2020 Eleventh - Hour - Mock - Solutions

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Eleventh Hour Mock Solutions

November 2021

Answer Key

1. Note that 20202020 > 2020, thus |2020 − 20202020 | = 20202020 − 2020 and
the entire expression is equal to |20202020 − 2020 − 20202020 − 2020| =
| − 4040| = 4040.

2. This is 3!2! = 420 since there are 7 letters, and ‘e’ appears 3 times while
‘r’ appears twice.

3. Notice that 20202020 = 2020·10001. By long division, the former is equiv-

alent to 7 mod 11, and the latter is equivalent to 2 mod 11. Multiplying
them together yields 14 or 3 mod 11.

4. Working backwards, dilating by a factor of 31 yields the point (3, -2), re-
flecting over the x-axis yields (3, 2), and translating 2 units left and one
unit down yields (1, 1) for the answer of 2.

5. There are 3 · 4 = 12 ways to choose the size and cheese. For each top-
ping, we can choose either to include or exclude it. Thus, our final total
is 12 · 25 = 12 · 32 = 384.

6. If Alice is the culprit, both Eric and Bob are lying which isn’t possible. If
Bob is the culprit, then both Bob and Dave are lying which isn’t possible.
If Carl is the culprit, then everyone is telling the truth which isn’t possible.
If Dave is the culprit, then Dave is lying, then Carl is lying which violates
the fact that exactly one person is lying. Thus, the culprit must be Eric.

7. Note that ̸ F + ̸ EM D + ̸ DN C = 180◦ since they are the angles of
△F N M . Also, ̸ J + ̸ G + ̸ CDE = 180◦ , so ̸ J + ̸ G = 45◦ . The total
is 180◦ + 45◦ = 225◦ .
8. We can think of his rate as 7 books every 4 days. He has 1500 books to
read, which means he finishes in 214 72 ·4 days. The whole part is equivalent
to 4 · 4 ≡ 16 ≡ 2 days, and the fractional part adds one day. Thus we add
3 days to Monday and get Thursday.
9. Notice that if we find the maximum, we can set x or y to its negative and
get the minimum. Thus we just need to find the maximum xy over all
positive x, y.

x2 +y 2
Using AM-GM, 2 ≥ x2 y 2 . Thus, xy ≤ 1010.

By our earlier argument m = −1010, so M − m = 2020.

10. Testing each answer choice individually is not difficult; alternatively note
that 9992 = 998001 (squaring other numbers consisting of all 9’s yields a
similar pattern) which has the same digit sum as 999. Thus, a = 9.

11. Notice that Richard’s total purchase is greater than 15 dollars, so we want
to use the last coupon. After this our cost is 14 dollars. A 25 percent dis-
count and one orange free only subtracts 3.50 from our total while a dollar
off each item subtracts 4. Hence, the best we can do is 14 - 4 = 10 dollars.

12. Define the points as below:

Looking at the diagram, it seems that ̸ F JC is right, which is because
after rotating BC, which originally forms a 60 degree angle with AC 30
degrees, the angles add to get a right angle.
√ √
Let s = F J. Then JK = s 3, KE = 2s, and adding, 3s + s 3 = 2.
Solving, s = 3+2√3 . The area of 3 of the exterior 30-60-90 triangles is then
3 2
√ √

2s 3 = 2+√ 3
= 2 3 − 3.

Thus, the area inside one triangle but outside of the 3 small right trian-
gles in the equilateral√triangle√(for example △ABC
√ minus triangles AHI,
GLB, CJK) is then 3 − (2 3 − 3) = 3 − 3. This is equivalent to the
intersection of the areas of the two triangles, so we are done.

13. Note that the answer is the number of integers that cannot be expressed
as 3a + 5b for any non-negative integer a and b, and the number of such
integers that can be expressed as 3a + 5b for some a, b such that a > b and
a < 5 (otherwise we will be able to swap some 3’s for 5’s).

We can count the first part by hand; listing them out we get 1, 2, 4, 7 for 4.

Then, we count the next part by casework. If a = 1, then b = 0. Other-

wise if a = 2, then b = 0 or b = 1. Continuing, we arrive at the final case
where a = 4. Then, there are 4 possibilities for b. There are 10 integers
in this case.

Adding, our answer is 10 + 4 = 14.

14. Split this up into two sums S = 2 + 45 + 98 + . . . and T = 3
3 + 76 + 12

We calculate S first. Note S2 = 14 + 58 + 16

+ . . . , and subtracting this
from S by matching like denominators we get S2 = 12 + 44 + 48 + 164
+ ....
S 1
By the geometric series formula 2 = 2 + 2 so S = 5.
The sum for T proceeds similarly. Since T2 = 36 + 12
+ 11
24 +. . . , subtracting
this from T gives 2 = 3 + 6 + 12 + · · · = 1 + 3 , so T = 14
T 3 4 4 4
3 .
Adding them together gives S + T = 3 .

15. Multiplying by xy gives x2 + xz − y 2 − yz = 0 so (x + y + z)(x − y) = 0.

Since x ̸= y, x + y + z = 0. Thus we need to maximize the value of xyz.
Since z is the only negative, the product must be negative and we need
to minimize the absolute values of x, y, and z. This is done with z = −3,

x = 1, y = 2 for the answer of −6.

16. Call the digits a, b, c, and d where a is the thousands digit and so on. We
are given that a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ d, which implies a < b + 1 < c + 2 < d + 3.
Then, this is equivalent to choosing 4 distinct integers from 1 through 12
(e, f , g, h), sorting them, and assigning them the values in order (a = e,
b + 1 = f ...). Then, the number of ways to do this is 124 = 495.

17. It is trivial to try the answer choices one by one backwards and see which
ones have integer solutions. Through this we see that 66 is the first num-
ber of pigs that works.

18. Notice p2 + 2p − 239 = (p + 1)2 − 240 = k 2 for some integer k. Then we

use difference of squares to get (p + 1 + k)(p + 1 − k) = 240. Using the
ordered pair (p + 1 + k, p + 1 − k) = (120, 2) does not yield prime p, but
(60, 4) does. Then the maximal p is 31 and the answer is 4.

19. Set y = 2x. Since there is a bijection between the sets of y and x, the
number of solutions for y is the same as the number of solutions for x and
we can do casework on the floor of y.

If the floor of y is 0, then y = 0 for one solution.

If the floor of y is 1, then y = 2√which is a contradiction for no solutions.
If the floor of y is 2, then y = 2√2 which works for one solution.
If the floor of y is 3, then y = 2 3 which also works for one solution.
If the floor of y√is 4, then y = 4 which is the last solution. For all other
floors of y k, 2 k < k so there are no more solutions.
Thus, there are 4 solutions in total.

20. Without loss of generality, let AD||BC. Since the trapezoid is circum-
scribed, then AB = CD. Drop an altitude from B to AD and call the
foot of this
√ altitude K. Letting AK = s, the area of the trapezoid is
(17 + s)( 172 − s) = 375. Seeing that one factor of 375 is 25, and notic-
ing the 8-15-17 Pythagorean√ triple leads us to try s = 8. This works as
25 · 15 = 375. Then BD = 252 + 152 , so AC 2 + BD2 = 1700.

21. Coordbashing, we find that P = ( 58 , 24 16 18 8

5 ), Q = ( 5 , 5 ), L = (0, 3 ), M =
( 2 , 0). Applying the Shoelace Theorem gives us that the area of P QM L
is 43 6 . [RSON ] is more easily found using similar triangles, and since
3+ 32
RN ||SO its area is 2 · 2 = 29 . Adding them gives 35
3 .

22. Exploiting the symmetry of the polynomial, we wish to write it as (x2 −
ax + 1)2 + kx2 for some x and k. Matching the coefficients gives us
a = 212 and k =
4 . This system can be easily solved by adding 4 to
each side then taking the positive/negative square root. Doing this yields
x2 − 21 23
2 x + 1 = ± 2 x. Using −x on the right hand side gives imaginary
solutions that multiply to 1, while using x on the right hand side gives us
real solutions that add to 22. Thus S + P = 22 + 1 = 23.

23. For simplicity, let D be the point of tangency between B and the circle.
Extending lines AC and BD will give us some triangle where the circle is
either the incircle or an excircle. We tackle the incircle case; the excircle
case should proceed similarly.

Let the intersection of AC and BD be X, and let the circle be tangent to

AX at E. Through some angle chasing, we find that ̸ EOX = 90◦ . How-
ever, this leads to a contradiction as the point XO and XD are parallel
thus X cannot exist. Hence, AC and BD are parallel.

Arrange the points such that ̸ CAB is obtuse, since this minimizes AO.
Due to the radius of the circle being 60, the distance between the two lines
must be 120. Dropping an altitude from A to BD and naming its foot Y ,
through Pythagorean BY = 119. If the point of tangency with the circle O
̸ ZAO = ̸ CAB. We use the sine half-angle formula to
and AC is Z, note 2q q 119 q
̸ 1+ 169
get sin ̸ ZAO = ± 1−cos 2 CAB = ± 2 = ± 144 12
169 = ± 13 . Clearly
ZO 12
we take the positive solution, and by definition AO = sin ̸ ZAO = 13 .
Solving, AO = 65.

24. Let the cube be the unit cube in the coordinate system so that we can
easily refer to vertices. Notice that we only need to consider the people
at (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0), and (1, 0, 1). The probability that all 8 people
remain after two moves is the same as the probability that these 4 people
remain after one move to the fourth power, since it is impossible that any
person from the other group of four people collide with any of these.

Without loss of generality, let the person at (0,0,0) move up (in the direc-
tion of the y-axis). Then there are three cases:

The person at (1,0,1) moves up: then the other two people must move
down for one possibility where no one gets kicked.
The person at (1,0,1) moves in the direction of the x-axis: then the person
at (1,1,0) must move down and the last person has only one available spot.
This is also one possibility.

The person at (1,0,1) moves in the direction of the z-axis: this is symmet-
rical to the above case, so there is one possibility.

Thus, there are 3 possibilities where no one gets kicked and 33 = 27 possi-
bilities total for a probability of 19 . Taking this to the fourth power yields
38 for the answer of 9.

25. We make a table, stating how many sequences are possible for a certain
number of moves that ends on a number. Then, we fill in the values of the
table using dynamic programming, such that each cell’s value is the sum
of the ones adjacent to it (including diagonals) strictly on top.

Roll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Roll 2 2 3 3 3 3 2
Roll 3 5 8 9 9 8 5
Roll 4 13 22 26 26 22 13
Roll 5 35 61 74 74 61 35
Roll 6 96 170 209 209 170 96

Summing all the numbers on the bottom line gives 950.

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