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Kien Pham

Dr. Oubre

ENGL 10103 - 010

Date: Dec 10, 2023

Final project - author note

My primary goal for the final project is to elevate the reading experience for individuals

intrigued by Rick Riordan’s "The Lightning Thief." To achieve this goal, I chose to focus on the

two most prevalent world-building structures that complete this fictional world - genealogy and

mythology. These two building structures provide a foundation for the narrative's intricacies and

relationships, serving as essential elements that contribute to the depth of the storyline.

Therefore, I believe they are the most effective means to help the audience gain a deeper

understanding of the text. To support the analysis, I delve into the family lineage and

mythological influences present in the story. This involved analyzing the relationships between

characters like Percy and Annabeth with the Greek gods, such as Perseus, Poseidon, and Athena,

and revealing how Greek mythology influenced Riordan's creation. Additionally, I explored the

ancient Spartan training system known as "agoge," drawing comparisons between this concept

and the “Camp half-blood”. Using this approach, I hope readers can uncover connections that

may not be immediately apparent in their initial encounter with the novel.

With the specific purpose and intended audience, I decided to use a web blog as the

medium for this project. By utilizing both engaging text and graphics, I was able to create a

dynamic way of presenting information. This visual appeal is essential in retaining the attention

of the audience, especially when exploring the complex relationships between characters and
events. Additionally, incorporating visuals like graphics and images helps illustrate concepts,

making them easier to comprehend for a wide range of readers. Moreover, the website offers a

user-friendly and interactive experience, as it allows individuals to focus on specific points of

interest or revisit sections for a deeper understanding. I also made use of bullet points to further

enhance clarity as it helps break down complex information into concise and easily digestible

information. This formatting choice not only facilitates comprehension but also aligns with the

preferences of modern readers who prefer succinct yet impactful content. Additionally, the

accessibility of the web blog is a key consideration. In an era where digital platforms play a

significant role in information consumption, a web blog ensures that the content is easily

accessible to a broad audience.

To improve the credibility of the blog, I have included direct evidence from both the

novel and credible external references. This approach adds depth and authenticity to the analysis,

ensuring that the references to Greek mythology are backed up by both the story and wider

scholarly discussions. While working on this project, I utilized the knowledge and skills gained

throughout the course, with a particular focus on world-building structures. I made use of the

close-reading techniques to explore the text in detail, uncovering hidden connections.

Additionally, the research skills I acquired from project two allowed me to access and integrate

information from reliable sources. By combining these critical abilities, I hope to provide a fresh

yet credible perspective for those interested in delving into the novel's rich mythological


In conclusion, my goal with the final project is to offer readers a more profound grasp of

the links between "The Lightning Thief" and Greek mythology. By delving into genealogy and
mythological structures, the audiences can gain valuable insights that will enhance their

understanding of the complex storyline and connections in the novel!

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