Ellipse College Notes

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~ Definttion + Whe conte whose ecenttcttyy C1 CS catter an eflipse. Theorem +The eqri of Stan: its Bay <1 (a>6)- Proof » 4 | ho She the focus.k-0 be the | \ e\ | divecbtx of ellipse fet Peabo | any pt on the etlips ¢ (ket Me be the projectton drown | fom Ps ondtvechry vespecttvely -ketN' be the | profectfon dyaum fiom ‘P'on Sz ket rp" Be two pts which dévites $7 in the vat cect) sera ee vespeckively . SAY dare Form Of the ellipse # a2 AB! Hes on atipae Ohet Ube the ene ot pp such tat (A= CB '=0 “R= S\considey sp=en2, sp'=en'e | SA > e(n'z +Az} ‘ © ez +cn' +C%-CA) |e se{ne?- Az) (cs +81)" (CA-C3) = ecafly 2c5 -20e es ac make Son x-axts xO} sey to as q-axt C(O) S(ae,0) Lax 2ecz2 cea @ PM ENZ =CB-cn =B- 2, Since *p" tes on ellipse £, a Sp*= etpyt (Ce, ~0y yp = et (S-a Not jz AA! ave called vertters (OW ends the eLifpse Where §OMD BOD, bE 60 length of rrajor ort 3 1 Bor hyore cn 5 3- Boh e 0, Prone aed, 155 4 rir anes 68'- 2b. 5 the bergth A WN 3405 Result + cone for the ellipse Ett ol, End OF LP ate (+9045 ah hengthof lates wmectim = 26 a. Let ba (ae) Lisson aL te ch He 1 4e46 a “sendsoh LRate (t00,*§) | cae 4 r \ ays mf Resuatt eo he any f SP reps da ket mm! he the pao fec tron dyavont hom p on ctfrectty ( won the ellepse Weebl ; sp is »e(emare') = 6 (MM'} ~efey © [A] 2a Note - 0. Destance blu foct’> gae Distance bjw divectitx 20 O focal distances: of any pt-on etlépse e Wd) ave e[o 4%)]~aben, ® lstance blu one yyocus’ & oneend Of Ménov avis 5 a Potoof + S(ae,0) (orb) | 8B = aren, “vate +q! =a er = Jae &+ § B be one end of the minor ares of on ellipse + such that ple sps' (an equilateral a¥ then Yend the eccentrfctty of -the eUldpe cos6d = ae o cord § t¥) 2rd -f oot d +f d-h Ped @ (207d?) (ord!p) (d'p) “et Kv-f O} jal) gxosofyw 6 9 7 ae a AC ~ ex d-h dane) (dloFy) lp) §)X0-26 * 12] gxo woftyr yt aP ez oF ge) (Be 20r) utd 908 Sanh 2eex SBA YG yobs Soro oor ex Usd fosnte o-x soaaouyy 9 MPS O-f ; fon o-x o-f axtvaon fonts QoF1Q) 44-708) (0) “(O42 TP (ot) Cr+ oe ‘aha @'a) @'0) sao-hg sw fon gx0-1 5) 40 (ed) Is B+ a9 Rt P 4 Jor an eUlipse then find tts equatton nae =4 a0 ae 22 gO ete i a Bi ea'- ave* | Req elutpre ere x Gf WER of an ellipse "fd fts eccentricity 2b* - tea) oy 2ht = at ak “> Le te ete te CP = He = eo We. fx AU tay ext 3644-0 ffnd centre oct: centve-s | verhCes. €' of Livect a. Avechttes, Major &minov axes ends of LR y(a-20) + A(yr+4Y) © -4 Y (0-204) + Ay +uy +4) GO? + 90y 49% CD, UH" =) a a 42) ,Q'=9,612 4 Y+YO G C= (ha) Vertices(wta,p) = (It 3-2) = 472) § Can) Foci = (a tyazR 1B) aoe SHO Mayor aut ts y Equ of Menoy axts 1 ' equ of Leta 3 qt Sof dtvechten xe. & fat of fis major avis wate“ a) anise io forte coat ‘stam é “thw the dnecerty x) eo aE ax-1+3 satiaasily Exerctse ~444 POSH, eg I-Y+3-6 fet POLY) be OMY Pk on Pttepse me : Pe. SP* ~ et prs O40 40y 1}*s “18x 4g tlox4g +439 a7 ~c Ay, 8-1ey= at 4 any 5-0, cong gS MORON AG 'e@=245 Ly , 2-0 t P(x, | het Plow be ONY PE on ellipse | SP =e, Pp | SP? = e*pyz | CP tysn? - 4[2i94] | CH Aap ty Hay « ts | | ax?4q - 81 IM +a 4194 = = 2x%¢ 2yt s4xy + 8x49 #8, | Temury tage 26X + Ioy +lo-0 5] Lae. mete, ° oe i e- Va e= Var" s G a? aoe 3. NF = Neucde = BF = NG Ve-9 FFL = res e™ a + (252t4y=100 at 4 Ge = a 2 pnb. a4 - 2 toy 7e? Vobts V4 > HL yt. Me Wes Hs 2 { eraad.s (0) 26 - 4, 5p 926-0b oo =a t}4ee~ | ws weetat | ‘Bee a 3- eue-B ar pera 90 - qb) : "2a eb = > Oe : bo jt pete o 1-9, a 4 | Facer ver B i dength of Jatusrectum, « et = ax26 | | er 79 6] (0) Type-4 | acctyt et +2y4)=0 YOC-290+ (yt ay) = ss UOC +2 +1) +(Ys2UE = 445 Ue -DE Hyd eo + Ue | eae . Vg ae Entre © 1,.1 fou = (-1+vs) lenath = opt EnGth of tetts sect - a MU of Bre ch ay, Pra/e ~ . SES Ay aL BU itn dus fig (O WVpe rs Centre ~ 9,9) TS (NER) (46) Jengthas Sodus: tectum = abt ca Ean to dfrectnian _ Lay met 4 Ft. + 4 Wes A o a4 36x 4+ ay $924.36 216 ~ lay 2 «tga c- faker = VET, yy Centre =C3,=1) pot fan + Noe ey “Gave -n hen th OF lotus Yeotum = 2b Lig a Bn to dtrectyty . xy $Y or ad 2 sll HE Ee V9X= tte +) e=th, ‘Passing th 20,9 x & 2 = boat Baga | Abttaz-a'ht © 1 Ee z ° Woe fo bY <1 al=4a-abo | > rae AbY +0?- 40a Ab*= 3a" = 308 i 4 | Substitut Binds 4.44 os [244 | [62 30 2)0l-l6/s 3a‘ -axl6ls py 4 ax. 4yt BP ATE ol Santeays te le 0) (2,2) (3-1) fn x aus ty . Fe ane” fitary cfrcles + i {Wpse as, tts P oncte owing major avt® of elle} tye cCrcle ats | dfametey t's ‘caltect auxtivary CO ( | For the ellipse, 224. ote of e y | auvitiaa circle ¢ xy a ce | ec le 3 €ccentric Ong . a | of pug be any pt on the ellipse and PM U's the 0 | Ordinate of thie pt “P’, rf thes produces pm ra oe auxtlany circle at © sich thal 2ocA =0 then ft catled eccentric avigle of pt P. T prove (Xiy = (acoso, hsine? ACM, COSO = Ff. X=acoso Scosis 4 yt a* B yt> Bsin'e +7Y> bsind (Tr) = (acosobsings Result + &qn of the chovot fotning two pts on the elltpse a tf <1, with eccentric angles 0, and o, is a O(°GE) + Ast (84S) ~ cos( SMe) Potoof i- Ctven pts ave (ac0%9, bstne,) (acose,bstne,) Slope of choid= blstne, -stno.) & (C036, -CO50)) =bf2cos (8 Jin (0-1 a a —) =a Pos[ef0+ 2sin (O4&) sinfo-O8j ——— (038) n{u-0)) - aginta Eqn of chord » = * C05 (1408 ye [bcc (912) sayetn pire - aan t ey = SOE cayosin (2 a 5ECOSO (0140, o (OS) + SAstn (arte y a) = COs(o,- C48, 7 2) | + EZ cos(O1t 0 t 4, (0 s(@ 480) ‘ 4 stn( 24,0 ) cos(%1-03 jore 3. at . NOES F fos(AHP) 4 Yo stm (HP) = con(ecp) rdf above chord és spocal chord 1 CL passes through pecs Sar) Fan yan f= £4 a _ er ecofttl) ~cos(%2) a 2.. cols) e oP ) eo yee tl . Cos ea = )+ cos(etP — eisai it 2€08)y- COSBlp | 2st. sinple “tan ef) tan pl = St ett , Resutt <- for the ellipse xt 44-1 Ca DFOT ak Plo és cows +asinoc! f-o.N at PQ) vs OX — bY bc0s0. at asino Son = asin CDsO P — BCs py-acosd) E-0-1 4 -bsiné asin8 “ee op eent bx 08 4000s 0 absind= -ba~ =ab aysind - p px cos + aysing xeowot Gsind=! ue 7 : ino aco? >, asin - EON 9 Y- psind psio I, sivtecox9 a y ps0 -benocos ~ a ws 0o.= (a prs {nOCcos@ ‘ ANSENO = ybCos wx. by 6 aso Siné Find the ecentytc angle Of a, 4b L) gontch fs ata ¢ 69 apton the ellipse distance 2 untls prop, aaa €(0) 3 P(VE(030, Bslng, 2p A oy Ge A; cp=2 aC P'=4 hee 6008'042.8in'O 4 ¢ \ ) » “ Gcos'© $2-2.0080 =4 , 4tovo COS'@ = a COs0 - + A 250° Ma, 3a, 5TH], Wg Vl tangle & 4onned ly tgt at Plo) with coordina axes Then min area of aonB chen of AonB = to +b. Sind ~cos6 = Qb_ SIV. Min area = (Ob ma I Nete . X(sin20) ec € quadstloteval po med dy the pr = ay 'Q'(1T40) , ip (3 eu 8 2ab Poco, « Take © a 0 nen above ps ee € endso} maprand nit Pts becom owara’s vespecbie Ata of quadrilateral atid ya AAG ~sH2a)(2b) * rab &2 of quadvilatinal formed by tgl drum D the eltipe at the pts Plo), Arad +o), @(N+0) X Ory- 4 hength 20, Bateadth <2» hea. formed by Above Uw ~ Ya i i i al weg the climensonys of ay i ave Vawab 1° Max vectan le “Bb = Yabsinoc oy 2dbstne Ma¥ Of b= sab Sin20-1 2p The i Le = Tas ; \ fen 30. %5)~ To "ale lead Hh = 2b (¥3)={2b NOTE > e : Dheast value of arsecos bicec’e "ta tne & « 3) The least Entercept made by the any. tgt of the ellipse bleo the axes Ps ath: 3 The max: déstance yom Cenbe to tts any Normal ts a-b exX- 8 @. het 2 7 Se. ¢ E+E 1, veqdellepse a 4, 2008 ~AV2 pt -20- ae +22 ad ale’ = 20° oe-8 = 2h aé-2a-8=0! 30?-Y4at2a-8-O (a-u) (ate) =0 Oss B'=8 : a (ge v Reqd ellipse 4 Fa (h. atven give lane a%, 30: ~ 32 AOL = 8x22 4a> 256 Mae, ee 4 wa ctaypy= (0-3) 16° 2/91 D5 pte atte) w= a(t 25 > a'(5/a) ale45 16 B24 Geo a1, 4 Se 35 25 a5 25 1B A(2-2) BOA) @= 13 eente (vp) o Wh, X~coordinatu au equet - M mojorarts % wel to y-axis = MO@ptot Ante,» — 20 OBS, re Aen art pe swear (Y=, (ay 2 = %Ur~ Me) % . qs) Mil tk 20=10V2. 12 qtvers eUpse ax? +laytetay. gt a) } | Reqd circle (5 x'+Yy* =a%e Yt = pF CY! 23, | BO) ot + 10-0 “ e-q °! 10-a>0,4-A>0 (a-u)(a-10)70 a10 spssp = 20-19 | Ss'= 29¢ -9§ Lf = ale-atee LAT =25-lb Q wi =q boa rea = may ~ THK) = toy 4 wy "TAC BG, Str ) tey coordinati, ne Canned #0 ‘ Maforawts ts ¥ valle ( wig || See+0¢ By - uassesn dees | On 24 Lg See. 25 de =a C~ Sis COM © Fy Stno a 4 Beary, ej Zong, sh 25[1-2] ar te sig G98 Boies ny 2 a, Se Gat GA 144 © Vind-eu _ > cas “ANS tm > Theorem :- Equation of the chord fotntng tun potnts (14 ancl cox, Ont the eulipse S-0 ts SAS: = Sie hence the equatton OF tangent ak (> ae! pee Sam UE, 30 a" eB ae Be ©-@ = Ae (0h 2) HE (UP-Ye) 20 a : m= (YhHUs%) = (a0) (ies) = ( me (Gi-4e) 6 (Kite CQqy-t a (Yt! of chord. Sutter noe atqutue = bt) +b xLt -ay ay, ayy + ah Yds Ory ‘4 4 ex, HY te D Bix + lGy HBL 40 = oe (Be + aCe) ae E+ gat) fs. | Nee aN , B44, ~ Sig 40 age yg Constdey dys CU Se Bon ee nae oM oN ° 0 3a eodqu of tgt at Coy) . Note : condiifon for the Une (yew to be a tangmt to the ellipse x vf is ct. wey (0 Feamgen 5 to be a tangent to the AUtpse x* Atty : aul+bm'en” an pt of contack ts(-a oe fim mar" bet Pray dbe the pt of contact of the Vargery tgs mt tc mr 4 +¢-0 +O foinit At At Por.yo (8 SirO DAM qu 1-0 2@ PY Comparing © ¢ 9 ak ton UD) hap Det POG) be the Pt of contact of the tangent Potnt kr tMysn -0 0 Wl os Pode. qn) a S09 4 Py comparing, 08 @ at em ent ™ "= Cutis \>074@8 -24" _ bm Wen Meo ~at* BM tnt ~ 6 eT ne 2) Note + The ejucs te 6 tothe eutpse soft r t Result Nx point to any ¢ Poory + ae +H Consfder Slope -frmotthe tan Perea ey cree AOE thy Cy -mey sab 4 ne mW (X'-a!) ean U4, + Yi" - be aa H&> wergy = One at) («4)" py ‘i a ~ HEY 4 UBS ay sad Yay Wer fou, ye la {at +o -} “. &qn -M has veat and déstinct vos 2 WOES Can be Clvaum Yprom an extemal pt lo ellipse Resutt {0 ~The < d toring din 05 PO-tot sr tangents 0 roun : ers ef US Pts tector chide whi (s 2+Y'= Que PhaUeY Slope. -fomo} the tanger through PCy? Qe ct Vai bt (di-man = almt4p*- TP(af-ar) -2meys +Yt-F 0 30 het myms be the veots of - mitMs = 224» mom = Wiebe a Lee yp -B at 4a" ateyt> a * Unaction of the teungents such that Lows © Result t- Uf Sst an ne are ah ma por aecead ther? Locus of P& BLY ee ‘ t 2 : Sol constaer Slope gown of the tangent throug Lae. powyp 1 Ey! Result we Hom 4oaie of aut fs quent! Pore Paar of the tongent {the tonger Ze +o & het POo.Yr be the foct of the Jey : drawn 4 above trgt qemns Yarn ie ems aimith ad Piru also Us an Y> dea Nee Fy (trae) Mg, 420 =e : tm Gittia'-ak 3@ tyr mt o+my, TS ams Baar ams qe r i * Ler + Cami atm a Lown 8 x as rawon gyom, ey (HUD? = arya, re) “TONY OF tts ta ib POOF :- Consider Slo, Ys en porn the tage bs touyy } bet POuga be the feck of the ay. — a AZ IL, dan from (9,0) On above tngt. cay oy me heme tems - RLY Aso Leeson, Ye HD 8 “m1 the squares 0 LYS tances ding Fesulte the sum of Tangent onche ellipse «8 idrom. fs Co, + Var=Be) ONY la Is zat | Bool t- considey slopefm ot the tge U-M™+ Vain | [het pq, be the length of the LY és drawn fiom (0,08) Jand Co,-a¢) on above tang Ne | P= Lac +vammp] q- lae+ vaimn+b- ime mat Prq' = Glaimto--ae + Ceviche +aee Cm +) ear = 2 [atmta pra) _ ofaim'+o) A 4 mt ; Resets af Ot Pee.yn &o-Ndrawn tothe ellipse R S=0 8 ge _ By Laiipe ' i. x, 7 Bd = a'-6) OOF - Consider 8-0-T at (214) on s=0 is‘ S10 Xx yur zi dite shee Slope oF Tat = Gla* . Bx) 2 Gib aq, Son = Ay ' En Bro ue -y, = ar Yd at (ot-acy) . : pe xt 8. GU | Bia ae 4 MAYes O85cq,~ ae, 4) at x-ray = (aby ay, igh Be nee tar-B) = a! axe =o ays ater Xx ~e > Y0er- Substtture () 6) 6=aet Bicen fot St-etoct. eapetcy Note ¢- |rheast value of atsecos bicset@ ¢s (ar bit pte least intercept Made by the any tgt Of the | ellipse bluo the axes ‘fs ato Rawal = pconsfdey, Aseco+Ficsc’o (ru AM 2GM =O8+artan’o +64 Ficote- Ottan6-+btOUS, Joitana fats 2 +6 +20b 2 } = (aioe diane +6cot’o2 ab) aw heask value ts (a+hit 2. Hlasecoro) B(O, beso) AB = Vatsec’o +a'ex'6 Min of AB =v Cathy wMmen of AB =ath $Normoal axseco~ Hysc = Po. ' Lr distance flaw centre (0,0) 1Or-b Vatsector bese Mas. yv distance =_0?-bt Voorn the une OMY AN O10 bea -ingt to eulipst S | Ut be a normal to s 0 Leese + stno-k —9 ictmy- -n 99 Comparing @ & @ C088, sfin® = | (0 const’dey | cosos ~ak ,stnos A” n y @id’eBimt= nh Uti) considey , ax dine (5 doctmy--p 9 @ C0S'6 + sing 3 ( - Frault a for -the eUipse SO, auxilfory circle Pal BL any pt Plo) meet the 90 at AB Such that ZAR =n ti * Consider, owt stnoia@ ( By h é p 4 emogenistng Wrefeat using Xt THifs a (FEcoso + Weng) I-e?= sin’o | tse | =| -Stn'e | Teste | ees | Vitsin'e | Result s- \l-Avea of the ‘bfangee domed by “thee pofnts onthe (ellipse »S=0 juhere “eccenrdt: angles ave wipir f | 2aLb [sin(£2) -sin(B2) «sin (4)) fot00f 5- mea 1 (20m Pip 1] RRR acosy bstny ! BoRR = ab |Cose stne ‘ | 2 |cosp-cost sinp-sind © ae stny-sind | sin (eae) coe?) ~ sin( ee") coast?) pal sin( eh en (8). sn 8 ~ s ' 3 & .osin (25%) ott ame ) for auxiliary corel , ath+eyt= ae Ete aw hea, < 20's (SEL Resute wt any p(o)on the ee pisector of 25Ps! © Eeomnles the intemal NEE soy of LOPS" (t) eo. ¢ the extemal ang Pact Tee ! () SP _ axe lacos®) {AS ; SP a-e(acoso) ine ' ( > L4ec0s6 caer) T-ecos® r ail | on See -ae-ae'cosd ey 1420080, | SI Tyo 2 lL! }. | | ae de’c0s9- OC. Gem Ic | P k || seen! es-the Entemal angle bisector of i | 2SPS),. |W) Tt ts clea that, | | 07 tthe extemal angu biectoropcest | : _ 4. 4 > Ve ‘ i a Si St Ma

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