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Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1

IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

1. what is manufacturing?










2. what is virtual manufacturing?











Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1
IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

3. List the types of manufacturing industries? And give example.













4. what is DFMA?








Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1
IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

5. what is CIM?










6. Discuss the relationship between the production varieties and quantities?












Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1
IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

7. List the guidelines should be considered in deciding processes and their

sequence in process planning?









8. The selection of Manufacturing processes depends on several factor, list

and briefly discuss these factors.









Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1
IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

9. What are steps of selecting an appropriate manufacturing process for

manufacturing a certain product?










10.With the aid of sketch, classify the manufacturing processes?











Industrial Engineering Program Assignment 1
IE 2521: Manufacturing Processes I Instructor. Ali Abd El-Aty

11.What are the main differences between net-shape and near net-shape
manufacturing processes?










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