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ME - 403 4/9 732% Pocen Pont Engineodng Book -W Power Plenk Technology © Ege Wakil, Tota MeGraw Hill. New Delhi 2016 4 n Exgincening = The theory and prachte of Statohany Elechic Genenanng Plants , Morse, FT- ® spnotrlei, BrG- A ond Nopat w.a, Power Starion Engireering and Economy , Tala Hill fublishing Companay Me Gra 4) Prser Plany Engineening . PIA Nay. Hi Power plank 94 et ca- Suitching systems aC between tranpmissioN Ana and genenaty r. “toe — sonner of ot equivalent Y fowler 4 hyaroutic dunbine - potential enenyy Vind a Kinetic Bre ctricg, energy Sot ile tn Capacity WO age bakery Generation iy SOsy but steedstore ZTA difhruut - Remuooby enengy energy source. +thal- can be PePlenished ath eshork Period of Time. within sevond? or minutes. Non - renewab ERENT = AN energy sputuc: thal- we Cannot replan, . donald a — Traditton: energy ; tudo zy beakers > Conventiony — = Coal oh, gor. by PuMany forin GFA “Porm, > Won -conventional ae J) : ; IEA - Trternaton al Energy Agency. FEC — Firat Energy C Onoumphion, Aton plore ip Auger 2018, 202% yorg : Bargadhe.—a4 generation of etectrtury pene — website, OF SAME OA) PoweMplan’ CorCE- 619-2003 Q fowee Plant Engineering —— a Water and Solon Py Electricity Roduchon., > Tnstalled aapaci 7 De-vated capacity — fing jecoh oupacity G1 supply @aco- mah Power Grenereation Tin Bangladesh Sask Sole operatun in Bd — BPDB Sep doon transtormop — Bay ew B3KV CUT? I hat cA wonve ok Os Frequency - 1SHo HFo - Heaxy Peg oft, IPP -Traepenaent Pouxe Poducers Powen PLant Engineening (99a —> Variab& Load Frobum SS Economic analys!s of power plants Theory of = yateo Tr means thar the load on a power plant vanien Om ore the demand of aonsumens — these demands , very uneettan (1 natune , 7 Electricity genenation. is, eosy bub . Store. Mal dtHicul F AA demand stae al, chenge 2% > Greneratim 04 speed AY agi with Tee increane and decreare. of ood, OA genenstor Caf trequincy % change RY so national grid A probum an — > Deol bad onx power station is which remains covptank in mognit¥dt andi dutaton, Bur yf does bh seMaN on jatal load. > Etteck of vartabl. load @ Inenease 19 prodvetion’ cost Alternator rota capacity 09 most efficiently AD) SU ful coor OH Ud , or vay a(R rOKd speed YY any wWACIH at eH en cg PHU 90 proquction WASh ig High , fuel CoH MY cast stohion <1 ALD STE unit ance Cama] cag opacity —9 LAAT power stahon yt unik Suppose. weant to prodve 400M and we ha. 30MW 3oMo (Awct splk GB HERS) go Mw uni 2N(& , Suppose GoMw Romo wer 2 10 30mw Loe ond 1% 208 Hac ‘nokead of having singh bigs size Unik a, IMoMy. uoMW Id SAS (MOM MCE Wen’ be ‘economic bw> ay uni cid WNskallahion | MNT than smal sptit nibs GG) Ther fo a change of Frequency eR a ee inensanen oF dectunner. Frequency comtant MY difficult, voltage ayicn PBICAT eno = © Proper operation Ud S745 Frequency Mot be in beween = BZ Umit - 48-5 — 5 SIS He Limit exceed — @F(A_ POLE Pleat shubdown TA(T ® Special ~§ contro} excipment 2nd 40 Keep Huw Frequang wo HA Um iF De inenemes COSE ananell o compkxity BM Thertme) powenplant A coal CH feed @ACV- ZA and Proes> F(T OIA equipr-enr ACI> for which th. cask ine e7 - => Electricity Demand and Powerplanh choite and Operation, @ The rake of minmum daily ourpw~ + maximum daily ope i bet O°5 —0-& Anus minimum — wnt. finnus) maximum — summer “Whe ratio ig even smaller for annual mnimum be onwual meximum. or foR power plants unysed BNO , They ane calkdA annual systm capped’ factor whth is gerenaltys Go}. * Base, eve) demand is mek whth bee (ead genenaling units whidy have lew vattiable optrabing * cost- ISTE aloays cun OT47 and pave MimEMAMINIMUH operating cost . Base tead onity can reduce oukpw- when demand 16 low and also can meek demand above fre bore | Romping — Theunikh can vamp up or doan +o meek fluctuation in demena_ ° Pniermediatea. units JS 1oad > Fotioeving or eyeing unity quickly can echange lei outpu- t0 Match 4+. Change indemand - Quickly ramping ACO oce- capacity change. 4rqco™ mem. have! fas kM ramp Bate level of demand CH CNG Tamp down 94)~ 90 loone love load unite SAA CR demand meet ®t» Ober Fluctuations ITA] inktrmediote. untig fiicy meek ST 2m Dase load Pe lent — coa} Aired Nuclear powerplants —- ahr iinah en On and off e2\ wWhrmediae —P combined eyek pp, Ligh efHicieny dunbing ete . Peak load unit > furtesr camp rate, openati ny Gosh very Wgh + [nstallourion Cosim is Lows, micnominuk. ad erty run TO once spinning seserve unit — > gere load ss gaa ane and nol putting “power iN the grid, load BIG BOCA MNT Machine , IP un anheipated incmme 2(4 BD 2-3 minwe Ud UX Loading BCL power genendle stant ord NLOG -y Natonal Load Dispatch centre _ ‘mstanteneous load caleulak. Bel Spinning rovenve unit can also be used fo back up other unit Thal ge offling due tv breakdown, highesl- dal loads —also known oD oad poaks peaking unib cag oa orohy SHB aes Bran — aay MY Cspital Cost is low , operating Cash is very Wigh load ef onet peaking units 1S AAI 2H in ordtr Fo meth He Loads. Quack stank units sShukdown Ct full load -Ca ote MIN IQ minutes The one peaking woth - SAGohr — Ayean, A pict peaking unit operate only for a few hundred hours & year > Seiection F fouwser. Pani Unib SDM oy paca ee Pee o The. 90-.0nd» siaes of cenity should approximately Aik he annual toad curve, load eunve. T\. @roek Pir ckave,. SBR CACM BHA 5, exact fir SI BREF Cosh Hae COM mer, Unik SG site capachy— T PF pocferable. , * total capadty Should ’L made 1B to 20%. amore then maximum et demand ty meer tre Autv m- demand - mainvenane At BWI dmenth & cast ui Ad gal power plane off onga 40. edt. mreed to produ more and store ae qresenves capacity, to meeb® te demands, Where should be & spare genénating ANI so thak repaints and overhauling Of Abe soorking ani ean be eanmed our: CR maching EF) repair HAUT IEA GTB extra oat (eit units wad a, ¢ Nis nor wise to choose smatler unihs st Clonsification of Electric Power generation unib ._ * Bose load unis , Carpitat cost high Cstanting and stopping time is more) — Nuclear power plank — High panfermana seam pore turbine plank, — Advanud combined gor and steam -pe-tunbirs plant . — Hydradectric Plank (fuel cosk is 2er0) » Bresmediate Cmedivm load), toad following or nfts. C have both Le chanackrifi OF bore load unih and peak unit) — Simpe steam —bunbine plant- — Did Dweload plant- eyeing genenokng ) , , y ’ ) ) , > » d » , , y , , , y , » y y Plants efficiency de ereeare with ime, GA fdermediuk, plane FUT vse TAM —=— Combintd Naa oF 8 Peak load generating unt'h Gar turbine — Diesel dunbinn / To engine PP_Atfo engine — Hydro Pumped storage plant. — 01a Simpl. stam turbine plant. gad Curve *Vaniarien of load ont power station with respect +o Hime, monn. . Yeanty , morkiy, daily Jood curves, Load fator — lood cane, 9 OP Load fachor calewtae zofa Dorporranc_ OF the. Daily Load euqves & Snows qu yandahon of load on Power stah'en duntng differnt houns of te day © Aren undin Th Load cunve gina tye mo. oF vi5 genenated I He cay fee unib genenaled , eM day = Area undin daira Load cute. + By Prevage load = Area ander, daily load eunve ay hounm. © The rato af fre Arca undut te Load cunve +0 due +obal anen of +e Tectangh 2 load factor. Load Juror = Pvenag foad over agiven Hime inten val Maximum demand duning He same time inlerral, mae yh 10" kWh Avg load - Dunat on load factor 2_ Avg load Max™ load , Loat factor helps in —_ ° Selechng die. sire. and no. of Genenahing unt kz eo exact fit hetl4 gn al. approimue tik B12 A for wax effineny, o helps tn Prep acing atx operational — achedure For We Station ath Trporctane teams and factors | HprmMpoahhe, she mass ARON TAONS ° * Connerted loud ——- sum of continuous ratings ¢F all Aweequipment connected to We supply System load curve. i i ~ lool cue helpy in eectigg ee. ving and nember of epnaraliay units . ~The. mo. & siege of grmonily selected fo fil wad eure reap the point ef may Nn. > Prepoigy oparation neledule f pution . clinportm lem kefoctan: Coproailed Wood pom ef oonlinoun raking? of all the qquipments commected to opp ey opm. _Neaximom Demand: g recto! ceoond in peried tree. halpn detrrig He. inotollod copnity of we, Alaton. . Demand factor: in tae. rertio of maximun? demand on the Arcroge- lood /demerd: kwh in 1864 og er. Fb Le Load -fecter * Arsiuay > Plays vite! gole. oot" overall wal per onit Diversily cfetor, DF = 2 peiciiel Mac dermon| fe domrand on paueratstin . otk ttounenid 49 Moor cemand and Auierplen! At Max demand. bine demand of Parser Atation aleiogs br thon oven of individual » dy thir leony qnaenen 4, > The reer Me, anenity fetor, lesen in He. cool of gerereier. amet onl 2th s71ft Moy dbmond of Basrr okther 9 orb len copacig pour plon! vipa om, CR Onna dnitiok Cortng 7 FEA Plnt Copacty focter: Beto onegy pectsced eooegy presued sT PCF = il Ee sindicdien of rere copactty Tay parable ey.” Font opacrig tT” p eg Ay xT ef wh plort . There —p= ed ap tt AL Pe ee Eo Pk : r onl vs2-fotsr __ gered XT gto palin Hoh . Phir Gp xT Pont Cop x oa of hus of cys Dera a some ge ar ue egy ome. ALE | Eeanamie. dnpelah pd Hee! Rb _ Generating wnrh ovoilble to mie| aettm tad ate djnpetehed (atin) in orden of leven! veirinble. ean, vef-00 cesrarmi dippotch > Hoat Rok © Plomt ening ermbuotible fulr 4 ker doin of variable cons in te -offokony witn whith unverts feet obetiolty « [hast energy inpod needed to product suuln of ebchetty nudpil , ‘evn Wop rats race higher PCG wee wi b aorb cag old in dre: peal og mepite ue tu al ie a “O8 dy eratlnath arte. uaanmacne 20 3 alo, . . Ne ~ Wabash ¢ ats. . Littl to oe 4 7 5 ate sees Fonda coien ) ail + TTT e é 12, 20 24 Sop tthe ae lead, donation. Got, leat mL it ‘ies ‘dala Wh nove Bideneble fort + ote no 4 i dri suhicn given load han prevailed | Titre unde WD todd eainuanlne(s- —it om be extended 4e"triade | “any period) entire: T -conn ibe norman jedi Ley newosityy so mv iin toned don pl of wna. DAG Matnbenamte pregame Rn ned SPlon eftieteney V0 iF onit, Price, pate “led perkW Yo cy. of wnity, «bine, YS Wigdheereétrie -powwrplenl;io. data pacdehgine a] Chilly ctng water > Availity af qe bot 5 du “a Gintcee fier. vente of -goaye , . . 5 bah ef lends + fopace gr exh papas blbad Cente, Chinas + Ble [ ™ sen {ne te? id ge 24? - ih, ip seg le» itr scfuotn) Slommereial ~ anop lyin» agluetric eppliont ; ;Inon aeerrel variaHiom Gtrdugtial — Nel weather: ckpenden! Monitipy — roa taht, pater mea feoske oun “ee apsten. ore yetisr — Afneral ” naire t Tuctton {ood ~ “trom, abn, trolley the, cere miln ete Locattén 8} “Powel plovits toa. derointd, by water fod In utiliced . tgif ead rund: gos aainlenane, spice org. + Doil chamaterinor . 4 Wind dir” faa waley in ceoli 4 waleyfudhee in order eat F ‘nuinimise, enw. pal -2paottyf power Plontpumnle Gpeneenciatin Dayton Sheil eanbin, fy Aceerrrodedin Jor errplyr Girt ripe ate ond —- 4 > ee ar ine vitinity of powserplon!. a Dayinets get Grcaler the Foren sn bruise on genercdton da prune Ft method. ee of time value of money 9 Me “femal value g” au “| , gl tit td . =TER = (oman f Pan ' —deoerplon| Sesnumien: System Preyyn: + Prime. objet 4 p— bycctive. i cont minim oy iomple due to I jn ond if at various omen. pruent worth motued . Dre. meltod f cola toa gration In 7 A wo of prrcnt volt. 7 pte, Uned - 3 given Me Leo tot eh pr sola rite Loat npn [Senate analy vl we. dont eft? ees i am option ars a ‘axe. alsry> cubpckd to eneertvtf > dela) inslalied eof doin nol poteg = Perunit ot Mh toto! tnablled © A Cond & “a tl ot Oe one Bam, cob wbien og" 74,100 ecioned in feet > Fine vals. of PTY Thy. jo worth on hom bao 7 meecorcerra7d « an a paled 2 > Gime. vale. ek roi. et eae Mod oe zale. arma : also repre2xo7’ 4d) > vega ae angel eel ‘osaalion rae. ~ (‘+amual encolaticn rate Montiyy grcalalion 7ale. > Jincount pvr A,x Panen! Wert -fecler, PUP = a Gy” | dimeouerd factory fie: Lugned average con? ufos an ppp vi tr Sh Stock Menial Us fie fia, pe Bod a) HAT. CAAT Plygaz Proent Vole. br uniform Savion peoniod . . B ‘"yscun aaridy Pius? yar Gt” al rap ame Gi? ‘| fal =| ‘i \ Sar - ynifermner PVF. L wi i ay af sagn! iO “salt qf U5 PE ayy “i ; OO (eRe), Loyal ‘hips e ett crn cto ‘Level ': eNetipad ommual and = mf 25/69 Levelized valuir -for_tonkenl pereertbye. vant inerentn: won incre . (ost te end af Pl ar i f qr rere HE Leveliaed «onl i= proenl worth dinwun) valt . n-noof yr 2 = ammal acalation rab. be We, CRE = eit)”, We 7 (uy Grobe tol Leveligad enmual’ cn { ; yang malta 10h ned ve ‘ ours pont desamiin_ The toin of meet RIP de. up of fired cant ° aot of etechicrg] an > Awd enonyr owe. diel 44 J ial of ik meine rt nov wit production « of an ire Seni nun over tia ie 2 er-psrere 4 $xes we | soli ae roa Five 27 toe, wo Cnr boy HIT O20 7 ine! ord dincov vat: . a a © Bret cae depreciatisn nf >admininhotive and afr mrperan. > inpurone. and oxen . + fomerirgtioin epeor Pepa of cob} on wall on greens woilieg of{ te Ywntial cook. —4crlurn on ravity orddeb} ip 2190 wndwn an minimum aeepheee buin. i ; } of pln weaned ord my les become tnerieay obkrolett . ual deprialction 2 An om | eee ~Wanable tool ose. chiefty opr ond rmainleronee. Cont — Dare) = Susl woh = gpy tohsr eon) ~» wk sf? minterorce « > Cont i ist : af pupprin & supermini Opening exes: Onan esol equiprent abeck-oud eel > otentep uat> ered 5 bye then te : nal tax > mincollonun ewctucti«n yprnin. oR anwvieh , file veutt neavictn . > Toy one Lxpruned one ; aici? ttf ees fm oie, —algnd toil > Comtuction ad > cepipmeal 4 ‘niilation onl. fue! expemt. = tea} due to oninementel regulate i ors. > Dureheck. tah (Cramgortaion, moaning) : i ack cae papa teMe, heigl BE Ab In gnesol gest) daive- wip J he caren Os tower! paerible co) vning power ed uillihw. B dangle wiv cast FP" Ff rho, an telion 4 equipment tno te 4 Propn cope - thon lod clo . > we 8 pp. a > Prope? mornin > feeble of tw PP g Aupeavinion Break even, Arotyrr mi $f Unearteins in Hee! col Slimalion: “Pawar gen schoo. cxnpitel intensive * Mow ic bibl oevenll ‘anki *fechrnal. + Leongmi. + Ddalloo ral. imerears., GOP 4all ete “Ragulrty > Graoi stot Pero) Terk, & ereatia CHD Per Ocke A nf 481 AKL, So dus such anodificction Prete cxriene a une: end. fete ers aah Ire 8 pone ; Leonami feo _ , eonomi._ Metheclologies sumof al op # sprain) in cajeubted over plant foo oy Bunt th” Mee rfp, Cat ins xd en | Can svolios olpretv a ne , Arnal poet ern tant Oe TT ond afin evils + Cumulative. Prowl worth Meine’ Zo s- Yr tovin “rvoypard 0 at pm jd tony Cen nl wed vei powert bo wd 1 alyeticn yim 1 Copital aquivolr Mellod poopy, Bul eit uteged ook don mI + Levalisgd Aamual Cont Medhed eit kel” optina. ty capri trent *Coprtel steve potiod —> yu bmg f) woul“. avi imopr asl to yuakep f J ohh cp cole. 4 : 4 Ss BERL Bengbdah Srey mgulatory lemimisn. ae crenged apr ctmir may demandy (eo call an “he. met (enh) smomed . > feud vequinernent fos He cbniff oe . Sony to undeystend + Provide, low sven for high esumphin +én esrnunim heigy high lead Ns + Mole ints aces mov demand changin end emoey Provide. 0 charg co fouies ummecticin nem for Ughtng Noid completion popnote wing ond matrigy wmnectonn , chong. iffin im ue. | : anise of “riff " of, lamp inokad & fxtd roe{ hrvan ef we pan tenrin erg * Led: deme fale Gearlsin prizonp -vclimirat.up. of materirg ional ; aml songs ro ye, ony toric im Ga) Hy Be + Shosytt muy Fle tee “the. Noflern-frorm a dyewktele Aveo torey rh i ho 2TH) tall mot J AMVOyh incurring ome £xPrme + Step meby vob i + Back yo . | “Mwo part eri] Thee part sniff Ye tot nu of bill fe pa Y= pK fae D> abl pen 8 of rrve K+ Max domend, wu) F fg vob Re vid Ze fey comoms Wh, ce Paoekplod Logingenin’d CMaghiub Si) °° BBR eee eersin C Maghiu Sir’) Leveloed cost = (Cost as drerenel Or: Pivistl- yen) 6RF)x Yinate aad + ; 1 Ve present woth discount rate ee annual escalaHion rate, - ga27 2 number. of Yea irs: \ t g ‘ he tHe yo ene a Wiad? i44 (4-4. ’ Busban cot = levelined anual cosk 1 Oe leveliaed annual kwh WeWh nek outpu; Lech Piprets eh Conny 29/9/20 ergot ae hap un ea Y= ER. a” ti asd The amount to be cnareged From the consumer dependa upon te energy consumed Nay COR phlch i reconded bY A mean of a kilpworl howe maken, Gus tale. guftens from o” ditawback than a ‘Consume WINE NO eneagy wil “Nok Pay any amount dtthoughn ha he. haa incunned some, ear fo “TK power slatvon, The change Of fo? ene ny consumption chanyeo 4 Hhecene 97 Consum Phan becomes mone, oe Aaniff iy eaprersed an follows \ YO2. M og2ea YFB% un agecs T2Ga ou Berece whene EG. €1, £4 ane enengy rele> per kWh, Nee > Umit oF enezgt coroumption, » Beck nate. tanifP. VORA 4b Pit £93... A certain pric: pen nits CHWh) fy changed for att orc amy pant of dio of each uni and for Sece ceding diocks of enengy he conne spending : uni chang w= deere nner. SOE] a] CAA, MRHTA Cxcend Sleclriaty. vee AGS de amount SS ee seas fiat, Tor 2NC& hot Ts why consumens ane encour ea. +o wnsume Mone . q Rat foo park fAnifF: Crtepkinsed Demant!: Pate!) :'! ' The total changes ane bared on jhe ‘meximum dlamend and enengy ckmana 1) , band At af . Expr: soed oa s \ Y2D.xX +ER cae Max demand4a GAS Trea fies, 8 da conse, sa" (sha oray 3 im faa > May demand Ul taka. Ton goostan te and cu BI use. wa(H3 Fae” 2ca'> ‘a cepanale * meter & required 40 reeord tre masimum f dlemandt Pree. pank Ferd ef |, C Doherty Rate) She customen. pays some fixed amount in adtetion ao the chonges rh marimem: demand. and erengy © _goroermed» , yo2Ox ree +2 Zz a > |tre chonge, . . mox nd oe Consume charge change CT Syilabus . Vaniabe. load —F pk Nag. New @hapien + Thercmat Power Plant Fust Handing Bquiprent. . f Coat cad handling is quite PPE etait AA | =) 0 2coaal fir. pp — wy “conveyor Coal 24 volum. CRS , Buna CL HUT CASH”, Caq en{CH~ 4ansferr 271 247 Buctet cohen a coweyern U2 Pear AGT OLS TF +o ca'coal tot where if is soma. Ot coal y Stoned Wi ae Le ae _— dangetovs - . ed oredr toa! ten vapour 2 94 cra WA A, Fossibiulty oF catthing Hire i hegh ott Kepr sry. TE water is spray: + furnace Cat fs im —— economizer ny cpa df > neheaten * Coal pulverined 2AM ctugnade. C2 3upi Faannce 9 preheater Guperheaten B tuné ‘2nca- . eer loop . , : » Dak loop. Ranrine agete Critical poink depends: on pressure ain @annor cycle — 2 isentropic precess ot A esthenmal pres Meth | * : : a Adiese! gowen stabon suppticn te folowing loads, to wacious coneumens - Gdustrial consumen = (Sook Wi commereciat establishmenk = TEORW: domihe pousin = Looks domahiy Ugnt = WFoKW:. Rp the maximo demand on tre Stabion Is 6-0, K.ld end tte no. of kWh generated PER Yea és 45 x 103, determine (1) the dvensihy factor and CY annuat toad v pocher. ; as i c) Divensity factor + Sam of individual mor demand Sumo inva x demand gg 1BOO FTO ALOOFUSO Lt . ——— DO (tt) annual load factor 45x10 Avenaq— load 2 Gah X24 © $197. kW Pnnual loot factor > frerags lont Max™ load. £3 QIlIBWh | 12800, 9 FOR Prontern 2 The deity demands ot three consumens ane given betow : Prom > 12MN —Bam wate SUT | GAM — 2PM 2PM ~ypm COS 4em — topmM ome 1OPM — I2MN) Plok the load cunven and load Gusation cure ond Fad CD maximum demand of mdividuas consumer OY Load teuon u o & Qu) divensity factor WY) Load fottor of ttestation. C1) Mayinum demand of individual eonsumen c4 goo kw co , tomKw c3 1200 Kw UW Arnage load -fon consumer t 2 Goox6)+ (200%5)+Goor’) Qn ns s 36667: = Boo-t cad factor for consumer L ¢00(Max™) = OUbs Average load for C2 = 2mxB + loooxr + Looxr a zy © 188-33 138°33 Looo Leak factor fom C2 & = ©: 15s fvenage jood fon 5 = Qoon 6 + IRooX24 200% 2 whe... ee at = 10G-6F don cons lec ‘6 Loaa Fecrens one temao G1 Soisear Ss O'132. mere EE EE Traividue! nd x on C™) Diversity factor fedora = Goo 2004 Fo 1900-+200 +1200 qe Overall maximum demana Drenaity faror 2 2 CW) Lond factor of te station s Tota) oveneege bonsumed/ sa a Sis Simultaneous maximum load x 24 oor er Quoort t Wore = 8F Cor Goonr G00 mi Qyoox 240 £400 a qe aw

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