FSY Survival Guide

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FSY Survival Guide

So you're going to be an FSY Counsellor – don't panic! A lot of what is in here is in your
manual – in fact all of it is – But here it is simplified!
Some useful things to pack -

● Tissues – Testimony meeting is emotional.

● Spare pens – They're teenagers, pack lots! Tesco do cheap biros for pennies!

● Sweets – Sometimes the youth need a bit of a sugar rush, giving out a sweet or
two can help give them a boost

● Mints – You won’t return to your room till 9:30pm!

● Safety pins – Especially girls! These can save the day, and an outfit!

● Comfy shoes – Practical over pretty! Counsellors do a lot of steps at FSY!

● Spare clothing – Ties, belts, dresses, skirts, even an odd pair of shoes can come in
handy and can be shared around the youth to help in emergencies!

● Lots and lots of deodorant – We dance ALOT!

● Any spiritual thought books you might have – sometimes these are good for a
quick last minute spiritual thought – you can also lend them to your youth to help
with their participant devotionals!

Saturday and Sunday before FSY -

This weekend will be full of more prep and practice! We'll do more dance practice, a bit
more counsellor planning and will have some free time to do whatever we need to

− Get together with your “For strength of youth” workshop group members and
have a quick run over your lesson plan – start/finish your banner together (or if
you're super organised and good at delegating, someone will have finished it

− If you get a chance, and have the list of rooms – go and put up your door tags! It'll
save you time at bedtime and give you valuable extra sleep.

− Get together with your coco and go through the manual together – double check
that you've delegated who's taking the lead – or you might be running everything
together! High five, hug, get excited!

− Try and get to bed early – the night before they arrive is so exciting, but this is
the most sleep you'll get until next Saturday – value it!
Monday -
Today is the day! The Youth arrive, and you'll soon be counting to 10 in your head ten
thousand times a day!

− Pack your bag with the things you need; make sure you have your manual,
anything you need for Meet your company/Counsellor or FHE games, spare pens,
sweets and anything you might need for the day, you can't go back to your room
once you're out!

− Breakfast – Head down to breakfast and enjoy the atmosphere! The excitement
and buzz that is there as we eat together is one that you won't forget. A sea of
refreshed, excited YSA in bright T-shirts will be buzzing – and this is the most
awake you'll see everyone for the week – make the most of it!

− Head down to the conference centre for orientation practice, we'll practice the
dancing and go through logistics for check in, make sure you know what your
duties are while the youth arrive, and if you don't have anything specific, mingle
with the youth on the back field and get to know them! Help unpack the van (and
hug any coordinator or administrator that looks stressed!)
Meet your counsellor –

− Should last an hour if all goes well with timing- Once all the youth have arrived,
they'll be herded to collect their lunch – collect yours too and find a spot in the
field with your coco – hold up the sign with your name that the AC's will have
given you. Once all your girls/boys are with you, head towards your company spot
together and sit with your group while you eat lunch. Now is a good time to go
around and introduce everyone – It's useful to ask if they know anyone in the
group as they do this – then you know who could work together or who might
need a helping hand to bond within the group!
Go through the big 5 with them (use the meet your counsellor checklist on P10 of the
manual to help you! Give out your mobile phone number and get them all to text you
with their name. Save these numbers into a group on your phone, or if they all have
whatsapp it's really helpful – set up a group – then you can text them all when you need
Tell them how excited you are and how much you love them! Some will have been
before, some it might be their first time, some will be excited and others nervous – try
to put their minds at rest and tell them what a great time you'll all have together.
(You might choose to give out the Living Christ activity group assignments – or you might
decide to do it after reflect and review after you get to know them a little bit!)
Meet your company – 1 hour time slot if all has gone well
− Join together with your coco and their group – go around and get the youth to
introduce their name, where they're from and maybe an interesting fact about

− Play some get to know you games (Some ideas on P186 of the handbook) Some
others you could play are ;
Starburst/Skittles/M&M game – Choose what each colour sweet represents (things such
as favourite animal, favourite place you've ever visited, favourite movie etc.) Pass
around the bag and get them to close their eyes and pick a sweet – they answer the
question that their chosen sweet colour represents and then pass it on.
Toilet paper game – Pass a toilet roll around the circle and get the youth to tear off as
many squares as they think they'll need and don't tell them why. After everyone has
selected some squares, tell them that they will share one interesting thing they
like/have done for each piece of toilet paper they have.
Lost on a deserted Island – If you were stuck on a desert island – what one thing would
you take and why?
What's my name? - Get everyone to say their name and one word to describe them that
begins with the same letter as their name (Could incorporate this to the first
Would you rather – Go around the circle and ask the person next to you a “would you
rather question” for example “Would you rather eat nothing but ice cream for a year, or
never be able to eat it ever again?”
After you have played a couple of games – go to page 11 of the handbook together and
complete the different sections – read the company scripture together and ask for some
suggestions for a company name – try not to make it too long to help with banner and
cheer! Vote on a final name!

Orientation – Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited

Are you ready to get super hyped up and sweaty?
Sit in your allocated row with your company – make sure you're sat on the end to make a
swift exit to dance! (Your AC will help you with where to sit!)
Encourage your youth to listen and not be on their phones – the session directing couple
will go through some really important rules and policies!
Be excited and enthusiastic – it's contagious!

Quite straightforward – take your girls/boys to the halls you are staying at to eat in the
dining room there – girls and boys will be in separate halls! (This is probably the point
where you will help the youth take their luggage to their rooms just before they go down
to eat dinner. Remember to collect your keys!)
Family Home Evening Lesson
The session directing couple will give a lesson in the Theatre – sit in your allocated spot
and encourage the youth to be reverent and listen. Hand out spare pens and encourage
the youth to take notes.

Family home evening games - Company spots with your coco

and group.
Head to your company spot with your coco and group and play some of the games on
After each game debrief with your group what gospel principles we can pull out of the
game and how we can link it to the gospel. If you only get to play one game because
there's a really good discussion – don't rush and don't worry!
Goal setting – p 14 -15 – Discuss goals and decide on one or two company commitments
for the week – this could be as simple as smile at everyone, do service at any
opportunity you find, or unity as a company. Guide the youth gently if they need it, but
they usually come up with some great things! Also give them some time to come up with
a personal goal for the week; give a few ideas such as try to talk to new people, pray
every night, keep a journal each day.
Eat your treat and enjoy the bonding that will occur!

Night time routine -

When you get back to your rooms – text your AC that all of your youth are present and
accounted for in their rooms for quiet time. Give them some time to unwind at the end
of the day and write in their journals, and get ready for bed. Do the same yourself! This
is time to reflect on the day and think about what they might want to share in reflect
and review.
Once they've had some quiet time, gather the youth either in your room (with the door
open!) or in the corridor outside your rooms. Sing a hymn if you wish and say an opening
prayer to invite the spirit into the session. Open up the time to the youth to share any
experiences from the day that has helped strengthen their testimonies. Don't be afraid
of silence! Silence may mean they are thinking about what to say, and gives them the
opportunity to feel the promptings of the spirit to share their special experiences. Do
share something brief if they are silent for a long time, but otherwise leave the time for
the youth.
Sometimes – especially on the first night – you may find reflect and review very quiet – it
may be useful to prepare a very short spiritual thought, show a church video or play
them a song to help invite the spirit and help them reflect on the day.
Once reflect and review is finished, allocate the participant morning devotionals for the
rest of the week – let them work individually or in pairs and jot this down in your manual
who is doing what - wish the youth goodnight and allow them to head to bed. It might be
a good idea to get the youth to leave their keys in the outside of their doors and head to
collect them once they are in bed and safe. Knock to let them know you're taking their
key and wish them good night through the door individually – it's just a nice gesture!
Head back to your room and leave the door open for 20-30 minutes to listen out for
youth leaving their rooms – take this time to prepare for the next day – look through the
manual to see if there's anything you need to prepare or pack for the next day.
Set your clothes out!!!! It will allow for extra snooze in the morning and you'll thank me
around Wednesday morning when feeling refreshed is a distant memory!

Morning routine
Get up and head for your meeting with your AC group – you will have agreed on a spot
before the youth arrive – make sure you take your t-shirt from the day before to be
handed in to wash and take a pen and notebook/manual to jot down any notes from the
On your way down knock on your group's doors and let them know you will be back at 7
and that they need to be ready to come for the morning devotional – make sure you hear
a response!!!!
After the brief meeting, head back up to your room – gather your youth in your
corridor/room and hand over to the youth leading the devotional. Once finished go over
briefly the activities for the day and give out any announcements such as reminding
them about variety show tryouts/music programme rehearsals.
Hand out keys and get the youth to gather their things for the day, remind them they
won't be allowed back to their rooms until bedtime so to bring everything with them –
ensure they have their lanyards on and bring their manual with them. If youth have
variety show try outs, make sure they take any props or instruments needed with
them for the day, they can store them behind the solutions desk.
Collect the keys up and head down to breakfast. Hand in your bag of keys to your AC at
breakfast/during gospel study.

Gospel study
After breakfast head to your company spot for gospel study (this should be outside, but
if the weather is bad your AC will let you know to use your allocated indoor spot)
Start with a hymn and prayer and either lead or support the session (you might be
leading it together.)
During personal study time do study yourself but look around for the youth that may be
struggling – they may be struggling to read or be distracted or struggling with their
testimony. If any youth looks uncomfortable or upset, move spaces to sit next to them
and give them the opportunity to talk to you if they want to. Ensure youth know if they
aren't sure where to start, to ask for help!
If there are youth sat next to each other that may distract one another, make a big deal
of wanting to sit between them (to help keep them reverent.)
Once finished, finish with prayer and head over to the banqueting suite for morningside
– be on time!

Encourage the youth to be reverent when entering the room, encourage them to listen
to the music and invite the spirit – make sure they are prepared with their manuals and
pens to allow for note taking.

The youth do not have to be together as a company for these – they can have free reign!
If there are any quiet/shy youth in your group that you have noticed – quietly encourage
more confident members of the group to invite them to attend the classes with them.
Some youth may want to stick with you for the classes, encourage them to be
independent but also allow them to use you as a comfort blanket if they need it!
You might be conducting a class – if this is the case make sure you leave the previous
class as soon as possible to head to your session!
There will be some classes before lunch and some after.

Ensure you know if you are on lunch duty – if not grab your lunch with the youth – try to
mingle with the youth during this time – look out for the one – if someone is sat by
themselves, ask if you can join them for lunch or encourage them to come and join a
group of youth with you to eat lunch together.
Also encourage the youth to get stuck into lunchtime activities.
Make sure youth attend musical programme rehearsals/variety show tryouts if needed.
Classes will continue after lunch.

Freetime/Dinner -
Before dinner there will be some free time – do the same as lunchtime eg. Mingle with
the youth and ensure they go to music rehearsal/variety show tryouts.
Make sure the youth know what time and where to meet you to walk to dinner together
– have a spot such as the atrium or a corner of the banqueting suite – Avoid this spot
being outside the solutions desk!!!!
Head to dinner at your halls.

Dance etiquette/dance -
After dinner head to your company spot to briefly go over dance etiquette – it may be
fun to ask for two volunteers of the same gender to show good examples of the
etiquette you go over – makes for some fun!
Head into the dance and show the youth the rooms where they may store their bags etc.
(this will be split into AC groups with signs on the doors)
Enjoy the dance with the youth, encourage them to participate and make sure you know
what duties you are doing!!!

Usual night time routine

Usual morning routine – Will need to bring their fsy t-shirt for
games night.
Gospel Study
Preach my gospel activity -
The youth will be split into the older and younger groups – one group being taught by
coordinators and one being taught by the session directing couple. Sit with your youth
and help them participate in the activity.
Usual lunch routine – Remind musical programme/Variety show
Sharing the gospel activity -
Meet with your company and head to your allocated room for this activity – support the
youth and help them to focus on the activity – floating between the small groups to help
keep them on task and assist in their preparation/teaching.
Usual freetime/dinner routine – Remind musical
programme/variety show.
Banner and cheer!!!!! (And gamesnight)
The AC'S in charge will help you with where to go when!
Make sure you have gathered all materials to do the banner and cheer – it's hard but you
cannot help your youth with their banner and cheer! Just help keep them on task by
reminding about timings/delegating tasks.
Fave food night -
Once the banner and cheer is over, you'll head back to your rooms while eating your
favourite food night treat.
Usual bedtime routine -
Remind youth that it is Sunday dress tomorrow and that they need to have prepared
their Living Christ Activity lessons.

Thursday (Sunday-Day)
Usual morning routine
Gospel Study
Morningside OR YM/YW Activity
The youth will be split into YM/YW for the morning. While one group is doing the Living
Christ activity – the other will be having a morning side. They will swap halfway through
the morning.
Lunchtime / Variety show rehearsals
Remind the youth that have been selected for the variety show that it is the dress
rehearsal and they should meet with the AC's in charge with all their props/instruments.
Variety show
Sit with youth and remind the youth to support and be enthusiastic of all youth

Free time/Musical programme Dress Rehearsal

Free time, dinner and music programme rehearsal – youth in the music programme will
have dinner and testimony tips with the music AC's and counsellors who are assisting.
Testimony tips
Meet together in the company spot and sing a hymn and open with prayer – share the
testimony tips on page 80 and invite the spirit.

Testimony meeting
Try to encourage the youth to be reverent between testimony tips and the testimony
meeting to keep the spirit with the youth. You will be told where you will be having your
testimony meeting (usually in AC groups)
Bring tissues – for you AND the youth!
Usual night time routine

Usual morning routine – Make sure you have everything needed for
the FTSOY workshops if running one. Youth need to bring their
participant t-shirts to wear for the service project.
Final Gospel study
Taking it home preparation -
Your company may be asked to share their feedback on the goals they set as a Company
at the beginning of the week, after the evening formal dance. Use this time to discuss as
a company the company commitments and how the youth feel they have done. Ask for a
couple of volunteers to share the group's commitments if selected and go over what they
will share.
Final morningside
For The Strength of Youth Workshops
Meet with your session coco's to set up in your allocated room for the workshop. Teach
the lesson 4 times – the AC's will tell you when to swap – make sure you have a short 10
min lesson plan and a slightly longer 15 min one depending on time!
Service activity
Ensure the youth are wearing their participant-shirts. Sit as a company on your allocated
t-shirts and get ready to sing and serve! Assist your youth and help morale by serenading
the youth – enjoy this time together – it is a beautiful atmosphere!
Freetime / Dinner
The youth will be able to access their keys and room during this time – head back to your
halls to get ready for the dance – ensure all youth eat dinner together during this time
at some point. Make sure the youth bring manuals and all items they need with them.
Collect keys before heading back to company spots.
Pictures/Meet with company to enter the dance
Use this time to take pictures and meet with your company – leave bags in allocated
Formal dance
Participate in duties and enjoy the dance with youth.
Photo slideshow/taking it home
The youth will sit down as a company and watch the photo slideshow and listen to
companies sharing their taking it home experiences.
Final reflect and review as a company
Meet together as a company at company spot and have the final reflect and review
together. You may take this as another more intimate testimony meeting, or may run it
as a normal reflect and review, just allowing youth to share special experiences from
the week. Start with a prayer and hymn and finish with the same.
Straight back for quiet time, packing and bed
The youth will go straight back to their halls for quiet time and packing, no reflect and

Saturday – (Wah!)
There will be no morning devotional – ensure you are wearing your participant t-shirt
and that youth bring their luggage down to breakfast with them – ensure nothing is left
in rooms and that keys are collected.
After breakfast head down to the main field and place luggage in allocated spots – you
might want to meet together as a company and have some final photos and exchange
contact details!
Wave the youth off on their buses.
Once all the youth are gone, there will be a wrap up meeting for all counsellors – then
everyone will head off home/for a meal at the Toby Carvary.

It's over – it's finished – and you'll have been fantastic!

Hope this has been helpful - it’s been compiled over my years as a counsellor.
Let me know if you need anymore info!

Jenny Hodkin ♥️

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