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SOGC: Theory of writing essay

For my submission I was trying to understand the state of entertainment and how we got the

one we have today. I looked at different decades and the kind of television they were watching, I

started to notice all the problematic things that they were broadcasting as if they were mondain

things. As the years passed people started to be more aware especially as more people started

to speak out against discrimination. With this I found out that in our current time although the

improvement shows people still face the same discrimination, they used to all those years back.

And still one can notice the ignorance of my generation. I wanted to remind them all the hard

work and effort that went into all the improvements we have now days. I did this by taking a

look in the past. What were the values that media had at the time and what caused them to

change I decided to start with the 50’s golden age of television were people had their a more

traditional view on things with the nuclear family, a man that provides for his family and a

housewife that takes care of the home and obviously the media reflected those values. While

the racism was in all time high on that time, with people of color being completely separated

from white people, with them having their own bathrooms, schools, restaurants, etc. And

media at the time also being extremely insensitive towards them. After that I did a big jump to

the 80’s with this time’s people being something completely different. From the feminist

perspective things were going great as more and more woman started to work and stared to

fight for equal treatment on workplace environment. meanwhile in entertainment we would

see how media would tend to sexualize woman a lot in entertainment and also minimize serious

situations such as sexual assault as the woman fault because she provoked the men like in

movies such as sixteen candles. The after math of civil right movements also took a big hold for
people of color as they would be granted same rights as white people and with this also came

many black celebrities going mainstream. People were starting to value many black people. The

00’s were insufferable for many female entertainers as they had become target for many

tabloids demanding beauty standards that were impossible to reach, some of them would cross

lines that reporters would never dare to cross now days. With them talking about things that

were none of their business a lot of slut shaming and talking about people’s bodies. Meanwhile

rap had taken over the world for the very first-time rap had outsold rock with big acts such as

2pac and biggie. While many improvements were made there is no doubt that we still have a

long way to go, there is still till this day many issues that remind us of the dark past. From the

#OscarsSoWhite incident where no black person was nominated for any of the main categories

to the George Floyd assassination that sparked the #Blacklifesmatter movement. To the Harvey

Weinstein sexual assaults trails that got resolved on 2018 that sparked the #MeToo movement.

With this came the 2nd part of my research which was a survey that I did around campus asking

serval students around my age questions about diversity in entrainment and how it made them

feel. Although most of the answers I got were positive I still got some negative and neutral ones

towards these issues. And they helped me understand that it is important for us to remember

the past, so we do not repeat the mistakes we have previously done. With this assignment I

learned a lot by engaging more with people around my school and asking questions, I had never

done something like that before and it was a little scary but I feel like it helped me a lot as it

prepared me for future projects and it also gave me essential answers for my essay.

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