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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Comparing and Ordering numbers 1-10

- Students will be able to order numbers 1-10
- Students will be able to compare numbers 1-10 using greater than, equal to and less than
State Standards:
K.NS.7 Determine whether the number of up to ten objects in one group is more than, less than, or
equal to the number of up to ten objects in another group using matching and counting strategies.

K.NS.8 Compare two written numerals up to 10 using more than, less than or equal to.

This lesson is a Kindergarten math lesson. This lesson will be taught because it is
important for students to recognize the order of numbers and be able to compare them. Before
this lesson students learned how to count up to number 10 and recognize the value of each
number. After this lesson students will learn numbers 10-20 and be able to compare their values.
The students will be grouped off of their understanding of the previous lesson. The exit
ticket from the lesson before and their independent wok will be what the groups are based off.
There will be a group primarily working on numbers 0-5 and another working on numbers 0-10.
There will be a third group somewhere in between the two working on 0-5 as well. The data in
this lesson will be collected informal during the introduction and the teacher will assess their
knowledge of the lesson based on all three sections.

Materials: number cards, pencil, iPad, worksheet, instructional video, large dice, Starfall,

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (20 minutes)
I will start the lesson by asking students if they remember how to count from 0-10. We will
review counting together to make sure they understand what was taught last lesson. I will then
pull up the lesson that I made that goes through the basics of what will be covered today. The
lesson will also introduce the students to the signs representing greater than, less than, and equal
to. After this I will explain what will be done at each station and put the students into their
groups. When explaining each station, I will make sure that everyone understands how to use the
materials needed. Each student will get a different colored block, and each table will have the
same-colored block on it. This will show the students which table to start at.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

In this portion we will start by talking about what we just went over in the introduction. I will
show them a video called Comparing Numbers by Jack Hartmann that is linked in the materials.
The video uses images and sound to grab the attention of the students while showing them how
to compare numbers. We will stop the video when it says, and I will ask the students if they
know the answer to the problem. Then as a group we will sit in a circle and roll big die. After
rolling the die I will ask the students which number is greater than the other. We will use the
smartboard to write the numbers that were rolled and compare the two.

Collaborative (15 minutes): flip number cards 0-5 and compare the numbers
In this part of the lesson students will work with a partner within their groups. Each set of
partners will get a set of cards either 0-5 or 0-10 based on their ability. Each group will also have
a worksheet that is to be written on for this activity. The students will each flip a card at the same
time and decide which is greater than the other. They will write their answers on the sheet of
paper using the greater than, less than, and equal to signs.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

During this part of the lesson students will use their iPad to complete the activity. Each iPad
should already have the Starfall app downloaded, and each student should be logged in. This is
an interactive game that takes students through learning objectives while making it fun. The
students will complete the game called Greater Than, Less Than, and Equal To. This game
displays images of objects and allows the students to drag and drop each symbol.

Closure (20 minutes):

At the end of the lesson students will be asked to hand in their worksheets and clean up all of
their materials. The materials will go back where they belong, and students will get their
backpacks and get all their stuff together. After the students’ bags are packed and materials are
put away the kids will hang their bags from the back of their chairs. I then will ask the students
to tell me a little bit about what they learned and what their favorite part of the lesson was. After
we discuss for a few minutes, I will ask the students to quiet down, and I will hand out an exit
ticket. The exit ticket will be five questions reviewing what they learned, asking them to
compare numbers. Afterwards when they are finished I will collect the exit tickets and this will
help me evalute how effective the lesson was and which students still need more

Jack Hartmann video Comparing Numbers:
This video is from a creator that the students will be familiar with because I have shown
his videos before. This is from YouTube, so it is completely free. It goes through
comparing numbers while using images of animals and other things that grasp the kid’s
attention. Jack Hartmann sings throughout the video which also is appealing to the
students. The video does a good job of introducing the students to comparing the values
of numbers. This fits right in with the learning standards because it directly connects to
comparing numbers with one another. This creator is teacher approved and the kids love
how fun his videos are. This is good for different types of learners because it is extremely
engaging for visual learners.
Starfall is a free app that is found on the Appstore but can also just be used as a website.
This is a fun way for students to learn and review what they are learning in the classroom.
This platform is good for students in preschool all the way up to fourth grade. This is fun
so it is motivating to the students because they want to go on and play the games that are
available to them. This multimedia differentiates instruction because it allows students to
do it on their own time at their own pace.

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