01 HandlingAdvanced Changelog Env24

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Handling Advanced
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Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 2
Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
2 TopLoading V1.8.5 and V1.9.5 .......................................................................... 5
2.1 General Information .............................................................................. 5
2.2 Changelog ............................................................................................ 5
2.3 Upgrade from V1.8.2 and V1.9.2 ......................................................... 5
3 TopLoading V2.0.9 ............................................................................................. 7
3.1 General Information .............................................................................. 7
3.2 Changelog ............................................................................................ 7
3.3 Upgrade V1.8.5/V1.9.5 ......................................................................... 7
4 TopLoading V2.0.15 ......................................................................................... 11
4.1 General Information ............................................................................ 11
4.2 Changelog .......................................................................................... 11
5 TopLoading V2.2 .............................................................................................. 13
5.1 General Information ............................................................................ 13
5.2 Changelog .......................................................................................... 13
5.3 Upgrade from V02.00.x ...................................................................... 14
6 TopLoading V2.3 .............................................................................................. 15
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

6.1 General Information ............................................................................ 15

6.2 Changelog .......................................................................................... 15
6.3 Upgrade from V02.02 ......................................................................... 17
7 Handling Advanced V2.4 ................................................................................. 18
7.1 General Information ............................................................................ 18
7.2 Changelog .......................................................................................... 18
7.3 Upgrade from V02.03 ......................................................................... 20
8 Contact.............................................................................................................. 21
9 History............................................................................................................... 22

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 3
1 Introduction

1 Introduction
This document tracks the innovations of the actual Handling Advanced version
(former name: TopLoading) compared to its previous version. Also it describes the
steps to upgrade from the previous version to the actual one. This is necessary,
since improvements and new functionalities cannot always be implemented in a full
compatible way. This document should ease your upgrade to a new Handling
Advanced library.

Undesired behavior with SIMOTION Runtime Version 5.1

If the position resolution (Increment/Position) of the path object and the path
axes differ, there may be undesired behavior in movement when using
SIMOTION V5.1. This can lead to mechanical destruction.
The user has to verify that the TO resolutions of path object and path axes
are matching when using V5.1.
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Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 4
2 TopLoading V1.8.5 and V1.9.5

2 TopLoading V1.8.5 and V1.9.5

2.1 General Information
TopLoading V1.8.5 is for SIMOTION up to version 4.1.5.x. For SIMOTION 4.2.x or
higher you have to use TopLoading V1.9.5. Both TopLoading versions have the
same functionality. TopLoading V1.8.5 is the last (planned) version for SIMOTION

2.2 Changelog
TopLoading V1.8.5 / V1.9.5 has the following changes compared to its previous
• The rounding method for segments is no global parameter for the complete
segment anymore. Now it is a property of each segment points. It is possible to
mix different rounding methods within one segment.
• The points of a segment can now be used as interpolation points for a cubic
• By now, an absolute definition of switch points for output cams is possible.
• You can define dynamic zones in object coordinate systems.
• There is a new velocity profile type called SEMI_COMPLETE. You should use
this profile type, since its calculation time is much faster compared to the older
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

COMPLETE method.
• With the velocity profile type PATH_DYNAMICS you can create a velocity
profile with a constant path velocity.
• There is a new zone type called ROTATED_CUBOID. With this zone type you
can define rotated zones (e.g. blocked zones).

Please see the function manual of TopLoading for more information.

2.3 Upgrade from V1.8.2 and V1.9.2

To upgrade from V1.8.2 / V1.9.2 a change in the segment definition is necessary.
For example a segment with two rounding radii defined as

//points segment 1
//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++( X, Y, Z, R1, R2);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[1] := _fc_3Dpoint( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[2] := _fc_3Dpoint( 200, 600, 500, 200, 300);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[3] := _fc_3Dpoint( 900, 600, 200, 150, 200);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[4] := _fc_3Dpoint(1400, 100, 100, 200, 100);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[5] := _fc_3Dpoint(2050, 0, 0, 0, 0);

gsSegment[1].u8PointNumber := 5; //Number of valid points

gsSegment[1].u8CircType := 3; //rounding method
// 1: circular
// 2: polynomial
// 3: polynomial with two radii

is changed to:

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 5
2 TopLoading V1.8.5 and V1.9.5

//( X, Y, Z, Type, P1, P2, P3)

gsSegment[1].aPoint[1]:= _fc_3Dpoint(0, 0, 0, STOP, 0, 0, 0);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[2]:= _fc_3Dpoint(200, 600, 500, POLY_APX_2, 200, 300, 0);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[3]:= _fc_3Dpoint(900, 600, 200, POLY_APX_2, 150, 200, 0);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[4]:= _fc_3Dpoint(1400,100, 100, POLY_APX_2, 200, 200, 0);
gsSegment[1].aPoint[5]:= _fc_3Dpoint(2050, 0, 0, STOP, 0, 0, 0);

gsSegment[1].u8PointNumber := 5;
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Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 6
3 TopLoading V2.0.9

3 TopLoading V2.0.9
3.1 General Information
TopLoading V2.0.9 can be utilized with version 4.2.x of SIMOTION; earlier versions
are not supported anymore.

3.2 Changelog
TopLoading V2.0.9 has the following changes compared to the previous versions
• New segment type (“basic segment”) designed especially for the area of pick
and place applications, e.g. simple definition of path motion in different (also
moved) coordinate systems with support of the synchronous axis.
• To distinguish between the new basic segment and the previous segment, the
previous one is referred to as “interpolation point based segment”.
• Traversing program trace – records the commands during the processing of
the traversing program and writes them into a ring buffer.
• Command extension for superimposed synchronous motion (camming and
gearing). The following objects of the axes which are assigned to TopLoading
are detected automatically and don’t have to be assigned individually..
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• Overhauled FB_Preparation commands CMD_EMERGENCY_ON,

CMD_CONTINUE and CMD_STOP including axis specific settings for the e-
stop and continue behavior.
Please see the function manual of TopLoading for more information..

3.3 Upgrade V1.8.5/V1.9.5

Configuration data path object
The following settings at the configuration data of the technology object path
interpolation are to be carried out in particular for the usage of the basic segment.

.decodingConfig.maximalBufferedMotionCommands >= 3
.interpolationConfig.commandsForPathDynamics = WITHOUT_REDUCTION
.interpolationConfig.attachPath = STEADILY_IN_ACCELERATION //(from V4.3)
.interpolationConfig.commandsForPathDynamics = 3 //(from V4.3)

Handling Advanced Changelog

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3 TopLoading V2.0.9

Data structures
State structure:
The diagnosis and state structures of the blocks FB_Interpolation and
FB_Preparation are omitted and are replaced by a global state structure for all
TopLoading blocks (sState).


gsStatePrep : Struct_HD_state; // State structure FB_Preparation

gsDiagPrep : Struct_HD_diag; // Diagnosis structure FB_Preparation
gsStateIpo : Struct_HD_state; // State structure FB_Interpolation
gsDiagIpo : Struct_HD_diag; // Diagnosis structure FB_Interpolation

is changed to

gsState : Struct_HD_LTD_State; // Global state structure

Coordinate systems
The previous structure techno.aOCS[n], consisting of configuration and state
variables of the object coordinate systems, is replaced by two structures with an
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appropriate separation:
techno.sCSConfig - Configuration data of the coordinate systems
state.sCSState - State data of the coordinate systems


gsTechno.sCsState.sTrackingState.i32DefaultCs := 0;

is changed to

gsTechno.sCSConfig.i32DefaultCS := 0;

// Translation
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[1] := 0.0;
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[2] := 0.0;
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[3] := 0.0;
// Rotation
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[1] := 0.0;
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[2] := 0.0;
gsTechno.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[3] := 0.0;
gsTechno.aOcs[1].toTrackingIn := TO#NIL;

is changed to

// Translation
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[1] := 0.0;
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[2] := 0.0;
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aTrans[3] := 0.0;
// Rotation
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[1] := 0.0;

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3 TopLoading V2.0.9

gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[2] := 0.0;
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].sCoordFrame.aRot[3] := 0.0;
gsTechno.sCsConfig.aOcs[1].toTrackingIn := TO#NIL;

gsTechno.sCSConfig.rDriftLength := 50.0;

is changed to

gsTechno.sCSConfig.sGeo.sInterpolationSeg.rDriftLength := 50.0;

Point structure for basic segment

In order to define the points and vectors for the basic segment, the following data
structure is to be created:

gasPointTable : aLTdBasicSegPointTableType; // Basic segment points

Function blocks
The interfaces of the TopLoading function blocks are changed as follows - because
of the new global state structure as well as the additional point structure for the
basic segment:
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FBPreparation ( enable := TRUE,

modeIn := geModeInPrep,
stateIpo:= gsStateIpo,
diagIpo := gsDiagIpo,
cmd := gsCmdPrep,
cmdIpo := gsCmdIpo,
cmdAddon:= gsCmdAddOn,
techno := gsTechno,
prog := gsProgram,
segment := gsSegment,
state => gsStatePrep,
diag => gsDiagPrep,
modeOut => geModeOutPrep);

is changed to

FBPreparation ( enable := TRUE,

modeIn := geModeInPrep,
cmd := gsCmdPrep,
cmdIpo := gsCmdIpo,
cmdAddon:= gsCmdAddOn,
techno := gsTechno,
prog := gsProgram,
segment := gsSegment,
state := gsState,
modeOut => geModeOutPrep);

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3 TopLoading V2.0.9

FBInterpolation ( enable := TRUE,

cmd := gsCmdIpo,
techno := gsTechno,
segment := gsSegment,
state => gsStateIpo,
diag => gsDiagIpo);

is changed to

FBInterpolation ( enable := gboEnableHandling,

cmd := gsCmdIpo,
techno := gsTechno,
segment := gsSegment,
pointTable := gasPointTable,
state := gsState);

FBCalculation ( enable := TRUE

,techno := gsTechno
,segment := gsSegment);

is changed to

FBCalculation ( enable := TRUE

,techno := gsTechno
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

,segment := gasSegment
,state := gsState);

Omission of the gripper axis

Due to the omission of the gripper axis (all axes now support the special
functionality) also the structure techno.sGripper and the dedicated commands and
error Ids are omitted:



ERR_GRIPPER_AXIS : DWORD := 16#0000_031C;

Alarm messages
As a result of the changes and extensions in functionality, new error Ids as well as
alarmS messages have been generated. These alarmS messages need to be
added to the project (see file Alarm_S.txt).

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 10
4 TopLoading V2.0.15

4 TopLoading V2.0.15
4.1 General Information
TopLoading V2.0.15 can be utilized with version 4.2.x of SIMOTION; earlier
versions are not supported anymore.

4.2 Changelog
TopLoading V2.0.15 has the following changes to the previous versions to V2.0.9:
• The working height of the basic segment now has a different effect on the
movement. At versions <= V2.0.12 the defined working height was reduced too
much in a lot of cases. This behavior was unrequested, as there was a non-
optimal path. Since version V2.0.13 the working height is optimized in another
way. This has to be considered in any case if there is a change to versions
equal to or higher than V2.0.13! If the distance between start point and the
target point is big enough, at applications without conveyor tracking the defined
working height is usually reached now. For applications with conveyor tracking
the movement will stay slightly below the defined working height. If the
distance between start point and target point is very small, the working height
is reduced in the same matter as before.
The working height is still not passed.
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To use the complete working height there are two boundary conditions, that
have to be fulfilled:
o The start vector direction and the target vector direction have to be defined
and oriented in the same direction.
o The defined working height of the start point and of the target point may
differ in absolute value, but finally they have to result in the same working
height. Explanation see picture below:


The parameterization of the behavior of the working height is done via the following
sTechno.sInternal.sAddOn.sBasicSegAdvConfig.eTransitionHeight := {STANDARD,
To re-establish the old behavior this ENUM has to be set to
COMPATIBILITY_MODE, so the working height is used like with the old library
• Since Version V2.0.13 it’s possible to move with the basic segment between
two points, that both have no defined vector directions. This kind of movement
results in a linear movement from the start point to the target point.
• With the basic segment command there is a movement without a polynomial
path possible. If the end point of the start vector and the start point of the target

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 11
4 TopLoading V2.0.15

vector are the same, only the two linear movements are executed. If a
positioning of the path synchronous axis is necessary, this positioning is made
after the start vector. There is also a single movement of the path synchronous
axis possible without any path motion. For a movement without polynomial
path there is a new constant to consider: MIN_POLY_LENGTH_BASIC_SEG
(unit hdGlType, initial value 1.0) defines the minimum length of the polynomial
path. If the length of the polynomial path is below this constant, there is a linear
path movement from the start point of the whole movement to the start point of
the target vector
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Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 12
5 TopLoading V2.2

5 TopLoading V2.2
5.1 General Information
TopLoading V2.2 can be utilized with version 4.2.x of SIMOTION; earlier versions
are not supported anymore.

5.2 Changelog
Arbitrary number of path synchronous axes
It is possible do define multiple path synchronous axes in TopLoading. The
structure has changed in the following way:

gsTechno.sKinematic.sPathAxes.W2 := 5;

is changed to

gsTechno.sKinematic.sSyncAxes.W[1] := 5;
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Further functionality basic segment

There are new functions implemented for the basic segment including prestop,
different possibilities to define the working height and further possibilities to adapt
the dynamics.

New commands for output cams

Since Version V02.01 the output cam functionality can be controlled via the
traversing program. (CMD_OUTPUT_CAM, CMD_OUTPUT_CAM_STATE).

Support of drive axis

Since version V02.01 drive axes are supported in TopLoading.

New single axis commands


Support of external encoders

Since version V02.01 further functionality for external encoders is offered, e.g.

Alarm messages
As a result of the changes and extensions in functionality, new error Ids as well as
alarmS messages have been generated. These alarmS messages need to be
added to the project (see file Alarm_S.txt).

Note Further details to the new functionalities can be found in the function manual and
in the parameter manual.

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 13
5 TopLoading V2.2

5.3 Upgrade from V02.00.x

Connect condition array to FB Interpolation and FB Preparation
Since version V02.02 the condition array isn’t located in the program structure
anymore but is connected as IN_OUT variable to FB Interpolation and to FB
Preparation. To do so, a variable of type Array_HD_ProgCond has to be declared:

gaboCondition : Array_HD_ProgCond;

Connect condition array to FB Interpolation and FB Preparation

myFB_Interpolation (
enable := TRUE,
cmd := gsCmd,
techno := gsTechno,
segment := gasSegmentTable,
pointTable := gasPointTable,
condition := gaboCondition,
state := gsState

myFB_Preparation (
enable := TRUE,
boAddon := FALSE,
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

modeIn := geModeInPrep,
cmd := gsCmdPrep,
cmdIpo := gsCmd,
cmdAddon := gsCmd,
techno := gsTechno,
prog := gsProgram,
segment := gasSegmentTable,
condition := gaboCondition,
state := gsState,
modeOut => geModeOutPrep

Connect point table to FB Calculation

The point table has to be connected additionally to the FB Calculation since V02.01

myFB_Calculation (
techno := gsTechno,
segment := gasSegmentTable,
pointTable := gasPointTable,
state := gsState

Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 14
6 TopLoading V2.3

6 TopLoading V2.3
6.1 General Information
TopLoading V2.3 can be utilized with version 4.2.x of SIMOTION; earlier versions
are not supported anymore.

6.2 Changelog
Revision of the external Transformation
Considerably changes have been done with the external Transformation.
A wide monitoring of the function is now available. Deviations of the set point due
to limitations can now be checked related to the axis as well as to the path motion
(cmdPathTolerance and cmdValueTolerance). Deviations of the path set point due
to the following error can also be monitored (actPathFollowingError). Both
monitoring are correct timed and do not depend on the velocity as they had before.

Note When updating a transformation to TopLoading V02.03, the limit values should
be redefined.

A new method of activating was added. The axes can be positioned smooth to their
set point before starting. The maximum distance until this applies is changeable.
© Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved

The whole motion vector (position, velocity, acceleration) can be transformed, if the
particular transformation formulas are available. This will result in better signal

Blending to new target points when using Basic Segment

From now on it is possible to change the target point while moving with the basic
segment (Command CMD_POS_BASIC_SEG).
All needed parameters are located in the structures
sTechno.sInternal.sAddOn.sBasicSegAdvConfig.sBlendingConfig (valid for every
point) and asPointTable.asPointTable[…].sBlendingParameter (point specific).

State-Display for Basic Segment

In order to make blending motions, the basic segment has to be ready for new
commands. This is displayed in the variable sState.sBasicSeg.boReady.
It is possible to use the new command CMD_WAIT_POS_BASIC_SEG_READY
for holding the automatic program until the basic segment is ready.

Modification of the (Pull-) Dynamics

The pulling of the axes is now also done when activating the external
transformation by using CMD_EXT_KINTRANS. The corresponding data structure
has been moved and renamed:




Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 15
6 TopLoading V2.3

Transfer from TO-Limits

By using the new Command CMD_GET_AXES_LIMITS, it is possible to transfer
the dynamic limits of a TO into the equivalent limits of TopLoading.

Dynamic zone check for Basic Segment

If the dynamic zone check feature is activated, distinctive points of a Basic
Segment movement (end point of the start vector, start point of the end vector,
target point) are checked whether they are inside or outside the defined working

Specification of the expected mean velocity of the master axis when doing Conveyor
Tracking with the Basic Segment
For improved synchronization behavior to non-constant master axes, it is possible
to specify the expected mean velocity of the conveyor
(sTechno.sCSConfig.aOCS[...].sBasicSeg.r64MeanVelo). If r64MeanVelo = 0.0,
this functionality is deactivated and as before, the actual master velocity will be
taken into account for synchronizing.

New calculation mode for the implied determination of the start vector or target vector
The new calculation mode PLANE is suitable especially for diagonal specified
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Display of the remaining time for a Basic Segment movement

The remaining time until reaching the Basic Segment target point is displayed in

Changed system behavior when disabling vertical axes

CAUTION Changes from SIMOTION V4.4

From SIMOTION version V4.4 there is an additional system feature when
disabling the drives. The configuration data of the axis
TypeOfAxis.DriveControlConfig.disableModeSpecification is set to
OFF1_AND_OFF3_MODE initially. With this setting a sagging of the axis when
disabling is prevented by the runtime system.
Therefore there are two options to achieve the successful disabling of vertical

• Option 1: (recommendation for all axes from SIMOTION V4.4)

disableModeSpecification = OFF1_AND_OFF3_MODE and use the
commands CMD_POWER_OFF with Paramter[2] = 0 and
CMD_EMERGENCY_ON with Parameter [1] = 0
• Option 2 (compatibility mode)
disableModeSpecification = NO_SPECIFIC_MODE and use the commands
CMD_POWER_OFF with Paramter[2] = 1 and CMD_EMERGENCY_ON
with Parameter [1] = 1

Alarm messages
As a result of the changes and extensions in functionality, new error Ids as well as
alarmS messages have been generated. These alarmS messages need to be
added to the project (see file Alarm_S.txt).

Handling Advanced Changelog

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6 TopLoading V2.3

Note Further details to the new functionalities can be found in the function manual and
in the parameter manual.

6.3 Upgrade from V02.02

Modification of the (Pull-) Dynamics
The specification of the Pull-Dynamics must be changed to the new structure.


gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sConfigEStop.sDynPull.rVelo := 10.0;//%
gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sConfigEStop.sDynPull.rAccel := 10.0;//%
gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sConfigEStop.sDynPull.rDecel := 10.0;//%
gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sConfigEStop.sDynPull.rJerk := 10.0;//%


gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sPullDynamics.rVelo := 10.0;//%
gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sPullDynamics.rAccel := 10.0;//%
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gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sPullDynamics.rDecel := 10.0;//%
gsTechno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[..].sPullDynamics.rJerk := 10.0;//%

Changes in structures of the external Transformation

The definition of the monitoring limits was extended and must be redefined (See
chapter Changelog).

Handling Advanced Changelog

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7 Handling Advanced V2.4

7 Handling Advanced V2.4

7.1 General Information
With Version V02.04.07, the library was renamed from "TopLoading" to "Handling
Advanced". The functionality is not affected by this.
Handling Advanced V2.4 can be utilized with version 4.2.x of SIMOTION; earlier
versions are not supported anymore.

7.2 Changelog
New function set Segment cams

Undesired behavior with SIMOTION Runtime Version 5.1

If the position resolution (Increment/Position) of the path object and the path
axes differ, there may be undesired behavior in movement when using the
segment cams with SIMOTION V5.1. This can lead to mechanical destruction.
The user has to verify that the TO resolutions of path object and path axes
are matching when using V5.1.

With Handling Advanced V2.4 it is possible to write path movements defined in the
segment structure (struct_HD_segment) into a set of cams for the used path- and
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synchronous axes. This functionality can be applied to move the tool on a defined
path coupled to a leading value (forward and backward direction).
The new technology-substructure techno.sCamSeg is for connecting and
parametrization of the cam sets. The calculation state for each cam set can be
observed in the state.sCamSeg - structure.
It is possible to create the following values of the cam sets with reference to the
path axes (A1…A3; techno.sCamSeg.sParameter.eOutputMode = PATH_AXES)
or to the cartesian axes (X, Y, Z; techno.sCamSeg.sParameter.eOutputMode =
The leading value can be set as reference to time or position
(techno.sCamSeg.sParameter.eBaseMode = {TIME_BASED,
POSITION_BASED}). Reference to time is established with the velocity profile of
the segment.
Depending on the write mode techno.sCamSeg.asCamSeg[…].eWriteMode =
{ADD_CAM, RESET_CAM}, a cam set can be build out of various segment and
dwell sections.

Following functions are relevant for creating a cam set:

CMD_RESET_CAM_SEG: Reset one or all cam sets
CMD_ADD_CAM_SEG: Write a path interpolation segment into a cam set
CMD_ADD_CAM_SEG_DWELL: Write a dwell section into a cam set
CMD_INTERPOLATE_CAM_SEG: Interpolate a cam set

Furthermore, there are commands for coupling and moving the used path- and
synchronous axes:
CMD_POS_CAM_SEG_START: Position all axes to their start position of a set
CMD_POS_CAM_SEG_PATH_AXES: Coupling and single movement of a path
axes cam set

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7 Handling Advanced V2.4

CMD_WAIT_POS_CAM_SEG_DONE: Wait until a previous started cam set

movement by using CMD_POS_CAM_SEG_PATH_AXES is done
CMD_CAM_IN_CAM_SEG: Coupling of a cam set to a master axis

Further information can be found in the function- and parameter manual.

Deactivation of the cyclic TO-status update by default

For raising performance, the default value for parametrising the update of the TO-
status words (techno.sPath.b32State or techno.sNumberOfAxis.sAx[…].b32State)
is set from techno.sInfoSelect.sStatiCheck = EVERY_CYCLE to IF_NECESSARY.

Note Please note the upgrade manual in chapter 7.3!

Extended possibility for setting the transition dynamics of the basic segment
In addition to the specification of the dynamics at vector transitions using basic
segment by having dynamic data sets, it is now possible to set the desired velocity
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The mode sAdvancedDynamics.eDynamicMode must be chose as follows:

//Absolute specification of the transition velocity start vector

pointTable[…].sStartVector.sAdvancedDynamics.eDynamicMode :=
//Absolute specification of the transition velocity target vector
pointTable[…].sTargetVector.sAdvancedDynamics.eDynamicMode :=

Then, the absolute transition velocity sAdvancedDynamics.r64TransVeloAbs can

be set:

//Transition velocity start vector = 100.0 mm/s

pointTable[…].sStartVector.sAdvancedDynamics.r64TransVeloAbs := 100.0;
// Transition velocity target vector = 200.0 mm/s
pointTable[…].sTargetVector.sAdvancedDynamics.r64TransVeloAbs := 200.0;

The dynamic data set sAdvancedDynamics.i32DynDataSetNo is not relevant in this


Adaption of the synchronizing points when blending motions of the basic segment
In some special cases, blending between two basic segment commands with
dynamic adaption mode sBasicSegAdvConfig.sBlendingConfig.
eBlendingGeoDynAdaptMode = NONE can lead to slightly inconvenient path
behaviour while synchronising to a moved target-CS.
Normally, the reason for this behaviour is an unfavourable combination of low path
velocity, high synchronization dynamics and the position of the points. In order to
avoid this, the synchronisation points can be shifted to a higher path velocity.
The automatic adaption is activated by setting the following parameter:

Handling Advanced Changelog

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7 Handling Advanced V2.4

eBlendingSyncPointAdaption := ACTIVE;

New mode for conveyor tracking position pre control at basic segment
The new position pre control mode eAdaptTargetPoint = AUTOMATIC can be used
for smoother synchronization movement when having a high conveyor velocity.
Basically, this mode is an direction-depending mixture between the modes
The new mode is activated by setting the following parameter:

techno.sInternal.sAddOn.sBasicSegAdvConfig.eAdaptTargetPoint := AUTOMATIC;

Start point specification for a basic segment blending motion

When having a blending motion with the basic segment, it is now possible to set
the new start point to zero. In this case, the old target point is set as the new start
point internally, along with its entire configuration (Vector, working height…).

7.3 Upgrade from V02.03

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Deactivation of the cyclic TO-status update by default

In individual cases, compatibility problems can occur.
One example is when doing the homing of an axis with system commands instead
of CMD_HOMING. Then, the homing status in the axis status word is not updated.
Subsequently, motion commands (e.g. CMD_POS_ABS) are rejected.
If Handling Advanced commands are rejected with precondition errors, the status
check update should be set to techno.sInfoSelect.sStatiCheck = EVERY_CYCLE.

Handling Advanced Changelog

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8 Contact

8 Contact
Siemens AG
Frauenauracher Straße 80
91056 Erlangen
mailto: tech.team.motioncontrol@siemens.com
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Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 21
9 History

9 History
Table 9-1 History
Version Date Modifications
V1.9.5 04/2012 First Release
V2.0.9 08/2012 Updated
V2.0.15 02/2013 Updated
V2.2 03/2014 Updated
V2.3 12/2016 Updated
V2.4 06/2017 Updated
V2.4 12/2017 Updated
V2.4 01/2018 Updated, Renaming to Handling Advanced
V2.4 08/2020 Updated
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Handling Advanced Changelog

Entry-ID: 85014317, V2.4, 08/2020 22

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