Sync3 U1 CH Revised

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Unit Test 1

A Grammar
Choose the correct words to complete the text.

Last week, I was at school, so I 1must / could / had to wake up at six o'clock every day. This
morning, I 2mustn't / didn't have to / couldn't get up early because it was the first day of the
summer holidays. For the next six weeks, I 3have to / can / must get up later, which is great. Of
course, I 4can't / don't have to / couldn't do whatever I want because I live at home. My mum says
that I 5didn't have to / have to / mustn't find a job so that I can earn some money. She says that
I 6'm not allowed to / couldn't / didn't have to spend all day playing video games.


B Grammar
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 My sister ____________ speak French, so she does all the talking when we go to France.
2 You ____________ not stay up late tonight because you will be tired tomorrow.
3 We won't be ____________ to play football today. It's raining.
4 My brother ____________ drive a car because he is too young.
5 Ed ____________ play chess really well when he was a child. He won a lot of prizes.
6 I am not ____________ to use my dad's computer – I don't have permission.


C Grammar
Complete the sentences so they mean the same as the first sentence. Use the positive or negative form of
must, be able to, be allowed to, have to and ought to.
1 Don't come home later than ten o'clock.
You _____________________________________________________________________
2 I think you should go to college.
You _____________________________________________________________________
3 Janice can fix all types of computers.
Janice ___________________________________________________________________
4 My parents said I can watch the film.
I ________________________________________________________________________
5 We can wear a tie at school if we want to.
We ______________________________________________________________________
6 Do you have permission to borrow your sister's clothes?


1 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

D Vocabulary
Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I think I'm very helpful around the house. In the morning, after I get up, I always 1____________ the
bed. At the weekend, I 2____________ my room because it can get quite messy. Unfortunately, I
have to 3____________ the ironing. I hate it, but my mum says it's my job because I have a lot of
shirts! I also 4____________ the floor because I am bit messy and I don't like my room to be dirty. I
don't usually cook dinner, but I always 5____________ the dishwasher after dinner, and I often
____________ the rubbish out in the evening.


E Vocabulary
Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap.
1 Jay Do you do much sport?
Anna Yes, I do ____________ most weekends. I really like running.
2 Kate Where's your sister today?
Fred I think she's playing ____________ with her friend. She loves board games.
3 Henry What shall we do this afternoon?
Sarah It's a lovely day. Let's go to the beach. Shall we get our boards and go ____________?
4 Julia Do you like walking?
Luis Well, I enjoy ____________ with my family in the countryside.
5 Paulo Are you in any sports teams at school?
Jess No, but I play ____________ with my friends every weekend. But last week I broke my stick,
so I need to buy a new one.
6 Tina What can I do to get fit?
Luke Well, you could do ____________.
Tina No. I hate going to the gym, using weights and all the rest of it.

F Vocabulary
Write the word that best fits the free-time activity.
1 These physical exercises develop and show the body’s strength and ability to move and bend easily, often using
special equipment. People often do this as a sport in competitions.
2 When you do this activity, you go up rocks or mountains.
3 In this game, players roll heavy balls along a special track towards a group of objects that are like bottles in
shape, but made of wood, and try to hit as many of them as possible.
4 Two teams of seven players play this sport. Teams try to throw the ball into the other team's goal.
5 A sport in which two people fight using their hands and feet.

2 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

G Reading
Read the text. Choose the correct words to complete the sentence below.
You would most likely find this text about friendship in a novel / an online magazine / a newspaper /
a textbook.

What is friendship?
We asked six young people for their views.

I don't have a big group of friends, but I don't mind because I have several close friends, which I think
is better. We often just sit around and chat. I feel very comfortable talking about my problems
because they always tell me the truth. In my view, that's the key thing in a friendship.

My best friend is serious while I'm the complete opposite. I just like to have a laugh. I don't think it
matters though because we think in the same way. We both love playing computer games and
watching videos. Having similar interests is what makes a good friendship.

When my dad was young, he lived near his friends. These days, teenagers sometimes make friends
on the internet. Some people think that's dangerous, but I think you just have to be sensible and make
sure other people know them, too. My dad only has school friends on social media, not friends he
made online.

I know a lot of people on social media, but there are only a few who I'd actually call friends. They are
the ones who I value and mean most to me. We chat together, hang out, go to the shops or play video
games together. I don't see some of my online friends very much at all.

My best friends have different personalities. Claire is always telling jokes. Dana often gives us lovely
gifts. Isabel always has something fascinating to say. The one thing all my friends have in common is
that they are always there for me. For me, that's the most important quality of a good friend.

When I moved house, I didn't know many people. I'm interested in acting, so I joined a drama group
and made some friends. I think the easiest way to find people who have similar interests to you is to
do something like that. For example, if you like sport, you could join a club.

3 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.
1 What does Isabel say about friendship?
A ☐ It's important to have a lot of friends.
B ☐ Friends should always listen to advice.
C ☐ Honesty is an important quality in a friend.
D ☐ Friends should go out a lot together.

2 What does Yasemin say about friendship?

A ☐ The way young people make friends has changed.
B ☐ It can be dangerous to meet people online.
C ☐ Her parents have lots of online friends.
D ☐ It's important to talk to your friends.

3 What does Priya think it is most important for a friend to be?

A ☐ generous
B ☐ loyal
C ☐ funny
D ☐ interesting

4 What does Martin believe about friendship?

A ☐ You can meet people doing activities that you like together.
B ☐ It's hard to make friends when you live in a big city.
C ☐ You can have fun doing sport with your friends.
D ☐ It's important not to worry about how popular you are.

Read the text again. Match the people 1–6 with their view on friendship A–G. There is one sentence that you
do not need to use.
1 Isabel
2 Max
3 Yasemin
4 Filip
5 Priya
6 Martin

A You can make friends on the internet, but you must be careful.
B When you are part of a club, you can make new friends.
C You can have friends who all have different personalities.
D Friends should always tell each other jokes.
E You don't need to have lots and lots of friends. You only need a few close ones.
F Not all the people you know online are real friends.
G It is easy to make friends when you are into similar things.

4 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

H Listening

Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct answers.

1 The boy is asking for advice about taking up a new sport. What does he decide to do?
A ☐ go horse-riding at weekends
B ☐ go running in the mornings
C ☐ do judo at school
D ☐ join a gym with a friend
2 Two friends are talking about hockey. What does the woman like most about playing it?
A ☐ spending time with friends
B ☐ keeping fit and healthy
C ☐ training for the Olympics
D ☐ winning medals and prizes
3 The girl is talking about her hobby. What does she take photographs of most often?
A ☐ different countryside scenes
B ☐ family and friends
C ☐ people and buildings in the city
D ☐ pets and other animals
4 A boy is asking for advice about how to get fit. What does he choose to do?
A ☐ go hiking with the girl
B ☐ play football in the park
C ☐ do karate with his brother
D ☐ do fitness training with a group of friends
5 Two friends are planning to meet. Why can't the girl meet the boy on Wednesday?
A ☐ She is playing football.
B ☐ She is going to the cinema.
C ☐ She is going swimming.
D ☐ She is celebrating her birthday.
6 Two friends are making plans for Saturday. What do they decide to do?
A ☐ go shopping at the shopping centre
B ☐ go surfing with the girl's brother
C ☐ go to the park and bring something to eat there
D ☐ go to the bowling alley in the evening

Listen to the conversations again. Complete the sentences with between one and three words.
1 The girl's friend knows about a good ______________________.
2 The woman thinks that prizes ______________________ very important.
3 The girl likes to take photos mainly of ______________________ when she is in the countryside.
4 The boy goes to ______________________ on Saturdays.
5 The girl's ______________________ birthday is this week.
6 The girl doesn't like ______________________.

5 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

I Use of English
Complete the dialogue using one or two words.
Caller Hello. I'd like 1_______________ the swimming class.
Receptionist Certainly. So, I need to take a few details first. Can I have your 2_______________,
Caller It's Jones.
Receptionist Thanks. How do 3_______________ that?
Caller J-O-N -E-S
Receptionist And your 4_______________?
Caller David.
Receptionist That's great. Can I have the first 5_______________ your address, please?
Caller It's 5 Green Lane.
Receptionist Thank you. Could I have 6_______________ address?
Receptionist Thank you.

Complete the dialogue.

Caller Hello. What do I need to do to join the film club?
Receptionist You can do it online, in person, or now over the phone.
Caller Over the phone would be great. Can I do it now?
Receptionist Certainly. I just need to take a few details first. 1____________________________?
Caller Smith.
Receptionist Thanks. 2__________________________________________________________?
Caller S-M-I-T-H.
Receptionist _________________________________________________________________?
Caller Elizabeth.
Receptionist That's great. 4_______________________________________________________?
Caller 4 Rose Avenue.
Receptionist Thank you. 5________________________________________________________?
Caller Yes, it's
Receptionist Thank you. 6________________________________________________________.
Caller It's 07700 900468.
Receptionist Thank you.


6 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

J Writing
Your friend would like some advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Write a message to your
friend and give them three pieces of advice. Use phrases for giving advice. Use linking words to
connect ideas. Write about 130 words.
/ 10

/ 80

7 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

8 Synchronize 3 • Unit Test 1 • Challenge

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