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Hip Adductor

Doaa Mohamed
Adductor Adductor gracilis pectineus
longus/brevis magnus

Addaction Adduction Adduction- Adduction-

Flexion hip Extension hip flexion hip flexion hip
Action External External rotation Flexion-
rotation hip medial
rotation knee
Supine Prone Supine with Supine with
(figure4) Place palpating knee flexed flexed knee
Place palpating finger along fiber Place Place palpating
finger along direction just palpating finger inferior -
fiber direction inferior to ischial finger along lateral to pubic
over medial tuberosity fiber direction tubercle
proximal thigh Ask patient to over middle Ask patient to
(upper third) extend hip with thigh adduct and flex
palpation Ask patient to adduction Ask patient to hip
adduct hip bend knee OR
N.B For adduct hip
adductor brevis
place palpating
finger slight
lateral and deep


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Patient position: Patient position: Patient Patient position:
Supine -hip Supine- hip position: Supine-abdaction-
external internally Supine- hip flexion 20
rotation-hip rotation- hip slightly Examiner force:
flexion 25 flexion 10 abduction- Toward
Examiner force: Examiner force: flexion 20- extension-
Toward hip To ward slightly knee abduction
abduction abduction- flexion with
Stabilization: flextion internally Stabilization:
Muscle Opposite ankle Stabilization: rotation Opposite ASIS
test Opposite ankle Examiner


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