اختبار البايوكميستري دفعة 38 ترم رابع 231105 234035

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1- Which of the following are choleretic :
a) Histamin
b) Magnesium sulfate
c) CCK
d) Ammonium sulfate

2- What stimulates bile secretion

a) Gastrin
b) VIP
c) CCK & secretin
d) Non of the above

3- Characterized by increasing the level of the hormone

a) Zollinger - Ellison
b) Kwahiorker
c) Non of them

4- Which cell secret HCl:

a) chief cell
b) Parietal cell
c) G cell

5- CCk secreted by :
a) I cell
b) S cell
C) G cell

6- Hydrolysis of Aspirin into :

a) Salicylic acid and acetic acid
b ) Salicylic acid and forruric acid

7- Zn²+ metalloenzyme:
a ) Trypsin
b) chymotrypsin
c) procarboxypeptidase
d) pepsin

8- glucose transported out of enterocytes in basolateral

membrane by :
a) GLUT₂
b) GLUT5
c) GLUT 3
d) sodium glucose symport

9- A condition of fat in stool :

a) Steatorrhea

10- Glycocholic acid is deconjugated & hydroxylated

into :
a) Deoxycholic acid
b) Glycodeoxycholic acid
c) Lithocholic acid
d) Glycocheno-deoxycholic acid
1- Respiratory alkalosis all the following except
A) Hypercholesterolemia
B) Liver cirrhosis
C) Trachycardia
D) Anxiety

2- GFR depends on
A) Surface area
B) Nature of membrane
C) All of above
D) Net pressure

3- The major function of aldosterone is :

A) Increase Na reabsorption
B) Decrease Na reabsorption

4- polyuria due to:

A) Deficiency of ADH
B) Potassium depletion
C) Both of them
D) None of them

5- All the following refer to kidney stone except:

A) Hypocalcemia

6- Most of hydrogen ions originate from:

A) Amino acid contain cooper
B) Anaerobic respiration
C) Beta oxidation
D) Breakdown of phosphorus containing proteins

7- Urinary protein execration due to the following except:

A) Strenuous exercise
B) Hypertension
C) All of them
8- Kidney main functions all the following except
A) Acid base balance
B) Synthesis of hormones
C) Water balance
D) Formation of glucagon

9- The energy of loop of Henle from:

A) Beta oxidation
B) Glucose metabolism

10- Most of kidney energy use for:

A) Reabsorption of sodium
B) Amino acid reabsorption
C) Glucose reabsorption
D) Glucose and amino acid reabsorption

11- Which of the following can not be found normally in urine:

a) Albumin
b) Collagen & fibrinogen
c) Tam horsfall protein
d) Immunoglobulin

12- Microalbuminuria used to detect the following except :

Diabetic patients

13- Not a reason for renal kidney disease :

a) Diabetes mellitus
b) Cancer
c) Inflammation

14- Are reason for acute glomerulonephritis :

a) Infected by poststrept.
b) Toxin
c) Hypertension

15- What test used for nephritic syndrome :

a) Renal biopsy
b) All above
c) C3

16- Nephrotic syndrome complication include:

A) Increased susceptibility to infection
B) Impaired fibrinolysis
C) increased urinary loss of antithrombin III
D)All of the above

17- Glucose reabsorption occur in :

a) DCT
b) PCT
c) LH

18- All of the following functions of kidney except:

A) Oxidation of lipids
B) Utilization of ketonbodies
C) gluconeogenesis
D) Excretion of lipoprotein

19- One of the Kidney's function metabolize :

a) vit. B12
b) peptide hormones
c) steroid hormones
d) all above
1- Heme is synthesized from from:
a) Succinyl CoA and glycine
b) Active acetate and glycine
c) Active succinate and alanine
d) Active acetate and alanine

2- The stored form of iron is:

a) Ferritin
b) Transferrin
c) Haemoglobin
d) Myoglobin

3- in hemochromatosis, the liver is accumulated by :

a) copper
b) Iron
c) fat
D) heme

4- C reactive protein :
a) good marker for inflammation
b) positive phase protein
c) both a & b
d) infertility

5- during heme Catabolism:

a) ferric iron is released
b) CO is released
c) biliverdin is produced
d) all of the above

6- Hemoglobin A1c ( Hb A1c )

a) contain 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains
b) Good for monitoring Diabetic patients
c) both a & b
d) Increase in hemolytic anemia
7- all of the following are non functional hemoglobin except :
a ) Methemoglobin
b) Carboxyhemoglobin
c) sulfhemoglobin .
d) S hemoglobin

8- Iron is regulated by:

a) ferritin
b) transfrrin
c) hepcidin
d) All of the above

9- the following causes hemolytic anemia:

a) Malaria
b) Thalassemia
c) Spherocytosis
d) all of above

10- The most common clinical symptoms in congenital

erythropoietic porphoria are:
a) Abdominal pain
b) Neuropsychiatric symptoms
c) Photosensitivity
D) A&B are correct

11- Defect in alpha-1 antitrypsin causes:

a) Emphysema
b) Malabsorption
c) both
d) Bronze diabetes

12- Iron is transported in the form of:

a) Ferritin
b) Hemosiderin
c) Transferrin
d) Hemoglobin
13- The iron present in the body
A) 0.5 - 1 gram
B) 2.5 - 3.5 gram
C) 400 - 500 mg

14- urobilin :
a) makes the color of urin
b) makes the color the feces
c) podduced by the liver
d) A and B
15- Serum proteins ( or plasma proteins) are separated by:
a) Spectrophotometer
b) Electrophoresis
c) Flourimetry
d) Electrical

16- Deficiency of ferrochelatase lead to:

a) Erythropoietin protoporphyria
b) acute intermittent porphyria
c) hereditary coproporphyria
d) non of above

17- indirect bilirubin occurs in case of:

a) Hemolytic anemia
b) Hepatitis
c) Obstructive jaundice
d) All of the above

18- Iron overload

a) Ministration
b) increase of transfusion
c) hemochromatosis
d) B&c
19- The cause of Gilbert's syndrome is:
a) Absence of UDP-glucuronyl transferase
b) Lack of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
c) Deficiency of UDP-glucuronyl transferase
d) Lack of uroporphyrinogen 1 synthase

20- The following factors increase absorption of iron except:

a) Ferrous form
b) Acids
c) Infection
d) Hem iron

21- Iron absorbed from :

a) Stomach
b) Duodenum & jejunum
c) Ileum

22- Which of the following is abnormal hemoglobin:

a) Hb A
b) Hb A2
c) Hb F
d) Hb C

23- Hemoglobin s :
two alpha-chains and two beta-chains
two alpha-chains and two gamma-chains
two alpha-chains and two delta-chains
non of them

24- Cause of hemolytic jaundice ;

a) Thalassemia
b) Liver worm
c) Iron deficiency anaemia
Cancer :
1- CA 15.3 is Not used to diagnosis of primary breast cancer
a- True
b- fulse

2- Cancer antigen 50 Pancreatic carcinoma

a- True
b- fulse

3- Epigenetic is all of the following except

a- methylation
b- acetylation,
c- ribosylatio
d- normal chromosome

4- Defects in the synthesis, regulation, or recognition of

growth factors can lead to cancer.
a- True
b- Fulse

5- characteristics of cancer cells:

a- sufficient in growth signals.
b- sensitive to anti-growth signals.
c-Tissue invasion and metastasis.
d- Limitless replication potential.

6- Loss of anchorage dependent means :

a- the cancer cells can grow without attachment to the surface.
b- cancer cells lose contact inhibition.
c-They move away from each other
d- all of the above

7- Biochemical changes in cancer cell are all except:

a- Increased replication, transcription and translation.
b- Increased glycolysis
c- increase lipolysis
d- glyconeugensis
8- all are correct about Apoptosis except:
a- it happens in Hours
b- Physiological process (Programmed cell death)
c- Inflammation Doesn't Occur
d- Damage of membrane occurs

9- macrophage inhibits the inflammation by

a- interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor-~ (TGF-B)
b- interleukin-10 (IL-10)
c- transforming growth factor-~ (TGF-B)
d- cytochrome

10- intrinsic pathway of apoptosis include all except:

a- BCL-2
b- caspase 9
c- Apaf1
d- caspase 8

11- Caspase. 4, 5 involved in

a- Initiator caspases
b- Effector caspases
c- inflammation
d- none

12- extrinsic pathway also called:

a- Fas associated death domain
b- death domain pathway
c- death receptor pathway.
d- apoptosomal pathway

13- Carcinoembryonic antigne (CEA) has high sensitivity in

colon cancer:
a- True
b- Fulse

14- Not true about RB:

A) When mutated the cell is not stopped in G1
B) In resting cell contains few
phosphorylated amino acid
C) in resting prevents cell entry into S phase by binding to P53

15- Placenta tumor marker

a- Human placental lactogen (HPL).
b- Calcitonin
c - Myeloid cells.
d- none

16- Cancerous cells require large quantities of extracellular

growh factors:

a. False
b. True

17- A bone marrow stem cell is in interphase of the cell cycle.

Which of the following may be observed in this cell?
a. Synthesis of mitochondrial DNA
b. Migration of sister chromatids toward oppisite poles
c. Synthesis of nuoclear DNA
d. Break down of the nucleolus

18. In cancer cells this processes occur except?

A) glycolysis
B) beta oxidation
C) glutaminolysis

19. Rheumatoid arthritis express high Level of BCL-XL

A) T
B) F

20. G2 checkpoint are

A) important for the integrity of the genome
B) occur before the initiation of mitosis,
C) occur after S phase
D) All of the above
1- which of the following paracrine hormone:
a) Eicosanoids
b) insulin
c) glucagon
2- increasing glucose:
a) epinephrine
b) norepinephrine
c) all above
d) cortisol

3- binding of hormone with protein:

a) protects the hormone from clearance by the kidney
b) decreases the rate of degradation by the liver
c ) decreases the rate of degradation by the liver
d) all of the above

4- which is not true about protein hormone :

a) have more half-life
b) Stored in vesicles
c) blood level change rapidly
d) needs transporters

5- Steroid hormones receptors present:

a) On cell membrane
b) Across the cell membrane
c) Inside the cell

6- are amino acid digestive :


7- the response of the cell to the hormone depends on :

a) number of the receptors of the cell
b) activity of the receptors
c) volume of the receptor
d) both a and b

8- Glucagon increase lipolysis in adipose tissue by activating

a) lipoprotein lipase
b) hormone-sensitive lipase
c) pancreatic lipase
d) phospholipase A2

9- Hormones are removed from plasma or tissue by the

following except :
a) degradation in the liver
b) degradation in the renal
c) excretion
d) storage

10- One of the Kidney's function metabolize :

a) vit. B12
b) peptide hormones
c) steroid hormones
d) all above

11- most important Mineralocorticoids

a) aldosterone
b) aldosteroide 2
c) corticosteroids
C) B & C

12- which of the following is ( are ) function(s) of Insulin :

A) Synthesis of glycogen
B) Synthesis of lipid
C) Synthesis of protein.
D) All of the above

13- which of the following is ( are ) function(s) of LH :

A) secretion of estrogen
B) Growth of Graffian follicular
C) Ovulation
D) All of above

14- Which of the following hormone(s) is ( are ) secreted from

Anterior pituitary :
A) Oxytocin
D) A & C

15- Prohormon of thyroid Hormone:

A) Thyroglobin
B) T3
C) Thyroperoxidase
D) tyrosine

16- Which if the following is the 2ed messenger of insulin :

A) Tyrosine kinase
B) Hormone receptor complex

17- Which if the following is the 2ed messenger of Group 1 :

A) Tyrosine kinase
B) Hormone receptor complex

18- Dopamine inhibit the secretion of :

a) prolactin
b) epinephrine
c) vasopressin
d) glucagon

19- TRH stimulate :

a) prolactin
b) TSH
c) a & b
20- Precursors of cortex hormones:
a) pregnenolone
b) peptides
c) amino acid derivatives
d) none of the above

21- One of the following is not a mechanism of regulating

hormones :
a) acid base mechanism
b) Neural mechanisms
c) feedback control
d) chronotropic control

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