Strategic Assign 3

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Waleed Habib 70112437

Shayan Hassan Toor 70113180
Hussnain Asghar 70113759
Anzal Ur Rehman 70112490



Submitted to:

Dr. Ahmed Abdul Hameed

What is your analysis of the higher education industry in 2014? What
substantial changes are taking place? What are the key threats and

In 2014, the higher education industry was enduring substantial transformations. Technological
advancements were rising influencing the way education was delivered, with a rise in online
learning platforms and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This shift was both a threat and
a chance for traditional institutions.

1. Online Learning: The growth of online platforms provided opportunities for reaching a
global audience, making education more accessible.

2. MOOCs: Extensive Open Online Courses enabled scalable and economical education,
potentially reaching a broader student base.

3. Personalized Learning: Adaptive education tools gained momentum, enabling

personalized learning experiences catered to individual student needs.

4. Globalization: Higher education institutions had opportunities to collaborate globally,

fostering diverse perspectives and alliances.


1. Cost of Education: The cost of traditional higher education was a significant concern,
leading to questions about the value of degrees in relation to their cost..

2. Competition from Online Platforms: Conventional institutions battled rivalry from

online platforms presenting economical and adaptable alternatives.

3. Job Market Dynamics: The changing job market demanded graduates to have not just
academic knowledge but also practical skills, stressing institutions to adjust their curricula..
4. Regulatory Challenges: Regulatory shifts and accreditation challenges presented hurdles
for institutions striving to innovate and adjust to new educational models.

The core for higher education institutions was to discover a balance between embracing
technological progress and sustaining the quality and credibility of education. Those that
effectively adjusted to the evolving landscape could exploit the opportunities presented, while
those opposed to change faced the risk of becoming obsolete.
What is your analysis of Belmont Abbey College’s competitive positioning? Has
it differentiated itself successfully?
Belmont Abbey College, a private liberal arts college in North Carolina, as situated itself within
the competitive panorama through several pivotal aspects. However, as of my latest knowledge
update in January 2022, I might not possess the most recent and detailed information about the
school. Here's a comprehensive evaluation based on historical data:


1. Catholic Identity: Belmont Abbey School has traditionally highlighted its Catholic
identity, offering an exceptional learning environment for students pursuing a faith-
centered education.

2. Liberal Arts Focus: The college's commitment to a liberal arts education differentiates it
from institutions with a more specialized or vocational emphasis.

3. Small Class Sizes: If Belmont Abbey College has preserved petite class sizes, it could be
a notable differentiator, granting students with more individualized attention and engaging
learning experiences.

4. Community Engagement: If the college has vigorously connected with the local
community or executed service-learning programs, this could add to its distinctiveness.

1. Limited Specialization: While a liberal arts focus is a distinguishing factor, it may also
pose challenges if there's a growing demand for specialized skills in certain industries.

2. Geographic Considerations: The college's site in North Carolina might restrict its
visibility and reach compared to nationally or globally acknowledged institutions.

3. Technological Integration: Depending on the scope of its adoption, the college's

utilization of technology in education might influence its competitiveness, particularly if
there's an expanding emphasis on online and blended learning.

Ongoing Strategies:

1. Adaptability: The capacity of Belmont Abbey College to adjust to shifting educational

trends, encompassing technology assimilation and developing student preferences, is vital
for long-term success.

2. Alumni Success: Highlighting the success stories of alumni in various fields can be a
powerful way to showcase the college's impact and attract potential students.

3. Partnerships and Collaborations: Establishing partnerships with local industries or other

educational institutions can enhance the college's offerings and reputation.

In essence, Belmont Abbey College has distinguished itself through its Catholic identity, liberal
arts emphasis, and possibly small class sizes. Continuing success will rely on its capacity to adjust
to the evolving panorama of higher education while remaining loyal to its fundamental principles.
For the latest and precise information, it would be prudent to inspect recent sources or the college's
official communications..
What is your evaluation of the changes made during Thierfelder’s tenure as
president? What recommendations do you have for Belmont Abbey college
moving forward? What are the alternative courses of action that the school
might pursue, and which option would you choose?
1. Embrace Technology: Incorporate online learning and enhance faculty digital skills.

2. Diversify Programs: Diversify academic offerings and forge industry partnerships.

3. Strengthen Alumni Relations: Utilize alumni successes and establish mentoring programs.

4. Enhance Community Engagement: Collaborate on projects, outreach, and engagement


5. Focus on Student Experience: Invest in campus facilities, extracurriculars, and assistance


Alternative Courses:

Online Expansion

Global Partnerships

Specialized Institutes

Brand Enhancement

Chosen Option:

Strategic Partnerships: Cooperate locally and globally for diverse opportunities and student

What are your recommendations for the higher education industry overall?
1. Tech Integration: Embrace online learning and adaptive tech.

2. Flexibility: Offer diverse learning options

3. Industry Collaboration: Partner with industries for practical skills.

4. Global Perspective: Foster international collaborations.

5. Continuous Innovation: Embrace emerging technologies.

6. Student Support: Prioritize mental health resources.

7. Accessible Education: Work towards affordability and accessibility.

8. Adaptable Curriculum: Develop flexible, interdisciplinary curricula

9. Data-Driven Decisions: Use analytics for informed choices.

10. Environmental Sustainability: Integrate green initiatives.

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