Blue and Black Clean Un Style Civil Society SDG Progress Report 2

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Over the last couple of years, artificial intelligence (AI)

keeps getting bigger and bigger. It has become a part of
daily life, it can be used to figure out anything at
anytime. AI can be both harmful and good. AI servers
like ChatGPT can be harmful for education because
students can use it to cheat on exams and homework.
This can create a bad example for the future generations.
There can also be other various factors where AI can be
harmful. For example, AI might eliminate jobs in the
future, accelerate income, and we do not know how
much more smarter it can get. This has been raising
concerns among many Americans. So, should we be
worried about AI in the future?
Figure 1. This graph from August 10, 2023 shows that people are
more concerned rather than excited about the new AI

According to the graph, we can see information on how over the last three years, Americans are
getting both concerned and excited about how much AI is being used in daily lives. They are
concerned because they do not know what could happen. But they are excited because there are
going to be new technologies that might help us in a lot of ways.

There can be a lot of concerns when it comes to AI. There are lots of researchers that explain that
AI isn’t something we should worry about and that it cannot harm anything in the future. But on
the other hand, some are saying that it does raise concerns.
According to Josh Bersin, AI cannot take over jobs because instead of taking jobs away, AI will
help us become better in our jobs. This is because if AI is going to expand, then it is going to need
human jobs to help in the making of it. “AI will create a massive demand for new skills and
people who can manage, train, and support these systems.” Bersin also mentions that AI will
make jobs like managing, leading, selling, designing, analysts, and financial professionals in
business easier instead of taking them over.

Figure 3. This image from April 2, 2023 shows that growth in wages and demand for jobs.

The graph shows that workers who have social skills out-earn the workers who have good math
skills. This does not mean that technical careers are starting to have a lower value, this just
simply means that AI will not decrease the demand for certain jobs. Bersin says, “There are many
technical professionals who started careers as database analysts, moved to big data analytics, and
possibly became data scientists. These people can now learn AI and add value in new ways.”

According to Andy Fell, some people are

worried that AI cannot take over the world. He
explains that this is not true. Fell explains that
AI can handle a lot data notice systems and
patterns that humans might miss, but they are
limited by their programming and they also
have limited data available to them. “AIs have
been programmed to write poems or make
digital artwork. But no AI could spontaneously
decide to paint a sunset or jot down a sonnet.”
Fell also explains that AI solves problems by
using logic, but in a real world, not all problems
can be solved by using logic. “ In building an
algorithm to work in the real world, you need to
be aware of what you don’t know, and that
there may be things you are not aware that you Figure 4. This image from December 19, 2022, shows the percentage of people that think
that we should not worry about the things listed above
don’t know — the unknown unknowns.”
Tom Huddleston says that people are right to be worried about AI. He says that if AI systems are
left unchecked, then they can spread misinformation, allow companies to hoard users personal
data without their knowledge, and cede countless human jobs to machines. “These are not
potential [risks], because these harms have already been documented over the years.”

Figure 5. This image shows the five guardrails that Venkatasubramanian, a Brown
University computer science professor who researches fairness and bias in tech
systems, gives.

The picture above, gives five guardrails that might help safely regulate the AI industry. “I see
these guardrails, not just as protections against harm, but as ways to actually build a much more
pleasant and beneficial future, which is what we really all want.”

Jade Biggs talks about how the impact of AI will

depend on how we deal with it. Biggs explains
that by embracing thoughtful regulations, we
can lower the risks of harmful AI and protect
the future. "The impact of AI on humanity's
future will depend on how we navigate these
challenges and ensure that AI technologies are
developed and deployed in a manner that
maximizes benefits while minimizing risks.”
Biggs says that if we need to stop AI from
becoming a problem, we need to take action
now. “In terms of both potential upsides and
downsides, super intelligence will be more
powerful than other technologies humanity has
had to contend with in the past.”
It is normal to be worried about AI since we do not know what can happen in the future and how
things can take a turn. But after looking at different researches, it can be predicted that we
should not worry about AI being a concern for at least a couple more years. It is also seen that AI
will bring huge improvements in healthcare, education, art, and business. AI will provide us with
benefits that we cannot even imagine. But, it is also completely normal to worry about AI. We
should still take precautions and not help AI become a problem in the future since there are lots
of things that we do not know and can’t predict. As life goes on, we will get to see a lot of changes
in AI, they can be both postive and negative.

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