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EDI 432

Date: 10/2 Language and Grade Level: Spanish 3 - Grades 9/10/11

Total Number of Minutes: 55 Targeted Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low

Setting the Stage

What is the topic/theme of your lesson? Note: Grammar structures cannot be the topic.

Three popular festivals in Spain (Las Fallas, Los Sanfermines, and La Tomatina) and what makes them unique for
Spanish citizens.
What provocative question(s) will foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?
What do Las Fallas, Los Sanfermines, and La Tomatina signify for the Spanish people?
How does culture and beliefs influence what people celebrate?

Which World Readiness Standards (ACTFL) does this lesson address?

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade,
and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners,
readers, or viewers.
- 1 .3 .M .W .b - Create original compositions or journal entries in the target language
- 1.3.M.W.a - Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as an informational brochure or
instructions for accomplishing a task.
Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a
variety of topics.
- 1 .2 .M .R .b - Understand main idea and supporting detail, and summarize accessible written materials
on familiar topics in the target language such as, textbook content, magazine and newspaper
articles/ads, websites/internet, poetry or stories.
Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the
relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.
- 2 .2 .M .F .d - Compare the significance of the products associated with an Important: civil or religious
holiday or celebration AND regional holiday or celebration AND personal or family holiday or
celebration across multiple communities or cultures in which the target language is spoken
Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language
through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
- 4 .1 .M .a - Select vocabulary recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct
word-for-word translation from one’s own language to the target language
Lifelong Learning (Communities): Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for
enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

Revised 2017
EDI 432
- 5 .2 .M .b - Use authentic target language print materials and electronic media to explore topics of
personal interest within their own culture and the new culture
What will learners know and be able to do with what they know at the end of this lesson?
Are the objectives specific, measurable, and performance-based? Do they include all levels of thinking?
We will compose a journal entry about our personal practices and perspectives surrounding festivals and
We will articulate our understanding of an authentic material written in Spanish.
We will dissect and deduce meanings of new vocabulary words based on context clues.
We will be able to arrange research and assemble a poster about a particular festival in an autonomous
community using Spanish.

How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of this episode?

What performance tasks will students complete to demonstrate what they can do?

I can identify the main idea of an authentic text and support it with evidence.
- Tres fiestas típicas españolas half sheet: When students successfully answer the main idea question, it
shows successful comprehension of the authentic material.
I can write with elaboration in Spanish about my favorite holiday/festival/celebration.
- Cuaderno: Successfully writing an extended paragraph for 8 minutes.
I can use context clues to identify new vocabulary in an authentic text.
- Tres fiestas típicas españolas half sheet: Students will figure out and identify vocabulary words based
around the idea of the text.
I can find credible information about my chosen autonomous community of Spain.
- Poster research project time

What other evidence will show that students have attained goals?

The tres fiestas típicas half sheet will serve as a way to give formative feedback to students. Classroom
circulation and intentional monitoring will keep students heading in the right direction and help push students
towards goals as well as help me see the students who have achieved those goals in the moment. Also, filling
out their products, practices, and perspectives note sheet will help students individually see their progress and
learning in an organized way.

What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?

Revised 2017
EDI 432
● Are learning activities sequenced to allow students to move from input to shared/guided practice
and then to independent application of new learning?
● Do activities maximize the use of the TL by both teacher and students?
● Do activities provide opportunities for interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication?
● Do activities provide variety to address different learning styles and to enable a lively pace for the

How will you capture the students’ energy and engage them in this lesson? This is the hook!

Warm-up/Do now: TIME: 5

Every class period we start with a warm-up as a routine. The warm-up has something to do with what mins
we have been learning and/or what we are learning today. For today’s warm-up, students must free
write a short paragraph answering the following questions about their chosen autonomous
community that they will be investigating for their festival poster project. This directly connects to the
theme of the unit (celebrations and festivals) and will get them into the mood thinking about Spanish
festivals, which we are covering today.

The questions are as follows:

Activate your prior knowledge.

Free write:
¿Cuál comunidad autónoma elegiste para investigar?
¿Qué ya sabes de esta región o de España en general?
¿Cómo son los días festivos y/o las fiestas allí?

What tasks or activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning objectives? What will students be
doing? What will you be doing?

Rationale Statements: What is your rationale for each step of the learning sequence? Link rationale statements to
Standards, objectives, HLTPs, theory, methods, and/or essential questions. Please put rationale statements in italics or
a different color font.

Cuaderno: TIME: 10
Students will write in their notebooks for a total of 8 minutes in Spanish. This is a routine for them. mins
They are given a topic to write about and a timer plays on the board. The prompt for the day is as
¿Cuál día festivo es tu favorito?

Descríbelo en detalle.

¿Por qué es tu favorito? ¿Cómo lo celebras? ¿A dónde celebras?

Si no tienes… ¿Por qué es así?

- Students are expected to output the target language consistently, as much as they receive
input of the target language. This will develop their writing capabilities, which is a critical
factor in second language acquisition.

Revised 2017
EDI 432
- Standards:
- 1 .3 .M .W .b - Create original compositions or journal entries in the target language
- Measurement Topic 3: Present output of the target language in WRITING.

Tres fiestas típicas españolas 30 mins

Part 1 - For 10 minutes, students will be silently reading the “Tres fiestas típicas españolas” article. As
they read, they must fill out their cultural notes page in their notes packet, which has spots for
products, practices, and perspectives. As they do this I will be circulating around to make sure they
are on task.

Part 2 - Students will work together with their table groups to complete the half sheet (20 mins
roughly). The first part of the half sheet is a list of new vocabulary words found in the text. They will
need to talk to each other and look in the text for context clues to decipher what each new word
means and write the meaning in english. The next part of the half sheet requires them to answer the
question “what is the main idea of the text?” and respond with 2 details from the text to support
their claim in English.

- Directly correlates to essential questions: “What do las fallas, los sanfermines, and la
tomatina signify for the Spanish people?” and “How does culture and beliefs influence what
people celebrate?”
- Second language acquisition theory: comprehensible input (giving students authentic
materials that are slightly above their proficiency level to increase learning capabilities)
- Second language acquisition theory: Directly talks about practices and perspectives
- Collaboration with other students combines prior knowledge that some may have and some
may not have.
- HLTP Setting up and managing small group work
- The main idea question at the end directly connects to their unit test and what it means to
identify the main idea of an authentic material, a major goal of Spanish 3.
- Standards:
- 1 .2 .M .R .b - Understand main idea and supporting detail, and summarize accessible
written materials on familiar topics in the target language such as, textbook content,
magazine and newspaper articles/ads, websites/internet, poetry or stories.
- 2 .2 .M .F .d - Compare the significance of the products associated with an Important:
civil or religious holiday or celebration AND regional holiday or celebration AND
personal or family holiday or celebration across multiple communities or cultures in
which the target language is spoken
- 4 .1 .M .a - Select vocabulary recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed
through direct word-for-word translation from one’s own language to the target
- 5 .2 .M .b - Use authentic target language print materials and electronic media to
explore topics of personal interest within their own culture and the new culture
- Measurement Topic 3: Present output of the target language in WRITING.
- SPA3-2.2.1: Identify basic meaning from spoken and written texts.
- SPA3-2.2.2: Identify and explain the main idea using evidence from the
authentic material.
Revised 2017
EDI 432
- SPA3-2.2.3: Identify the intended audience of the authentic material.

Autonomous Communities Festival Poster Project: 10 mins -

Students will have more time to work on their autonomous community festival poster project that Extension
was introduced in the last lesson. Students are given the following scenario: “Your goal is to draw activity
tourists during festival/fair season to visit your comunidad autónoma de España that you chose for (multiple
unit 2. To do so, create a one page poster in slides.” The goal is to push students to delve into days)
investigating a particular chosen autonomous community and festival within it. They will take the
background information they learned today and think like a “tourist” to investigate a festival. Students
got to choose their community in random order, and every student has a different community.

- Project Based Learning: students are given the chance to investigate and create something
that shows their learning and investigation skills about the topic.
- Presentational communication
- Standards:
- 1.3.M.W.a - Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as an
informational brochure or instructions for accomplishing a task


Did all learners meet the learning goals of the lesson? What will you do to modify this lesson in the future? What
might you do in subsequent lessons?

Revised 2017

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