Advanced 5 Proyect

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Good afteernoon my name is Ingrid Martinez Lorenzana and this is my last Project

for Celex CECYT 3, level Advanced 5; and before that I start i need to give you
some context about this little presentation; first, the topic is “THE STRANGEST
FOOD OF THE WORLD” and i`m going to present 5 differents foods that probably
makes you feel sickness, i say it because all the foods are prepared with animals,
and some of them are lives. Well, i need to warn you that if you don`t like the
stronger and disgusting emotions please get out of this video; now after warning
i`m going to start.
1) In the fifth position we have “big ass ants” of Colombia, this is one picture of them and
maybe for us it`s strange but it`s a big tradition, the ants are traded as far away as Bogotà
and Bucaramanga and exported to Canada, England and Japan; The virgin queen ants are
harvested, they migrate every year at the end of the waning moon, between April and June,
it ish ere when emerging from the hills are collected To eat them, experts recommend
removing the legs, wings and head when they are no longer alive. These ants have
considerable nutritional value, which is why they are considered a good food. Benefits of
big-ass ants: They are a source of protein They have low levels of saturated fat. They have
antibacterial properties The taste of the big-assed ants is difficult to describe, they have a
smoky flavor, perhaps it could remind you of smoked-flavored potato chips. It's a salty
protein sensation on the tongue and they are pleasantly crisp. How to cook the big-ass ant
You have to wash it beforehand in salt water, this way you will clean impurities and kill
bacteria. It is then traditionally roasted over a fire in a clay dish.

2) In fourth position i`m going to present you the Cobaya a very popular food of Perù, this
specie offer a White and soft meat In addition, it is a meat with a very low percentage of fat
(7.6%) and a high percentage of protein (20.3%). Ideal for those who like to eat healthy, but
it`s important tos say that you can eat it if the animals doesn`t measure at least, 20 cm of
height and width and 40cm of large.

3) The third position is for the big eyes of Tuna in Japan, we know that is common eat all the
differents species off fish in Japan, but just look the pisctures, it`s more strange and
practically the people eats them raw, only in a few times they are boiled and served with
rice. Sometimes they are fried and then served with soy sauce. The taste of food in any
form is quite specific, but experts say that the benefits of such foods are invaluable.

4) The second place is for the sheep eye juice, Mongolia, i puto n this position because is more
common that you know; the principal use if for the efects after a big party, in Mèxico we
say “I`m hangover” and this food is better for this problems, the food consists in a normal
tomato juice but added with vinegar and one sheep eye floating between, is very common
for the Mongolian people but it`s only use for the hangover, so if you travel to this place
and go to a party, you will know what awaits you, they don`t use medicine o the common
aspirina, this juice it`s practically obligatory for every people that had a party the last night.

Finally, we are in the first position, i need tos ay you that for me this was the most strange
food of the world, but when i was investivating i found more, but nothing stranger tan
5) The food is the Balut, or in other words the developed duck fetus and it`s common toe at
on Filipinas, Vietnam and Camboya too, this food is left to incubate for 15 days, the time
neccessary for have the Good size but no the bones, it`s consumed when it already has meat
but the cartilage is still very soft. Obviouslly it isn`t a Good atracttion for the turist, reason
for it`s only eaten for the people that born of this countries, for example, in Vietnam it`s
eating like an energectic food, and the most part of the kids eat like a normal breakfast; on
Camboya it`s eating like a soup and the taste is between egg and meat, people say that isn`t
bad, but, personally i didnt like to prove it.
Personally I don't think I would be able to try any of these foods, when I was researching, I had
a strange feeling of disgust, and when I saw the images I decided that Mexican food is the best
and not bad compared to the world; i supose that exist persons I would surely do it just for fun, I
like the idea of traveling the world and getting to know all the countries I can, but I think I
would look for a slightly more normal restaurant, so I definitely admire the brave who dare to
try (or already did) any of these foods.

That all, thanks for watching and i hope that you enjoyed it, it`s interesting include for the popel
that dont like to prove, at least you learn something new today, goodbye.

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