Kaz Ya Okonko

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Research problem refers to a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly

literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and
deliberate investigation so a research problem are of different classes they can be
theoretical and other more not only that but also research problem is the first step in the
process of research this means without a research problem there is no research conducted
in one way or the other so it is very important to have a research problem the research
problem also has important practical and well-defined problem can help you create a
comprehensive research project. It serves as a guide to the research to ensure the study's
intended purpose and justification while making it unique and innovative. The issue might
contribute relevant insights into a specific issue or challenge previously held ideas. Research
issues can help identify the steps to take when collecting data and outlining the procedures
for the research the research problem treasons that are making the process of formulating a
he following are the problems that are reasons that are making the process of formulating a
research problem difficult in one way or the other;
Atfirst identify a general area of interest
This is the one among the ways or steps to consider when formulating a research problem.
As a researcher determines an area of study, he or she considers areas that are under
explored or present challenges within the field. He or she has to assess how you might
address the area of concern and whether you can develop a research problem related to
these issues. If the research is action - based or applied, the researcher have to consider
reaching out to those who works in a relevant field to get feedback about problem to
address or follow up on research that others have already started. The problem stated in a
broad general way may contain various ambiguities which must be resolved by cool thinking
and rethinking over the problem. At the same time the feasibility of a particular solution has
to be considered and the same should be kept in view while stating the problem.⁴

Butalso understanding the nature of the problem.

After the identification of general area of interest, the next step in defining or formulating a
research problem is to understand the nature and origin clearly. The best way of
understanding the nature of a problem is to discuss it with those who first raised it in order
to find out how the problem originally came about and with what objectives in view. If the
researcher has stated the problem himself, he should consider once again all those points
that induced him to make a general statement concerning the problem. This means that a
researcher has to ask herself or his self what need to know about a particular topic before
she or he begin the study. A researcher should assess who or what it might affect and how
the research could address that relationship. Also a researcher should consider whether
other research groups have already tried to solve the problem he or she interested in and
how his or her approach might differ.

Inadditional to review the context of the information.

This also is a way of formulating a research problem; reviewing the context of your research
involves defining and testing the environmental variables in your project, which may help
you to create a clear and focused research problem. It may also help you note which
variables are present in the research and how to account for the impact that may have on it.
By reviewing the context, you may easily estimate the amount of data your research is likely
to deliver. The researcher must be well-conversant with relevant theories in the field,
reports and records as also all other relevant literature. He must devote sufficient time in
reviewing of research already undertaken on related problem.⁵ this is done to find out what
data and other materials, if any are available for operational purpose. Knowing what data
are available often serves to narrow the problem itself as well as the technique that might
be used.⁶ by doing all these will enables a researcher to take new strides in the field for
furtherance of knowledge.

Not only determine relationship between variables.

This is also the step used in formulating a research problem. After identifying the variables
involved in your research, you can learn how they are related to one and another and how
this relationship may contribute to your research problem. Identifying the relationship
between variables may be useful when deciding the degree to which you can control them
in your study and how they might affect potential solutions to the problem you are
addressing. Regression analysis is used to determine if a relationship exists between two
variables. To do this a line is created that best fits a set of data pairs. We will use linear
regression which seeks a line with equation that "best fits" the data. Then, through
determining the relationship between variables, a researcher cannot find more difficult in
formulating a research problem.
Lastly quantity of literature It can be difficult to deal with the quantity of literature that one
might have accessed. The literature review is iterative. This involves managing the literature,
accessing data that supports the framework of the research, identifying keywords and
alternative keywords, as well as constantly looking for new sour

To conclude with the identification of research problems about particular topics can arise
from formal interviews or informal discussions with practitioners who provide insight into
new directions for future research and how to make research findings more relevant to
practice. Discussions with experts in the field, such as, teachers, social workers, health care
providers, lawyers, business leaders, etc., offers the chance to identify practical, “real world”
problems that may be understudied or ignored within academic circles. This approach also
provides some practical knowledge which may help in the process of designing and
conducting your study. In order to avoid the above challenges a researcher must take into
account all necessary procedures in formulating research problem including to avoid the
selection of too narrow or too vague research problem

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