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Policy and Procedures Manual

Section 4

Learning Design and Delivery



TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................1
LEARNING DESIGN..........................................................................................................................2
1. SCOPE........................................................................................................................................3
2. PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................3
3. REFERENCES............................................................................................................................3
4. RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................................................3
5. TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS..................................................................................................3
6 INDUSTRY CONSULTATION....................................................................................................4
7. DEVELOPING THE TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGY...........................................4
8. TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS AND TRAINING PLANS..........................................................5
8. DELIVERY OF TRAINING..........................................................................................................6
9. TRANSITIONING........................................................................................................................6
10. EXTENSION TO SCOPE/CAPACITY.....................................................................................7

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Our training meet the requirements of the endorsed components of the

relevant Training Package.
Australian Ultimate Training College ensures that the student is identified
and that it is the student who conducts the whole learning exchange
between the trainer and assessor and the student.
RTO Name have a training and assessment strategy document to
demonstrate and inform the trainers of the requirements for the course. The
TAS will demonstrate
 adequate trainers and assessors to deliver the training and then
 Educational support services that are available
 Learning resources that are available
 Facilities and equipment to accommodate and support the number
of learners enrolled

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1.1 Australian Ultimate Training College will deliver training qualifications from BSB07 Business
Services Training Package for the qualifications:

1. BSB30112 Certificate III in Business

2. BSB40412 Certificate IV in Business
3. BSB40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management
4. BSB51107 Diploma of Management

1.2 This is defined within our training and assessment strategies and as varied for individual
cohorts from time to time and as listed on the national training register.

2.1 The purpose of this procedure is to describe how Australian Ultimate Training College will
design training and assessment instruments.
2.2 The development of a training and assessment strategy is described and this underpins the
requirement for the delivery and assessment of courses.

 BSB07 Business Services Training Package
 Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015

4.1 Assessors are to ensure that all assessment tools utilised are assessing the requirements
specified within the training package.


5.1 The training needs of the students are decided following discussions with the Business
Sector and where appropriate, additional information may be obtained from the Industry
Skills Councils and other industry associations.
5.2 The individual needs of students may be discussed between the Assessors and the student
whenever the need arises. This may form part of the ongoing Continuous Improvement
process but also represents the level of support offered to all students.
5.3 Student needs are identified through discussion and comparison with other students in the
cohort. English is assessed as required by the Business Sector using a formal written and
spoken English assessment.

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6.1 Australian Ultimate Training College has developed a Technical Advisory Committee that
will conduct the required interaction with the delivery team at Australian Ultimate Training
College. The Technical Advisory Committee has a variety of means available to ensure a
range of strategies to promote and encourage industry involvement with the RTO is
achieved. The committee members themselves provide regular input through email to the
other committee members and may invite other committee
6.2 Members of the Technical Advisory Committee will be consulted on a range of issues but
including the contents listed in the Instructional Design Brief (Form 52) that will eventually
be the foundation for the training and assessment strategy (Form 53).
6.3 The Instructional Design Brief is prepared by the Director and will be available for each
qualification that is on scope.
6.4 The Instructional Design Brief must list as a minimum:
(a) All of the electives that are possible
(b) The packaging rules for the subject qualification
(c) The employability skills that are to be achieved as a course outcome
(d) Industry licencing issues (where relevant)
(e) Signature of the committee representative
6.5 The meeting may be done by phone and scanner or as a face to face meeting. Minutes are
to be created and the Instructional Design Brief created to record the selection of the units
of competency and any other specific information that must be included.
6.6 Where an Instructional Design Brief is not agreed between the Committee members, then
the Director will have a casting vote; however the intention is that wherever possible, the
industry group shall determine the units of the course and the course outcomes.
6.7 The Instructional Design Brief once completed is submitted to the Director.


7.1 The Instructional Design Brief is edited and all extraneous information deleted. This is
retained by the Director as evidence of industry consultation and the involvement of the
industry representative in the creation of the training needs analysis. The Training and
Assessment Strategy (TAS) at Australian Ultimate Training College is used to:
(a) Define the course content
(b) Advise the trainers of the corporate expectation
(c) Prescribe the timetable for delivery
(d) Duration
(e) Target group
(f) Employability Skills
(g) Pathways
(h) Entry Requirements
(i) Qualification Structure
(j) Volume of learning and Nominal Hours
(k) Delivery Timetable and trainers
(l) Resources
(m) Assessment modes and timetable for assessment
(n) Evidence Gathering Techniques

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(o) Validation

7.2 The Director will produce the training and assessment strategy for:
(a) each qualification
(b) a particular cohort
(c) for each mode of delivery
(d) any special needs of students

7.3 The main differentiator is for the target clients. The volume of learning as listed in the AQF
Implementation Guide V2 should be considered and any significant variation in the duration
of the course is to be documented in the training and assessment strategy. The volume of
learning will be varied depending upon:
(a) The existing skills, knowledge and experience of the student
(b) The mode of delivery
(c) The number of units being delivered.

7.4 The core and elective units must be identified and the nominal hours calculated from the
Victorian Purchasing Guide or Nationally Agreed Nominal Hours as published by NCVER
for the qualification in question.

7.5 The process for delivery of the training is to be listed.

7.6 Where units of competency are clustered, the TAS is to list the units that together make up
each cluster. Each cluster is to have unique name.

7.7 The cluster name is to be used in the delivery timetable; the nominal hours for each cluster
are to be specified and are to be the same as the sum of the nominal hours of the individual
units of competency.

7.8 The mode of assessment are to be listed in the Assessment Mode Table within the TAS.
The mode of assessment must be consistent with the modes of assessment in the
assessment tools.

7.9 The TAS must also list a description of the formative and summative assessments that are
to be conducted. The nature of the records to be retained must be defined in the description
of the assessment.

7.10 The assessments may be clustered with the holistic units reviewed over a period of time.
However, assessment tools may be
(a) Atomistic and assessed individually; or
(b) Atomistic and co-assessed
(c) Clustered and delivered as a single integrated assessment.

7.11 Assessments are usually indicated to be one of the following formats:

(a) Written questions
(b) Practical demonstration in a simulated work place
(c) Practical observation in the work place
(d) Scenarios/role plays

7.12 Assessment validation process is listed and the resources for each of the units within the
qualification are determined from the Context of Assessment listing within each unit of
competency. The required resources may be listed at the end of the TAS rather than
included in the body of the document as this may make the document too bulky.

7.13 The industry consultation group is defined within the document to identify the spectrum of
the industry advisors who have helped to define the course.
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7.14 The final document is signed and dated by the Director and, where appropriate, the
trainer/assessor who is issued the TAS to commission them to commence the training.

7.15 The TAS remains in the file where it is retained filed as the cohort/class identifier.


8.1 For each student, Australian Ultimate Training College will conduct a pre-training review of
current competencies including literacy and numeracy skills to identify competencies
previously acquired and to ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are

8.2 Should support be required to enable the student to effectively complete their training, it will
be offered to ensure the educational, group and personal outcomes are realised, either by
agreement with the student or independently as required. The support services available
are listed in the student handbook which is discussed during the course induction session

8.3 The student will normally commence training within one month of signing the Student
Enrolment Form (Form 46) and the individual training plan is complete.

8.4 Limited literacy and numeracy support is available if there is a discrepancy between the
Student's skills and the skills required to successfully undertake the approved training

8.5 The training record is used to monitor and record training progress against the Training and
Assessment Plan (Form 51) at least monthly as each assessment has been undertaken.

9.1 The trainer once commissioned to conduct the training is to prepare session plans and
training aids that are to be used in the delivery of training.

9.2 The training is to be conducted in strict accord with the timetable listed in the TAS.
Variations are possible only with the approval of the Director as there are often financial
constraints that are important and linked to learning outcomes.

9.3 Training may be attended by the Director or other personnel to ensure that the high
standards of training are attained. In particular, the reviewer will ensure that students are
turning up to undertake training and that the answers to the assessment questions are
neither dictated to the students nor otherwise made available.

9.4 The session plans are to be developed for each of the sessions to be conducted.

9.5 The session plans are to be made available to the Director for review as and when they are
created but provided before the students commence classes.

9.6 The session plans are to be followed and are to be reviewed at the end of the class to
ensure that all the defined content listed in the session plan has been delivered.

9.7 Where necessary, language literacy and numeracy assessments are conducted prior to the
student commencing work in the class. Where there is perceived language or literacy or
numeracy issue, then the student will be referred to the local TAFE for remedial English

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9.8 Records of the evaluation of the student levels for written or spoken English or arithmetic if
necessary are retained in the student file.

10.1 The transitioning process is overseen by the Director to ensure that
(a) where a training product on its scope of registration is superseded, all learners’
training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification
documentation is issued or learners are transferred into its replacement, within a
period of one year from the date the replacement training product was released on
the National Register;
(b) where an AQF qualification is no longer current and has not been superseded, all
learners’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification
documentation issued within a period of two years from the date the AQF
qualification was removed or deleted from the National Register;
(c) where a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is no longer
current and has not been superseded, all learners’ training and assessment is
completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period
of one year from the date the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course
or module was removed or deleted from the National Register; and
(d) a new learner does not commence training and assessment in a training product
that has been removed or deleted from the National Register
10.2 Before the expiry of the package, it will be reassessed by the relevant Industry Skills
Council in consultation with all key stakeholders. From this consultation the national training
package will be modified and updated appropriately and endorsed for ongoing use.
Note: Endorsement of a new version of an existing training package may occur after the
current package’s endorsement date has expired.
10.3 Should the package be updated, then a period of not more than 18 months from the date of
upgrade is allowed to enable students to complete their existing course of study.
10.4 New training packages contain a mapping document of the new units of competency
against the old units of competency.
10.5 In some situations due to the level of upgrading of a qualification an application for
extension to scope will be required. If an extension to scope is required, the process is to
be followed as prescribed for extension to scope. ASQA will advise the current scheme on
a package by package case.
10.6 The Director manages the transition of existing students across to the new version of the
training package within 12 months of their publication on Where
appropriate and subject to the transition guide, students may be offered RPL from their old
course into the new course utilising the RPL process as defined within Section 2: Student
Management and Training.
10.7 The Director completes with Industry input and then issues a new Training and Assessment
Strategy to all appropriate Assessors for review and comment noting in particular:
(a) The prescribed transition arrangements listed in the training package;
(b) Any new legislation requirements that may now apply;
(c) Any new licensing requirements that now apply;
(d) New assessment tool mapping;
(e) Assessor matrix and competency map updated; and
(f) Timetable changes.

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10.8 Management will meet with industry training accreditation board members or other
appropriate industry representatives where possible to agree on course delivery and
assessment options. Discussions at these meeting should also include transitioning
10.9 All assessment tools are reviewed and upgraded or new assessment tools drafted and
review utilising the assessment validation process as defined in Section 5 : Assessment.


11.1 The Director must apply for an extension to scope/capacity by completing the application.
11.2 The Director completes an Application to Amend Scope of Registration via the ASQAnet
11.3 After the final results of the SNR compliance audit have been supplied, the Director
monitors the (TGA) website until the change to the scope of registration has
been posted.
11.4 When the change to scope been posted on the TGA website Australian Ultimate Training
College commences advertising the newly added course.

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