Smart Goals Lesson Plan

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Physical Education Lesson Plan: Setting SMART Goals


 Students will learn about goal setting and create SMART goals for the new unit in
physical education. They will practice unit-specific skills, engage in peer
observation, set individual goals, and create action plans to achieve those goals.


 Personal computers for each student

 Word documents for goal recording
 Access to kinesthetic videos online
 Whiteboard or flip chart
 Markers

Introduction (15 minutes):

1. Begin with a brief discussion on the importance of setting goals. Use simple
language and relatable examples to explain the concept of goals.
2. Introduce the SMART criteria:
 S: Specific
 M: Measurable
 A: Achievable
 R: Relevant
 T: Time-bound
3. Discuss each element with the students, providing examples that are relevant to
physical education.

Unit Introduction (10 minutes): 4. Present the new unit topic and its key concepts. Use
visual aids or drawings to make it engaging and accessible to third-grade students.

5. Briefly explain the movements and skills they will be learning in this unit.

Practice Session (20 minutes): 6. Lead the class through a practice session where
students can try out the new movements and skills.

7. Provide clear demonstrations and encourage students to ask questions.

8. Allow time for students to practice individually and with partners.
Peer Observation (10 minutes): 9. Pair students up for peer observation. Each student
will observe their partner, focusing on the accuracy of movements and understanding of

10. After the observation, partners can discuss what they observed and offer
constructive feedback.

Goal Setting (15 minutes): 11. Guide students in setting SMART goals based on their
self-assessment during the practice session and the peer observation.

12. Discuss potential obstacles and ways to overcome them.

13. Have students record their goals and action plans in a word document on their
personal computers.

Technology Integration (15 minutes): 14. Instruct students on using personal

computers to:

 Look up kinesthetic videos to understand movements better.

 Research activities to help gain strength for their goals.
 Identify important movements or exercises to master.

Closing and Homework (5 minutes): 15. Review the importance of SMART goals and
how they will help students improve in physical education.

16. Assign students to demonstrate their goal achievement during the next class.


 Formative assessment during the practice session and peer observation.

 Review the recorded goals and action plans on the word document.
 Summative assessment through the demonstration of goal achievement in the
next class.

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