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The only well-sheltered harbour is that of Dahab

for long distances on the interior highlands before breaking

special laurels at the Theatre Francaise. were Par droit

development of culture; and this growth, though undoubtedly

as a pleasing piece of work in the Marivaux style--Un Caprice

are to be recognized: (1) Nataloins, which yield picric and

variety, ample time at table, where an atmosphere of light

time. The periodic fluctuations in the level of Lake Tanganyika

disposal, a popular language or definite folke-maal for

and A. Hug, Prolegomena Critica ad Aeneae editionem (Zurich

produced by a Root's blower placed at the end of it all.

above the level of the plains of Lombardy and Venetia, and

complaint. The ground continued to be cropped so long

Gleichen, Lehrbuch der geometrischen Optik, Leipzig and Berlin,

times shared with the Bushmen the whole of what is now Cape

whose aim it was to purify the worship of Yahweh (see

ambulance sanitary staff, who is attached to headquarters.

Trieste for use in tanneries and dyeworks. In 1898 the

east coast as far as th mouth of the Ebro, and the Balearic

test department, machine shop, air-brake shop, iron foundry,

extensively used in the treatment of syphilis, and also for

discovered, in 1817, these frescoes were in a fair state of

industry and care, and developed a mathematical theory which

and presents to a child are undoubtedly not advancements.

appropriate to its ``master section,'' as ascertained by

deity. The whole interior is magnificently ornamented.

vulpecula) has been naturalized in New Zealand, although very

by the late amir of compulsory military service, whereby

was placed under British protection, though a protectorate

But if ease of communication is favourable to the rise of

the fact that it commanded the bridge over the Strymon, and

1057-1059. His father declined the throne on the abdication

excellent sacrifice than Cain'' (Heb. xi. 4), and that Cain

faction in order that they might obtain better conditions of

(1878-1882). He commanded the troops at Alexandria in 1882

continent. He summoned to a conference at Brussels

different payments increases the difficulty of the subject.

was determined to shift the field from Boston to New York

intertubercular, and right and left Poupart lines are drawn

Ba-Bangi{ with Zandeh Wa-Wende }immi-

at Cnossus (Crete), in Argolis, Laconia and Attica, in each

as independent minister in Westminster. He accepted the

Hall, a theatre since 1898; and the Ten Eyck and Kenmore

annual temperature of 58.6 deg. F., and the summer heat is never

of limited companies, put much graver responsibilities on

herself pregnant, and was carried off by her lover to Brittany,

the peninsula is only 15 sq. m., but the total area of British

coast by another line, completed in 1902, which goes through

north-east of Alfreton are South Normanton (pop. 5170), Blackwell

uncommon; but the want of capital rendered it impossible

experts. The stations publish annual reports and bulletins,

that is, those on one face are not opposite those on the

gold. On the 14th of September the award was formally

perforated by upwards of sixty pairs of elongated slits, the

Phaeosporeae. Bornet, however, called attention in 1871 to

Josiah Warren, the First American Anarchist, Boston,

early raised to an archdeaconry. He went, like most of the

provided with gardens in which horticultmal teaching is given.

law. In 133 B.C. the tribune Tiberius Gracchus (q.v.)

was desirous of lowering its price. Seeing that sodium was

the trial of causes with the bishop and declared the common

the contrast between day and night, and between summer and

views are antithetic and no solution has been discovered.

church (Nocellae, 133, c. ii.). This rule naturally proved

AUTHORITIES. -- The literature is very extensive. The

beautiful of legends, that of the deliverance of Adam's

the Ships (1839); On the Theoretical Explanation of an

1894 17 248 1902 4 13

obstinately as it clung to old ways, it was forced to remove

nothing to rehabilitate French diplomacy; he acquiesced in

Genesis. But as the theory of evolution was accepted, a new

Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia, to deliberate on the best

canalized river which passes through the city to the Y. Towards

character. His Vindiciae Pietatis (which first appeared

$1,615,618; hay, 56,350 acres, 109,882 tons, $1,461,431 .

that the leading developments of the following century were

1731 came on the greatest controversy in which Abernethy

seventeen years later. A law was passed in 1873, and amended

Class. 1881. 1891. 1901. Increase (+) or Decrease (-)

Edinburgh. Meanwhile his supporters in Scotland had seized

which is dispersed by refraction, and monochromatic (Gr.

rather amended; but the combination of experimental science with

to new conditions of society, and particularly to the new

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