Odc 2024 RFP Sow v0.2

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Elm ODC RFP 2024

Scope of Work Document

1. Project summary .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. General Requirements ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Governance Requirements ...................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Delivery Requirements ............................................................................................................. 8
2.4. Infrastructure Requirements ................................................................................................... 9
2.5. Resourcing Requirements ...................................................................................................... 11
2.6. Metrics & KPIs Requirements ................................................................................................ 12
2.7. Data Security & Privacy Requirements .................................................................................. 13
2.8. Facility Requirements ............................................................................................................. 15
2.9. Legal Requirements ................................................................................................................ 15
2.10. Finance & Procurement Requirements ................................................................................. 15
2.11. Overtime Requirements ......................................................................................................... 16
2.12. SLAs Requirements ................................................................................................................. 17
2.13. Skills & Resource Requirements ............................................................................................ 20
3. Reference skills by Roles .................................................................................................................... 21
4. Resource Billing & Payments ............................................................................................................. 26
5. Commercial Proposal Content & Format........................................................................................... 26
1. Project summary
ELM wants to establish an offshore virtual captive center by partnering with an offshore vendor
in order to leverage on the benefits of the model. Elm wants the Virtual Captive (VC) center to
be setup by the vendor, however, the day – to – day operations will be controlled by Elm. The
vendor shall provide space, infrastructure, resources and other facilities to Elm. The vendor
should also be able to provide any requested shared services. The VC will be an extended arm of
the Elm from where projects will be executed. This VC should provide the following benefits

1. Leverage on-the-ground local resources and expertise of the vendor to attract and
maintain top talent, and at the same time meeting the client’s needs for organizational
2. Fast resource scalability in different skill areas and competencies based on client needs
3. Transparent operating model and commercial model
4. Control the resources and the delivery process
5. Cost efficiency
2. Requirements
Bidder is required to submit following documents as a part of proposal
1. Compliance Matrix
This should be filled exactly as per MS Excel Template shared with bidders. The
compliance excel sheet contains the main requirements that vendor needs to confirm if
they comply fully, partially or not at all.
2. Technical Proposal
This should be submitted exactly as per Technical proposal template in MS Word format
shared with bidders. Technical proposal to cover details on approach, methodologies,
value-adds, references etc. in addition to how each of the following requirements will
be achieved by the bidder.
3. Commercial Proposal
This should contain commercials exactly as per the format mention in the RFP Section 5
2.1. General Requirements

Req. ID Requirement Description

REQ-Gen1 Shall establish and setup a virtual captive (VC) development center where Elm will
have complete control over manpower project management, delivery, and
REQ-Gen2 Shall support high degree of flexibility (in terms of technical skillset, working style,
learning etc.) and scalability ( in terms of capacity expansion) on operating ODC
REQ-Gen3 Supply best-in-class human resources as per the required skills, roles & quantity
(as mentioned in the resource requirements section)
REQ-Gen4 Will provide long term ODC commitment of minimum 3 to 5 years.
REQ-Gen5 Shall be willing & support the transition of ODC from 'Virtual Captive' to ‘Captive’
in 3 to 5 years.
REQ-Gen6 Shall provide hiring strategies, scalability and expansion plan, and execute
accordingly for Elm business needs
REQ-Gen7 Shall provide required software and hardware required by resources for
development and testing activities
REQ-Gen8 Shall provide laptops & accessories, IT & network infrastructure along with
support shared services, back-office operations like HR, facilities management and
additional amenities for ODC operations
REQ-Gen9 Shall provide ODC Manager role who will be Single-Point-of-Contact to manage
following tasks, but not limited to, getting JDs, sourcing CVs, arranging interviews,
on-boarding candidates, initiating network connectivity, provisioning access
requests, off-boarding resources, managing reports, managing timesheets and all
day-to-day ODC operational tasks.
REQ-Gen10 Should facilitate and manage trainings as per Elm needs
REQ-Gen11 Shall work as per KSA/Elm Calendar i.e. follow KSA/Elm working days (Sunday to
Thursday), KSA/Elm working hours (8:30 am to 5:30 pm) and KSA/Elm Holidays
REQ-Gen12 Shall provide dedicated team with flexibility to manage team sizes with scaling
up/down (staff augmentation) based on the technology skills, roles and
experience, at short notice, as per project needs
REQ-Gen13 Shall provide clear entry/start and exit/termination terms & conditions from
contract perspective covering both financial & non-financial aspects/implications
REQ-Gen14 Shall provide manpower on Core & Flex models, based on technology skills or
category as mentioned in the section ahead.
Core Model - Resources are dedicated for Elm regardless of project/task
assignment (Baselines Capacity). They are available to Elm at all the required time
through the contract period.
Flex Model - Resources would be on-boarded/off-boarded on the need basis for
specific projects for specific durations. They will be ramped-up & ramped-down at
short notice as per the project needs in Flex mode.
REQ-Gen15 Shall propose approach and plan on Flex Model as these resources will be ramped
up & ramped down faster than the usual Core Model resources recruitment. Lead
time to on-board as well as Notice period to off-board for Flex Model resources is
expected to be less than that of Core Mode resources
REQ-Gen16 Shall ensure financial transparency of ODC by sharing monthly/quarterly/yearly
financial reports of ODC operations which will be audited by ELM
REQ-Gen17 Shall agree to the condition that Intellectual property (IP) rights of every
asset/deliverable produced from ODC (other than 3rd party licenses/products) will
be fully owned by ELM and will not be compromised
REQ-Gen18 Shall ensure that Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from all individual ODC
resources is signed as per Elm policy and requirements
REQ-Gen19 Intellectual Property (IP) rights of any asset, code, document, program, software,
product, platform, project, deliverables, artifacts produced out of ODC will be
owned by Elm. Bidder can by no means claim or copy or use above for purposes
beyond the scope of this RFP.
2.2. Governance Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Gov1 Shall propose a solid ODC & Project Delivery governance framework based on
industry best practices on Virtual Captive Centers, and shall be flexible to
customize it to match the ELM requirements
REQ-Gov2 Shall be ready to adopt and adapt to Saudi cultural mindset
REQ-Gov3 Shall clearly define roles, responsibilities, and policies of engagement to ensure
consistent and frequent communication and collaboration from each side
REQ-Gov4 Shall provide well defined communication processes to exchange important and
needed information in a multi-level management structure. This shall include
weekly project reviews, monthly steering committee reviews and quarterly
executive reviews.
REQ-Gov5 Shall propose comprehensive list of Coverage, Checkpoints and Metrics as part
of each of the different review sessions
REQ-Gov6 Shall provide detailed dispute resolution mechanism along with escalation
paths/mechanism. Shall propose established industry standard dispute
resolution mechanism for Virtual Captive centers, and shall be flexible to tailor it
based on elm requirements.
REQ-Gov7 Shall have an agreed governance and escalation model that involves
Management from both sides as final decision-making authorities
REQ-Gov8 Shall provide detailed view on the degree of risks and control frameworks
managed by Virtual Captive center
REQ-Gov9 Shall have the flexibility to engage ELM Delivery Management teams in the
Project Audit
REQ-Gov10 Shall have the flexibility to embrace continuous improvements in the Delivery
and Governance Processes as they are identified
REQ-Gov11 Shall share individual weekly working reports (where daily working hours are
tagged against the work module) and monthly consolidated timesheets as per
Elm format. Any deviation from standard working hours should be justified and
agreed with ELM ODC Delivery Manager(s)
REQ-Gov12 Shall propose a mature and industry standard Change Control
Process/Methodology which holds good for Virtual Captive Delivery Centers
2.3. Delivery Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Del1 Shall establish delivery team in compliance with Elm IT Delivery framework,
adhering to Elm development, Deployment & Delivery Policies
REQ-Del2 Shall form functional teams that includes skills and roles as per Resources section
mentioned in the RFP ahead
REQ-Del3 Shall form teams based on technology streams defined by Elm
REQ-Del4 Shall ensure security and confidentiality of Elm data, Client data and project data.
Shall agree and cooperate periodic Auditing that will be done by Elm. Shall share
& publish the results of any internal audits done by the ODC itself.
REQ-Del5 Shall support Elm in providing best practices and processes in development and
support activities towards better efficiency and quality of deliverables.
REQ-Del6 Shall have proven methodology for knowledge exchange and transfer on various
organization levels.
REQ-Del7 Shall have adaptability to support any technology changes, process changes, etc.
that are part of change management.
REQ-Del8 Shall possess necessary infrastructure to support knowledge transfer and
communication and detail various tools and methods used for the purpose
REQ-Del9 Shall comply with ELM Privacy and Security Office (PSO) policies. Having ISO
27001 certifications is an added value to have.
REQ-Del10 Shall have security processes put into practice making it as key value of company
culture and protect Elm's Intellectual Property rights
REQ-Del11 Shall have detailed and demonstrable ODC Security features that covers people,
processes, technological and physical protections.
REQ-Del12 Shall share the resource ramp-down and termination strategy along with various
ramp-down models and its potential impacts. It has to be in-line with country's
labor regulations/rules. This should factor for both employees and contractors.
REQ-Del13 Shall share the organization retention strategy, policy & model to have a well-
controlled attrition
REQ-Del14 Shall provide IT infrastructure support for Configuration Management of all the
deliverables and work products such as Source Code, using the centralized
Configuration Management tool. Appropriate topology for CM Toolset shall be
done as part of the ODC set-up (for ex: Centralized CM vs. Federated CM)
REQ-Del15 Shall publish the planned vacation calendar of each resource 4 weeks in advance.
Such planned vacation should be mutually pre-agreed with the respective Elm
delivery leads.
2.4. Infrastructure Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Infra1 Shall provide solutions for managing development IT infrastructure along with
cost model (shall be cost plus or any other relevant model). Cloud based
solution is not acceptable.
REQ- Infra2 Shall have efficient back-up facilities (physical), back-up IT infrastructure and
disaster recovery procedures.
REQ- Infra3 Shall provide communication, collaboration & productivity tools for ODC
teams on their laptops to communicate with Elm counterparts. This should
include, but not limited to, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft
Office Suite (Excel, Word & PowerPoint).
REQ- Infra4 Shall perform ODC project management & control including document
management, risk management, issue management, resource management,
cost management etc. Technical proposal to include details of this along with
tools/technologies that will be used to achieve it.
REQ- Infra5 Laptops to include required development productivity tools like integrated
development environment (IDEs) on every laptop including, but not limited to,
Visual Studio 2022, IntelliJ, Eclipse etc.
REQ- Infra6 Network connectivity between ODC location and Elm to be established via
site-to-site VPN connectivity. Bidder shall provide (provision, configure &
support) necessary setup required to establish site-to-site VPN connectivity
between ODC and Elm.

Important - If any costs are applicable to establish site-to-site VPN

connectivity, Bidder must explicitly mention such costs, as a separate line
item, in the applicable section of commercial proposal.

Note - Elm can decide to switch the connectivity mechanism from ‘Site-to-Site
VPN’ to ‘VDI’ (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) in the beginning of or during the
contract period. In such case, bidder shall accept/support such change and
work with Elm on mutually agreed connectivity transition plan. In such case,
the VDI infrastructure will be arranged/managed by Elm (not by the bidder)
and costs (if any) for the site-to-site VPN connectivity will not be considered
for payment from that period onwards.

In any case, bidder to ensure that network connectivity is highly available

through a primary as well as back-up network tunnel.
REQ- Infra7 Shall provide facility with high-speed broadband internet, and with highly
available and highly secure network ensuring seamless operations &
communication on 24x7 basis. In detailed technical proposal, Bidder to
explicitly mention the speed of internet in Mbps that will provisioned in ODC.
REQ- Infra8 Connectivity setup must ensure fast, secure, and failure-free access with
strong access control policies
REQ- Infra9 Shall have intrusion detection system on the network and anti-virus controls
REQ- Infra10 Shall have access logging capability and detection ability for abnormal
behavior. Also, shall be available for auditing anytime requested by Elm.
REQ- Infra11 Shall provide detailed solution architecture explaining how host system will be
protected by connecting to ODC network
REQ- Infra12 Laptops to have Microsoft Windows 11 operating system, minimum 16 GB
RAM, minimum 1 TB HDD, McAfee or Norton or similar enterprise grade
Antivirus, MS IE browser, MS Edge Browser, Google chrome browser etc.
REQ- Infra13 Shall clearly articulate that Elm obligations for the project team infrastructure
will be met, though infrastructure needs might change over a period of time,
which will be discussed and agreed during the Project delivery phase.
REQ- Infra14 ODC shall have proven experience or adaptability to embrace the ELM's
standard delivery tool sets, though it's open for improvements, which shall be
proposed by ODC.
REQ- Infra15 Alternate electricity/power supply (generators, invertors etc.) to be in place in
case of failure of the main electricity/power supply lines at the ODC.
REQ- Infra16 Shall configure a separate Dedicated network for ODC.
2.5. Resourcing Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Res1 Shall provide resources who can fluently read/write/speak in both Arabic and
English languages.
REQ- Res2 Expected Lead-time/Resource-Mobilization/on-boarding period is 4 weeks
from the day of resource selection by Elm.
REQ- Res3 Shall provide adequately experienced manpower for various roles as per
resources section ahead in RFP. Elm interview panel shall interview all the
positions and final selection shall be only upon Elm confirmation. Interview
process might include multiple
REQ- Res4 ELM shall have the full right to terminate any employees based on ELM
standard policies & procedures which could include, but not limited to,
performance and/or behavioral related reasons. Notice period from Elm to
terminate/off-board ODC resource will be 1 month, after which bidder must
off-board ODC resource from ODC. This is regardless of whether resource is in
core or flex mode.
REQ- Res5 Technology Agnostic skilled resources (e.g. System Analysis, QA/Testing
resources etc.) should be experienced across variety of project/product
implementations. Availability of such skills and practices should be proven by
presenting the headcount and experience of such practice in the organization.
REQ- Res6 The ODC shall demonstrate the process of how they verify and check the
background of all the employees before they are a part of the VC

REQ- Res7 The ODC shall ensure that there are no conflict of interest between the
resources in the VC and its other projects. The ODC resource should not be a
shared resource working on any non-ODC projects. Resource rotation policy, if
any, should be that of minimum 18 months for ODC resources. No ODC
resource should move out of ODC before a minimum of 18 months with
exceptions of resignations or Elm terminating employee from ODC.
REQ- Res8 Shall have process/policy/mechanisms in organization for the Talent
Development which includes both technical & soft-skills trainings &
developments. Technical proposal to mention all the details on such policies
and practices.
REQ- Res9 ODC/VC should have a great position in the Market. Technical proposal to
provide details on " Market Positioning" of the ODC/VC
REQ- Res10 Shall ensure cultural differences are handled well. Technical proposal to
provide details on how the cultural differences be handled.
2.6. Metrics & KPIs Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-MK1 Shall propose comprehensive Service Delivery Metrics/KPIs which shall serve as
the indicator for the performance of overall VC ODC.

REQ- MK2 Financial and project metrics must be transparent and predictable
REQ- MK3 Clear visibility must be provided on the progression and calculation of metrics
for projects, staffing, infrastructure, etc.
REQ- MK4 Shall provide plan and periodic updates on progression for the forecasted
requirements from ELM that may include resources, hardware, software,
network, etc.
REQ- MK5 Shall provide clear indicator on project progress and raise escalations on
impediments. Also, shall provide clarity on addressed issues.
REQ- MK6 Overall complete transparency must be provided on ODC operations
2.7. Data Security & Privacy Requirements
Req. ID Requirement Description
REQ-DSP1 The ODC shall have stringent Data security and privacy mechanisms in place.
The ODC shall provide the required documentation in this regard as an
evidence in the proposal.
REQ-DSP2 The ODC shall be able to demonstrate that security mechanism will be
provided at the data and data structure level
REQ-DSP3 The ODC shall ensure network security measures and provide the required
documentation in this regard as an evidence in the proposal
REQ-DSP4 The ODC shall demonstrate that there is periodic Data Security &Privacy
awareness and training provided to all the employees within ODC. This
awareness and training shall be based on ELM's requirements. The training
and awareness status and evaluation results shall be communicated to ELM on
periodic basis based on schedule provided by ELM.
REQ-DSP5 The ODC shall demonstrate Onboarding and Off boarding processes of each
individual. The onboarding process shall include employee screening and
background check based on ELM requirements.
REQ-DSP6 The employees job description and contract shall include the Information
Security responsibilities of employee
REQ-DSP7 The ODC shall ensure that all employees shall sign the Non-Disclosure
Agreements (NDA) provided by ELM
REQ-DSP8 The ODC employees shall only have access to ELM environment from the ODC
work site through their official laptops only. No data shall be moved outside
the ODC center. The ODC shall provide the required documentation in this
regard as an evidence in the proposal.
REQ-DSP9 The ODC Shall have proper Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and
Encryption mechanisms in place to protect sensitive information. The ODC
shall provide the required documentation as an evidence in the proposal.
REQ-DSP10 The ODC shall be responsible to ensure that any endpoint connecting to ELM
network shall be secured with updated end-point security solutions, Data
Leakage Prevention (DLP), latest OS and software patches and hard-disk
encryption. The ODC shall be responsible to protect the endpoints from any
virus, malware or worm spreads. The ODC shall provide the required
documentation in this regard as an evidence in the proposal.
REQ-DSP11 The ODC shall be responsible to ensure the compliance with ELM Information
Security and Privacy policies
REQ-DSP12 ELM shall reserve the right to audit, add or remove any security control over
the ODC employees and environment.
REQ-DSP13 Network connectivity setup and configuration between ODC and Elm shall be
compliant with Saudi Arabia’s NCA standards, Elm’s Remote Access Policy and
Elm technical standards.
REQ-DSP14 The ODC shall ensure that all ELM security technical standards (such as Web
and Mobile Application Security Checklist, User Access Management and
Password Management, Security Code Scanning, etc.) are implemented in the
developed software within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The
ODC shall provide the required documentation in this regard as an evidence in
the proposal.
REQ-DSP15 The ODC shall ensure the Physical security of the ODC work place including the
Employees identification for In and Out, CCTV monitoring, Security Guard and
other necessary security controls such as Printers security. The ODC shall
provide the required documentation in this regard as an evidence in the
REQ-DSP16 The ODC should possess preferably 10 years’ experience in dealing with the
above-mentioned security controls including but not limited to the following:
• Physical Security
• Network and Infrastructure Security
• End-Point Security
• Web and Mobile Application Development Security
• Human Resources Security
• ISO27001 Compliance
REQ-DSP17 The ODC shall ensure that an Information Security Expert shall be part of the
shared ODC team to implement and ensure the compliance with all ELM
security requirements for ODC at any given point in time.
2.8. Facility Requirements
Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Fac1 Physical ODC facility/office shall have sufficient place for people to be placed
with their own offices/cubicles (not shared spaces).
REQ-Fac2 A separate floor or a section of the floor has to be marked for the virtual
captive with its own segregated network
REQ- Fac3 Shall ensure that entry is restricted to only those who are a part of the Elm
REQ- Fac4 Shall be able to provide the facilities such as printers, scanners, meeting rooms,
huddle rooms, projectors or Big TV screens etc. as listed by Elm for people
working in the ODC
REQ- Fac5 Shall ensure transportation facility or allowance is provided to ODC employees.
Also, ensure Canteen is available in the same building as that of ODC/VC for ODC
resource to enjoy their meals without need to leave the host building/campus.
REQ- Fac6 In case of weekend work or overtime, bidder shall Provide transportation or
transportation allowance

2.9. Legal Requirements

Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-Leg1 ODC shall comply with Elm policies and guidelines for Intellectual property rights.
REQ-Leg2 ODC shall comply with all the Labor and government laws in their specific country
REQ-Leg3 ODC shall have stringent processes to handle IP infringement
REQ-Leg4 Shall define termination clauses applicable for both parties
REQ-Leg5 Shall have defined process to manage disputes and settlements

2.10. Finance & Procurement Requirements

Req ID Requirement Description
REQ-FP1 Shall have audit procedures defined every Quarter
REQ-FP2 Shall Maintain a separate book of accounts
REQ-FP3 Shall have financial controls in place to disburse the funds for Procurement
REQ-FP4 Shall adhere to all the tax laws of the country
2.11. Overtime Requirements

Req ID Requirement Description

REQ-Over1 Overtime (Weekdays – Sunday to Thursday)
Bidder shall comply with definition of overtime as hours spent after working hours
on week-days. Bidder to clear mention the hourly billing rate for overtime hours in
commercial proposal.
REQ-Over2 Work on Weekend (Friday/Saturday) and Holidays
Bidder shall comply with weekend work as hours spent on weekend
(Friday/Saturday) and on Elm holidays. Bidder to clear mention the hourly billing
rate for weekend work and Elm-holiday work in commercial proposal.
2.12. SLAs Requirements
Req. Name of the Frequen Definition Desired Base Performanc Points
KPI cy Behavior SLA e Slab
REQ-SLA1 Resource Monthly Measured on Min 5 3 days <= 1 days 2
Identification the time Profiles 2 to 3 days 1
taken to (Qualified
3 days 0
source the CVs) to be
resources shared 4 to 6 days -1
(qualified CVs) within the -2
after JD has SLA period
been shared. after JD has
>=7 days
Qualified CVs been
are CVs that provided.
matches JD.
REQ-SLA2 Resource Monthly Measures Delivery to 4 <= 1 week 2
Onboarding Time Commitme weeks 2 to 3 1
consumed to nt weeks
onboard Onboarding
4 weeks 0
resources time
after 5-6 weeks -1
Resource has -2
oved by Elm >=7 weeks
for on-
REQ-SLA3 Resource Quarterl Measures % Prevention 11% to <5% 2
Attrition y of total and 15% 5% - 10% 1
number of reduction in
ODC the number 11% to 0
resources of 15%
who have resources 16% to -1
resigned or moving out 20%
rotated. of ODC >21% -2
REQ-SLA4 Security Monthly Measures All 0 0 0
Controls amount of Standards Above 0 -2
breaches that and policies
happened on to be in
devices and place and
network Zero
to prevent
REQ-SLA5 Network Monthly Measures Network 99% 100% 1
and availability of and 99% 0
connectivity Connectivity Connectivit
Uptime between Elm y to ODC 95% to 99% -1
and ODC resources <=95 -2
to be
available 24

3-step process will be applied to calculate SLAs & derive the credits & penalties. The process by
which the credit/penalty will be calculated against the SLA mentioned ahead in this section

Step 1
Allotment of positive and negative points at the end of every month. Positive points are
awarded if the supplier performs better than the SLA and negative points are awarded if
supplier slips on the SLA.

Illustration (Following is just an example)

Name of Frequency Definition Desired SLA Performance Slab Points

the KPI Behavior
Resource Monthly Measured on Profiles to be 5 days <3 days 2
Identificatio the time shared within 4 1
n taken to the SLA 5 0
source the period once 6 -1
resources JD has been -2
once the JD provided.
has been 7 and above
Step 2
Calculation of “Yearly Earned Points” (YEP) – This is defined as the aggregation of the negative
and positive points earned at the end of every month. The amount to be paid as penalty would
correspond to the slab in which YEP falls.

Slab Slabs for YEP Credit/Penalty % of Total Annual Value at the time of
# points calculation (past 12 months)
1 +10 and above Credit/Reward Elm to pay 3%
2 +3 to +10 Credit/Reward Elm to pay 1%
3 -2 to +2 No Credit, No Penalty No Credit, No Penalty
5 -3 10 -10 Penalty Bosch to pay 1% to Elm
6 -10 and less Penalty Bosch will pay 3% to Elm

Step 3
Credit / Penalty payments - The mechanism of payment of Credit / Penalties will be mutually
agreed between Elm and Vendor.

Illustration: The below table has two rows. The first row shows the 12 months, the second row
shows corresponding negative / positive points allocated for that month. This is just an

Month M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Total

Points +1 -3 +1 +1 +1 +1 -3 +1 +1 -5 +1 +1 2-

The total aggregated point is -2 and it falls under Slab 3 [Refer above table], hence Vendor will
have to pay 1% of the total annual contract value to Elm for not adhering to SLA.

• Bidder to confirm the best SLAs that they can comply with (propose best what they can if
they can’t comply with expected SLAs)
• Reward/Penalty system will trigger after 3 months from ODC setup & signed off from both
• Qualified CVs are CVs that match JDs. If CVs that do not match JD are shared, then they will
not be counted towards measurement of SLAs. Decision of whether CV is qualified or not
will solely remain with Elm.
2.13. Skills & Resource Requirements
Technical & Commercial Proposal from bidder is expected to be based on following resource
needs (skills, roles & quantities).

Skill Role Resource Core Flex

.NET Full Stack .NET Lead 1 1 0
Full Stack .NET Developer 6 1 5
JAVA Full Stack Java Lead 1 1 0
Full Stack Java Developer 6 1 5
Front-End Front-End UI Developer 3 1 2
SA System Analyst 2 1 1
QA QA Test Lead 1 1 0
QA Tester 4 1 3
Mobile iOS Developer 2 1 1
Android Developer 2 1 1
UX UX Researcher/Engineer 2 1 1
Total 30 11 19

Core Model - Resources are dedicated for Elm regardless of project/task assignment (Baselines
Capacity). They are available to Elm at all the required time through the contract period.

Flex Model - Resources would be on-boarded/off-boarded on the need basis for specific
projects for specific durations. They will be ramped-up & ramped-down at short notice as per
the project needs in Flex mode.

Note – Once ODC is active, the skills & roles & quantity might change, and can be mutually
agreed. The skills, roles & quantity requirements heavily depends on incoming projects and

Specific JDs for each position by role will be provided for each new position/requirement.
3. Reference skills by Roles
The following are high level skills preferred from various roles. Following to be used just as a
reference for understanding of Elm’s skills preferences & expectations. Once ODC is active,
actual JDs for each position will be shared separately.

1. .Net Lead Skills (Full-stack)

Category Technology/Skill Min Exp. Years

.NET Languages & C# 10
Frameworks .NET Framework 10
.NET Core 6
Web API 5
Database Entity Framework, Dapper 5
or NHibernate
Testing Xunit or Nunit 3
HTTP Postman 1
Source Control Git 5
Messaging/Queueing RabbitMQ 5
SQL Server T-SQL 10
ERD 10
Distributed Cache Redis 2
CI/CD Jenkins or Bamboo 1
Agile Jira 1
Front-End HTML5 10
Node 3
Angular v2+ 5
TypeScript 3
Identity Authorization Oauth 2
Authentication OpenId Connect 2
Scripting Shell 1
PowerShell 1
Cloud Docker 1
Kubernetes 1
OpenShift 1
2. .Net developer Skills (Full-stack)

Category Technology/Skill Min Experience Years

.NET Languages & C# 5
Frameworks .NET Framework 5
.NET Core 5
Web API 5
Database Entity Framework, 5
Dapper or NHibernate
Testing Xunit or Nunit 3
HTTP Postman 1
Source Control Git 5
Messaging/Queueing RabbitMQ 5
SQL Server T-SQL 5
Distributed Cache Redis 1
Front-End HTML5 5
Node 2
Angular v2+ 5
TypeScript 3
Identity Authorization Oauth 2
Authentication OpenId Connect 2
Cloud Docker 1
3. Java Lead Skills (Full-stack)

Category Technology/Skill Min

Java Language JAVA SE 10
Frameworks Spring Framework 8
Spring Boot 5
Database JPA 10
Testing Junit 6
Build Maven 6
HTTP Postman 1
Source Control Git 5
Messaging/Queueing RabbitMQ 5
SQL Server T-SQL 10
ERD 10
Distributed Cache Redis 2
CI/CD Jenkins or Bamboo 1
Agile Jira 1
Front-End HTML5 10
Node 3
Angular v2+ 5
TypeScript 3
Identity Authorization Oauth 2
Authentication OpenId Connect 2
PowerShell 1
Cloud Docker 1
Kubernetes 1
OpenShift 1
4. Java Developer Skills (Full-stack)

Category Technology/Skill Min

Java Language JAVA SE 5
Frameworks Spring Framework 5
Spring Boot 5
Database JPA 5
Testing Junit 5
Build Maven 5
HTTP Postman 1
Source Control Git 5
Messaging/Queueing RabbitMQ 5
SQL Server T-SQL 5
Distributed Cache Redis 1
Front-End HTML5 5
Node 2
Angular v2+ 5
TypeScript 3
Identity Authorization Oauth 2
Authentication OpenId Connect 2
Cloud Docker 1

5. System Analyst Skills

Category Technology/Skill Min
SQL Server T-SQL 5
Agile Jira 1
System Diagramming UML 5
Analysis Documentation Use Cases 5
Wireframes 5
6. QA Test Lead & Engineer
Category Technology/Skill

Java Language JAVA SE

Frameworks Spring Framework
Spring Boot
Database JPA
Testing Junit
Build Maven
HTTP/API Testing Postman
Source Control Git
Messaging/Queueing RabbitMQ
SQL Server T-SQL
Front-End HTML5
Identity Authorization Oauth
Authentication OpenId Connect
Testing Automation (if Selenium
Performance (if LoadRunner or Jmeter
4. Resource Billing & Payments
• Resource billing will be considered only for the days he/she worked. Vacations,
holidays, weekends will not be considered as paid days (with exception of overtime
hours if resources has worked on such days).
• Invoices will be approved only if timesheets are formally approved by concerned Elm
• Timesheets will be approved on monthly basis (bidder to follow template of
timesheet as per Elm format)
• Overtime will not be paid if it was not pre-approved by and agreed with Elm

5. Commercial Proposal Content & Format

Commercials proposal should include detailed cost break-up as per following sections & line
items. All the 5 sections (A, B, C, D, E) are mandatory to be mentioned in commercial
proposal as per format mentioned ahead. In cases where one or more of these 5 sections
is/are not applicable, bidder still must mention section with amount as 0 [zero] if a
particular section is not applicable.

A. One-time fixed cost, if applicable

Sr. One-time Fixed Cost Component Amount
1 ….
2 ….
3 ….
A. Total One-time Fixed Amount

B. Recurring cost, if applicable

Sr. Recurring Cost Component Monthly Amount Yearly Amount
1 ….
2 ….
3 ….
B. Total Recurring Amount
C. Resource Rates
Sr. Skill Role Min. Total Blende Blended Total Total
Experience Qty. d Monthly Monthly Yearly
(Years) (Core Daily Rate Amount Amount
+ Flex) Rate (22 days a
1 Java Full stack 8 1
2 Java Full stack 5 6
3 .NET Full stack 8 1
4 .NET Full stack 5 6
5 Front- Developer 5 3
6 SA System 5 2
7 QA QA Lead 8 1
8 QA QA Tester 5 4
9 Mobile Android 5 2
10 Mobile iOS 5 2
11 UX UX Engineer 5 2
Total Resources 30 C. Total Resource

• Monthly & Annual amounts will be considered for commercial evaluations.
• Blended ‘Daily’ rates will be considered for billing purposes.
• Actual billing amount will vary every month as it will be based on approved timesheets by Elm
stakeholders for resource on-board at that given point in time.
• Resource Experience level does not qualify him/her for a particular role. Elm will decide what
role a resource fits based on Elm interview panel’s judgement regardless of resource’s
experience level. E.g. 10 Years’ experience Java resource may fit for Developer Role and 7 years’
experience Java resource may fit for Lead Role. Decision will be at Elm’s discretion and billing
will happen as per the role assigned by Elm (not by years of experience of candidate).
• ODC Manager or any other shared services resource should not be mentioned as a resource in
this section. Cost of such shared services resources should be blended in Section A or Section B
of commercial proposal.
D. Total Proposal Value
Sr. Component Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1 A. Total One-time Amount
2 B. Total Recurring Amount
3 C. Total Resource Amount
4 Total (without any taxes)
5 Taxes (as applicable)
6 Total (with Taxes)
Total for 3 Years (with Taxes)

E. Overtime Hourly Blended Billing Rate

Sr. Item Hourly Blended Rate Value in Percentage
1 Overtime Hourly Blended Rate (%)

Overtime Hourly blended rates to be additional amount calculated as % of normal

hourly blended rate. Bidder to mention the % value for overtime hourly blended rates.

For Example (For Illustration purpose only)

• Normal Daily Billing Rate = 80 SAR (Received from bidder in section ‘C’)
• Normal Hourly Billing Rate = 80/8 = 10 SAR (Derived from Daily rate)
• Overtime Hourly Blended Rate (%) = 103% (Received from bidder in Section ‘E’)
• Overtime Hourly Blended Rate = 10 X 103% = 10.3 SAR (Derived value for overtime
billing purpose)

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