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Paige Perkinson 1

Professor Tamera Davis

Composition II

September 9 2023

Our Purpose

Purpose is extremely vital in today's society. As my age group gets older and older, I've

noticed things. Finding purpose being one of them. College students struggle daily and it's left

unspoken. Have you ever struggled to find that purpose? Everyone is here for a reason. (Rice)

You can have events that lead up to questioning this. You get fired from a job or get out of a long

relationship, what's my purpose? Finding this can be a journey and can be a lengthy one.

Having the feeling of not feeling like you belong somewhere is an indescribable feeling.

Being in college is some of the best times of your life. You meet your best friends or just life

long friends or even your husband or wife. So they say. What most people don't mention is how

draining the hours and the time put into things. The time you feel like you are nothing. Things

like this aren't spoken about as often as they should be. Do you think it's possible for two words

to change someone's life?(Rice) Imagine, you're sitting just questioning your purpose. You hear

the two words, YOU MATTER. Words like this matter, simple words. Simple altercations

matter. Kindness in this world is near the end. A simple smile, a simple wave, a simple anything.

Sitting in class we watched a video about cards and how they read YOU MATTER. I remember

watching that video and not thinking much of it. But as the days went on and as were in the

current day i've sat and gotten lost. I feel like I've lost my purpose. I feel like I'm questioning

everything and questioning if I'm doing what's right. But I sat tonight and looked at this essay

and the prompt and read the “Two Words That Can Change A Life”. I realize that things like this

can truly change someone's life. You’re going to struggle and have bad days but you have to
Paige Perkinson 2

Professor Tamera Davis

Composition II

September 9 2023

realize that things are temporary and things don't always last though it may seem so. I personally

struggle with this daily. I can speak on behalf of others that I know I'm not the only one.

“Every one of us is here for a reason. We are all essential. We need, and are needed by,

each other.” (Rice) This speaks to me. I said previously that simple things can make big changes.

Kindness just isn't how it used to be. We essentially NEED support to go through things. You

need a support system. I went through several times in my life where I felt like I just didn't have

purpose. Having a support system truly helped me and knowing I mattered. This means

everything to me. I truly don't think I'd be here today without these people. Coming to Stillwater

I was nervous and scared. I'm gonna be on my own again since I took a year off from Arkansas.

My time in Arkansas taught me alot. I was self absorbed, I cared about the wrong things. I

valued the wrong things. Coming home to take a year off I felt like I didn't have a purpose or any

reason to be here. I questioned everything and the past 18 years I had lived. I used to be a bitter

and hateful person. I lived my life with no care or no regard to people's feelings. Thinking back

to this makes me sick. I was such a hateful person and sometimes I still find myself beating

myself up over it. This completely changed the way I viewed myself and others. I found Christ

and my healing began from there. While taking my year off I found a group of friends who

supported me and made me find my purpose. I found people that made sure I knew I mattered. If

it's one person or a few. Find those people that will let you know. I still struggle as I said earlier,
Paige Perkinson 3

Professor Tamera Davis

Composition II

September 9 2023

things aren't always easy. But saying little things can truly change someone's day. Things will

end up being okay eventually.

YOU MATTER. Take those two words from Rice's article and run with it. His article has

taught me that before you say something unkind, think. Say those people's shoes are cool. Say I

like your shirt. Let people know that YOU MATTER. Let them know that they have a purpose. I

looked through the website attached to the “Two Words That Can Change A Life” . I am waiting

for my cards to come into the mail. I want to start these cards around Stillwater and let people

know they matter and they have a purpose. This article and writing this paper has taught me alot.

I'm beyond glad I chose Rice's article to write about. You have a purpose and YOU MATTER.
Paige Perkinson 4

Professor Tamera Davis

Composition II

September 9 2023

Rice, Cheryl. "Two Words That Can Change a Life." Daily Good, 10 November 2020,


The article is about someone who is on a quest to change peoples life and he starts by giving a

woman at the grocery store a card after over hearing she's in a rough spot in life. He gives the

woman a YOU MATTER card and from there he starts this quest of making a change in the

world. Cheryl Rice is a woman who inspires women to live their own lives. She seems caring

and courageous. Her website states if every individual believed they mattered then all of us

would truly believe. You Matter gets donations through the people! You Matter started in the fall

of 2015 when Demetrius got a sticky note. Daily Good has written this article. It was published

in 2020. I would say this article was published decently and truly captured the story point. This

article spoke through me so I do think that it was a benefit using this article. This article was

published less than 4 years ago. I really enjoyed reading this article. They give good examples

and really show emotions.

Paige Perkinson 5

Professor Tamera Davis

Composition II

September 9 2023

Thing,Things,Alot, Stuff, Gotten,Very, Pretty, You,Your,Yours

Take out the trash

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