Iniciadores para Opinar

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Iniciadores para opinar

 Personally I think that (personalmente pienso que)

 In my view (en mi opinión)
 From my point of view (desde mi punto de vista)
 To my mind (en mi opinion)
 Frankly speaking (francamente hablando)
 I would say (yo diria que)

Frases para dar ejemplos

 for instance (for instans)
 such as (sachas)
 To give you an idea ( para darte un ejemplo/ togivi yu an idea)
 For example

Conectores de adicción (además)

 In addition
 Additionally
 Furthermore
 Moreover
 Also

Conectores de contraste
 ON THE OTHER HAND: por otro lado
 ON THE CONTRARY: por el contrario
 IN CONTRAST: en cambio.
 NEVERTHELESS: no obstante.

 And: y.
 Second: En segundo lugar.
 Then / Next: Después / Luego.
 Also / Too: También.
 As well as: Además de.
 Moreover / Furthermore: Además / Es más.
 In fact / As a matter of fact: De hecho.
 Actually: En realidad / De hecho.
What do you think about technology?
From my point of view, I consider that technology is a great advance for the world in
many activities. Technology has improved many aspects of our lives such as
communication, education, medicine and also industry. This has caused us to form an
opportunity for collaboration between cultures and diverse perspectives. Nowadays
we have the information in a matter of seconds as fast as flash. NEVERTHELESS,
technology can be bad since it separates people from reality, in a fantastic illusion; in
my case, 5 years ago I stopped playing soccer for using my cell phone every hour for
playing a video game, this caused my health to be affected.
¿Qué consideras hacer para mantener una buena salud física?

I believe that to maintain good physical health it is essential to have a healthy diet that
includes fruits, vegetables and fish, as well as a minimum percentage of red meat;
when a person eats fish, they get collagen that helps improve bones, muscles, even
skin; Additionally, I think that to maintain good physical health it is necessary to do
exercises such as Squats, Star jumps, Stretching, pushups, among others. Since I was
seven years old, I have been able to maintain my physical health by practicing sports,
especially soccer and volleyball. Every Friday I get together with my classmates to play
soccer in the schoolyard, however we must take into account that the mental health is
also important.
How would you take care of your mental health?
Frankly speaking, I believe that in order to have good mental health we must
essentially sleep 8 hours a day every day, Furthermore we must project positive and
hopeful ideas into our daily lives, such as I am better, I am strong, I am intelligent, I am
lucky, I am a good person, Moreover, to have good mental health we must practice a
favorite hobby that makes our lives happy, For instance, in my free time I listen to
music or play sports, ON THE CONTRARY I believe that the most important thing for
mental health is to travel the world in search of new experiences, in my life I would like
to travel to France, Germany or Russia.
Do you think visiting the doctor is important?
Yes, I consider that visiting the doctor continuously is important to maintain good
health and prevent diseases at the right time, when we visit a doctor, he tells us if our
body system is working perfectly or if we need vitamins, proteins, minerals or
medicines, once my grandmother went to the doctor for her leg pain and he told her
that she needed to strengthen her bones with collagen, so she started eating fish and
fruits like oranges, lemons and strawberries. In summary, continually visiting the
doctor is essential to take care of our health and prevent diseases.
Do you think visiting the doctor is important?
Yes, I consider that visiting the doctor continuously is important to maintain good
health and prevent diseases at the right time, when we visit a doctor, he tells us if our
body system is working perfectly or if we need vitamins, proteins, minerals or
medicines, once my grandmother went to the doctor for her leg pain and he told her
that she needed to strengthen her bones with collagen, so she started eating fish and
fruits like oranges, lemons and strawberries. In summary, continually visiting the
doctor is essential to take care of our health and prevent diseases.


En este extracto esperanza destaca como su familia migra a los Estados Unidos, a una
casa en la calle mango y como esta no es la casa perfecta que sueña esperanza, ella
cree que vivirán un largo tiempo
Esperanza, the narrator, reveals her name for the first time. She explains that it means
“hope” in English, but in Spanish it means “sadness” and “waiting.” She got the name
from her great-grandmother, and they were both born in the Chinese year of the
Esperanza desea poder comer su almuerzo en la escuela, es por ello que su madre
acepta y le envía sándwich de arroz, sin embargo esta medida es rechazada por la
monja ya que piensa que esperanza vive cerca de la escuela.
Esperanza destaca como su vecina mamacita no sale de su casa porque quiere estar en
México y porque no sabe hablar inglés, esto le ha ocasionado una serie de problemas
en sus vida como no poder comer una comida diferente por no saber decirlo.

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