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Uwmhyol University of Lethbrldge, Faculty of Education

Form ative Asse ssm ent
t')culty of t:ducallon

-Liam Stableford !Dr. Plaxton

riil•1.JUtiJecta. Taught: 3 - All subjects except Music
Greg Ogllvle
Jodie Goruk
November 23, 2023

PSI Practicum (ED 3500).
• The purpose of this form Is to provide the student teacher with 1peclflc fttdback during the
this fonn at regular Intervals during the practicum (e.g. g./ery week or every other week).
• The teacher associate should complete
the Field Experience Office.
• The student teacher retains the completed form for his/her records; It Is not submitted to
• To document the student teacher's growth over the practJcum, select/place a chtckmark . or wHk 1, WHk 2, etc., In the appropriate level of
Strengths/ Profession al Leaming Achieved and
perfonnance for outcomes being assessed. Please also provide some comments on
Suggestions/Areas for Growth on the final page of the form ..
- Teacher Associates may wish to
• It Is not nec1111ry to select/place a checkmark next to each outcome every time the form Is completed
and significan t 1trtngth1 and areas for growth, depending on the situation.
concentrate on the 3-S most relevant


Rlannlno and•Preoaratlon
1. Demonstrates knowledge and skills In the subject matter of the lessons. (3)
plans. (3)
2. Incorporates avariety of appropriate resources and lnstructlonaVassessment strategies Into lesson
relevant and appropriate learning objectives for
3. Translates learning outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies Into
the lessons being taught. (3
4. Takes Into account students' prior learnlng, leamlng needs, Interests, and background. (1, 3,

5. Organizes content Into appropriate components and sequences for lnstrucUon. (3)
6. Plans appropriate content and activities for the time allotted. (3)
objective(s), an
7. Prepares lesson plans for an lessons taught, using a well-defined structure which Includes learning activities,
Instructions , key questions, teaching strategies, leamlng
Introduction and closure, detailed procedures and
and assessment of lesson objectives. (3
8. Integrates digital technology a~d resources Into instruction, where appropriate. (2, 3)
9. Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for Instruction. (3)

2. INSTR UCTIO N (TOS #1, #3, #4, #5)

1. Uses clear, fluent, and grammatlcally correct spoken and written language. (3)
2. Uses vocabulary appropriate to students' age, background and Interests. (3)
3. Modulates his/her voice for audlblllty and expression. (3)
4. Demonstrates cultural sensitivity In communication and Instruction. (1, 4, 5)
t:•uon Introduction ,..:!" .~11 'lllL I .,
motivating attention-getters,
5. Establshes set: reviews prior learning, Identifies lesson objective(s) and expectations, uses
1rovldes overview, and relates the lesson to previous learning as appropriate. (3:

Revised: February 2020

2. tn,tructlon Continued: {TQS #1, #3, #4, #51
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6. Incorporates strategies for motivating students using relevant and Interesting subject matter and activities. (3, 4) 0
7, Explalna and proceeds In small step, at an appropriate pace to suit the activity and student response, (3) 0
8. Demonstrates subject matter competence during Instruction, (3) 0
9. Organizes and directs leamlng for Individuals, small groups, and whole classes. (3, 4) LJ [~ LJ
10. Provides clear directions, Instructions and explanations, (3) LJ
11. Directs efficient transitions between lessons and from one activity to the next. (3) 0
12, Uses a variety of Instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject matter, varied !earning styles and
Individual needs.(3, 4) 0
13. Usts appropriate materials and resources for teaching, (3) 0
14. When appropriate, uses resources that accurately reflect and demonstrate the strength and diversity of First Nations,
M6Us, and lnutt. (5) 0
15. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptabllty. (1, 3) 0
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16. Asks clearly phrased, wel-sequenced quesUons at avariety of cognttlvt levels. (3) LJ [ ] 0 [J
17. Provides appropriate -Walt-time" after poalng questions. (3) 0
18. Seeks clartflcatlon and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate. (3) 0
19. Leads and directs student participation In class discussion effective~ and distributes questions appropriately. (3)
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F.ocua on Stud1nt L11rnlna -

20. Circulates In the classroom, Intervening when necessary, checking on Individual and group understanding of
actlvttv/content. (3)
21. Recognizes and responds appropriately to Individual differences and group learning needs. (1, 3, 4) LJ
22. Reinforces student learning, building on previous learning, reviewing, and re-teaching, (3) LJ LJ 0 . ....,,,
23. Achieves closure for lessons, consolidaUng Ideas or concepts through summaries, reviews, discussions, and
appllcatlons. (3)
24. Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully. (3) DID


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C/1nroom Leaderahlo -
1. Assumes a leadership role In the classroom, taklng charge of classroom activities, showing confidence, poise,
comoosure, and oresence. (1, 3, 4) 0
2. Creates &maintains an effective learning environment, setting high expectaUons &standards for student leamlng. (1. 2) D 0 D
3. Demonstrates Initiative, enthusiasm and a commitment to the students and subject, models appropriate behaviours.(1,3) D 0 D
4. Establshes positive relationshlps and a classroom climate based on mutual trust and respect. (1, 2, 4)
D 0 .
Cl•••room 1M1n1aement . - - - ·-· - _,_ !.

5. Clearly defines and reinforces classroom procedures and routines. (4) 0

6. Clearly communicates and reinforces expectations for approprlate student behaviour. (4) D 0
7. Monitors student behaviour and Is aware of student behaviour at all times. (4) 0
8. Responds to Inappropriate behavior promptly, firmly, and conslstently, using appropriate low-key and higher level
resp0nses; follows school dlsclollne oollcles and orocedures. (4) 0

U of L: PS I Formative Assessment (Rev: Feb 2020) Student: -Liam Stableford Page 2 of 4

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1. Assesses student learning formatlvel'f using I variety of appropriate assessment techniques and Instruments
'.e.!l. observations, conversaUons, questlonln!l, checking dally work, performance-based and written assessments
). (3 0101 0101 0
2. Checks frequently for understanding. (3) 0101 0101 0
3. Provides timely and effective feedback on leamlng to students. (3)
4. Modifies and adapts teaching based on assessment data (e.g. employs 1Hematlve teaching strategies to re-teach
requi'ed). (3-'- 4·
0I0I DI0 I0
5. Explains to students how learning will be assessed. (3)
6. Develops and maintains accurate records of student progress.(3) DI0IDIDID


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1. Presents a professional appearance and manner. (1, 6)

2. Fulfills professional oblgatlons (I.e., punctuality, routine administrative duties). (6)
D 0
3. Demonstrates maturity and professional Judgment (1, 6)
D 0
4. Demonstrates an Interest In and a commitment to the teaching professlon.(1, 6)
D 0
5. Estabishes professional relationships with tht school community. (1)

Prof•••lonal Growth . .. ,. - __

D 0
y - " •

6. Accurately assesses and documents the effectiveness of lessons, Identifies strengths and weaknesses
and makes appropriate suggestions for
improvements. (2)
7. Uses the results of student assessment and feedback to Improve teaching practices and guide professional
growth. (3) LJ
8. Responds appropriately to feedback from others by llstenlng, Interpreting, and Implementing suggestions.
(2) D 0
9. Develops and communicates a personal vision of teaching. (4)
D 0
10, Reflects upon achievement of the various competences In the Teaching Quality Standard and inquiry-based
goals through the completion of the D
Professional Learnfn9 Tool. (2)
11. Develops and presents a professlonal portfolo to colleagues, Including the Teacher Associate and University
Consulant. (2) D 0
12. Carnes out the roles and responslbllltles of a teacher according to the Alberta School Act, school and district pollcles and other relevant D r.;i
leolslatlon. (6) • ••
Eth/ca/ Conduct • .. - • - • • - ... •
orientation, gender Identity,
13. Respects the dlgnHy and rights of all persons without prejudice as to race, rellglous beliefs, colour, gender, sexual D 0
place of origin, place of residence, socioeconom ic background or llngulstlc
physical characteristics, disability, marital status, age, ancestry,
badt9round. (4, 5, 6)
14. Treats students with dignity and respect and Is considerate of their circumstances. (4, 5, 6)
D 0
15. Does not divulge Information received In confidence or In the course of professional duties about a student except
as required by law or where to D
do so Is In the best Interest of the student. (6)
16. Does not undermine the confidence of students In teachers or other student teachers. (1)
D 0
17. Does not altlclze the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or other student teachers
unless the attlclsm Is D r.;i

communicated In confidence to proper officials after first Informing the lndlvldual concerned of the criticism. (1, 6)

18. Acts In a manner that maintains the honour and dignity of the profession. (1, 6)
D 0
19. Does not speak on behalf of the Faculty of Education, the University of Lethbrldge, the school, or the profession
unless authorized to do so. (6) D 0

U of L: PS I Formative Assessment (Rev: Ftb 2020) Student: -Liam Stableford Page 3 of 4

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Strengths/ Professional Learning Achieved:

-Lesson Planning: your lessons are well written and well prepared, you have taken the learning objectives from the Alberta Program of Studies and have tumed
them Into meaningful activities for the students. You have all the materials sourced, ready and organized prior to teaching your lessons.
-Utilizing a variety of Instructional strategies to engage students with learning content . centers, direct teaching, modelling, opportunities for whole and small
group collaboration, Independent work
-Communication: you have a very kind and respectful tone of voice Oust donl be afraid to command their attention at Umesl) and your written communication Is
:very professional and clear
-Effective use of technology • adept at using your IPad while Instructing, choosing appropriate videos to help add to your content delivery, creation of a Kahoot
for high student engagement

Su_g~stlons / Areas for Growth:
-Classroom Management: you are spending a lot of time during your lessons continually re-directing students.
How can you reinforce your expectations so that you are respected as the authority In the classroom?
Can you adapt your lessons and Instructional strategies to really engage students In the content and lessons so you doni need to spend as much time
managing small behaviours?
.Can you Increase the pace of your lessons so there Is less •down• and less wait time?

-Relationships: Work on building relationships with the students. Relationships are key to successful classroom management and create an enjoyable
.classroom community environment. If the students feel like you really like them, they will be more likely to respond to you In a respectful and positive manner.
•Be their teacher even when you aren't assigned to be specifically teaching them. Examples: greet them In the morning and/or after recesses. come out on
supervision and engage with the students in these lnfonnal settings where you aren't expected to •instruct" them

-Assessment In the second half of the practicum I would like you to think about how you would effectively assess students for your lessons (mostly fonnative,
but also some summative). Take into consideration the students learning needs and whether they are achieving the learning outcomes that you are wanting
them to. How will you provide feedback to students at this level and how will the students know if they are meeting your expectations?

U of L: PS I Formative Assessment (Rev: Feb 2020) Student: -Liam Stableford Page 4 of 4

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