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COSC 2006 N – Data Structures I

School of Computer Science & Technology

Algoma University

Course Description
This course, and its companion COSC 2007, introduce the student to the study of classic data structures
and their associated algorithms. The course is organized around the concept of Abstract Data Types
(ADTs) and their implementation as Java classes. Attention in COSC 2006 is focused on linear data
structures (non-linear structures are presented in COSC 2007). The analysis of algorithm space and time
requirements is introduced. The connection between these topics and principles of Software Engineering
is emphasized.

Sep 6- Dec 5, 2023

Days: Tues, Thurs
Time: 11:30am - 1pm
Venue: A604

Dr Nagma

Required Text:
Required Course Text: Janet J. Prichard & Frank M. Carrano, “Data Abstraction and Problem
Solving with Java”, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010 (paperback), ISBN-10: 0132122308, ISBN-13:

Reference Book: Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis in Java, Addison-Wesley, Pearson, 2012,
ISBN 0-13-257627-9

Course Evaluation Scheme

Labs: 20%
Assessments (2): 20%
Tests/Quizzes (3): 30%
Final Exam: 30%
Course Objectives
Students who successfully complete the course have reliably demonstrated the ability to:
• Explain how the abstract data structures studied work.
• Choose the most appropriate data structure for a particular problem.
• Code data structure (such as stack, queue).
• Use data structures to build complex algorithms and program functioning applications.
• Select an appropriate sorting and search algorithm for a given problem and program it.
• Analyze the complexity of a given algorithm.

Course Content
Day Topic Work Due
Sep 7, 2023 Course Introduction
Sep 12, 2023 Java review
Sep 14, 2023 Problem Solving and Software
Sep 18, 2023 Recursion
Sep 21, 2023 Recursion continued
Sep 26, 2023 Data Abstraction Quiz/Test 1
Sep 28, 2023 Linked List
Oct 3, 2023 Linked List- advanced topics Assignment 1
Oct 5, 2023 Self time to work on Assignment 1
(No class)
Oct 10-14,2023 READING WEEK
Oct 17, 2023 Stacks
Oct 19, 2023 Stacks-more topics
Oct 24, 2023 Stacks (practice) Quiz/Test 2
Oct 26, 2023 Queues
Oct 31, 2023 Queues- more topics
Nov 2, 2023 Queues (practice) Assignment 2
Nov 7, 2023 Self time to work on Assignment 2
(No class)
Nov 9, 2023 Algorithm Efficiency
Nov 14, 2023 Sorting -I
Nov 16, 2023 Sorting -II
Nov 21, 2023 Missed topics, Quiz 3 Quiz/Test 3
Nov 23, 28, 30 Review, Revision
All quizzes and tests will be conducted in the class. Quizzes, exams cannot be submitted late with
exceptions for medical conditions (to be informed prior to their conduct with proofs)

Late Submission policy

Assignments submitted late will be subject to 10% penalty for each day submitted late up to 3 days and
100% penalty afterwards

Final Exam:

The final exam will be scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. The exam will be comprehensive and
cover all the materials of the whole course. It will be closed book and contribute 30% towards your final
The Final Examination Policy can be found at:

Academic Integrity

The university takes a most serious view of such offences against academic honesty as plagiarism,
cheating, and impersonation. Penalties for dealing with such offences will be strictly enforced.
Regulations and procedures stipulated in the Algoma University Student Code of Conduct apply. See the
penalties, procedures, and policies.

Disability Accommodation

If you are a student with a physical, learning, and/or psychological disability and plan to request any
academic accommodations for this class, you are required to bring in an authorization letter from
Disability Services listing the permitted accommodations. I will work with you to arrange your
accommodations from the point in time that you deliver and discuss such an authorization letter with me.
The Coordinator of Disability Services will keep your disability documentation confidential. Contact
information is as follows: Coordinator of Disability Services 705-949-2301 ext. 4221;

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