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1. MONOSACCHARIDE- mono; single / saccar; sugar

- simplest form of carbohydrate


 GLUCOSE- also known as dextrose or grape sugar is the only form of sugar used by the
body that provides energy to fuel all cellular processes.
-most abundant carbohydrate in the blood that is why it is also called blood
 FRUCTOSE or LEVULOSE- considered as sweetest among the sugar being twice as sweet as
the glucose.
 GALACTOSE or ALDOHEXOSE- obtained from milk and an important component that
serves as a marker that can help identify blood types.
- less than half sweet than glucose

2. DISACCHARIDES- two monosaccharides joined together

- the bond that joins the two simple sugars is called GLYCOSIDIC BOND


 SUCROSE- commonly kwon as table sugar is a combination of glucose and fructose and is
considered an excellent natural preservative.
 LACTOSE- found in milk and milk products is formed by combining glucose and galactose

- an enzyme called lactase is needed to digest this

- LACTOSE INTOLERANT is a common disorder where the body cannot fully digest

 MALTOSE- found in beer is composed of two glucose it also provides energy in germinating

3. POLYSACCHARIDES- are made up of repeating units of sugar joined together by glycosidic bonds.


STRUCTURAL POLYSACCHARIDES- components of structural parts of living things such as cell wall of
plants and animals

STORAGE POLYSACCHARIDES- serves as storage of energy

a) CELLULOSE- the most abundant organic molecule on earth provides support to cell walls of
plants and other organisms such as bacteria

b) CHITIN- a principal component of exoskeletons of animals like mollusk and crustaceans

c) STARCH- a storage polysaccharide derived from potatoes, wheat, bread, pasta and other bread

d) GLYCOGEN- usually refered to as animal starch is stored in the liver and muscle

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