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Leon Sinclair

Brief synopsis part 8

Dinosaurs as we know were mostly made-up, but what about cavemen? What was a
‘Neanderthal’ or a ‘Cro-Magnon’ ‘man’, exactly?

All of our “Cavemen” and women were created after the flood that was used to wipe us out, the
same flood whose waters were frozen creating the icewalls and then the center thawed, as
mentioned in previous synopsis.

They needed to down-size us and reduce our brain capacity, height, & intellect - before
repopulating the planet with their “new” version of ‘us’ they needed to make sure that our
telepathy was disconnected, but then how would we communicate without our telepathy? At
home in 5D we only use telepathy….Christian only ever uses language with his mum and Eldo,
normally here in 3D. At home telepathy is much faster and easier to converse with – as
mentioned previously we can ‘tune-in’ to any other species to converse with them making
spoken language, not obsolete, but tiresome and unnecessary – so after the flood during the
period that they back-engineered us, they went thru developmental stages that we know of as
the Palaeolithic period. Cave men were the point in our development where they had worked
out how to reduce everything about us, but we needed to communicate with each other now,
with no telepathy, so what we call the palaeolithic period was just the era of our speech and
vocal cord development and linking it all-up to the brain in a 3rd density being, lets not forget
that 3D doesn’t and hasn’t existed before for billions of years, so there was a time of trial & error
- and because they made us a little-bit-too-stupid on the 1st few attempts, they needed to make
us less retarded to be able to form social networks and build shelter first then onto citys– the
trial period of working out how we will communicate with each other to form bonds,
technological development and industry, an industry carefully thought-out and time-‘delivered’ to
us resplendent with its own ‘back-story’, in exchange for children – the requirement would
gradually increase over the century’s as our civilisations grew – to start with we were
thousands….now we are billions…..they would have come along at the start and been like: “hey
‘Cavey’……bit cold in there bruv init? names God by-the-way & I made you because I’m
very nice – I’m partial to children I need to let you know, so, here’s some fire and il show you
how to reproduce it……you can heat-up that cold damp cave with it…..BUT….its going to cost
200 children a month….BUT you can cook on it as well, so il throw cooking in for free and teach
you how to kill your own children in the fire to bring rain for next season as well (don’t tell the
other tribespeople but we need you to do that for the demons who help us and they eat ‘loosh’
so that’s why, that’s between you and me tho)….that’s 300 kids a month…..if you want a
bow-&-arrows then that’s 800 kids a month….and if you wat our help in battles with other tribes,
which we guarantee will happen as that’s what we do, then its 100,000 children per war, don’t
worry we supply our own men who look like you so no one will know….and I need the 1st born
of every family to take away with me today, and here’s a free pen to sign our soul away with…”.
Something like that…after they perfected ‘Homo Erectus’ from the previous 8 or 9 failures, they
were on their way to global domination with the most fucked-up-twisted-disgusting-perverted
version of ‘life’ you could ever conceive. A 6,000+yr plan to slowly build multiple civilizations and
reset them each time changing the version of human – strangely, it has been noted by several
narrators that Tartarian dwellings/castles / huge sprawling manor-houses….all had no toilets
and the chimneys we not blackened with fire. How strange that the architecture of these building
we could not afford to replicate today due to the cost of materials and labour, plus the
ostentatious style….what…… and they never thought to make something to shit-in in the
winter?...they are curiously omitted from these buildings dating back a thousand
years+………they never had to curl-one-out as often as we do, that’s why, they ate less – like
Christian says, in 5D we don’t hardly eat at all, once a month if you feel the need, but we live on
sunlight and water, just like plants, so hardly a shock to think that the Tartars, who were a lot
taller than us, didn’t eat that much, is it?

Visit ‘Mind Unveiled’ on youtube – it’s an awesome breakdown on Tartaria

The rise-&-fall of civilizations that our archaeologists, paleontologists, astrologists and

astronomers, Mathematical Historians, Art Historians, Chemists, Alchemists, Geologists,
Geographers, Arche- astronomers, Historians and historical Archives, Library’s & learning
centers......Plus the sciences, ‘disciplines’ and theories that are used to uncover them, are
looking for a pot of gold at the end of a constantly and consistently moving Rainbow made of
lies………to filter reality so that we never realize what’s gone on here before the next re-set.
That’s all ‘History’ or ‘His-Story’ is for – its not there to give us an accurate chronology of our
past, no no, His-Story is there specifically to make sure that we never discover the truth and it
works really well as by the time we reach 100yrs all we knew for certain….was nothing
whatsoever. So how can we ever become a threat being mind-wiped?

We were only ever required to build with our own sweat-equity, the infrastructure of our own
demise whilst populating that fiction with the realm's biggest asset…..our children. We are led to
believe that the children are being protected at all costs….yes they are being protected at all
costs… the child-killing pedophiles who abducted them - because if anyone finds out what
they are up to, we will collectively rip their heads off. Well the head-ripping already happened.
4yrs ago. It may not look like this at the moment, but it is 1 million % true.

During a re-set, negative beings are invited here to help with the slaughter – it’s the biggest
Festival in the Malevolent world, a re-set at Gateway-10 – don’t forget they love a re-set – they
HATE us, they do not merely dislike us, if they had the option they would rather we didn’t die
and that they could torture us without killing us, indefinitely for eternity in constant agony– but
luckily for us Source Creation built in a switch that if we are in terrible terrible pain, then we will
have a heart attack and die, relieving us from that pain. The parasites up-graded our pain
threshold also as they didn’t want us to die too quickly – the vessel you are in now has a good
pain tolerance because durin the up-grades/down-grades made to us after resets they change
many aspects of us, they modified our pain threshold so we can take a beating and live in the
cold longer, its better for them if our suffering is intensified – this time we were going to have a
high sugar diet and a very unhealthy menu because they knew that they would be inventing ‘Big
Pharma’ & petrol and now with the advent of these new ‘tools’ they can introduce things like
cancer and diseases - Tartaria, for instance, used Free Energy, to some extent - we were not to
have that this time. But we were to have a series of great wars which would ensure the need for
a ‘Baby-Boom’ or two before the next re-set……which was due in 2021 known as ‘Agender21’
(changed to Agender 2030) disguised as a good idea for the planet to save the planet and put
the planet 1st….when in reality all it was doing was giving a piece of rock the size of your
little-fingernail, more rights than the man or woman holding it. Literally –

the vaccinated now fall into the homo-borgensis category or ‘trans-Human 2.0’ melding
man-with-machine which the vaccine nano-tech was for amongst several other things, that’s
why peoples arms now have a mac address if they got the real “Vaccine” The people who this
would have worked on were going to be few and far between, worked for as in ‘for them – the
parasites’ – they do this all the time…Thalidomide - ‘Downs Syndrome’ – Birth deformity’s –
Dwarfism – etc etc are ALL testing and research. Like we test on animals for research…”if only
we could make that lion smaller / faster / less savage or more savage….think Jurassic park with
the designer dinosaurs. They have been cloning people for 80+ years so ‘Dolly’ the sheep was
just a joke to let you know ‘in plain sight’ that they are using cloning – the other way is in sci-fi
films and series as we all know (most of us, anyway)

you can see why Christian says that he’s “seen people's faces and its not good” referring to
during/after the EBS with the revelations it will bring. People who ‘know’ what life’s about, are
about to have the worst shock you could possibly imagine – speechless will ‘not touch the sides’
on this shock – catatonic with overwhelming iridescent and incandescent
shock…….Paraplegic-with-shock / incapacitated with shock, are better descriptions – buckle-up
as its only a week or so away – The problem for them will be that ALL THIS INFORMATION is
going to come-down on them in FAST succession and they wont be able to process it fast
enough – like trying to fit the water in the ‘Hoover Dam’, down a garden hose…….its Guna split
the hose for sure. 9.9 billion people with a split hose and 12 people to help patch it up
after……hey….lucky we have some help….that was incorrect….lucky we had quite a few other
species saving our arses in its entirety.

– this was going to be the 7th and LAST RESET.


They didn’t need us anymore as they were only here for the children, so after milking us dry and
using us, ourselves incarnated as a food and adrenochrome source for 6,000yrs to dig out gold
for the and form the fiat currency system implemented by the Knights Templar they took over the
world making us owe a 3rd party (themselves) for any of our own money we asked to 'Borrow'
despising us literally hating us with an incandescent rage – see “The Georgia Guidestones” &
“The Rothschild secret covenant”. They had completed each step on the Rothschild Seceret
Covenant, it is WELL WORTHY OF NOTE.
There have been 6 previous resets – a reset is every thousand or so years depending on if
anyone has leaked information from what may lay beyond the ice wall, as this info with the
100th monkey effect could easily end their reign in a few thousand years - then the reset would
be sooner as explained in past synopsis. This reset was the last as they only needed 500 million
of us here for slaves and facilitation of their world. Those of us left after the vaccine had wiped
out BILLIONS, would be in FEMA camps for torturing and harvesting – the resets are a festival
of the most appalling human suffering imaginable – family’s are hunted down by Draco and
custodians in natural form as there is no need for them to shapeshift to hide from us and they
would much rather us be in sheer terror at running from a 14’ tall reptile with a meat-cleaver
chasing us at 33mph, which is what the children endure when they are given a 2 hour head-start
at a “Royal Hunt” which is always done on a large estate out of the way with a no-fly zone above
– the Draco (royals and ‘elites’) then shapeshift into Draco form, and hunt. AT a re-set there is
also no need to shapeshift into human form as terrorizing us is the whole point of it – so they run
free about the planet raping torturing and killing – they get most excited when there are almost
none of us left, its way more thrilling to them to hunt down the last few hard-to-find children and
women, terrified out of their minds, cold, hungry and on the run from a 14’ tall powerfully built
“Alien” crocodile that is hunting them to eat after tortuting. Not much could be worse.

At a sacrifice when a soul is sold, a child is used to open the portal where the Demon will come
thru, directly from the Demon-dumping-ground – facilitated by ‘Lamb’ who was the Grey that
Alister Crowley was taught by, and Anton Le vey, after him. Before them, the same Grey called
‘Lamb’ would have taught the rest of the prominent ‘magicians ‘of the day, their dark art – Lamb
was ‘Head -Grey in charge of the Demonic ‘lessons’. Lamb is based at the Demon Dumping
ground during the demonic transference between the dumping ground and the victim in our
realm and was taught this craft by the demons themselves – Lamb only has to teach one person
in each country and that 1 person will go off and teach the rest who will go on to school the
others in that era & pass-down the techniques. The proliferation of this knowledge filters down in
a diluted fashion through the age to the ‘modern’ era as mere remnants of a lost art, which is not
lost at all….they would want kids using Ouija boards without knowing anything other than
hearsay…that’s ideal for them as these dumb kids can accidentally get in a lot of trouble and
invite a demon into them from this naive interaction with the unknown.

The sacrificed child is used to open the portal at the ceremony where the soul-selling will take
place. The Loosh created will feed the demon, who enters the room thru a small opening, a
portal created by Lamb, above/near the altar with the soul-selling-sell-out laying on it. The portal
opens and Lambs fat-head is seen in the opening – a demon comes in thru the portal and as it
passes into the 3rd density thru the portal it takes on the appearance of black ‘dust’ as it enters
the victim. There a period of a few weeks where the demon is learning to mimic the victim, and a
clone of the victim is set out in the public with a ‘Handler’ who could be publicly the celebs
husband/partner/father etc etc when in reality they are just the handler making sure the clone
doesn’t malfunction, stays on cue.

An idea of how ‘menial’ a demons powers can be used: World Snooker Champion Ronnie
O’Sullivan is a good case…….demons use magnetic forces to make sure that snooker ball goes
exactly where it should……people may say that snooker balls are not metallic and therefore
cant be moved in this way, but I have used the word ‘magnetic’ to create the image in the
readers mind – the forces used are frequencies and magnetic-like forces.

The ‘star’ closest to the moon (to the right) is the device that generates the hologram over the
‘Death-Star-Looking-moon. The moon as said previously was destroyed a few years back and
the hologram is now projected onto an ‘empty’ space where the moon once was. Its why
moonlight is colder than moon shadow, if the suns light was reflecting off a solid
moon….moonlight would be warmer than moon shadow….but it’s the other way round proving
that moonlight isn’t ex-sunlight – there are many other ways to work this out but that’s the
quickest, you can do it yourself at home. The Death Star appearance of the moon, in the
previous synopsis was accurate, except the Death Star on Star Wars was much better
looking….our moon, behind the hologram, was potted and rough….very ‘un-moon-looking’ with
a death-Star type entrance at the sides/top. The ‘indent’ on the Death Star in Star Wars
(Dish-looking feature), was also actually a real feature on the moon, this was the
‘harvesting’-type apparatus used to collect the loosh generated at sacrifice/torture / general
morose of populations and the angst of war and suffering – the storage ‘Banks’ in the
‘circuit-board-city’s’ relay this loosh from the planets surface to the moon via the Northern Rock /
Mt Meru The aurora borealis was when the ‘valve’ was opened at the centre pole (Mt Meru) and
the loosh is syphoned-off by the moons technology (was)
The moons entrance at the top, winds down and into the surface of the moon, turning left and
right as in a burrow – the tunnel is huge and so are the areas inside and there are cavernous
openings where there are hundreds of thousands of children stored in cages, with torture rooms
and other areas set aside for adrenochrome extraction (like on Dark Crystal)
When you realise the level of lies, deceit and belligerence shown to us since this started all that
time ago, not by the parasites themselves, but by their minions, who were our own people, you
will start to see the pattern of infiltration. Today we call a large sector of these sell-outs
“Celebritys” - look at the symbolism that they portray for photoshoots and on their social media
pages…..doesn’t there come a time when even the most ardent sceptic must surely think in the
back of their mind ‘Hang on a minute……iv seen pictures of about 200 celebs with a black-eye
including royalty….600 pics of the famous making pyramid ‘eye’ signals with their hands over
their face…..the ‘silence’ hand gesture with the right index finger-to-the-lips, countless hand
gestures for photo shoots and also private shots…….what you still think its just a coincidence?
That the popes (plural) make the
‘Sign of the Beast’ and so does the Dalai Llama….? All the way back to paintings of popes
hundreds of years ago? Strange that there is a video of the Dallai Llama French-kissing a young
boy in a public setting with people laughing and clapping at the spectacle……. isn’t utterly
disgusting? What about the recent pictures of Jefry Epstein torturing that 14-year-old naked girl
tied to pegs in the grass, torturing her with a magnifying glass in the sun, literally……that isn’t a
little bit strange??? How about the young baby’s with ‘Panda’ eyes bruised as a side-effect of
the sodomy they endured the previous few days where 1-to-50+ men, ‘Elite’ podophiles we
know of as ‘The Government’ ‘CAFCASS’ ‘SOCIAL SERVICES’ THE POLICE – THE
JUDICARY…..senior NHS and local councils…..all 33+ Degree masons with a whole lot of
terrible secrets to hide from ‘us’ the public, were abusing them as part of their religious
sacrament? because if we found out what these EVIL TRAITORS were up to for the last few
thousand years……we would ALL go FUKIN NUTS AS-FUCK….which coincidentally is what’s
about to happen in a week-to-10-days time when there is a ‘sudden’ power-cut (the awake have
been waiting 4yrs for this fukin power-cut) we have had to wait for the ‘poor-little-sleepers’ who
don’t fancy waking-up just yet as its uncomfortable and interferes with their programming at
every angle…its just too easy to shrug-off with the herd mentality of “were all in this together”.

Understanding the level of lies and understanding the ET world, as Christian mentioned a few
times, is all you need to do, its easy & il explain why - just like being 5 and learning to swim – I
shit myself at the thought of the deep-end until id got used to the shallow end, then in was sweet
with the deep end - the ‘unknown’ dark water at the deep end makes it daunting, terrifying even
– the shallow end is well light and ankle deep, cant get into trouble at the shallow end. Well the
awake got in the pool 4+yrs ago and made their way to the deep end… week, the whole
world gets shoved into the deep end at the same time. The problem is that there’s more
sleepers than awake souls, so for this reason the EBS will be cut short…..its unlikely to last 10
days..what’s the point? After 4 hours of the EBS 10% of sleepers will have died of suicide &
10% from shock and likely 78% will loose their ‘marbles’ (both marbles) [my rough figures not
Christians, he’s asleep or id ask him]

So why ‘crucify’ them? …..worthy of note whilst mentioning crucifixiction is that ‘we’ are all
Jesus-like, that’s part of the hoax, we can heal and perform what would look like ‘miracles’ in a
3D simulation if it were to happen here, but the story of Jesus is a made-up fake story that we
mentioned earlier, but Jesus was a representation of ‘us’ collectively and Jesus was crucified on
the cross which the cross has masonic connotations that I forget right now to do with the cross
representing and un-folded cube which is itself a satanic symbol, think Kabbah in Meca 6-6-6,–
we are crucified for our ‘sins’ being used as food, tortured for fun, used for financial gain i.e.
adrenochrome, raped and our children eaten and sodomised to satisfy a demonic requirement
for the physical manifestation of pain and suffering being known of as ‘Loosh’ which as
mentioned earlier ‘is’ the aurora borealis / northern lights seen at times of harvesting the loosh
from the surface of the realm-to-the-moon from the storage ‘banks’ on the ground – the northern
lights are not seen constantly because loosh is stored in the banks to build up before the valve
is activated……I digressed – why crucify them? The idea is that we all ascend in body’s, these
body’s that you are in right now, is the body that you will have the DNA repaired from during the
up-coming EMF….30 seconds white-light. When you die this loop in a few thousand years after
the EMF event (after EMF treatment when and as you age thought this life…THIS LIFE, FOR
PLEASE, and with EMF treatment you are likely to be living 1000yrs+ This body in this life with
YOUR face etc….this will be upgraded to your full strand DNA from the density you were at the
time – don’t forget in 5+D All DENSITYS 5D+ ‘mingle’ as there is no threat EVER to anyone, so
this is possible as no higher-D will subjugate a lower D being, it just does not happen. Only the
ancient demons – Anunnaki – Custodians – Greys (all species bar 1, maybe 2?) – Draco (alpha
and omicron) were negative, but there is also another species of nasty ET that lives the other
side of the universe and does not interact out of its sector, it is highly intelligent and a proper
hand-full if you bump-into one – they are called the “T-Mantis” and are the only negative mantis
species out of a total of 4 (I think?) the T-Mantis is shown to us in the movie ‘Independence Day
– that ET species is a REAL SPECIES. They are confrontational with all other species and do
not get involved in any issues outside their civilisation.

The Type-4 Reptilian are the Chamaeleon shapeshifters, seen mostly as news and weather
reporters/sport etc etc – The Type-3 Reptilians are the mini-‘Winged’ Draco with a tail including
the Alpha & Omicron Draco lines and the Type-2 is the Wing-less Draco with a Tail only Type-1
is the dopey ‘Vrill’ lizard which has several types/casts all pretty thick but good at ‘mimicking’
anything it enters from a cat to a dinosaur or a human.

Remember one of the StarTrek movies featuring Jean Luke Picard when he went into the
‘Nexus’ which was like a ‘ribbon’ of pink energy that passed thru a solar system every
now-&-then, and when it did, if you were lucky enough to be standing in its path, you would be
transported to a point in your past where you were at peak-happiness. For Jean-Luc Picard, that
was at home as a child in the VinYard farmhouse…..for MR & MRS NORMAL (upper-case:
Capitus Demutia Maxima, or a corps-orating Corporation or a dead entity speaking, having had
their rights relinquished by their Pair-who-Rents= Parents who signed them away with a birth
certificate… who then themselves relinquished their own children’s rights with the same financial
‘instrument’ birth-certificate

The main reason that the sleepers and sheep will need to go to 2nd Earth is because quite
literally, when the flash is over, soul-mates will ‘magnetise’ towards each other after making
apologies to their current partners, children will chose themselves which parent they want to be
with, or possibly neither parents, as the children are ancient beings experiencing life in a child’s
body, so they will not hang about with abusive parents, they will go where their soul pulls them,
to their twin flame or remain with their soul family and not their incarnated / vessel family. Sorry I
digressed again, sleepers cant remain here as it will inhibit and mire the new simulations growth
and development e.g. hypothetically speaking, if there was even 1 single sleeper here after the
EMF, that sleeper will be very traumatised, believing in god and the QFS etc, worrying about
money and where has their house gone? – well this person will soon realise that they are the
minority with these feelings, they will be full of resentment and cynicism, pessimism and
apathy….these feelings from just ONE person will effect the entire simulation environment for
everyone else, the simulation will not be at its full potential, and soon the negativity will spread
like a cancer, another being could become anxious and this will spread like a cancer….the next
thing there is a breakaway society forming and a cult. That’s why they need to heal elsewhere.
The new simulation needs programming, and that is achieved when the 'twin-flames' /
soulmates reunite in the realm with the new 'formatted' simulation, which is what that green sky
is about - they open up portals high up and let the green mist in - it permeates everything, it
goes into your brain thru the mouth and nostrils, it goes into the retina and optic nerve - animals
may start acting weird, dogs and cats especially as they are very high sensory beings who are
around humans who may notice.

The fake alien invasion:

This is our soul family returning, but as with everything else ‘Q’ its not that straight forward! – the
parasites plan from day-1 was to have a real “Alien” invasion….parasites and negatives turning
up to reset us like a hunt on the film ‘Predator’ where they literally hunt the remaining humans
and, well, you know the rest by now. This would have been to get all the remaining ‘preppers’
and ‘hippies’ that saw somthing coming years ago, whatever it was they saw comming......the
people who went and hid with 10yrs worth of food, as I was prepping for when I met Christian,
just in case. Whatever they thought was coming was a moving target with several options & fluid
in nature, magnetude & loss of life - thing is no one knew till yesterday just how much loss there
nearly was.........all of it. we nearly all lost our lives & eternal souls, the rest of us (the 500
million) would be doomed for eternity - looping back after constant torture and slavery.....for
eternity, literally. It would probably turn you into a demon yourself after a billion years of that –

- So the same as with the foreign military being in hotels all over the world preparing for
‘something’ – well they ‘were’ here to mop-up the unvaccinated and move them to FEMA camps
the world over – but the same with the fake alien invasion, its not being controlled by the
bad-guys, they are all gone but their plan is being stuck-to but with good intentions and a good
outcome, by the good guys. Master stroke of military planning. Part 9 will come shortly and will
explain, amoungst other things, who Trump and the rest of Q-Team actuallty are......were and
will be.

more women are awake than men, i think thats because of male bravado and mens need to
'already know' stuff, prevents their development because theres a super high ratio of awake
women compared to men, strangely.....maybe women are more intune with nature and reality
than men? who knows? i know one thing fo sure....there's a whole lot of Avatars male and
female out there who will be getting a 'P45' for not turning up for work. I was 400 years never late

You awake out there you beautiful souls who always knew something smelt funny, but couldn't
put your finger on it, those of you who listened to that inner voice that you thought was your
higher-self or a guide, or some strange semi-sentient-compass guiding your way......i love
you!.....'we' love you! because against all the odds you remained true to yourself and true to
your species, you stood your ground and you did the right thing at the right time, your still doing
it......keep going for a short time now its not long .....we are actually going home on the 23rd
December. The things that have happened just in the last few days with Christian, are
soooooooooooo fkn faaaaaaaaaaaaar out that im gobsmacked to be honest. its bewilderingly
terrifying on another-level and at the same time so humbling....when you find out after
christians next video, whats actually happened and who actually intervened.......

YOU ARE AMAZING!!! And an equily AMAZING world awaits you in a short time :) XXX

Peace out people of the 'Known Lands'.....soon to be renamed "Heart" as it was previously and
originally named.


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