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Fluid Mechanics ICAM Department

Fluid Mechanics
Hydraulic networks
Chapter I : Fundamentals of fluid mechanics

Chapter II : Static Fluids

Chapter III : Fluid Dynamics

Chapter IV : Finite control volume analysis

Chapter V : Pressure drop in a round pipe

Chapter VI : Measurement of pressure and velocity

Chapter VII : Flow over immersed bodies

Chapter VIII : Airfoils

Chapter IX : Hydraulic networks

Chapter X : Hydraulic components


ICAM FC Course

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Fluid Mechanics ICAM Department

Static Fluids
The general rules of statics (as applied in solid mechanics) apply to fluids at rest.

I Forces in Static Fluids

A static fluid can have no shearing force acting on it.

II Fluid Pressure

II.1 Definition

When a fluid at rest is in contact with a surface, the pressure produces a force which acts at
right angles to the surface:

II.2 Pressure and depth

The pressure in a fluid increases with the depth below the surface:

There is an increase of density with depth because the lower layers are
compressed by the weight above them.

Dams in rivers are made much thicker at the base than at the top to
withstand the greater lateral pressure in the depths of the liquid:

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Fluid Mechanics ICAM Department

III Variation of pressure vertically in a fluid under gravity

In the above figure we can see an element of fluid which is a vertical column of constant cross
sectional area, S surrounded by the same fluid of mass density .

The pressure at the bottom of the cylinder is p1 at level z1 , and at the top is p2 at level z2.

The fluid is at rest and in equilibrium so all the forces in the vertical direction sum to zero, we
Force due to p1 on S (upward) : F1 = p1.S

Force due to p2 on S (downward) : F2 = p2.S

Force due to the weight of element (downward) : mg = gS(z2 – z1)

Taking upward as positive, in equilibrium we have: p1.S – p2.S = gS (z2 – z1)

p1 – p2 = g (z2 – z1)

Thus in a fluid under gravity, pressure decreases with increase in height. p + gz = Cte

III.1 Example with atmospheric pressure

The number of air molecules above a surface changes as the height of the surface above the
ground changes.

There are fewer air molecules above the 50

kilometer surface than are found above the 12
km surface.
Since the number of air molecules above a
surface decreases with height, pressure
likewise decreases with height.

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Fluid Mechanics ICAM Department

III.2 Pressure at the top of a building

The Empire State building in New York City rises to a height of

approximately 380 m.
The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, rises to a height of 828 m.
Estimate the ratio of the pressure at the top of the building to the
pressure at its base.
pt gh
pb – pt = g (zt – zb) pt = pb – gh 1 = 0.954 (ESB) = 0.900 (BK)
pb pb

IV Archimedes's principle
When a body is immerged in a fluid it experiences an
upthrust, or apparent loss of weight, equal to the weight of
the fluid displaced by the body.

The volume of the body is : Vb , its weight is : mb.g = b.Vb.g

The volume of the displaced fluid is : V f ,  = mf.g = f.Vf.g
The volume of the displaced fluid : Vf = S.(h - a)

The cross section of the body is S, its volume: Vb = S.h

The volume of the displaced fluid is: Vf = S.(h – a)

Forces in the vertical direction:

Force due to p1 on S (downward) : F1 = p1.S = pa.S

Force due to p2 on S (upward) : F2 = p2.S = [ pa + f g(h-a)] S

Force due to the weight of body (downward) : mg = bgS.h

All the forces in the vertical direction sum to zero:

F2 - F1 =  = mg

f.g.S.(h – a) = b.g.S.h f.(h – a) = b.h

Upthrust :  = f.g.S.(h – a) = f.g.Vf

= Buoyant force (Archimedes upthrust) [N]

f = Fluid density [kg/m3]
g= Gravity constant [m/s2]
Vf = Volume of the displaced fluid [m3]

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Fluid Mechanics ICAM Department

IV.1 Numerical example

A body with a density b float in a liquid of a density f

1/ What is the ratio of the height h of this body and the depth h’ ?

The upthrust is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

h' b
We have : f.g.h’.S = b.g.h.S hence : f h’ = b h Finally : 
h f
2/ Application for an iceberg.

b = 900 kg/m3 (ice) f = 1000 kg/ m3 (water) h= 100 m.

We find h’ = 90 m which is 90 % of the total height.

3/ Application for a piece of cork in mercury

b = 250 kg/ m3 (cork) f = 13600 kg/ m3 (mercury) h = 1 cm

We find h’ = 1.84 10-2 cm, which represents less than 2/10 mm in the mercury.

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