylcholinesterase has one of the highest catalytic efficiencies known. It can catalyze acetylcholine hydrolysis at a rate of 4,000 molecules
of acetylcholine hydrolyzed per active site per second, which is nearly the rate of diffusion.

• Acetylcholinesterase is highly concentrated at the neuromuscular junction but is present in a lower concentration throughout the length of
muscle fibers

Mechanisms of action of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

- Neostigmine

- Edrophonium

- Pyridostigmine (less commonly)

- Used clinically to antagonize the residual effects of nondepolarizing NMBDs and to accelerate recovery from
nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade.

• Acetylcholine accumulates at the neuromuscular junction after administration of neostigmine and competes with the residual molecules of
the nondepolarizing NMBD drug for the available unoccupied nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction.

• The clinical implication is that neostigmine has a ceiling effect on acetylcholinesterase. Once the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase is
complete, administering additional doses of neostigmine will serve no useful purpose because the concentration of acetylcholine that can be
produced at the neuromuscular junction is finite.

- “In practical terms, the maximum depth of block that can be antagonized approximately corresponds to the reappearance of
the fourth response to TOF stimulation.”

- Because of their ceiling effect, the anticholinesterases cannot effectively antagonize profound or deep levels of
neuromuscular blockade.

• For neostigmine, the maximum effective dose is in the 60 to 80 µg/kg range

• For edrophonium, it is in the 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg range.

• Antagonism of residual neuromuscular blockade induced by the various nondepolarizing NMBDs is similar (or possibly greater) in children
and adults.

• Neostigmine is still the anticholinesterase agent most widely used by anesthesiologists worldwide.

• The notion that neostigmine administration at a time when spontaneous clinical recovery from nondepolarizing block is almost complete may
have adverse clinical consequences has been disputed.

• The effect of an anticholinesterase on neuromuscular transmission seems to be dependent whether or not a nondepolarizing NMBD is
present at the neuromuscular junction.

• When the fade cannot be detected on TOF stimulation at the adductor pollicis muscle using a conventional peripheral nerve
stimulator (PNS) following spontaneous recovery from a nondepolarizing NMBD, available evidence suggests that the prudent
course of action is to administer a small (≤30 µg/kg) dose of neostigmine
Clinical pharmacology

Pharmacokinetics of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

• The elimination half-life of edrophonium is similar to those of neostigmine and pyridostigmine, although that of pyridostigmine is somewhat

• Renal excretion accounts for about 50% of the excretion of neostigmine and about 75% of that of pyridostigmine and edrophonium.

- Renal failure decreases the plasma clearance of neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and edrophonium as much as, if not more than,
that of the long-acting nondepolarizing NMBDs.

Side Effects of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

• Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase increases the concentration of acetylcholine not only at the neuromuscular junction (nicotinic site) but also
at all other synapses that use acetylcholine as a transmitter.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Because only the nicotinic effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are desired, the muscarinic effects must be blocked by atropine or

- To minimize the muscarinic cardiovascular side effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, an anticholinergic agent should be
co-administered with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.:

- Atropine (7-10 µg/kg) matches the onset of action and pharmacodynamic profile of the rapid-acting
edrophonium (0.5-1.0 mg/kg)

- Glycopyrrolate (7-15 µg/kg) matches the slower acting neostigmine (40-70 µg/kg) and pyridostigmine.

• In patients with preexisting cardiac disease, glycopyrrolate may be preferable to atropine, and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and
anticholinergic should be administered slowly (eg, over 2-5 minutes).

• The hemodynamic effects of tracheal extubation are significantly greater than that following the coadministration of neostigmine and

Pulmonary and Alimentary Side Effects

Administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors is associated with:

- Bronchoconstriction
- Increased airway resistance
- Increased salivation
- Increased bowel motility (muscarinic effects).

- Anticholinergics tend to reduce this effect.

• There is no evidence to indicate that neostigmine increases the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting.138

• Neostigmine has been described as having antiemetic properties and as having no effect on the incidence of postoperative nausea and
Limitations of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
• Postanesthetic morbidity in the form of incomplete reversal and residual postoperative weakness is a frequent occurrence.

These problems could be attributed to:

(1) Lack of routine use of PNSs (and more importantly, the quantitative ones)

(2) The ceiling effect of the reversal agents when administered at a deep level of neuromuscular blockade
Sugammadex: a selective relaxant binding agent


• Cyclodextrins are cyclic dextrose units joined through one to four glycosyl bonds that are produced from starch or starch
derivatives using cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase.

• The three natural unmodified cyclodextrins consist of 6-, 7-, or 8-cyclic oligosaccharides and are called α-, β-, or γ-cyclodextrin,

• Their three-dimensional structures, which resemble a hollow, truncated cone or a doughnut, have a hydrophobic cavity and a
hydrophilic exterior because of the presence of polar hydroxyl groups.

• The first selective relaxant-binding agent.

• It exerts no effect on acetylcholinesterases or on any receptor

system in the body.

- Thus eliminating the need for anticholinergic drugs

and their undesirable adverse effects.

- The unique mechanism of reversal by encapsulation

is independent of the depth of neuromuscular
block; thus, reversal can be accomplished even
during profound neuromuscular block.

• Sugammadex is a modified γ-cyclodextrin compound composed of an

eight-membered ring with a central cavity that encapsulates steroidal

- This modification entails: • The intermolecular (van der Waals) forces,

thermodynamic (hydrogen) bonds, and hydrophobic
(1) The addition of eight side chains to extend the cavity of interactions of the sugammadex-rocuronium complex
γ-cyclodextrin in order to better accommodate the four make it very tight.
hydrophobic steroidal rings of rocuronium
• The sugammadex-rocuronium complex has a very high
(2) The inclusion of negatively charged carboxyl groups at association rate and a very low dissociation rate.
the end of the side chains in order to enhance
electrostatic binding to the positively charged - It is estimated that for every 30 million
quaternary nitrogen of rocuronium. sugammadex-rocuronium complexes, only one
complex dissociates.

• Sugammadex exerts its effect by forming very tight complexes at a 1:1

ratio with steroidal neuromuscular-blocking agents (rocuronium >
vecuronium >> pancuronium)
Sugammadex Pharmacokinetics

• Sugammadex is biologically inactive

• Does not bind to plasma proteins.

• Metabolism of sugammadex is at most very limited, and approximately 75% of the dose was eliminated
through the urine.

- The mean percentage of the dose excreted in urine up to 24 hours after administration varied
between 59% and 80%.

- In patients with substantial renal impairment, clearances of sugammadex and rocuronium were
decreased by a factor of 16 and 3.7, respectively, relative to that in healthy subjects, and the elimination
half-lives were increased by a factor of 15 and 2.5, respectively.

- The effectiveness of dialysis in removing sugammadex and rocuronium from plasma was not
demonstrated consistently.

- Therefore, sugammadex should be avoided in patients with a creatinine clearance of <30 mL/min.
The main reason for not recommending sugammadex in this population because of the lack of safety
data on the ultimate disposition of this complex in humans with end-stage renal disease.

- It is likely that sugammadex-rocuronium complex will be deposited in the reticuloendothelial system

in the body.

• In the absence of sugammadex, rocuronium is eliminated mainly by biliary excretion (>75%) and to a lesser
degree by renal excretion (10%-25%).

-The plasma clearance of sugammadex alone is approximately 3 times lower than that of rocuronium

• After administration of sugammadex, the plasma concentration of free rocuronium decreases rapidly, but the
total plasma concentration of rocuronium (both free and that bound to sugammadex) increases.
Sugammadex Pharmacodynamics

• Sugammadex, used in appropriate doses, is capable of reversing any depth of neuromuscular blockade (profound or shallow) induced by
ROCURONIUM or VECURONIUM to a TOFR of ≥0.9 within 3 minutes.

• During rocuronium- or vecuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade, intravenous administration of sugammadex results in rapid
removal of free rocuronium or vecuronium molecules from the plasma.

- This creates a concentration gradient favoring movement of the remaining rocuronium or vecuronium molecules from the
neuromuscular junction back into the plasma, where they are encapsulated by free sugammadex molecules.

- The sugammadex molecules also enter the tissues and form a complex with the rocuronium or vecuronium.

- Therefore, the neuromuscular blockade of these agents is terminated rapidly by their diffusion away from the neuromuscular
junction back into the plasma. This results in an increase in the total plasma concentration of rocuronium (both free and bound
to sugammadex) or vecuronium.

Sugammadex Doses

• At doses of 2 mg/kg, sugammadex reverses rocuronium and vecuronium when the TOF count is at least 2 in about 3 minutes.

• A dose of 4 mg/kg is recommended for antagonism of deeper levels of blockade (such as when only posttetanic twitches are present).

• A dose of 16 mg/kg can be used to rapidly and emergently reverse the effects of 1.2 mg/kg rocuronium.

- This dose of sugammadex restores muscle function faster than the spontaneous recovery from succinylcholine administration
(Figure 12.2).
• Pharmacologic intervention with sugammadex should not be relied on to rescue patients in the setting of “cannot intubate,
cannot ventilate” (CICV) situation (Figure 12.3).

• Following induction of anesthesia, rescue reversal of 1.2 mg/kg

rocuronium with 16 mg/kg sugammadex in the setting of CICV may still
not result in reliable, immediate return of spontaneous ventilation.

• The clinical management of CICV should primarily focus on restoration of

airway patency, oxygenation, and ventilation consistent with the American
Society of Anesthesiologist’s Practice guidelines for management of the
difficult airway.

Sugammadex is ineffective against:

• Succinylcholine

• Benzylisoquinolinium NMBDs such as:

- mivacurium - atracurium - cisatracurium because it cannot form inclusion complexes with these drugs.

• The association rate constant, which reflects the binding affinity for sugammadex, is:

- 1.79 × 107 for rocuronium

This means that sugammadex affinity for rocuronium is 4,723 times that of atracurium.
- 3.79 × 103 for atracurium.

• If neuromuscular blockade must be reestablished after using sugammadex, one of the benzylisoquinolinium NMBDs should be

Sugammadex Drug Interactions

• Sugammadex can bind and inhibit oral contraceptives.

- Patients should use alternative contraceptive techniques for 7 days after exposure to sugammadex
Sugammadex Adverse Effects

• The use of sugammadex may cause anaphylactic reaction.

- Tryptase plasma concentrations must be estimated during the acute event and repeated about 2 to 6 hours later to have an
accurate indication of an anaphylactic response.

- Ideally, a third sample should be taken at 24 hours when the plasma tryptase levels would be expected to have returned to
normal values.

• Cardiac arrhythmias, including:

- Marked bradycardia and asystole, may occur after administration of sugammadex.

- Thus, full electrocardiogram monitoring should be continued during and after administration of sugammadex

- Atropine and other vasoactive drugs should be immediately available.

• Although sugammadex-induced bradycardia is typically transient, it has precipitated cardiac arrest and hemodynamic collapse in some

• Small increases in activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time have been reported after sugammadex administration, but
clinically significant bleeding has not been reported
Monitoring of Neuromuscular Function

• Monitoring of neuromuscular function after administration of an NMBD serves at least two purposes in clinical settings:

- First, it allows the anesthesiologist to administer these agents with appropriate dosing

- Second, it ensures that the patient recovers adequately from residual effects of the NMBD (ie, TOFR ≥0.90), thus guaranteeing
patient safety.

• Residual postoperative paralysis has numerous associated complications such as:

- Upper airway obstruction

- Aspiration

- Hypoxemia.

• A recent “Consensus Statement on Perioperative Use of Neuromuscular Monitoring” emphasized that clinical bedside criteria for tracheal
extubation (such as a 5-second head lift or ability to generate a peak negative inspiratory force of minus 25-30 cm H2O) are
insensitive indicators of the adequacy of neuromuscular recovery, and that subjective (qualitative) evaluation of the responses to
TOF stimulation (when using a PNS) should be abandoned in favor of objective monitoring.

• Subjective evaluation of the evoked muscular response to TOF and tetanic stimulation are notoriously inaccurate as estimates of
fade or postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade.

• Quantitative monitoring is defined as an objective real-time measurement of the TOFR.

• The difference between quantitative and qualitative assessments of neuromuscular blockade is in their ability to objectively
measure the TOFR. Therefore, the term monitor will be restricted to those devices that measure, analyze, and display the TOFR in
real time
Subjective (Qualitative) Evaluation of Neuromuscular Blockade
• Visual and/or tactile (subjective) evaluation of evoked responses with the use of a PNS is unreliable at determining recovery from
neuromuscular blockade and exposes patients to unnecessary risks associated with residual neuromuscular weakness.

• Although subjective assessment may help clinicians assess complete block (when posttetanic count = 0), deep block (when posttetanic count ≥1
and train-of-four count [TOFC] = 0), and moderate block (TOFC = 1-3), readiness for tracheal extubation (TOFR ≥0.90) cannot be assured
by subjective evaluation because absence of subjective fade does not consistently identify complete recovery.

• This modality uses stimulating skin electrodes placed on the skin overlying a superficial motor nerve that innervates the muscle of interest.

- The negative (typically black) electrode is placed distally to the positive (typically red) electrode (Figures 12.4 and 12.5).

Subjective evaluation of TOF stimulation with the use of a PNS requires the observer to determine:

(1) The number of twitches (TOFC)

(2) The strength of the first response in the train and compare it to the fourth evoked response by tactile or visual means.

The TOFC of 1, 2, 3, and 4 corresponds approximately to 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, respectively, of single twitch control twitch height.

The limitation of TOFR is that once it approaches 0.40, most clinicians cannot detect the presence of fade by subjective assessments and
may therefore not administer a reversal drug to ensure adequate recovery of neuromuscular function before tracheal extubation
Objective (Quantitative) Evaluation of Neuromuscular
• Objective evaluation involves the quantification of the TOFR through the
measurement of electrical or mechanical response to nerve stimulation.

• Electromyography (EMG) is the oldest form of neuromuscular monitoring; it

involves stimulation of a peripheral nerve and measurement of the muscle
action potential that is generated by the contraction of the innervated
muscle (Figure 12.6).

- Active (recording) electrodes are placed over the muscle

body, whereas a neutral electrode is placed at a remote site,
usually near the muscle insertion site. The EMG signals
are subject to electrical interference, direct muscle
stimulation, and hypothermia.

- An EMG is different from other techniques in that there is no

muscle movement being analyzed.

• Mechanomyography (MMG) measures the force created by muscle

contraction in response to electrical stimuli applied to peripheral nerves
(Figure 12.7).

- It is regarded as the gold standard of neuromuscular

blockade monitoring.

- A mechanomyographic adductor pollicis muscle TOFR of 0.9

or more is widely accepted as the threshold for exclusion of
residual paralysis.

- However, its use in clinical settings is limited by stringent

preparation and maintenance of a constant preload. An MMG
is primarily used for research purposes.
Objective (Quantitative) Evaluation of
Neuromuscular Blockade

• Acceleromyography is based on Newton’s second law

(force = mass × acceleration)

• Utilizes a piezoelectric transducer attached to a muscle

(Figure 12.8).

• An acceleromyography involves measurement of the

acceleration of a muscle (usually the adductor pollicis)
in response to nerve (usually the ulnar) stimulation.

- As this technique relies on the free movement

of the thumb and requires access to the
hand for monitoring, surgical positioning
may limit its clinical use.

• Kinemyographic device is based on a mechanosensor

strip that contains a piezoelectric polymer (Figure

- The strip is placed between the base of the

thumb and the base of the index finger.

- When the sensor is bent and exposed to

motion, it generates an electrical signal
that is proportional to the magnitude of
bending; the results are then analyzed.

• Commercially available devices are versatile and

mobile and can be integrated into anesthesia
workstations. However, the resulting measurements
have been shown not to correlate with the MMG gold
standard, limiting its clinical application.
Clinical Considerations
The blockades produced by depolarizing and nondepolarizing NMBDs are distinct and can be distinguished by their response to peripheral
nerve stimulation (Figure 12.10).

During partial blockade, the depolarizing block induced by succinylcholine is characterized by the absence of both fade (to TOF or tetanic
stimulation) and posttetanic potentiation in response to nerve stimulation.

- It should be noted that succinylcholine can produce fade or posttetanic potentiation when used in large doses (>10 times ED95),
after prolonged exposure (>30 min), or in patients with butyrylcholinesterase deficiency.

During partial blockade, the block produced by nondepolarizing NMBDs is characterized by fade after repeated stimulation as well as the
ability to cause posttetanic potentiation in which a 5-second tetanic stimulation produces an amplified subsequent response to stimulation.

- This tetanic stimulus mobilizes prejunctional calcium and allows for the positive feedback on presynaptic acetylcholine receptors,
and previously unavailable acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft, producing a transiently exaggerated response.

Different muscle groups respond differently to the neuromuscular-blocking effects of NMBDs. Vessel-rich, large, central muscle groups, such
as the diaphragm, are more susceptible to NMBD effects than peripheral muscle groups.

- These central muscles become paralyzed before peripheral muscles following administration of NMBDs, and they recover faster.

Whether subjective or objective techniques are being used, monitoring the adductor pollicis muscle in response to ulnar nerve stimulation
has been advocated to exclude residual weakness because the adductor pollicis is one of the last muscles to recover from NMBD-
induced paralysis.
• Compared to peripheral muscles, the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles are more resistant to the effects of

• Neuromuscular blockade develops faster, lasts a shorter time, and recovers faster at the laryngeal and diaphragm
muscles compared to the adductor pollicis muscle.

• The diaphragm and larynx have greater total blood flow than the adductor pollicis muscle, resulting in faster delivery of
NMBDs to these muscles.

• Washout of NMBDs also occur faster at the central muscles

- Recovery occurs here before it does peripherally.

• Stimulation of the facial nerve will evoke contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle (the eyelid) as well as the
corrugator supercilii muscle (the eyebrow).

- The corrugator supercilii muscles have the same time course of paralysis and recovery as the laryngeal
adductor muscles

-The orbicularis oculi muscles time course follows peripheral muscles such as the adductor pollicis.

• Monitoring of facial muscles is a poor substitute for monitoring the adductor pollicis muscle.

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