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Physical Education Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Coordination Course

 Students will be able to participate in physical activities that enable him or her to achieve and
maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
 Students will be able to understand the components of physical fitness that are related to
enhance performance in sports and motor skills such as agility, balance, coordination,
power and reaction time.
State Standards:
 Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve
and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
 3.1: Apply strategies in monitoring daily participation to promote physical activity.

This is a high school lesson about coordination course. I’m teaching this lesson because it is
important that students learn the importance of coordination during their physical fitness
activities. The cooperative learning strategy emphasizes social interaction with an
understanding that valuing diversity and working with others is an important skill for the real
world. Students had a previous lesson on moving with balance and coordination. They
participated in activities that they enjoyed, and they also learned how to safely participate in PE
activities with a focus on coordination. Students have practice skills and knowledge from
previous physical education activities. Following this lesson, students will continue working and
improving in their ability to move quickly and easily. They will be practicing balance techniques
holding their body upright and steady while moving or stationary. These will also include how to
be in control when using different sports equipment (benches, balls, cones).

There will be three groups of students. There will be a red, white, and blue group based on an
assessment slip from the previous physical education coordination assessment activity. These
assessment slips also helped me to structure the activities for this lesson. Assessment will also be
made during this lesson for planning and grouping future activities.
Materials Needed:
 Scooter boards (2)
 Jump ropes (2)
 Gym mats (three 6’ X 12’)
 Cones (Eight 2’ high)
 Basketball (2) and Goal/Net
 Notebook
 Pencil
 iPads

Introduction (20 minutes):
This physical education class is the last period. I will allow the students to come into the gym,
put their things away and sit in a semi-circle under the basketball goal. We will begin by doing
a few short exercises from the website, https://www.newsflare.com/video/64950/other/physical-
tic-tac-toe-is-an-awesome-warm-up-game. Then I will explain that today's lesson will be about
the importance of coordination while performing physical activities. There are three stations
here in the gym. The teacher directed station will be on the south end of the basketball court.
The collaborative station will be on the north end of the basketball court and the independent
station will be in the area behind the south basketball goal. The rotation will be Red Group-
Teacher, Collaborative, Independent; White Group-Collaborative, Independent, Teacher; Blue
Group-Independent, Teacher, Collaborative.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes)

At the teacher directed station I will be working with students jumping rope two at a time. Each
student will jump rope holding each end of the rope in their hand. Physically impaired students
may have other students turn the rope. Then they will ride the scooter board the width of the
basketball court. Then they will perform a series of somersaults on the gym mats. The
somersaults will be done facing forward with complete revolutions along the length of the gym
mats. Physically impaired students may be able to complete only partial revolutions. All these
activities require coordination and balance. The teacher’s assistant will be recording data from
each of the students’ activities.
Collaborative (15 minutes):

At the Collaborative station will work in pairs. They will perform two activities. Eight cones will
be placed in a straight line 5 feet apart. One student will dribble the basketball with the right
hand, the length of the cones alternating between cones. At the end of the line of cones, reverse
course, switch hands and dribble back with the left hand. The other student will record the time
required to dribble each direction and note the difference between right-handed and left-handed
results. The second activity at this station is shooting the basketball. Again, the students are
paired with one student while the other records results. Each student will attempt 20 free throws
while shooting from the marked foul line. This activity highlights the need for hand-eye
coordination while shooting the basketball.

Independent Digital (15 minutes)

At the independent digital station, students will be prompted to use their iPads and use an app
called Balanced It. This app provides the students with tools to help when using gymnastics
exercises during their fitness activities. Using their iPads, students will see visual prompts and
cues designed to help them develop Gymnastics skills. This app features over 60 hand drawn
balances that progressively build up in difficulty, allowing students to develop their balance and
teamwork skills. Balance, It app in the iPad has a self-directed approach of task cards-based
learning, with a direct emphasis on students moving through the Balance Cards at their own
pace with minimal teacher instruction. Balance and Coordination complement each other in the
performance of physical activities. Students will make note of balancing suggestions that they
can use in the gym and during PE class.

Closure (15 minutes)

After the three stations have been completed, the students will again assemble in a semi-circle
under the basketball goal. We will spend a few minutes discussing what they have learned. Have
they gained more respect for coordination and balance in their physical activities? What are
some ways that coordination and balance can be improved? I will have students share how they
would change (or add to) the stations to make things more enjoyable. The next PE class will
focus on the balancing exercises outlined in the Balance It app.

Balance It App: (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/balance-it-task-cards/id630956844)
I chose this app because it provides engaging and effective resources to help students develop
gymnastic skills through balancing exercises. With a range of individual, paired, and group
balance poses, these lessons are suitable for a variety of classroom setups and students’ needs.
It is also easy to navigate, and students love to perform different types of tasks.

Warm up games and or exercises: https://www.newsflare.com/video/64950/other/physical-

Warm up in a PE class sets the flow of the class. Warming up helps both mind and body to relax
and get the body prepared for physical activity. The reason I chose this activity is because it’s
fun, entertaining and students love it. It is a great way to set the tone of the class.

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