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Identification of Tropical Freshwater Eels, Anguilla spp., in Cagayan River,


Article in Philippine Agricultural Scientist · October 2022


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2 authors, including:

Joyce Hilario
Wageningen University & Research


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Vol. 105 No. 3, 226-235
September 2022

Identification of Tropical Freshwater Eels, Anguilla spp., in

Cagayan River, Philippines

Joyce A. Hilario1,2, Casiano H. Choresca Jr.2, Ma. Jodecel C. Danting1, Faith Loraine T.
Magbanua1,2, and Ma. Theresa T. Oclos2,*
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-National Freshwater Fisheries Technology Center, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva
Ecija, Philippines
National Fisheries Research and Development Institute-Fisheries Biotechnology Center, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija,

Author for correspondence; E-mail:

Received: January 04, 2021/ Revised: June 03, 2022/ Accepted: June 12, 2022

Anguillid eels are high-value food fish with 16 known species worldwide. Due to its taxonomic ambiguity
and insufficient data on species composition, this family of freshwater eels were inadvertently regarded as a
single species. This study collected 63 freshwater eels at 3 life stages (glass eel, elver, yellow eel) from
Cagayan River, Philippines, to evaluate the accuracy of morphological identification in comparison with
molecular analysis. Morphological results displayed clear distinctiveness between Anguilla bicolor and
Anguilla marmorata despite some overlapping physical characteristics between Anguilla marmorata and
Anguilla luzonensis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 15 out of 23 glass eel specimens were molecularly
identified as A. marmorata, while 8 were identified as A. bicolor pacifica. For elver specimens, there were A.
bicolor pacifica (n = 10), A. marmorata (n = 8), and A. luzonensis (n = 2). For yellow eels, there were A.
bicolor pacifica (n = 10) and A. marmorata (n = 10). The results showed the inaccuracy of morphological
identification in determining the richness and composition of Anguillids, which otherwise proved that
molecular analysis is a more reliable approach in identifying freshwater eel species.

Keywords: Anguilla spp., cytochrome b, freshwater eels, genetic identification

Abbreviations: AFL—anal fin length, AD—anodorsal, cyt b—cytochrome b, DFL—dorsal fin length,
DNA—deoxyribonucleic acid, NJ—neighbor-joining, PAFL—preanal fin length, PCR—polymerase chain reaction,
PDFL—predorsal fin length, TL—total length

INTRODUCTION Eel farming only relies on wild-caught glass eels, also

known as eel fry. Glass eels are post-larval forms, with
Declining population and restricting conservation length not exceeding 5 cm and with glass-like
measures of temperate eel species have opened market transparency. But due to their indistinct physical
opportunities for tropical eels to supplement growing characteristics, eels at this juvenile stage are difficult to
international demand (Cuvin-Aralar et al. 2019). identify. Improper identification usually leads to having
However, due to increased exportation in Southeast Asia, different species grouped into a single species. Since glass
particularly in the Philippines, the tropical eel export eels will be reared in captivity, and rearing conditions
industry has now been confronted with widespread vary across species, introduction of mixed eel stock not
exploitation and more fishing pressure. This has led the specific to a certain rearing condition could potentially
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (PH) to result to production loss (Espiñeira and Vieites 2016). For
impose an export ban for juvenile eels not exceeding instance, a previous study conducted by Luo et al. (2013)
15 cm in length (Fisheries Administrative Order No. 242 found that species of A. marmorata and A. bicolor pacifica
2012). The capture production of live eels including glass collected in the Philippines showed different tolerance
eels and larger juveniles are only intended for eel and growth rate at varying water temperatures.
farming, which increases its cultivation in captivity Unfortunately, the Philippines has yet to formulate a
(Crook 2014). standardized rearing protocol for freshwater eels. Thus,
Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

accurate information on species composition in This study compared morphological and molecular
freshwater eel harvesting site is deemed necessary methods in the identification of 3 different developmental
considering that some species have specific culture stages of freshwater eels. Cyt b gene was used to establish
preferences. a DNA-based test in identifying tropical eels collected in
Cagayan River. As the largest river system in the country,
In addition, the misclassification of these freshwater
the Cagayan River has long been a major fishing ground
eels could then affect the distribution of eel products in
for freshwater eels. It is also home to A. luzonensis, the
the market with species-specific preference. In Japan, for
most recent discovery of eel species in northern Luzon
instance, consumers prefer A. bicolor as an alternative to
recorded in 2009 (Watanabe et al. 2009).
A. japonica due to its similar taste and texture (Arai 2014
as cited in Shiraishi and Crook 2015). By providing these It is intended in this study to provide data on species
information, agencies regulating the eel farming industry diversity of juvenile eels harvested for aquaculture.
will be guided to pass appropriate management Likewise, it presents more accurate and reliable tools in
techniques and fill in the deficient data on some the identification and documentation of freshwater eels,
freshwater eel species. It is also crucial to develop a which can be helpful in the country’s policymaking
knowledge repository that will assist in identifying initiatives and conservation management practices on
certain eel species, particularly of glass eels intended for Anguillid species.
Species identification of freshwater eels often uses a
morphology-based key which could be performed Sample Collection
ambiguously due to the lack of distinct morphological
A total of 63 freshwater eels (23 glass eels, 20 elvers, and
characteristics of each species. Furthermore, as freshwater
20 yellow eels) were randomly sampled at the eel culture
eels approach maturity, they undergo metamorphosis
facility of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
showing a continuous change in body forms and
(PH), National Freshwater Fisheries Technology Center.
pigmentations. This makes distinct characteristics of
The specimens were collected from Cagayan River at
individuals not comparable to their different life stages.
Barangay Toran, Aparri, Cagayan. They were aerated in
Due to intraspecific variation in family Anguillidae, it is
plastic bags and were transported immediately to the eel
recommended for morphological identification to be
culture facility.
combined with molecular analysis for more reliable
traceability and accurate similar species discrimination Morphological Analysis
(Watanabe et al. 2004; Silfvergrip 2009).
Glass eels were identified using the method of Tabeta et
In the Philippines, there are 3 major species and al. (1976). The glass eels’ cutaneous tail pigmentations
subspecies of freshwater eels, namely, A. marmorata, A. were examined using an Olympus SZX16
bicolor pacifica, and A. luzonensis. But despite their stereomicroscope, which served as basis for the
different taxonomic classification, these freshwater eels preliminary identification of the species. Then, the
are often regarded as a single group because their specimens were preserved in 95% ethanol for molecular
morphological features are quite difficult to tell apart. analysis.
Hence, tools enabling the discrimination of species,
Elvers and adult eels, on the other hand, were
especially in their juvenile stage, would certainly improve
morphologically identified based on the method of
eel farming management in the country. Likewise,
Watanabe et al. (2004). Morphometric measurements
molecular approach as a standard analytical tool has been
were obtained by determining the total length (TL),
regarded useful in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies.
preanal fin length (PAFL), predorsal fin length (PDFL),
This approach is primarily based on the amplification of a
dorsal fin length (DFL), anal fin length (AFL), anodorsal
partial sequence of mitochondrial DNA. Molecular
(AD), and proportion of anodorsal to percent total length
identification of the genus Anguilla uses cytochrome b (cyt
(AD/%TL). The AD and AD/%TL were derived from the
b) marker because it reveals clear divergences between
values of the aforementioned measurements and not
species and subspecies (Aoyama et al. 2001; Han et al.
through direct measurement. Samples with AD/%TL
2002; Minegishi et al. 2009). Also, the use of cyt b marker
values greater than 13% were classified as A. marmorata,
is suggested for freshwater eel identification due to the
while those with values less than 13% were classified as
existence of a large number of species-specific nucleotide
A. luzonenis or A. celebesensis (Leander et al. 2012). The
positions, which makes the molecular identification more
investigated morphological traits were subjected to
accurate (Lin et al. 2002; Jamandre et al. 2007).
principal component analysis (PCA). Biplot analysis of

227 | Philipp Agric Scientist (2022)105(3):226-235

Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

PC1 and PC2 were conducted to identify the traits that

mainly contributed to morphological variation of each
species in an R environment (RStudio Team 2020).

Molecular Analysis
Whole genomic DNA was extracted from muscle tissue
using a NucleoSpin Tissue DNA extraction kit.
Mitochondrial cyt b gene was amplified by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) using primers composed of cyt b
universal forward 5’ GATGCCCTAG TGGATCTACC 3’,
and cyt b universal reverse 5’
TATGGGTGTTCTACTGGTAT 3’ (Han et al. 2012). A
total of 50 µL reaction mixture was prepared containing
PCR master mix, 1.5 µL of each 10 pmol primer, and 5 µL
of each extracted DNA sample. The PCR was carried out
in thermal cycler Bio-Rad T100 with the following profile:
initial denaturation at 94°C for 3 min, 34 cycles of
denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 56.9°C for 30 s,
extension at 68°C for 30 s, and a final extension at 68°C for
10 min. To avoid interference with sequencing, PCR
products were cleaned up using a NucleoSpin gel and
PCR cleaning kit. Samples were sent for sequencing at
First BASE Laboratories in Selangor, Malaysia. Thereafter,
the newly obtained sequences were submitted to

Phylogenetic Analysis
Sequence alignments were conducted using multiple
sequence alignment algorithms in MEGA (MEGA 7.0.26).
Neighbor-joining (NJ) trees were constructed with 1000
bootstrap replicates using TN93 model, as this was
identified as the best fitting evolutionary model using the
same software. All known species and subspecies of
Anguilla were included in the NJ tree represented by the
sequences with GenBank accession no. NC006531–
NC006535, NC006537–NC006547, NC002707. While the
Channa striata, with accession no. NC032037, was used as
an outgroup to clearly show that the collected samples
Fig. 1. Specimen of freshwater eels used in the study. a)
were on the same clade. Anguilla marmorata glass eels, b) Anguilla bicolor glass
eels, c) Anguilla marmorata elvers, d) Anguilla luzonensis
RESULTS elvers, e) Anguilla bicolor elvers, f) Anguilla marmorata
yellow eels, and g) Anguilla bicolor yellow eels.
Morphological Analysis
Figure 1 shows the specimens of freshwater eels as they
undergo different life stages. Morphological identification
has classified the 23 glass eel specimens into 2 species
based on the coloration of the caudal fin (Fig. 2).
Specimens G1 to G8 (GenBank accession no. MN080877–
MN080884) were identified as A. bicolor pacifica
characterized by a pigmentation pattern stretching up to
the tip of the caudal fin. While specimens G9 to G23 Fig. 2. Caudal fin pigmentation pattern of glass eels. a)
Anguilla marmorata, and b) Anguilla bicolor.
(GenBank accession no. MN080885–MN080899) were
identified as A. marmorata. Unlike A. bicolor pacifica, A. Philipp Agric Scientist (2022)105(3):226-235 | 228

Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

marmorata species do not have pigmentation pattern on

the caudal fin.

On the other hand, the initial assessment of elvers

using taxonomic keys has identified 3 species: A.
marmorata, A. luzonensis, and A. bicolor. The total length for
elver specimens ranges from 7.04 to 9.37 cm with an
average total length of 8.57 cm ± 0.79. Specimens J1 to J10
have predorsal fin length of 2.24 to 4.54 cm, and anal fin
length of 2.29 to 4.57 cm. The percent value of AD/%TL
ranges from 0.13 to 2.27, and identified as short-finned eel
or A. bicolor. Specimens J11 to J20 have predorsal fin
length of 1.99 to 2.72 cm, and preanal fin length of 3.01 to
4.06 cm. Three specimens have AD/%TL values of less
than 13 but greater than 5 (9.23 – 12.67), and were
morphologically identified as A. luzonensis or A.
celebesensis. While the other 7 specimens were identified as
A. marmorata with AD/%TL values of 13.39 to 16.31. The Fig. 3. Biplot of 6 meristic characters of elvers based on
morphological identification: predorsal fin length (PDFL),
coloration of samples varied from brown to black having anal fin length (AFL), total length (TL), preanal fin length
no correlation with the identification of species. (PAFL), dorsal fin length (DFL), anodorsal, and proportion
of anodorsal to percent total length (AD/%TL).
Results from PC1 and PC2 explained 82.9% of the
variance contained within the dataset of elvers. Anguilla bicolor specimens formed a cluster on the left of the biplot
bicolor formed a distinct cluster on the left of the biplot characterized by PDFL, PAFL, and AFL (Fig. 4).
characterized mainly by low values of predorsal fin Specimens of yellow eels have total length of 19.10 to
length. The biplot of morphological criteria used to 56.50 cm. Specimens A1 to A10 (MN150037–MN150046)
discriminate between species of freshwater eels also have predorsal fin length of 15.5 to 24.5 cm, preanal fin
revealed some overlap in the morphometric values of length of 16.20 to 24.70 cm, and AD/%TL values of 0.18 to
specimens molecularly identified as A. marmorata and A. 3.33. Based on morphological identification, specimens A1
luzonensis (Fig. 3). to A10 were identified as A. bicolor, popularly known as
short-finned eel. They have plain black to grey
Additionally, the biplot of yellow eels showed
pigmentation pattern and white belly.
differences in two sets of characters that separated A.
marmorata and A. bicolor (Fig. 4). A. marmorata specimens While the specimens A11 to A20 (MN150047–
formed a distinct cluster in the right of the biplot MN150056) have predorsal fin length of 5.10 to 7.20 cm,
characterized by anodorsal and AD/%TL values, while A. preanal fin length of 8.00 to 11.70 cm, and AD/%TL values

Fig. 4. Biplot of 6 meristic characters of yellow eels based on morphological identification: predorsal fin length (PDFL),
anal fin length (AFL), total length (TL), preanal fin length (PAFL), dorsal fin length (DFL), anodorsal, and proportion of
anodorsal to percent total length (AD/%TL).

229 | Philipp Agric Scientist (2022)105(3):226-235

Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

of 14.95 to 17.48. Based on morphological identification, specimens G9 to G23 closely matched with A. marmorata
specimens A11 to A20 appeared to have mottles on their with a homology of 100% (Fig. 5). Phylogenetic analysis
skin, and they also have long fins. of glass eels using mitochondrial cyt b gene sequences
showed distinct clades with strong bootstrap support of
Molecular Analysis
greater than 99. However, taxonomic classification using
Using similarity search on the GenBank database, AD/%TL produced different findings and identification
specimens G1 to G8 have matched sequences with A. on species level of elvers.
bicolor pacifica with a homology of 99% to 100%, while

Fig. 5. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of glass eels mtDNA cyt b sequences collected from Cagayan River, Philippines,
with species and subspecies of the genus Anguilla from GenBank as comparison. Philipp Agric Scientist (2022)105(3):226-235 | 230

Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

Specimens J15 and J17 have AD/%TL values of less morphologically. As for specimens J1 to J10
than 13 and are morphologically identified as A. morphologically identified as A. bicolor, phylogenetic
luzonensis or A. celebesensis. Although, genetic sequence analysis showed a clustering of all samples with A. bicolor
analysis on these 2 specimens showed 100% similarity pacifica sequence, and therefore confirmed the reliability
with A. marmorata instead (Fig. 6). of AD/%TL value in identification of this species.

Specimen J20 has AD/%TL value of 15.56 and was Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis on yellow eel
morphologically identified as A. marmorata, however, the specimens A1 to A10 showed 99 to 100% homology with
resultant topology indicates clustering of the specimen on A. bicolor pacifica, while specimens A11 to A20 showed
A. luzonensis. The findings showed that A. marmorata and 100% homology with A. marmorata (Fig. 7).
A. luzonensis can be incorrectly identified

Fig. 6. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of elvers mtDNA cyt b sequences collected from Cagayan River, Philippines,
with species and subspecies of the genus Anguilla from GenBank as comparison.

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Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

DISCUSSION Eels can be identified into 3 species using the

proportion of anodorsal to the percentage of the total
The pigmentation patterns on caudal fin and the length values. These species are A. bicolor, A. luzonensis/A.
proportion of anodorsal to the percentage of the total celebesensis, and A. marmorata. Leander et al. (2012)
length values are widely used criteria in freshwater eel classified A. bicolor species with AD/%TL values of less
identification. Pigmentation patterns can be classified into than 5%, A. luzonensis/A. celebesensis with greater than 5%
3 types, wherein type 1 has no pigmentation on both the but less than 13%, and A. marmorata with greater than
tailbud and the caudal fin (e.g., A. japonica); type 2 has a 13%. However, one of the biggest problems in
large patch of small (stellate) melanophores on the caudal distinguishing species of freshwater eels using
fin (e.g., A. bicolor pacifica); and type 3 has a large patch of morphological criteria is the inclusion of geographic
diffused melanophores on the tailbud (e.g., A. marmorata, distribution since each location has some overlapping
A. luzonensis, and/or A. celebesensis) (Leander et al. 2012). characteristics (Watanabe 2004). Also, this is challenging

Fig. 7. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of yellow eels mtDNA cyt b sequences collected from Cagayan River,
Philippines, with species and subspecies of the genus Anguilla from GenBank as a comparison. Philipp Agric Scientist (2022)105(3):226-235 | 232

Genetic Identification of Anguilla spp. Joyce A. Hilario et al.

because the geographic distribution of some species like exportation of temperate eel species, tropical eels have
A. luzonensis is not yet fully defined. now become the center of economic interest for the
supply of freshwater eels (Nijman 2015). This study
This study found that specimens identified as A.
argues that without intensive morphological examination
marmorata and A. luzonensis are hard to discriminate
and molecular analysis, discrimination of freshwater eel
using morphological analysis and their AD/%TL values
species may be inaccurate and inconsistent. As they
were inaccurate. For instance, specimens distinctly
approach maturity, freshwater eels undergo
identified as A. marmorata and A. luzonensis in the
metamorphosis showing a continuous change in body
molecular analysis exhibited similar morphological
forms and pigmentation patterns, making distinct
characteristics. Also, molecular analysis using
physical characteristics of individuals not comparable at
mitochondrial cyt b gene sequencing revealed inaccuracy
different life stages.
of morphological analysis in elvers by misidentifying
some species of A. marmorata as A. luzonensis, and vice The Philippine archipelago has been identified as an
versa. The phylogenetic reference to all species of important source of tropical freshwater eels in recent
freshwater eels and a selected outgroup depicted the years. It is home to at least 5 freshwater eel species,
separation of each species into distinct clades supported namely, A. bicolor, A. marmorata, A. japonica, A.
by high bootstrap values. celebesensis, and A. luzonensis. However, some of these
species were not yet well-studied (Yoshinaga et al. 2014).
Several studies also mentioned the effect of different
For instance, A. luzonensis is a new species of eel
environmental factors on the phenotype of each
previously identified by Watanabe et al. (2009).
Anguillid species (Han et al. 2002; Politis et al. 2017).
Unfortunately, A. luzonensis has been listed under the
Since freshwater eels have large panmictic and
vulnerable category of the International Union for
semelparous spawning habits in great ocean depths and
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened
passive larval drift to continents, environment is
Species in 2018 (Pike et al. 2020). The IUCN assessed that
considered to have a significant impact on their
A. luzonensis, known as the Philippine mottled eel,
morphology (Vøllestad 1992). Therefore, the use of
needed a management plan and international trade
morphological identification in discriminating freshwater
control due to its high risk of extinction in the wild.
eels is not highly reliable, especially since species of A.
Considering the increase in catch and trade without
marmorata exhibited similar morphological characteristics
proper stock assessment, freshwater eel population is
as A. luzonensis.
expected to rapidly decline outside safe biological limits.
Three species of freshwater eels, A. marmorata, A. Therefore, it is highly important to develop an accurate
bicolor, and A. luzonensis were accurately identified in the species identification for Anguillid eels using molecular
study using molecular analysis from mixed species of analysis, which will permit correct traceability
freshwater eels collected from Cagayan River. The verification, classification, and labelling in the production
Cagayan River is one of the most important geographical cycle of Anguillids, and their supply and demand chain.
niches of tropical Anguillid. These species of freshwater
eels are believed to be the most basal species of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
family Anguillidae found in the Indo-Pacific region This research was supported by the Bureau of Fisheries
(Aoyama et al. 2001). A. marmorata, for instance, is and Aquatic Resources National Freshwater Fisheries
reported to have multiple populations scattered Technology Center, and the National Fisheries Research
throughout the region from the Indian Ocean to the and Development Institute–Fisheries Biotechnology
French Polynesia (Kuroki et al. 2014). However, unlike A. Center.
marmorata which is well-studied and with known
spawning sites, little information is known about A. REFERENCES CITED
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