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In Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi is forced to leave her country by herself to Austria for her own

safety because of her strong contradicting beliefs with the new Islamic Regime. The new Islamic

Regime threatens all self-expression and individuality, something that marjane is passionate and

curious about. On page 145 Marjane's mother is teaching her about what happens when they

arrest women. Marjane is very passionate about expressing her beliefs which could possibly one

day get her arrested. The close up focuses on her mothers facial expressions showing how much

she cares about her daughter and how dangerous it could be for Marjane to express her beliefs

and get arrested. On the next 2 panels are long shots which helps us to see Marjane's reaction

and helps to develop the story onto what she will do in the future. Additionally on page 153, the

graphic weight on the last panel helps to convey the meaning of the story. The last panel is a

large one, it contains Marjane's mother being carried away by her father because she was hurting

so bad she couldn't even walk. While they are leaving Marjane watches them walk away from

her from the airport window. Marjane's mother and father are looking to be very sad and marjane

looks scared to be left alone. The large image represents how big of an impact this situation has

on them. It focuses on their physical state which shows how they are also feeling on the inside.

Even though there is no dialogue and no speech bubbles we are still able to interpret and feel the

image and its meaning. Satrapi’s use of graphic weight and close ups effectively conveys the

meaning of the situation that marjane has to face because of the new Islamic Regime.

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