AI Podcast

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(he spoke to fast and smart for my brain to comprehend today)

1. What comparison does he make to the industrial revolution?

The arrival of new machines and technology that are believed to make peoples lives
easier and more efficient, but then it turns out the machines took over a lot, including
people's jobs, so people then started realizing that it may not be this amazing thing
they initially thought it was.

2. What do you think he means with the fact that AI is a technical revolution?

3. What is a transformer?
In simple terms, transformers are deep-learning models that can detect how
significant different parts of input data are.

4. What are some things that skeptics say about AI?

Mostly that AI will eventually take over peoples jobs and replace humans on certain
assignments etc.

5. What is said about AI and social media (ranking). How did it influence people?
ex. when you search for something and google narrows down a million results to the
first 10 that are most relevant to you and your search. Also the algorithm on ex. tiktok
and instagram that shows stuff you’ve liked before, to keep you entertained and to
keep you scrolling.

6. What is generative AI? How much impact does it have?

Generative AI is a form of AI that focuses on creating new and original content, chat
responses, designs etc. This can and is impacting a lot of peoples jobs, since it
partially takes over parts of their jobs creativity– and productivity-wise, such as
coming up with new designs and doing more than the average human, in a shorter
amount of time.

7. Give one example of generative AI mentioned in the podcast.

8. What do you think AI literacy is? How is it compared to Microsoft Word?

9. How does he say healthcare can be affected by AI?

10. What is said about education?

11. How does he say that AI can be used in a “predatory way”? Give examples.

12. What is said about sources or source criticism?

13. What connection does he draw between AI and democracy?

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