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Comparison & Contrast Essays

In a comparison/contrast essay, you explain the similarities and the differences between two items.

Comparison and contrast is a very common pattern in most academic fields.

It is also a very common type of essay questions.


 Compare the forms of government of Great Britain and the United States.

 Compare and contrast methods for promoting a new business, product or service.


The culture of a place is an integral part of its society whether that place is a remote Indian Village in
Brazil or a highly industrial city in Western Europe. The culture of Japan fascinates people in the United
States because at first glance, it seems so different. Everything that characterizes the United States –
newness, racial heterogeneity, vast territory, informality, and an ethic of individualism - is absent in
Japan. There, one finds an ancient and homogeneous society, an ethic that emphasizes the importance
of groups, and a tradition of formal behavior governing every aspect of daily living, from drinking tea to
saying hello. On the surface at least , U.S. and Japanese societies seem totally opposite.

One obvious difference is the people. Japan is a homogeneous society of one nationality and a few
underrepresented minority groups, such as the ethnic Chinese and Koreans. All areas …

Other areas of difference between Japan and the United States involve issues of group interaction
and sense of space. Whereas people in the United States pride themselves on individualism and
informality, Japanese value groups and formality. …

In spite of these differences, these two apparently opposite cultures share several experiences.

Both, for example, have transplanted cultures. Each nation has a ‘mother’ society – China for Japan
and Great Britain for the United States – that …

Both societies, moreover, have developed the art of business and commerce, of buying and selling, of
advertising and mass producing to the highest levels. Few sights are more …

A final similarity is that both Japanese and people in the United States have always emphasized the
importance of work, and both are paying penalties for their commitment to it: it increasing stress and
weakening family bonds. People in the United States, especially…

Japan and the United States: different, yet alike. Although the two societies differ in many areas such as
racial heterogeneity versus homogeneity, individualism versus group cooperation, and informal versus
formal forms of behavior, they share more than one common experience. Furthermore, their
differences probably contribute as much as their similarities towards the mutual interest the two
countries have in each other. It will be interesting to see where this reciprocal fascination leads in the

Writing Technique Questions

1. In which paragraph(s) are the similarities discussed?

In which paragraph(s) are the differences discussed?

2. What is the function of paragraph 4?


 The common organizations for this type of essays are Point-by-Point Organization

and Block Organization


 Suppose, for example, that you want to compare two jobs. First, make a list of factors that are
important to you: salary, benefits, opportunities for advancement, workplace atmosphere,
commuting distance for your home, and so on. Each factor, or point of comparison, is like a
subtopic in a logical division essay.

MODEL : Point-to-Point


 In block organization, you can arrange all the differences together in one block of several
paragraphs, and then discuss the similarities in the other block of several paragraphs just like
the model.

 You can discuss either similarities or differences first

MODEL PLAN Block organization

Japan and US: Different but Alike
Comparison & Contrast Signal Words

Add comparison signals and rewrite the whole sentences as the example.
Contrast Signal Words

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