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M Volume 1 | Section 4

Consume Power
By Ian Arnold

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M Volume 1 | Section 4

Entries discovered through the discipline,

dedication, and determination of

Morglayvn Proudbeard PhD, MBA, BA, FAE.

Property of Academie Elongua. Ceraban, Teldrane.

To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to my attention that due to an error in the placement of certain

barrier materials during the recent renovations in the Grand Library, a sort of
transdimensional breach has occurred on the premises thereon.
I have been assured by both the Head Librarian and Dean of Transdimensional
Studies that this breach poses no harm to the students or faculty. However, the Head
Librarian has informed me that tomes, articles, and documents from the library have been
going missing, replaced with tomes from other places.
On behalf of the faculty and students of the Academie Elongua, I am politely
requesting that if you should find one of these missing documents; please return it at your
earliest convenience, through the most expedient and responsible manner possible.

Camden Tulforth
Arch-chancellor of the Academie Elongua
Ceraban, Teldrane

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M Volume 1 | Section 4
Consume Power
“Its nefarious origins aside, this is an excellent example of how dark magic in the right hands
can actually do good. You turn this spell on some young, headstrong ne’er-do-well and then
let the authorities sweep in. Sounds like a good deed to me.”
~ Morglayvn Proudbeard, Panel Discussion: Magic, the Good or Evil Dichotomy.



3rd 1 Action 60ft range


Instant Necromancy V, S

Constitution save Special (see Description)

This spell appears on the Sorcerer spell list, at a GM’s discretion.


Reaching into the depths of your sorcerous power, you lash out at one target
creature within range, stealing its magical abilities for yourself. The target must make
a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC or lose one spell slot of the
highest level available to it, up to 3rd level.

You gain a number of Sorcery points this way equal to the level of spell
consumed . When the target takes a long rest they restore their usual spell slots. This
spell does not allow you to have a total number of Sorcery Points over your usual

At higher levels: When you cast this spell as a 4th level or higher spell, the
maximum spell slot level consumed by the spell is equal to the level of this spell’s
casting. This spell has no effect on creatures that do not have spellcasting abilities.

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M Volume 1 | Section 4
Consume Power


Those who regularly use this spell often do so by actively seeking out those
who they know are capable of wielding magic. In such instances, a caster might find
themselves being carefully stalked before suddenly finding their magical power
draining from their fingertips.

In other instances, it is used as a defence against spell-casters as a means of

actively limiting their effectiveness. Negating enemy healers, inhibiting battlefield
control through magic, or even just straight up preventing harmful magical effects can
all be useful outcomes of this spell, particularly when cast repeatedly on the same


Though this spell certainly exists in the modern day, it is not easy to access,
even for Sorcerers. First, the caster must seek out a fellow Sorcerer who already has
access to this spell. This is challenging enough, as use of this spell is widely
controlled. In some places even knowing it can be a punishable offence.

Second, the sorcerer wishing to learn this spell has to participate in a bizarre
ritual, wherein they must be a willing victim of the spell. Over the course of the ritual,
instead of devouring a spell slot from the target as usual, the target sorcerer loses
knowledge of a third level spell altogether, replacing it with this spell. The teacher
may choose to replace Consume Power with the spell the student sacrificed.

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M Volume 1 | Section 4
Consume Power


Like much of the dark magic that permeates our world, this spell dates back to
the Dragon Wars. The oldest recorded use of this spell is at the Battle of Kourlyn’s
Pass where an army of undead clashed with the elven forces that held the pass.

Anticipating heavy magical resistance from the elves, the opposing sorcerers
who were aligned with the Fallen Graces, used this spell to target the elven wizards
and priests who actively warded the pass against the attackers. The elven magical
defences quickly crumbled in the face of this unexpected assault on their magic, and
in short order the pass was overrun with ravenous undead.

Although outlawed by most arcane schools and colleges today, the spell is still
popular with dark and delinquent sorcerers, who have their own secret means of
sharing knowledge of the spell.

Most recently, the spell was used extensively by Harsteth the Devouring. This
malefic predator made regular use of the spell and others like it as he consumed the
magic and souls of nearly three dozen arcane students of the Collegiate
Transmutatus in Sunfield, over a span of 4 years. Thankfully, he has since been
caught and in an ironic twist, has been stripped of his own magic as a prisoner of The

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M Volume 1 | Section 4

If you liked this new spell, please add a comment on Drive Thru RPG. You can
also access new monsters in Monstrum Librum Volume 1, either as individual
sections or as the complete 14 monster volume.

Monstrum Librum Volume 1:


If you are interested in using this spell in a published format under the OGL
and would like to give me a shout out, or if you just want to let me know about some
glaring error I missed in putting this together, you can reach me at either of the
following places:

On Patreon:

On Facebook:

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M Volume 1 | Section 4
Legal Stuff
Notice of Open Game Content
This product is published under the Open Game License version 1.0a, by permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The
Open Game Content appearing in this book is derived from the System Reference Document v5.0, Copyright 2016, Wizards of
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Designation of Open Game Content

The following is Open Game Content: The name “Consume Power” as it appears in this book, and all terms listed
under the Mechanics section of the spell are all Open Game Content.
In addition, this book makes use of the following OGL terms, including but not limited to the following open game
content related words, phrases, and abbreviations wherever they appear: Level,, School, Necromancy,, Spell Slot, Constitution,
Saving Throw, Sorcerer.


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