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The Christmas Wish

Emma was a little girl who loved christmas. She loved the lights, the music, the presents,
and the joy. She loved spending time with her family and friends, and celebrating the birth of
Jesus. She loved everything about christmas, except for one thing: she had never seen

She lived in a place where it never snowed. It was always warm and sunny, even in winter.
She had seen snow on TV, in books, and in pictures, but she had never touched it, felt it, or
played with it. She wondered how it would be like to make a snowman, a snow angel, or a
snowball. She wished she could see snow for real, at least once in her life.

She decided to make a wish. She wrote a letter to Santa Claus, asking him to bring her
some snow for christmas. She said that she had been a good girl all year, and that snow was
the only thing she wanted. She put the letter in an envelope, and mailed it to the North Pole.

She waited and hoped, and hoped and waited. She counted the days until christmas. She
prayed every night, asking God to make her wish come true. She dreamed of waking up on
christmas morning and seeing a white wonderland outside her window.

On christmas eve, she went to bed early, after leaving some cookies and milk for Santa
Claus. She snuggled under her blanket, and closed her eyes. She fell asleep, with a smile
on her face.

She woke up the next morning, and jumped out of bed. She ran to the window

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